Since v3.2, you can pass sophisticated URIs to the RTSP server to remotly configure Spydroid. Here are some example of what you can do:php
Enable video streaming & with H.264 and turn flash on ! (H.264 is a standard for video compression)html
vlc "rtsp://"
Enable video streaming of the front facing camera !android
vlc "rtsp://"
Enable video streaming with H.263 and sound streaming with AMR and turn flash on ! (H.263 is also a standard for video compression and AMR is a standard for audio compression)windows
vlc "rtsp://"
Enable video streaming and set bitrate to 200kb/s服務器
vlc "rtsp://"
Enable video streaming and set bitrate to 500kb/s and framerate to 20fpscurl
vlc "rtsp://"
Enable video streaming and set bitrate to 500kb/s / framerate to 20fps / resolution to 320x240pxide
vlc "rtsp://"
Enable aac streaming (introduced in v3.3): this is very experimental and it requieres ICS測試
vlc "rtsp://"
You can of course still use the following basic URI. Spydroid will then use a default configuration, that you can modify in the option menu !優化
vlc "rtsp://"
If you don't want to use the RTSP protocol, you can also start/stop streams using only the HTTP server You can use any of the options presented for the RTSP server ! The HTTP server will respond with a Session Descriptor.ui
vlc ""
Because you're not using the RTSP protocol, streaming won't stop when you quit VLC. You have to GET the following URL:
curl ""
You can start up to two streams with the HTTP server. You can specify a stream id to distinguish the streams. For example:
vlc ""
vlc ""
curl ""2. 大牛直播輕量級RTSP服務SDK:
1. Spydroid最新的代碼,更新於5年前,目前支持android平臺,可採集安卓攝像頭和音頻,對外提供http server和rtsp server,延遲和丟包處理有待優化,優點在於,代碼邏輯簡單,便於初學者根據協議規範,快速迭代產品初步模型,video編碼支持H.263和H.264,audio支持AMR和AAC編碼。
2. 大牛直播內置RTSP服務SDK系商業化SDK,技術成熟,有專人維護、迭代,覆蓋windows、android、iOS平臺,支持採集屏幕、攝像頭,支持實時靜音、快照、擴展錄像、外部編碼先後數據對接等,功能更強大,video編碼支持H.264和H.265,audio支持AAC編碼,亦可擴展拉取外部rtsp或rtmp流,擴展RTSP網關服務器,支持RTSP鑑權和多個RTSP service啓動。