EMQ 安裝 —— Windows 7

EMQ 安裝 —— Windows 7

本文是在 Windows 7(64 bit)操做系統中安裝 EMQ 2.0 (Erlang/Enterprise/Elastic MQTT Broker) 的指導。node

  1. 下載 EMQ,本文使用 emqttd-windows7-v2.3.11.zip
  2. 將 EMQ 安裝文件解壓到本地目錄(可自由選擇);
  3. 利用 cmd 命令進入 Windows 命令提示窗口,進入 EMQ 解壓目錄下的 bin 文件夾,輸入命令 emqttd console,會自動打開 Erlang 窗口並打印相似以下啓動日誌:
kernel-poll not supported; "K" parameter ignored
Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.3] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:32]

starting emqttd on node 'emq@'
emqttd ctl is starting...[ok]
emqttd hook is starting...[ok]
emqttd router is starting...[ok]
emqttd pubsub is starting...[ok]
emqttd stats is starting...[ok]
emqttd metrics is starting...[ok]
emqttd pooler is starting...[ok]
emqttd trace is starting...[ok]
emqttd client manager is starting...[ok]
emqttd session manager is starting...[ok]
emqttd session supervisor is starting...[ok]
emqttd wsclient supervisor is starting...[ok]
emqttd broker is starting...[ok]
emqttd alarm is starting...[ok]
emqttd mod supervisor is starting...[ok]
emqttd bridge supervisor is starting...[ok]
emqttd access control is starting...[ok]
emqttd system monitor is starting...[ok]
emqttd 2.3.11 is running now
Eshell V8.3  (abort with ^G)
(emq@> Load emq_mod_presence module successfully.
dashboard:http listen on with 4 acceptors.
mqtt:tcp listen on with 4 acceptors.
mqtt:tcp listen on with 16 acceptors.
mqtt:ws listen on with 4 acceptors.
mqtt:ssl listen on with 16 acceptors.
mqtt:wss listen on with 4 acceptors.
mqtt:api listen on with 4 acceptors.
  1. 打開瀏覽器,輸入 http://localhost:18083/ 進入 EMQ 控制檯,默認用戶名【admin】,密碼【public】