遊標能夠理解爲一個查詢集合;使用時先申明遊標; declare cursor cursorName is select子句; 使用時用for循環調用便可;函數
for xx in cursorName loop doSomething end loop;
declare cursor mainTask is select m.id from sys_monthtask_main m left join sys_month_task_basicdata d on m.basdataid=d.id where d.month='2016-07' ; begin for task in mainTask loop update sys_monthtask_main m set m.tal4done=(select count(1) from sys_monthtask_sub s where s.parentid=task.id and s.goal=4 and s.done>=s.goal) where m.id=task.id; update sys_monthtask_main m set m.tal7done=(select count(1) from sys_monthtask_sub s where s.parentid=task.id and s.goal=7 and s.done>=s.goal) where m.id=task.id; update sys_monthtask_main m set m.tal10done=(select count(1) from sys_monthtask_sub s where s.parentid=task.id and s.goal=10 and s.done>=s.goal) where m.id=task.id; update sys_monthtask_main m set m.tal15done=(select count(1) from sys_monthtask_sub s where s.parentid=task.id and s.goal=15 and s.done>=s.goal) where m.id=task.id; update sys_monthtask_main m set m.tal20done=(select count(1) from sys_monthtask_sub s where s.parentid=task.id and s.goal=20 and s.done>=s.goal) where m.id=task.id; end loop; commit; end;
select 'epu-'||replace(lpad('123',7),' ','0') as orderno from dual;
select * from students where instr(address, 'beijing') > 0
select * from trunc(og1.created + 1, 'iw')