Heidi has a discrete analog clock in the shape of a circle, as the one in the gure. Two hands rotate
around the center of the circle, indicating hours and minutes. The clock has 60 marks placed around
its perimeter, with the distance between consecutive marks being constant.
The minute hand moves from its current mark to the next exactly once every minute. The hour
hand moves from its current mark to the next exactly once every 12 minutes, so it advances ve marks
each hour.
We consider that both hands move discretely and instantly, which means they are always positioned
exactly over one of the marks and never in between marks.
At midnight both hands reach simultaneously the top mark, which indicates zero hours and zero
minutes. After exactly 12 hours or 720 minutes, both hands reach the same position again, and this
process is repeated over and over again. Note that when the minute hand moves, the hour hand may
not move; however, when the hour hand moves, the minute hand also moves.
Heidi likes geometry, and she likes to measure the minimum angle between the two hands of the
clock at dierent times of the day. She has been writing some measures down, but after several years
and a long list, she noticed that some angles were repeated while some others never appeared. For
instance, Heidi's list indicates that both at three o'clock and at nine o'clock the minimum angle between
the two hands is 90 degrees, while an angle of 65 degrees does not appear in the list. Heidi decided to
check, for any integer number A between 0 and 180, if there exists at least one time of the day such
that the minimum angle between the two hands of the clock is exactly A degrees. Help her with a
program that answers this question.
Each test case is described using one line. The line contains an integer A representing the angle to be
checked (0 A 180).
For each test case output a line containing a character. If there exists at least one time of the day
such that the minimum angle between the two hands of the clock is exactly A degrees, then write the
uppercase letter `Y'. Otherwise write the uppercase letter `N'.
Sample Input
Sample Output
題目是要求時針和分針的夾角是否可能出現,總用有60個刻度,那麼也就是6度 一個,也就是說,只要是6的倍數,就能夠了ide