
廢話很少說,先列兩者功能: 1. Spydroid:
  • The stream can be directly read by VLC which is great because VLC is a very powerful tool, for example you can really easily record the stream in a file. [FAQ See the FAQ to find out how].
  • You can enable/disable sound or video streaming
  • The resolution, the bitrate and the framerate of the stream can be configured... Two video encoders are available for the video streaming: H.263 and H.264. For sound streaming AMR and AAC are available.
  • The flash can be controlled remotly !
  • You can choose between the back facing camera and the front facing camera (if your phone has one)
  • Funny sounds can be played on the phone from the HTTP interface ! 
  • You can make the phone vibrate remotely
  • You can see the battery level of the phone
Advanced Use of Spydroid

RTSP Server

Since v3.2, you can pass sophisticated URIs to the RTSP server to remotly configure Spydroid. Here are some example of what you can do:php

Enable video streaming & with H.264 and turn flash on ! (H.264 is a standard for video compression)html

vlc "rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8086?h264&flash=on"

Enable video streaming of the front facing camera !android

vlc "rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8086?h264&camera=front"

Enable video streaming with H.263 and sound streaming with AMR and turn flash on ! (H.263 is also a standard for video compression and AMR is a standard for audio compression)windows

vlc "rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8086?h263&amr&flash=on"

Enable video streaming and set bitrate to 200kb/s服務器

vlc "rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8086?h264=200"

Enable video streaming and set bitrate to 500kb/s and framerate to 20fpscurl

vlc "rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8086?h264=500-20"

Enable video streaming and set bitrate to 500kb/s / framerate to 20fps / resolution to 320x240pxide

vlc "rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8086?h264=500-20-320-240"

Enable aac streaming (introduced in v3.3): this is very experimental and it requieres ICS測試

vlc "rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8086?aac"

You can of course still use the following basic URI. Spydroid will then use a default configuration, that you can modify in the option menu !優化

vlc "rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8086/"

HTTP Server

If you don't want to use the RTSP protocol, you can also start/stop streams using only the HTTP server You can use any of the options presented for the RTSP server ! The HTTP server will respond with a Session Descriptor.ui

vlc "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/spydroid.sdp"

Because you're not using the RTSP protocol, streaming won't stop when you quit VLC. You have to GET the following URL:

curl "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/spydroid.sdp?stop"

You can start up to two streams with the HTTP server. You can specify a stream id to distinguish the streams. For example:

vlc "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/spydroid.sdp?id=0&h264&flash=on"
vlc "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/spydroid.sdp?id=1&amr"
curl "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/spydroid.sdp?id=1&stop"
2. 大牛直播輕量級RTSP服務SDK:




  •  支持Windows/Android/iOS平臺RTMP直播SDK除推送RTMP外的全部常規功能;
  •  音頻編碼:AAC;
  •  視頻編碼:H.264;
  •  內置服務協議:RTSP;
  •  支持RTSP端口設置;
  •  支持RTSP鑑權用戶名、密碼設置;
  •  支持獲取當前RTSP服務會話鏈接數;
  •  支持同時建立多個內置RTSP服務。


  •  Windows測試程序:SmartPublisherDemo.exe;
  •  Windows C++工程:WIN-PublisherSDK-CPP-Demo;
  •  Windows C#工程:WIN-PublisherSDK-CSharp-Demo;
  •  Android工程:SmartPublisherV2;
  •  iOS工程:SmartiOSPublisherV2。

1. Spydroid最新的代碼,更新於5年前,目前支持android平臺,可採集安卓攝像頭和音頻,對外提供http server和rtsp server,延遲和丟包處理有待優化,優點在於,代碼邏輯簡單,便於初學者根據協議規範,快速迭代產品初步模型,video編碼支持H.263和H.264,audio支持AMR和AAC編碼。

2. 大牛直播內置RTSP服務SDK系商業化SDK,技術成熟,有專人維護、迭代,覆蓋windows、android、iOS平臺,支持採集屏幕、攝像頭,支持實時靜音、快照、擴展錄像、外部編碼先後數據對接等,功能更強大,video編碼支持H.264和H.265,audio支持AAC編碼,亦可擴展拉取外部rtsp或rtmp流,擴展RTSP網關服務器,支持RTSP鑑權和多個RTSP service啓動。
