
The Lisp Curse /Lisp魔咒html

http://winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html 英文出處程序員

http://www.soimort.org/posts/124/ 中文翻譯的出處 谷幽web

The power of Lisp is its own worst enemy.express

Here's a thought experiment to prove it: Take two programming languages, neither of which are object-oriented. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to make them object-oriented, keeping them backward-compatible with the original languages, modulo some edge cases. Inserting any pair of programming languages into this thought experiment will show that this is easier with some languages than with others. That's the point of the thought experiment. Here's a trivial example: Intercal and Pascal.編程

Now make this thought experiment interesting: Imagine adding object orientation to the C and Scheme programming languages. Making Scheme object-oriented is a sophomore homework assignment. On the other hand, adding object orientation to C requires the programming chops of Bjarne Stroustrup.api

The consequences of this divergence in needed talent and effort cause The Lisp Curse:promise

Lisp is so powerful that problems which are technical issues in other programming languages are social issues in Lisp.網絡

Consider the case of Scheme, again. Since making Scheme object-oriented is so easy, many Scheme hackers have done so. More to the point, many individual Scheme hackers have done so. In the 1990s, this led to a veritable warehouse inventory list of object-oriented packages for the language. The Paradox of Choice, alone, guaranteed that none of them would become standard. Now that some Scheme implementations have their own object orientation facilities, it's not so bad. Nevertheless, the fact that many of these packages were the work of lone individuals led to problems which Olin Shivers wrote about in documenting the Scheme Shell, scsh.數據結構

Programs written by individual hackers tend to follow the scratch-an-itch model. These programs will solve the problem that the hacker, himself, is having without necessarily handling related parts of the problem which would make the program more useful to others. Furthermore, the program is sure to work on that lone hacker's own setup, but may not be portable to other Scheme implementations or to the same Scheme implementation on other platforms. Documentation may be lacking. Being essentially a project done in the hacker's copious free time, the program is liable to suffer should real-life responsibilities intrude on the hacker. As Olin Shivers noted, this means that these one-man-band projects tend to solve eighty-percent of the problem.架構

Dr. Mark Tarver's essay, The Bipolar Lisp Programmer, has an apt description of this phenomenon. He writes of these lone-wolf Lisp hackers and their

...inability to finish things off properly. The phrase 'throw-away design' is absolutely made for the BBM and it comes from the Lisp community. Lisp allows you to just chuck things off so easily, and it is easy to take this for granted. I saw this 10 years ago when looking for a GUI to my Lisp. No problem, there were 9 different offerings. The trouble was that none of the 9 were properly documented and none were bug free. Basically each person had implemented his own solution and it worked for him so that was fine. This is a BBM attitude; it works for me and I understand it. It is also the product of not needing or wanting anybody else's help to do something.

Once again, consider the C programming language in that thought experiment. Due to the difficulty of making C object oriented, only two serious attempts at the problem have made any traction: C++ and Objective-C. Objective-C is most popular on the Macintosh, while C++ rules everywhere else. That means that, for a given platform, the question of which object-oriented extension of C to use has already been answered definitively. That means that the object-orientated facilities for those languages have been documented, that integrated development environments are aware of them, that code libraries are compatible with them, and so forth.

Dr. Mark Tarver's essay on bipolar Lispers makes the point:

Now in contrast, the C/C++ approach is quite different. It's so damn hard to do anything with tweezers and glue that anything significant you do will be a real achievement. You want to document it. Also you're liable to need help in any C project of significant size; so you're liable to be social and work with others. You need to, just to get somewhere.

And all that, from the point of view of an employer, is attractive. Ten people who communicate, document things properly and work together are preferable to one BBM hacking Lisp who can only be replaced by another BBM (if you can find one) in the not unlikely event that he will, at some time, go down without being rebootable.

Therefore, those who already know C don't ask "What object system should I learn?" Instead, they use C++ or Objective-C depending on what their colleagues are using, then move on to "How do I use object-oriented feature X?" Answer: "Goog it and ye shall find."

Real Hackers, of course, have long known that object-oriented programming is not the panacea that its partisans have claimed. Real Hackers have moved on to more advanced concepts such as immutable data structures, type inferencing, lazy evaluation, monads, arrows, pattern matching, constraint-based programming, and so forth. Real Hackers have also known, for a while, that C and C++ are not appropriate for most programs that don't need to do arbitrary bit-fiddling. Nevertheless, the Lisp Curse still holds.

Some smug Lisp-lovers have surveyed the current crop of academic languages (Haskell, Ocaml, et cetera) and found them wanting, saying that any feature of theirs is either already present in Lisp or can be easily implemented — and improved upon — with Lisp macros. They're probably right.

Pity the Lisp hackers.

Dr. Mark Tarver — twice-quoted, above — wrote a dialect of Lisp called Qi. It is less than ten thousand lines of macros running atop Clisp. It implements most of the unique features of Haskell and OCaml. In some respects, Qi surpasses them. For instance, Qi's type inferencing engine is Turing complete. In a world where teams of talented academics were needed to write Haskell, one man, Dr. Tarver wrote Qi all by his lonesome.

Read that paragraph, again, and extrapolate.

Exercise for the reader: Imagine that a strong rivalry develops between Haskell and Common Lisp. What happens next?

Answer: The Lisp Curse kicks in. Every second or third serious Lisp hacker will roll his own implementation of lazy evaluation, functional purity, arrows, pattern matching, type inferencing, and the rest. Most of these projects will be lone-wolf operations. Thus, they will have eighty percent of the features that most people need (a different eighty percent in each case). They will be poorly documented. They will not be portable across Lisp systems. Some will show great promise before being abandoned while the project maintainer goes off to pay his bills. Several will beat Haskell along this or that dimension (again, a different one in each case), but their acceptance will be hampered by flame wars on the comp.lang.lisp Usenet group.

Endgame: A random old-time Lisp hacker's collection of macros will add up to an undocumented, unportable, bug-ridden implementation of 80% of Haskell because Lisp is more powerful than Haskell.

The moral of this story is that secondary and tertiary effects matter. Technology not only affects what we can do with respect to technological issues, it also affects our social behavior. This social behavior can loop back and affect the original technological issues under consideration.

Lisp is a painfully eloquent exemplar of this lesson. Lisp is so powerful, that it encourages individual independence to the point of bloody-mindedness. This independence has produced stunningly good innovation as in the Lisp Machine days. This same independence also hampers efforts to revive the "Lisp all the way down" systems of old; no "Lisp OS" project has gathered critical mass since the demise of Symbolics and LMI.

One result of these secondary and tertiary effects is that, even if Lisp is the most expressive language ever, such that it is theoretically impossible to make a more expressive language, Lispers will still have things to learn from other programming languages. The Smalltalk guys taught everyone — including Lisp hackers — a thing or two about object oriented programming. The Clean programming language and the Mozart/Oz combo may have a few surprises of their own.

The Lisp Curse does not contradict the maxim of Stanislav Datskovskiy: Employers much prefer that workers be fungible, rather than maximally productive. Too true. With great difficulty does anyone plumb the venality of the managerial class. However, the last lines of his essay are problematic. To wit:

As for the 「free software」 world, it eagerly opposes industrial dogmas in rhetoric but not at all in practice. No concept shunned by cube farm hells has ever gained real traction among the amateur masses.

In a footnote, he offers Linux as an example of this unwillingness to pursue different ideas. To be sure, he has a point when it comes to operating systems (the topmost comment, in particular, is infuriatingly obtuse). He does not have a point when it comes to programming languages. Python and Ruby were influenced by Lisp. Many of their fans express respect for Lisp and some of their interest has augmented the Lisp renaissance. With some justice, JavaScript has been described as "Scheme in C's clothing" despite originating in those cube farm hells.

Nevertheless, in spite of this influence, in both the corporate and open source worlds, Lisp still has only a fraction of the developer mind share which the current crop of advanced scripting languages have attracted. The closed-mindedness of MBA's cannot be the only explanation for this. The Lisp Curse has more explanatory power.

The free development environments available for Lisp further exemplify the Lisp Curse.

It's embarrassing to point this out, but it must be done. Forget about the Lisp Machine; we don't even have development systems that match what the average Smalltalk hacker takes for granted ("I've always felt Lisp is the superior language and Smalltalk is the superior environment." - Ramon Leon). Unless they pay thousands of dollars, Lisp hackers are still stuck with Emacs.

James Gosling, the author of the first Emacs that ran on Unix, has correctly pointed out that Emacs has not fundamentally changed in more than twenty years. This is because the Emacs maintainers are still layering code atop a design which was settled back when Emacs was a grad-student project at the MIT AI Lab, i.e., when Emacs development was still being indirectly financed by the national debt. A Slashdotter may object that Emacs is already quite capable and can do anything that any other development environment can do, only better. Those who have used Lisp Machines say otherwise.

So why don't the Lisp hackers put the Smalltalk guys in their proper place? Why don't they make a free development system that calls to mind some of the lost glories of the LispM, even if they can't reproduce another LispM?

The reason why this doesn't happen is because of the Lisp Curse. Large numbers of Lisp hackers would have to cooperate with each other. Look more closely: Large numbers of the kind of people who become Lisp hackers would have to cooperate with each other. And they would have to cooperate with each other on a design which was not already a given from the beginning. And there wouldn't be any external discipline, such as a venture capitalist or other corporate master, to keep them on track.

Every project has friction between members, disagreements, conflicts over style and philosophy. These social problems are counter-acted by the fact that no large project can be accomplished otherwise. "We must all hang together, or we will all hang separately." But the expressiveness of Lisp makes this countervailing force much weaker; one can always start one's own project. Thus, individual hackers decide that the trouble isn't worth it. So they either quit the project, or don't join the project to begin with. This is the Lisp Curse.

One could even hack Emacs to get something that's good enough. Thus, the Lisp Curse is the ally of Worse is Better.

The expressive power of Lisp has drawbacks. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

這篇文章的標題叫「The Lisp Curse」。


毫無疑問,這是一篇非技術性質的文章,可是它也許比不少技術文章能更好地解釋一些疑問。列舉幾個無聊的的命題:「爲何世界上最好的編程語言沒有獲得它應有的地位」、「爲何自底向上支撐着咱們我的計算機乃至整個網絡的Unix / BSD / GNU / GTK+ / Qt / Linux / Apache / MySQL...不是用Lisp/Scheme寫的」、「爲何王垠批完Google批學術界卻沒作多少牛逼哄哄的項目」或者「爲何說‘孤狼黑客’對開源軟件的生態環境是有害的」……諸如此類。

順便說一句,我最初是在@yukihiro_matz的推上看到這篇文章的分享的。所謂的「孤狼黑客」,並非指Matz和Van Rossum這些人——至少從Python和Ruby發佈到社區的一刻起就再也不是了。







如今讓咱們把這個思惟實驗變得更有說服力些。想象一下給C和Scheme添加面向對象的支持。讓Scheme支持面向對象不過是個稍微費點腦筋的家庭做業。另外一方面,讓C支持面向對象,你恐怕得有Bjarne Stroustrup的本事才能辦到。



想想Scheme的情形吧。由於讓Scheme支持面向對象是如此垂手可得,許多Scheme黑客都完成過這件事情,更準確地說,是許多獨立的Scheme黑客都完成過。這就致使了在20世紀90年代,這個語言的面向對象支持包像工廠量產出來的庫存清單同樣數不勝數。想一想選擇謬論就知道,沒有哪個包可以成爲正式的標準。現在某些Scheme實現已經有了它們本身的面向對象功能,這還不算太壞。儘管如此,那些五花八門的由不一樣獨立開發者開發出來的包所形成的問題,正如Olin Shivers在給Scheme Shell(scsh)寫文檔的時候所提到的同樣。

獨立黑客們寫出來的程序基本上遵循「抓癢模型」。這些程序解決了寫程序的黑客們本身關心的問題,可是卻未必能很好地處理對於其餘人來講有用的部分功能。何況,雖然說這些程序無疑能夠在這個黑客本身的環境配置上運行得很好,但卻不必定能移植到其餘的Scheme實現、甚至不一樣平臺上的同一Scheme實現上。文檔可能會極度匱乏。從現實的角度講,一個黑客用本身擠出來的空閒時間作出來的項目,固然也可能會由於黑客本身的現實生活問題而爛尾。正如Olin Shivers指出的那樣,這些我的性質的項目更傾向於解決整個問題的百分之八十。

Mark Tarver博士的文章,The Bipolar Lisp Programmer(雙面Lisp程序員),對這種現象有一個確切的表述。他寫道,這些「孤狼」式的Lisp黑客以及他們:



Mark Tarver博士的文章說到這一點:







Mark Tarver博士——在上面已經兩次引用過——曾經設計過一個Lisp的方言,叫作Qi。它僅僅由少於一萬行的宏組成,基於Clisp運行。它實現了絕大部分Haskell和OCaml所獨有的特性。從某個方面來講,Qi甚至超越了它們。舉個例子說吧,Qi的類型推斷引擎自己是圖靈徹底的。在這樣的一個由天才科學家組成的傑出團隊才能開發出Haskell語言的世界中,Tarver博士,他徹底是一我的作出來了Qi。


給讀者的習題:假想Haskell與Common Lisp之間發生了激烈的對抗,下一步將會發生什麼?






Lisp魔咒並不違背Stanislav Datskovskiy的至理名言:僱主們更喜歡能夠被取代的僱員,而不是生產率最高的僱員。說得太實在了。你早該醒悟到那些管理學課程只是騙錢的把戲。然而,他這篇文章的最後幾行彷佛存在問題。請看:





儘管說出來讓人難堪,但必須得有人去作這件事情。忘掉Lisp機器吧;咱們甚至尚未一個能達到算得上Smalltalk黑客小康標準的開發環境(「我總趕腳到Lisp是一個牛逼的語言,而Smalltalk是一個牛逼的環境。」——Ramon Leon如是說)。除非他們願意付上千刀美圓,不然Lisp黑客們仍然會受制於Emacs。(翻譯君:比腎還貴的LispWorks,包郵哦親,欲購從速哦)

James Gosling,第一個在Unix上運行的Emacs的做者,恰當地指出了Emacs已經長達二十年沒有任何基礎上的變更。這是由於,Emacs維護者們只是不斷地在這個當年由一個MIT的AI實驗室的研究生作的設計上壘代碼,那時Emacs項目仍然間接地從國債那裏得到資助。也許Slashdot噴子會反駁說Emacs已經無所不能,它能夠完成其它任何開發環境所能作的事情,並且只會完成得更好。否則那些當年曾經用過Lisp機器的也要這麼說。




咱們甚至能夠本身去hack Emacs,爲了追求我的理念中所謂的「足夠好」。因而乎,Lisp詛咒差很少就變成了「壞便是好(Worse is Better)」的同義詞。
