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package com.opensourceteams.module.bigdata.flink.example.stream.worldcount.nc import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.StreamExecutionEnvironment import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.time.Time /** * nc -lk 1234 輸入數據 */ object SocketWindowWordCountLocal { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val port = 1234 // get the execution environment // val env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment val configuration : Configuration = new Configuration() val timeout = "100000 s" val timeoutHeartbeatPause = "1000000 s" configuration.setString("akka.ask.timeout",timeout) configuration.setString("akka.lookup.timeout",timeout) configuration.setString("akka.tcp.timeout",timeout) configuration.setString("akka.transport.heartbeat.interval",timeout) configuration.setString("akka.transport.heartbeat.pause",timeoutHeartbeatPause) configuration.setString("akka.watch.heartbeat.pause",timeout) configuration.setInteger("heartbeat.interval",10000000) configuration.setInteger("heartbeat.timeout",50000000) val env:StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironment(1,configuration) // get input data by connecting to the socket val dataStream = env.socketTextStream("localhost", port, '\n') import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala._ val textResult = dataStream.flatMap( w => w.split("\\s") ).map( w => WordWithCount(w,1)) .keyBy("word") /** * 每20秒刷新一次,至關於從新開始計數, * 好處,不須要一直拿全部的數據統計 * 只須要在指定時間間隔內的增量數據,減小了數據規模 */ .timeWindow(Time.seconds(20)) //.countWindow(3) //.countWindow(3,1) //.countWindowAll(3) .sum("count" ) textResult.print().setParallelism(1) if(args == null || args.size ==0){ env.execute("默認做業") //執行計劃 //println(env.getExecutionPlan) //StreamGraph //println(env.getStreamGraph.getStreamingPlanAsJSON) //JsonPlanGenerator.generatePlan(jobGraph) }else{ env.execute(args(0)) } println("結束") } // Data type for words with count case class WordWithCount(word: String, count: Long) }
@Override public void run(SourceContext<String> ctx) throws Exception { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); long attempt = 0; while (isRunning) { try (Socket socket = new Socket()) { currentSocket = socket; LOG.info("Connecting to server socket " + hostname + ':' + port); socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port), CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_TIME); try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()))) { char[] cbuf = new char[8192]; int bytesRead; while (isRunning && (bytesRead = reader.read(cbuf)) != -1) { buffer.append(cbuf, 0, bytesRead); int delimPos; while (buffer.length() >= delimiter.length() && (delimPos = buffer.indexOf(delimiter)) != -1) { String record = buffer.substring(0, delimPos); // truncate trailing carriage return if (delimiter.equals("\n") && record.endsWith("\r")) { record = record.substring(0, record.length() - 1); } ctx.collect(record); buffer.delete(0, delimPos + delimiter.length()); } } } } // if we dropped out of this loop due to an EOF, sleep and retry if (isRunning) { attempt++; if (maxNumRetries == -1 || attempt < maxNumRetries) { LOG.warn("Lost connection to server socket. Retrying in " + delayBetweenRetries + " msecs..."); Thread.sleep(delayBetweenRetries); } else { // this should probably be here, but some examples expect simple exists of the stream source // throw new EOFException("Reached end of stream and reconnects are not enabled."); break; } } } // collect trailing data if (buffer.length() > 0) { ctx.collect(buffer.toString()); } }
public void collect(T element) { synchronized (lock) { output.collect(reuse.replace(element)); } }
@Override public void collect(StreamRecord<OUT> record) { numRecordsOut.inc(); output.collect(record); }
public void collect(StreamRecord<T> record) { if (this.outputTag != null) { // we are only responsible for emitting to the main input return; } pushToOperator(record); }
protected <X> void pushToOperator(StreamRecord<X> record) { try { // we know that the given outputTag matches our OutputTag so the record // must be of the type that our operator (and Serializer) expects. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") StreamRecord<T> castRecord = (StreamRecord<T>) record; numRecordsIn.inc(); StreamRecord<T> copy = castRecord.copy(serializer.copy(castRecord.getValue())); operator.setKeyContextElement1(copy); operator.processElement(copy); } catch (ClassCastException e) { if (outputTag != null) { // Enrich error message ClassCastException replace = new ClassCastException( String.format( "%s. Failed to push OutputTag with id '%s' to operator. " + "This can occur when multiple OutputTags with different types " + "but identical names are being used.", e.getMessage(), outputTag.getId())); throw new ExceptionInChainedOperatorException(replace); } else { throw new ExceptionInChainedOperatorException(e); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionInChainedOperatorException(e); } } }
public void processElement(StreamRecord<IN> element) throws Exception { collector.setTimestamp(element); userFunction.flatMap(element.getValue(), collector); }
/** * Creates a new DataStream by applying the given function to every element and flattening * the results. */ def flatMap[R: TypeInformation](fun: T => TraversableOnce[R]): DataStream[R] = { if (fun == null) { throw new NullPointerException("FlatMap function must not be null.") } val cleanFun = clean(fun) val flatMapper = new FlatMapFunction[T, R] { def flatMap(in: T, out: Collector[R]) { cleanFun(in) foreach out.collect } } flatMap(flatMapper) }
public void collect(T record) { output.collect(reuse.replace(record)); }
public void collect(StreamRecord<OUT> record) { numRecordsOut.inc(); output.collect(record); }
public void collect(StreamRecord<T> record) { if (this.outputTag != null) { // we are only responsible for emitting to the main input return; } pushToOperator(record); }
protected <X> void pushToOperator(StreamRecord<X> record) { try { // we know that the given outputTag matches our OutputTag so the record // must be of the type that our operator (and Serializer) expects. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") StreamRecord<T> castRecord = (StreamRecord<T>) record; numRecordsIn.inc(); StreamRecord<T> copy = castRecord.copy(serializer.copy(castRecord.getValue())); operator.setKeyContextElement1(copy); operator.processElement(copy); } catch (ClassCastException e) { if (outputTag != null) { // Enrich error message ClassCastException replace = new ClassCastException( String.format( "%s. Failed to push OutputTag with id '%s' to operator. " + "This can occur when multiple OutputTags with different types " + "but identical names are being used.", e.getMessage(), outputTag.getId())); throw new ExceptionInChainedOperatorException(replace); } else { throw new ExceptionInChainedOperatorException(e); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionInChainedOperatorException(e); } } }
public void processElement(StreamRecord<IN> element) throws Exception { output.collect(element.replace(userFunction.map(element.getValue()))); }
public void collect(StreamRecord<OUT> record) { numRecordsOut.inc(); output.collect(record); }
public void collect(StreamRecord<OUT> record) { if (this.outputTag != null) { // we are only responsible for emitting to the main input return; } pushToRecordWriter(record); }
private <X> void pushToRecordWriter(StreamRecord<X> record) { serializationDelegate.setInstance(record); try { recordWriter.emit(serializationDelegate); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
public void emit(T record) throws IOException, InterruptedException { checkErroneous(); super.emit(record); }
public void emit(T record) throws IOException, InterruptedException { emit(record, channelSelector.selectChannels(record, numChannels)); }
private void emit(T record, int[] targetChannels) throws IOException, InterruptedException { serializer.serializeRecord(record); boolean pruneAfterCopying = false; for (int channel : targetChannels) { if (copyFromSerializerToTargetChannel(channel)) { pruneAfterCopying = true; } } // Make sure we don't hold onto the large intermediate serialization buffer for too long if (pruneAfterCopying) { serializer.prune(); } }
/** * @param targetChannel * @return <tt>true</tt> if the intermediate serialization buffer should be pruned */ private boolean copyFromSerializerToTargetChannel(int targetChannel) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // We should reset the initial position of the intermediate serialization buffer before // copying, so the serialization results can be copied to multiple target buffers. serializer.reset(); boolean pruneTriggered = false; BufferBuilder bufferBuilder = getBufferBuilder(targetChannel); SerializationResult result = serializer.copyToBufferBuilder(bufferBuilder); while (result.isFullBuffer()) { numBytesOut.inc(bufferBuilder.finish()); numBuffersOut.inc(); // If this was a full record, we are done. Not breaking out of the loop at this point // will lead to another buffer request before breaking out (that would not be a // problem per se, but it can lead to stalls in the pipeline). if (result.isFullRecord()) { pruneTriggered = true; bufferBuilders[targetChannel] = Optional.empty(); break; } bufferBuilder = requestNewBufferBuilder(targetChannel); result = serializer.copyToBufferBuilder(bufferBuilder); } checkState(!serializer.hasSerializedData(), "All data should be written at once"); if (flushAlways) { targetPartition.flush(targetChannel); } return pruneTriggered; }
processElement,該函數,每次source進行flatMap,map,以後,即(a,1) 這樣的元素調用emit以後,就會觸發該函數調用,每個元素進行emit以後,都會調用該函數git
把該元素存到HeapReducingState.add()中, 這個state值在WindowOperator.windowState.stateTable.primaryTable.state 這個裏邊存着apache
public V apply(V previousState, V value) throws Exception { return previousState != null ? reduceFunction.reduce(previousState, value) : value; }
每個元素都關聯trigger,TriggerResult triggerResult = triggerContext.onElement(element)api
public void processElement(StreamRecord<IN> element) throws Exception { final Collection<W> elementWindows = windowAssigner.assignWindows( element.getValue(), element.getTimestamp(), windowAssignerContext); //if element is handled by none of assigned elementWindows boolean isSkippedElement = true; final K key = this.<K>getKeyedStateBackend().getCurrentKey(); if (windowAssigner instanceof MergingWindowAssigner) { MergingWindowSet<W> mergingWindows = getMergingWindowSet(); for (W window: elementWindows) { // adding the new window might result in a merge, in that case the actualWindow // is the merged window and we work with that. If we don't merge then // actualWindow == window W actualWindow = mergingWindows.addWindow(window, new MergingWindowSet.MergeFunction<W>() { @Override public void merge(W mergeResult, Collection<W> mergedWindows, W stateWindowResult, Collection<W> mergedStateWindows) throws Exception { if ((windowAssigner.isEventTime() && mergeResult.maxTimestamp() + allowedLateness <= internalTimerService.currentWatermark())) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The end timestamp of an " + "event-time window cannot become earlier than the current watermark " + "by merging. Current watermark: " + internalTimerService.currentWatermark() + " window: " + mergeResult); } else if (!windowAssigner.isEventTime() && mergeResult.maxTimestamp() <= internalTimerService.currentProcessingTime()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The end timestamp of a " + "processing-time window cannot become earlier than the current processing time " + "by merging. Current processing time: " + internalTimerService.currentProcessingTime() + " window: " + mergeResult); } triggerContext.key = key; triggerContext.window = mergeResult; triggerContext.onMerge(mergedWindows); for (W m: mergedWindows) { triggerContext.window = m; triggerContext.clear(); deleteCleanupTimer(m); } // merge the merged state windows into the newly resulting state window windowMergingState.mergeNamespaces(stateWindowResult, mergedStateWindows); } }); // drop if the window is already late if (isWindowLate(actualWindow)) { mergingWindows.retireWindow(actualWindow); continue; } isSkippedElement = false; W stateWindow = mergingWindows.getStateWindow(actualWindow); if (stateWindow == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Window " + window + " is not in in-flight window set."); } windowState.setCurrentNamespace(stateWindow); windowState.add(element.getValue()); triggerContext.key = key; triggerContext.window = actualWindow; TriggerResult triggerResult = triggerContext.onElement(element); if (triggerResult.isFire()) { ACC contents = windowState.get(); if (contents == null) { continue; } emitWindowContents(actualWindow, contents); } if (triggerResult.isPurge()) { windowState.clear(); } registerCleanupTimer(actualWindow); } // need to make sure to update the merging state in state mergingWindows.persist(); } else { for (W window: elementWindows) { // drop if the window is already late if (isWindowLate(window)) { continue; } isSkippedElement = false; windowState.setCurrentNamespace(window); windowState.add(element.getValue()); triggerContext.key = key; triggerContext.window = window; TriggerResult triggerResult = triggerContext.onElement(element); if (triggerResult.isFire()) { ACC contents = windowState.get(); if (contents == null) { continue; } emitWindowContents(window, contents); } if (triggerResult.isPurge()) { windowState.clear(); } registerCleanupTimer(window); } } // side output input event if // element not handled by any window // late arriving tag has been set // windowAssigner is event time and current timestamp + allowed lateness no less than element timestamp if (isSkippedElement && isElementLate(element)) { if (lateDataOutputTag != null){ sideOutput(element); } else { this.numLateRecordsDropped.inc(); } } }
public void onProcessingTime(InternalTimer<K, W> timer) throws Exception { triggerContext.key = timer.getKey(); triggerContext.window = timer.getNamespace(); MergingWindowSet<W> mergingWindows; if (windowAssigner instanceof MergingWindowAssigner) { mergingWindows = getMergingWindowSet(); W stateWindow = mergingWindows.getStateWindow(triggerContext.window); if (stateWindow == null) { // Timer firing for non-existent window, this can only happen if a // trigger did not clean up timers. We have already cleared the merging // window and therefore the Trigger state, however, so nothing to do. return; } else { windowState.setCurrentNamespace(stateWindow); } } else { windowState.setCurrentNamespace(triggerContext.window); mergingWindows = null; } TriggerResult triggerResult = triggerContext.onProcessingTime(timer.getTimestamp()); if (triggerResult.isFire()) { ACC contents = windowState.get(); if (contents != null) { emitWindowContents(triggerContext.window, contents); } } if (triggerResult.isPurge()) { windowState.clear(); } if (!windowAssigner.isEventTime() && isCleanupTime(triggerContext.window, timer.getTimestamp())) { clearAllState(triggerContext.window, windowState, mergingWindows); } if (mergingWindows != null) { // need to make sure to update the merging state in state mergingWindows.persist(); } }
private void emitWindowContents(W window, ACC contents) throws Exception { timestampedCollector.setAbsoluteTimestamp(window.maxTimestamp()); processContext.window = window; userFunction.process(triggerContext.key, window, processContext, contents, timestampedCollector); }
public void process(KEY key, W window, InternalWindowContext context, IN input, Collector<OUT> out) throws Exception { wrappedFunction.apply(key, window, Collections.singletonList(input), out); }
public void apply(K k, W window, Iterable<T> input, Collector<T> out) throws Exception { for (T in: input) { out.collect(in); } }
public void collect(T record) { output.collect(reuse.replace(record)); }
public void collect(StreamRecord<OUT> record) { numRecordsOut.inc(); output.collect(record); }
public void collect(StreamRecord<T> record) { if (this.outputTag != null) { // we are only responsible for emitting to the main input return; } pushToOperator(record); }
protected <X> void pushToOperator(StreamRecord<X> record) { try { // we know that the given outputTag matches our OutputTag so the record // must be of the type that our operator (and Serializer) expects. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") StreamRecord<T> castRecord = (StreamRecord<T>) record; numRecordsIn.inc(); StreamRecord<T> copy = castRecord.copy(serializer.copy(castRecord.getValue())); operator.setKeyContextElement1(copy); operator.processElement(copy); } catch (ClassCastException e) { if (outputTag != null) { // Enrich error message ClassCastException replace = new ClassCastException( String.format( "%s. Failed to push OutputTag with id '%s' to operator. " + "This can occur when multiple OutputTags with different types " + "but identical names are being used.", e.getMessage(), outputTag.getId())); throw new ExceptionInChainedOperatorException(replace); } else { throw new ExceptionInChainedOperatorException(e); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionInChainedOperatorException(e); } } }
public void processElement(StreamRecord<IN> element) throws Exception { sinkContext.element = element; userFunction.invoke(element.getValue(), sinkContext); }