Join操做符相似於T-SQL中的inner join,它將兩個數據源相聯接,根據兩個數據源中相等的值進行匹配。例如,能夠將產品表與產品類別表相聯接,獲得產品名稱和與其相對應的類別名稱。如下的代碼演示了這一點:code
//查詢語法 var query = (from p in db.Products join c in db.Categories on p.CategoryID equals c.CategoryID where p.CategoryID == 1 select new { p.ProductID, p.ProductName, c.CategoryID, c.CategoryName }).ToList(); 生成的sql: SELECT [Extent1].[ProductID] AS [ProductID], [Extent1].[ProductName] AS [ProductName], [Extent2].[CategoryID] AS [CategoryID], [Extent2].[CategoryName] AS [CategoryName] FROM [dbo].[Products] AS [Extent1] INNER JOIN [dbo].[Categories] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[CategoryID] = [Extent2].[CategoryID] WHERE (1 = [Extent1].[CategoryID]) AND ([Extent1].[CategoryID] IS NOT NULL) //方法語法 var q = db.Products .Join ( db.Categories, p => p.CategoryID, c => c.CategoryID, (p, c) => new { p.ProductID, p.ProductName, c.CategoryID, c.CategoryName } ) .Where(p => p.CategoryID == 1) .ToList(); 生成的sql:
[Extent1].[ProductID] AS [ProductID],
[Extent1].[ProductName] AS [ProductName],
[Extent2].[CategoryID] AS [CategoryID],
[Extent2].[CategoryName] AS [CategoryName]
FROM [dbo].[Products] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Categories] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[CategoryID] = [Extent2].[CategoryID]
WHERE 1 = [Extent2].[CategoryID]
以上代碼爲表述清晰加入了一個條件「where p.CategoryID == 1」,即僅返回產品類別ID爲1的全部產品。對象
//查詢語法 var query = (from c in db.Categories join p in db.Products on c.CategoryID equals p.CategoryID into r select new { c.CategoryName, Products = r }).ToList(); //方法語法 var q = db.Categories .GroupJoin ( db.Products, c => c.CategoryID, p => p.CategoryID, (c, p) => new { c.CategoryName, Products = p } ) .ToList(); 生成的sql: SELECT [Project1].[CategoryID] AS [CategoryID], [Project1].[CategoryName] AS [CategoryName], [Project1].[C1] AS [C1], [Project1].[ProductID] AS [ProductID], [Project1].[ProductName] AS [ProductName], [Project1].[SupplierID] AS [SupplierID], [Project1].[CategoryID1] AS [CategoryID1], [Project1].[QuantityPerUnit] AS [QuantityPerUnit], [Project1].[UnitPrice] AS [UnitPrice], [Project1].[UnitsInStock] AS [UnitsInStock], [Project1].[UnitsOnOrder] AS [UnitsOnOrder], [Project1].[ReorderLevel] AS [ReorderLevel], [Project1].[Discontinued] AS [Discontinued] FROM ( SELECT [Extent1].[CategoryID] AS [CategoryID], [Extent1].[CategoryName] AS [CategoryName], [Extent2].[ProductID] AS [ProductID], [Extent2].[ProductName] AS [ProductName], [Extent2].[SupplierID] AS [SupplierID], [Extent2].[CategoryID] AS [CategoryID1], [Extent2].[QuantityPerUnit] AS [QuantityPerUnit], [Extent2].[UnitPrice] AS [UnitPrice], [Extent2].[UnitsInStock] AS [UnitsInStock], [Extent2].[UnitsOnOrder] AS [UnitsOnOrder], [Extent2].[ReorderLevel] AS [ReorderLevel], [Extent2].[Discontinued] AS [Discontinued], CASE WHEN ([Extent2].[ProductID] IS NULL) THEN CAST(NULL AS int) ELSE 1 END AS [C1] FROM [dbo].[Categories] AS [Extent1] LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Products] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[CategoryID] = [Extent2].[CategoryID] ) AS [Project1] ORDER BY [Project1].[CategoryID] ASC, [Project1].[C1] ASC
//查詢語法 var query = (from p in db.Products group p by p.CategoryID).ToList(); //方法語法 var q = db.Products .GroupBy(p => p.CategoryID) .ToList(); 生成的sql: SELECT [Project2].[C1] AS [C1], [Project2].[CategoryID] AS [CategoryID], [Project2].[C2] AS [C2], [Project2].[ProductID] AS [ProductID], [Project2].[ProductName] AS [ProductName], [Project2].[SupplierID] AS [SupplierID], [Project2].[CategoryID1] AS [CategoryID1], [Project2].[QuantityPerUnit] AS [QuantityPerUnit], [Project2].[UnitPrice] AS [UnitPrice], [Project2].[UnitsInStock] AS [UnitsInStock], [Project2].[UnitsOnOrder] AS [UnitsOnOrder], [Project2].[ReorderLevel] AS [ReorderLevel], [Project2].[Discontinued] AS [Discontinued] FROM ( SELECT [Distinct1].[CategoryID] AS [CategoryID], 1 AS [C1], [Extent2].[ProductID] AS [ProductID], [Extent2].[ProductName] AS [ProductName], [Extent2].[SupplierID] AS [SupplierID], [Extent2].[CategoryID] AS [CategoryID1], [Extent2].[QuantityPerUnit] AS [QuantityPerUnit], [Extent2].[UnitPrice] AS [UnitPrice], [Extent2].[UnitsInStock] AS [UnitsInStock], [Extent2].[UnitsOnOrder] AS [UnitsOnOrder], [Extent2].[ReorderLevel] AS [ReorderLevel], [Extent2].[Discontinued] AS [Discontinued], CASE WHEN ([Extent2].[ProductID] IS NULL) THEN CAST(NULL AS int) ELSE 1 END AS [C2] FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [Extent1].[CategoryID] AS [CategoryID] FROM [dbo].[Products] AS [Extent1] ) AS [Distinct1] LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Products] AS [Extent2] ON ([Distinct1].[CategoryID] = [Extent2].[CategoryID]) OR (([Distinct1].[CategoryID] IS NULL) AND ([Extent2].[CategoryID] IS NULL)) ) AS [Project2] ORDER BY [Project2].[CategoryID] ASC, [Project2].[C2] ASC
執行GroupBy獲得的序列中包含的元素類型爲IGrouping<TKey, T>,其Key屬性表明了分組時使用的關鍵值,遍歷IGrouping<TKey, T>元素能夠讀取到每個T類型。在此示例中,對應的元素類型爲IGrouping<int, Products>,其Key屬性即爲類別ID,遍歷它能夠讀取到每個產品對象。List
//方法語法 var q = db.Products .Select(p => p.ProductName) .Concat ( db.Categories.Select(c => c.CategoryName) ) .ToList(); 生成的sql: SELECT [UnionAll1].[ProductName] AS [C1] FROM (SELECT [Extent1].[ProductName] AS [ProductName] FROM [dbo].[Products] AS [Extent1] UNION ALL SELECT [Extent2].[CategoryName] AS [CategoryName] FROM [dbo].[Categories] AS [Extent2]) AS [UnionAll1]