

Detailed Description

A widget that is painted using vector graphics.


A painted widget is rendered from basic drawing primitives. Rendering is done not on the server but on the browser, using different rendering methods:html


Browser Methods Default method
Firefox 1.5+ HtmlCanvas, InlineSVG HtmlCanvas
Internet Explorer 6.0+ InlineVML InlineVML
Safari HtmlCanvas, InlineSVG HtmlCanvas
Opera InlineSVG, HtmlCanvas* InlineSVG
other ? HtmlCanvas

* HtmlCanvas occasionally suffers from rendering artefacts in Opera.web

The different rendering methods correspond to different WPaintDevice implementations, from which this widget choses a suitable one depending on the browser capabilities and configuration.瀏覽器

不一樣的渲染方法對應不一樣的 WPaintDevice 實現,WPaintedWidget 會根據瀏覽器能力和配置自動選擇適合的渲染方法。 服務器

If no JavaScript is available, the JavaScript-based HtmlCanvas will not be used, and InlineSVG will be used instead. The method used may be changed by using setPreferredMethod().app

若是禁用 JavaScript, 那麼基於 JavaScript 的 HtmlCanvas 將不會被採用,而使用 InlineSVG 代替。咱們能夠使用 setPreferredMethod() 方法改變渲染方法。ide

InlineSVG requires that the document is rendered as XHTML. This must be enabled in the configuration file using the <send-xhtml-mime-type> option. By default, this option is off.佈局

InlineSVG 須要 文檔做爲 XHTML 渲染,這就要求配置文件中必須設置 <send-xhtml-mime-type> 選項,默認狀況下,這個選項是被關閉的。ui

To use a WPaintedWidget, you must derive from it and reimplement paintEvent(WPaintDevice *paintDevice). To paint on a WPaintDevice, you will need to use a WPainter. Repainting is triggered by calling the update() method.this

要想使用 WPaintedWidget,你必須定義繼承於它的子類,並從新實現 paintEvent(WPaintDevice *paintDevice) 。要想在 WPaintDevice 做畫,你須要使用  WPainter 。Repainting 是由 update()  引起的。

Usage example:【示例

class MyPaintedWidget : public Wt::WPaintedWidget
MyPaintedWidget(Wt::WContainerWidget *parent = 0)
: Wt::WPaintedWidget(parent),
resize(200, 200); // provide a default size

void setFoo(int foo) {
foo_ = foo;
update(); // trigger a repaint

void paintEvent(Wt::WPaintDevice *paintDevice) {
Wt::WPainter painter(paintDevice);
painter.drawLine(20, 20, foo_, foo_);

int foo_;


Styling through CSS is not applicable.

A WPaintedWidget requires that it is given a size using resize() or by a layout manager.
         【 WPaintedWidget 須要被指定尺寸,或指定佈局管理器
See also:

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