git config --global core.editor "gedit -s"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -f ~/.ssh/github gedit ~/.ssh/ ssh-add ~/.ssh/github ssh -T yes 建立一個倉庫 在網頁版中建立 git config --global git config --global "Victor Lee" git config --global core.editor "code -n " git config --global core.editor "subl -n -w" git config --list git status -s git diff git clone git add . git reset HEAD <file> git commit -m "first adding files" git commit -a -m "add some reference files" git add <missing add file> git commit --amend git push cd ./zsROS git pull update the native file git fetch zsROS git merge git rm git rm --cached git log git checkout -- git remote add pb git push [remote-name] [branchname] git push origin master git remote show origin git remote rename pb paul git tag Git Command - Branch git branch testing git checkout testing git checkout -b iss53 git branch iss53 git checkout iss53 git commit --amend git checkout master git merge hotfix git branch -d hotfix git branch --merged git branch -d xxx git branch --no-merged git push origin --delete serverfix git checkout experiment git rebase master git fetch
git config --global core.editor "code " ssh -T mkdir -p /usr/local git clone -b windows git:// /usr/local/ cd /usr/local && git checkout -b local --global # Example usage ### Assume you have a master branch with a few commits and a feature branch with new changes. You currently have master checked out. ## diff ### To diff those branches, you can use git diff feature which will bring up LVCompare.exe with the correct attributes and show you the differences between master and feature. ## merge ### To merge those branches, you can use git merge feature ### which will bring up LVMerge.exe. This will show you 4 different versions: ### Base, which is the common ancestor of feature and master, ### Theirs which is the vi in feature, ### Yours, which is the vi in master, ### and finally the merged vi. ### Just edit the merged vi if necessary, save it and press close, and GIT will automagically create a nice merge commit. ## Attention ### When calling git merge feature master GIT will not call LVMerge.exe at first, but will try to do an internal merge which will fail. You will then have to use git mergetool -t labview to call LVMerge.exe and do the merge.
eval `ssh-agent -s` ssh-add.exe github_rsa # 編輯器設置爲EmEditor git config core.editor "'EmEditor.exe' //sp"
# 若是你在新建祕鑰的時候使用了自定義的名稱,好比github_rsa,你須要再配置一個config文件 cd ~/.ssh/ vi config Host HostName User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_rsa
# 網頁建立一個倉庫 cd GitHub git clone git fetch git add . git commit -m "first adding files" git commit -a -m "add some reference files" git commit --amend git push git merge # 建立一個分支 git branch change_joystick git checkout change_joystick git checkout -b change_joystick git checkout master git merge change_joystick git push origin change_joystick git branch -d hotfix git push origin --delete change_joystick git branch --merged git branch -d xxx # 提交文件 git pull git push # 查看分支 git branch # 刪除分支 git push origin :unit_test //刪除遠程分支 git branch -d hotfix//刪除本地分支 # 撤銷 git reset HEAD <file> git checkout -- [file]
git branch -a git checkout -b link-rosforlv origin/link-rosforlv git checkout -t origin/link-rosforlv
git checkout .
ssh-keygen # 回車便可 # 打開/c/Users/Administrator/.ssh/ # 添加到bitbucket # sourcetree 工具-選項-通常-ssh-openssh
git remote add origin ssh:// git push -u origin master git checkout ... git push
ssh -T
ssh-keygen -C "" -f ~/.ssh/bitbucket gedit ./.ssh/ ssh -T yes