第四章:重構代碼[學習Android Studio漢化教程]


Refactoring Code

The solutions you develop in Android Studio will not always follow a straight path from design to finish. To be an effective Android programmer, you need to be flexible and refactor your code as you develop, debug, and test. In the preceding chapter, you learned how Android Studio can generate code; in this chapter, you’re going to see how Android Studio can refactor your code. The greatest risk with refactoring code is that you may introduce unintended errors. Android Studio mitigates these risks by analyzing the consequences of certain risky refactoring operations, and then activates the Find tool window, in which you may preview your changes—flagged with any errors or conflicts—before committing them.




在Android Studio中開發,解決方案不會老是一蹴而成的。做爲一個有效率的編程者,在你的開發,調試和測試中須要一些彈性以及代碼重構。隨着在這章中的行進,你將明白Android Studio如何產生代碼;在這章裏你將看到Android Studio如何重構你的代碼。重構代碼最大的風險是可能引入不指望的錯誤。經過分析某些風險重構操做的結果,Android Studio減低了這些風險,而後激活Find tool窗口,在發行前,你能夠預覽你的更改-那裏標誌着任何錯誤或衝突。

Many of the refactoring operations presented in this chapter can also be performed without Android Studio’s refactoring tools. However, you should avoid refactoring by brute force (for example, by resorting to a global find-and-replace option) because Android Studio cannot always save you from introducing errors in those circumstances. In contrast, if Android Studio detects that you’re attempting a refactoring operation, it will try to prevent
you from making any stupid mistakes. For example, dragging a Java source file from one package to another in the Project tool window will force a Refactor ➤ Move operation, which analyzes the consequences of your move operation, allows you to preview the changes, and then gracefully changes any import statements for that class throughout your entire project to the new fully qualified package name.
在這章裏描述的許多重構操做也可不用Android Studio的重構工具來執行。不管怎樣,你必須避免強行重構(例如:經過一個全文的查找/替換操做來重組代碼),由於在這些情形下Android Studio不能從引入的錯誤中一直保護你。相反,若是Android Studio發現你企圖一個重構操做,它將盡力避免你犯任何愚蠢錯誤。例如,在Project tool窗口中拖動一個JAVA源文件從一個包到另外一個包,這將強制產Refactor ➤ Move操做,由此會分析你的移動操做結果,容許你預覽那些改變,而後適當地改變類中全部的import語句以適應合格的新全包名。

Most refactoring operations are confined to one method or one class, and thus will not likely introduce errors into your project. Risky refactoring operations are those that involve two or more assets. If a refactoring operation introduces compilation errors, the Inspections Manager will flag the affected assets with red tags in the Editor. At that point, you can either attempt to fix them, or simply undo the entire refactoring operation by pressing Ctrl+Z | Cmd+Z. If the refactor operation succeeded with no compilation errors, but nevertheless involved a lot of assets, you should still run your tests to verify that you have not introduced any runtime errors. Chapter 11 covers testing.

Tip: You should commit any significant refactoring changes as a single Git commit so that you can easily revert that commit later. Chapter 7 covers Git.

This chapter focuses on the refactoring operations with the greatest utility. Before we begin addressing individual refactoring operations, we’d like to point out that Android Studio has an extremely convenient refactoring operation called Refactor ➤ Refactor This. Choosing this option displays a context menu, shown in Figure 4-1, that aggregates the most useful refactoring operations. The keyboard shortcut for this operation is Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T | Ctrl+T, and on a PC you can remember it by its conveniently mnemonic acronym: CAST.
這章聚焦於用最好的工具來執行重構操做。在咱們探訪獨立的重構操做以前,咱們樂於指出Android Studio有一個極其便利的重構工具叫Refactor ➤Refactor This.總在上下文菜單中選擇這個,圖4-1所示,集成了絕大多數有用的重構操做。快捷鍵是Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T | Ctrl+T,在PC上你能夠方便地記首字母CAST。


圖4-1:重構器Refactor This菜單,包括了大部分的有用重構操做。

Before you begin working on the examples in this chapter, modify the Sandbox.java file from Chapter 3 so that it extends nothing and contains neither methods nor members, like the following snippet:
public class Sandbox {
public class Sandbox {



Select Sandbox from the Project tool window and then navigate to Refactor ➤ Rename or press Shift+F6. The resulting dialog box allows you to rename your class and rename any additional occurrences of that name in comments, test cases, and inherited classes. Rename Sandbox to Playpen and click the Refactor button, shown in Figure 4-2. You should see the results of the Renaming operation in your project. Now undo the Renaming
operation by pressing Ctrl+Z | Cmd+Z.


在Project tool窗口中選擇Sandbox並導航到Refactor➤ Rename或按Shift+F6.引出一個對話框以容許你重命名你的類,另外也能夠重命名出如今註釋中,測試實例,以及繼承類中的那些名字。重命名Sandbox爲Playpen並點擊Refactor按鈕,如圖4-2所示。你將看到在你項目中重命名的操做。如今請用Ctrl+Z | Cmd+Z取消這個操做。




Change Signature

The Change Signature operation enables you to change the following properties of a method:visibility, name, return type, parameters, and exceptions thrown. Create a method inSandbox.java, as shown in this code snippet:
public String greetings(String message){
return "Hello " + message;



public String greetings(String message){
return "Hello " + message;

Place your cursor anywhere on the word greetings (highlighted in bold) and press Ctrl+F6 | Cmd+F6, or navigate to Refactor ➤ Change Signature. The resulting dialog box enables you to modify the signature of the method, as shown in Figure 4-3.
將光標移到單詞greetings上面(高亮的粗體字)並按Ctrl+F6 |Cmd+F6,或導航到Refactor ➤ Change Signature。結果對話框會容許你修改方法的簽名,如圖4-3所示。



In the Parameters tab, click the String message item. Change the name of the String parameter from message to greet, as shown in Figure 4-3. The green-plus and red-minus icons allow you to add parameters to or subtract parameters from your method, respectively; and you may edit their types and names in the list. In addition to modifying the current method, you may decide to select the Delegate via Overloading Method radio button. Selecting this radio button will leave your original method unaffected, but generate another method with the new signature you define. A set of methods may be considered overloaded in Java if they have
the same name, but the parameter order and/or parameter types are different. However, the change we made does not qualify this method for overloading. You may preview your changes before committing them by clicking the Preview button if you so choose. To complete the operation and dismiss the dialog box, click the Refactor button.


Type Migration

As the name suggests, type migration allows you to migrate from one Java type to another. Let’s assume that you create a Person class. Further along in your development, you discover that Person is too generic, so you create a Manager class that extends Person. If you want to migrate all instances of Person to Manager, you can do this easily with type migration.



Place your cursor on the String declaration (highlighted in bold in the following code snippet) of the greetings method and press Ctrl+Shift+F6 | Cmd+Shift+F6 or choose Refactor ➤ Type Migration. The resulting dialog box resembles that seen in Figure 4-4.
public String greetings(String greet){
return "Hello " + greet;
將光標放到greetings方法的String聲明上(在下面代碼片斷中的高亮粗體字)而且按Ctrl+Shift+F6 | Cmd+Shift+F6或選擇Refactor ➤ Type Migration。結果對話框如圖4-4所示。
public String greetings(String greet){
return "Hello " + greet;


Change java.lang.String to java.util.Date, as shown in Figure 4-4. Select Open Files from the Choose Scope drop-down list. As with most refactor operations, you can preview your changes by clicking the Preview button. Click the Refactor button.


You can move a source file in one of three ways:
 By dragging the source file from one package to another in the Project tool window
 By selecting that source file and navigating to Refactor ➤ Move from the main menu
 By selecting the file in the Project tool window and pressing F6
Right-click (Ctrl-click on Mac) the com.apress.gerber.helloworld package and choose New ➤ Package. Name the package refactor. From the Project tool window, drag and drop the Sandbox class to the refactor package and press OK when prompted by the dialog shown in Figure 4-5. Any drag-and-drop operation you perform in the Project tool window automatically forces a Refactor ➤ Move operation, which allows you to safely move your class from one package to another.


在Project tool窗口拖動源文件從一個包到另外一個包中;
選擇源文件從主菜單導航到Refactor ➤ Move;
在Project tool窗口選擇源文件並按下F6。
右鍵點擊(在Mac電腦上Ctrl-click)com.apress.gerber.helloworld包並選擇New ➤ Package。給這個重構目標包命名。從Project tool窗口,把sandbox.java拖放到重構目標包裏,當出現圖4-5對話框時按OK。在Project tool窗口中執行的任何拖放操做將自動產生一個重構移動操做,這個會讓你安全地把一個類從一個包移動到別一個包裏。


In addition to moving classes, you may also move members. In your Sandbox class, define a new member like the following:
public static final String HELLO = "Hello Android Studio";
public static final String HELLO = "Hello Android Studio";

Place your cursor on this line of code and press F6. The resulting dialog box allows you to move members from one class to another, as shown in Figure 4-6. Click the Cancel button to cancel this operation.



Copy, which is similar to Move, is accessed by pressing the keyboard shortcut F5 or by
choosing Refactor ➤ Copy from the main menu. In the Project tool window, select the Sandbox class in the refactor package and press F5. Select the com.apress.gerber.helloworld package from the Destination Package drop-down menu and click OK, as shown in Figure 4-7. Copying Java source files indiscriminately as we did here is not a good idea because the resolution is ambiguous and thus rife for potential errors.


複製,有點象移動,按快捷鍵F5或選擇主菜單裏的Refactor ➤ Copy來訪問。在Project tool窗口,選擇以前重構的包中的Sandbox.java並按下F5鍵。在目標包的拖放菜單中選擇com.apress.gerber.helloworld包並點擊OK,如圖4-7所示。象咱們這裏無差異地複製JAVA源文件不是一個好主意,由於結果不明確且普通存在着錯誤。


Safe Delete

Let’s delete the copied class we created. You can always delete files and resources in Android Studio by selecting them in the Project tool window and pressing the Delete key. Click the Sandbox file in the refactor package and press Delete. The resulting dialog box allows you to use the Safe Delete option by selecting the Safe Delete check box. The advantage of using Safe Delete is that we can search any dependencies on the asset that might be broken before performing the delete, as shown in Figure 4-8. If any dependencies of this asset are found in your project, you will be given the option to view them, or force the delete operation anyway by clicking Delete Anyway.


讓咱們來刪除剛纔複製的類。在Android Studio的Project tool窗口裏用Delete按鍵,你總能夠刪除文件和資源。在剛纔重構包中點擊Sandbox.java文件並按下Delete鍵。結果對話框容許你使用安全刪檢查選項來刪除。安全刪除的先進之處在於執行刪除前咱們可查詢任何因依賴於這個資產而可能致使的破壞,如圖4-8所示。若是在這個項目中發任何東西依賴於這個資產,將給出一個可選項瀏覽它們,或點擊不管如何都刪除可選項來強制刪除。



Extract isn’t just one operation but several. This section covers some of the more important extract operations: Extract Variable, Extract Constant, Extract Field, Extract Parameter, and Extract Method. In the Sandbox class, let’s start with a clean slate by removing all the members and methods:
public class Sandbox {


public class Sandbox {

Extract Variable

In your Sandbox.java class, define a method, as shown here:
private String saySomething(){
return "Something";


private String saySomething(){
return "Something";

Place your cursor anywhere on the hard-coded Something value (highlighted in bold) and
choose Refactor ➤ Extract ➤ Variable, or press Ctrl+Alt+V | Cmd+Alt+V and then press Enter without selecting the Declare final checkbox. Android Studio extracts a local variable and names it according to the hard-coded String. You should end up with something like this:
private String saySomething(){
String something = "Something";
return something;
把光標放到硬編碼Something的值(粗體字)上並選擇Refactor ➤ Extract ➤ Variable,或者按Ctrl+Alt+V | Cmd+Alt+V接着按回車,不要選擇聲明final的複選框。Android Studio依據硬編碼字符串析出一個本地變量並命名它。你將以以下代碼了結:
private String saySomething(){
String something = "Something";
return something;

Extract Constant

As you develop apps in Android, you will find yourself using a lot of Strings as keys—for
example, in Maps and Bundles. Therefore, extracting constants will save you a lot of time.



Define a method like the one seen in the following code snippet. Place your cursor anywhere on the name_key string and press Ctrl+Alt+C | Cmd+Alt+C. The resulting dialog box should look like Figure 4-9. Here, Android Studio provides a few suggestions for names. By convention, constants in Java are all caps. Select NAME_KEY and press Enter.
Note You will need to import android.os.Bundle in order to create the proceding method without compile-time errors.
private void addName(String name, Bundle bundle ){
bundle.putString("name_key", name);

定義一個方法象以下的代碼片斷。把光標放到name_key字符串上並按Ctrl+Alt+C | Cmd+Alt+C。結果對話框將如圖4-9所示。這裏,Android Studio提供一些建議的名稱。按慣例,常量在JAVA裏都應該是大寫的。選擇NAME_KEY並按回車。
注意:爲了建立和處理這個方法而不發生編譯錯誤,你必須導入android.os. Bundle
private void addName(String name, Bundle bundle ){
bundle.putString("name_key", name);

You should end up with a constant called NAME_KEY, which should be defined like this:
public static final String NAME_KEY = "name_key";
public static final String NAME_KEY = "name_key";


Extract Field

Extract Field converts a local variable to a field (a.k.a. member) of your class.
Note You will need to import java.util.Date in order to create the proceding method without compile-time errors.
Define a method in your Sandbox class:
private Date getDate(){
return new Date();


注意:爲了建立和處理這個方法而不發生編譯錯誤,你必須導入android.os. Bundle
private Date getDate(){
return new Date();

Place your cursor anywhere on Date (highlighted in bold) and press Ctrl+Alt+F | Cmd+Alt+F. You will see a dialog box like the one shown in Figure 4-10. In Android, the naming convention is to prefix fields (a.k.a. members) with an m. You will also notice a drop-down menu that allows you to initialize your field in the current method, the field declaration, or the constructor. Select Field Declaration and press Enter.
把光標放到Date(粗體高亮)上並按鍵Ctrl+Alt+F | Cmd+Alt+F。你將看到一個對話框如圖4-10所示。在Android裏,按慣例域(a.k.a. 成員變量)名的頭字母用m。你將會注意到一個下拉菜單容許你初始化當前方法中的域,域聲明,或構造器。選擇域聲明並按回車。


You should end up with something like this:
private final Date mDate = new Date();
private Date getDate(){
return mDate;
Remove the final keyword so the declaration line looks like the following code snippet:
private Date mDate = new Date();
private final Date mDate = new Date();
private Date getDate(){
return mDate;
private Date mDate = new Date();

Extract Parameter

Extract Parameter allows you to extract a variable and place it as a parameter of the enclosing method. Define a method in your Sandbox class:
private void setDate(){
mDate = new Date();


private void setDate(){
mDate = new Date();

Place your cursor anywhere on Date() (highlighted in bold), press Ctrl+Alt+P | Cmd+Alt+P, and press Enter. The resulting method should look like the following code snippet:
private void setDate(Date date){
mDate = date;
將光標放到Date()(粗體高亮)上,按Ctrl+Alt+P | Cmd+Alt+P接着按回車。結果這個方法以下代碼片斷所示:
private void setDate(Date date){
mDate = date;

Extract Method

Extract Method lets you select one or more lines of contiguous code and place them in a separate method. There are two reasons you would want to do this. The first reason is that you have a method that is too complex. Breaking an algorithm into discrete blocks of approximately 10–20 lines each is much easier to read and far less error-prone than one method with 100 lines of code.



It’s almost never a good idea to repeat a block of code, so if you find a block of code that is repeated, it’s best to extract a method and call that method in place of the repeated blocks. By extracting a method and calling it where you had previous used a repeated block of code, you can maintain your method in one place, and if you need to modify it, you need only modify it once. Re-create the following two methods in your Sandbox class, as shown in Listing 4-1. Feel free to copy and paste.
private String methodHello (){
String greet = "Hello";
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for(int nC = 0; nC < 10; nC++){
stringBuilder.append(greet + nC);
return stringBuilder.toString();
private String methodGoodbye (){
String greet = "Goodbye";
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for(int nC = 0; nC < 10; nC++){
stringBuilder.append(greet + nC);
return stringBuilder.toString();
private String methodHello (){
String greet = "Hello";
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for(int nC = 0; nC < 10; nC++){
stringBuilder.append(greet + nC);
return stringBuilder.toString();
private String methodGoodbye (){
String greet = "Goodbye";
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for(int nC = 0; nC < 10; nC++){
stringBuilder.append(greet + nC);
return stringBuilder.toString();

As we’ve already mentioned, any time you find yourself repeating blocks of code or copying and pasting a block of code, you should consider using Extract Method. Select all the lines highlighted in bold in Listing 4-1. Now press Ctrl+Alt+M | Cmd+Alt+M to extract the method. You will be presented with a dialog box showing the signature of the method. Rename this method to getGreet, as shown in Figure 4-11, and click OK.
象咱們已經提到過的,任什麼時候候你發現重複一個代碼塊或複製和粘貼代碼塊,你就必須考慮析出方法了。選擇清單4-1中粗體高亮的塊。如今按Ctrl+Alt+M | Cmd+Alt+M析出方法。將呈現一個對話框列出方法的簽名。重命名這個方法爲getGreet,如圖4-11所示,接着點擊OK。


Android Studio scans your file and sees that you have another instance of the exact block of code. Click Yes to accept the suggestions in the Process Duplicates dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-12.
Android Studio掃描你的文件並看到你有另一個確鑿的代碼塊案例。在處理複製對話框裏點擊Yes接受建議,如圖4-12所示。


You should end up with something like Listing 4-2. The resulting method is far easier to maintain now that it is kept in one place.
Listing 4-2. Code Resulting from Extract Method Operation
private String methodHello (){
String greet = "Hello";
return getGreet(greet);
private String methodGoodbye (){
String greet = "Goodbye";
return getGreet(greet);
private String getGreet (String greet){
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for(int nC = 0; nC < 10; nC++){
stringBuilder.append(greet + nC);
return stringBuilder.toString();
清單 4-2.從析出方法操做裏得出的結果代碼
private String methodHello (){
String greet = "Hello";
return getGreet(greet);
private String methodGoodbye (){
String greet = "Goodbye";
return getGreet(greet);
private String getGreet (String greet){
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for(int nC = 0; nC < 10; nC++){
stringBuilder.append(greet + nC);
return stringBuilder.toString();

Advanced Refactoring

The refactoring operations presented throughout the remainder of this chapter are advanced. If you’re interested in simply getting up to speed with Android Studio, you already have sufficient knowledge to use the refactoring operations effectively, and you may skip this section. However, if you understand Java well and want to take a deep dive into some of the more advanced refactoring operations, continue reading.


整個這章所描述的剩下的其餘重構操做是高級別的。若是你有興趣簡單迅速地提升Android Studio,已經有了足夠的知識來有效地使用重構操做,也許你能夠跳過這節。但不管如何,若是你對JAVA有比較好的理解而且想鑽研更多的重構操做,繼續看下去吧。

Start with a clean slate by removing all method and members from Sandbox.java:
public class Sandbox {
Right-click (Ctrl-click on Mac) the com.apress.gerber.helloworld package in the Project tool window and choose New ➤ Java Class. Name your class Minibox. Change the definition of Minibox so that it inherits from Sandbox and has a member called mShovel, as shown here:
public class Minibox extends Sandbox {
private String mShovel;
public class Sandbox {
右鍵點擊(Mac電腦用Ctrl+點擊)Project tool窗口裏的com.apress.gerber.helloworld包,選擇New ➤ Java Class。命名這個類爲Minibox。修改Minibox類定義繼承自Sandbox而且有個成員變量叫作mShovel,如這裏所示:
public class Minibox extends Sandbox {
private String mShovel;

Push Members Down and Pull Members Up

Pushing members down and pulling members up is used with inheritance. Notice that we have defined the mShovel member in the Minibox class. Let’s assume we decide later that mShovel may be useful for other classes that extend Sandbox. To do this, open the Minibox class and choose Refactor ➤ Pull Members Up. The resulting dialog box looks like Figure 4-13.


推高成員變量以及拉低成員變量用於繼承。注意到咱們定義了一個mShovel成員變量在Minibox類裏。讓咱們假設mShovel可能對於其餘繼承自Sandbox類的子類也有用。這樣作,打開Minibox類並選擇Refactor ➤ Pull Members Up。結果對話框如圖4-13所示。

圖 4-13: 推高成員變量對話框

The mShovel member is selected by default and the Pull Up Members combo box is set to the com.apress.gerber.helloworld.Sandbox class by default since Sandbox is the superclass of Minibox. Click Refactor. If you now inspect Sandbox and Minibox, you will notice that the mShovel member belongs to Sandbox and is no longer present in Minibox. As a general rule, if you believe that a member may be useful to other extending classes, you should pull those members up the hierarchy. To push members down the hierarchy, you can follow similar steps.

Replace Inheritance with Delegation

Right-click (Ctrl-click on Mac) the com.apress.gerber.helloword package and choose New ➤ Java Class. Name your class Patio and make it extend Sandbox:
public class Patio extends Sandbox {


右鍵點擊(Mac電腦用Ctrl+點擊)com.apress.gerber.helloword包選擇New ➤ Java Class。命名這個新類爲Patio並繼承自Sandbox:
public class Patio extends Sandbox {

Upon further analysis, we decide that Patio is not a Sandbox, but rather has a Sandbox. To change this relationship, navigate to Refactor ➤ Replace Inheritance with Delegation. In the resulting dialog box, click the Generate Getter for Delegated Component check box, shown in Figure 4-14.
進一步分析後,咱們決定Patio不是一個Sandbox,但更象是它擁有一個Sandbox。爲了改變它們的關係,導航到Refactor ➤ Replace Inheritance with Delegation。在結果對話框裏,點擊爲委託成產生getter方法,如圖4-14所示。

圖 4-14:解除繼承並委託成員變量對話框

Your Patio class should now have a Sandbox member, as shown in the following code snippet:
public class Patio {
private final Sandbox mSandbox = new Sandbox();
public Sandbox getSandbox() {
return mSandbox;
public class Patio {
private final Sandbox mSandbox = new Sandbox();
public Sandbox getSandbox() {
return mSandbox;

Encapsulate Fields

Encapsulation is an object-oriented strategy that hides class members by making their access level private and then provides a public interface to those members via public getter/setter methods. Refactor ➤ Encapsulate Fields is similar to Code ➤ Generate ➤ Getter and Setter, though you have a lot more options when you choose Refactor ➤ Encapsulate Fields. Open your Sandbox class and define a new member called mChildren, as highlighted in bold
in the next code snippet. From the main menu, choose Refactor ➤ Encapsulate Fields.
public class Sandbox {
private String mShovel;
private int mChildren;


封裝域是一種面向對象策略,經過使訪問級別爲私有來隱藏類成員變量並提供以公開的getter/setter方法做爲公開的接口。儘管當你選擇Refactor ➤ Encapsulate Fields時有不少的選擇,但Refactor ➤ Encapsulate Fields相似於Code ➤ Generate ➤ Getter and Setter。打開你的Sandbox類並定義一個成員變量叫mChildren,以下面代碼片斷中的粗體高亮部分。從主菜單,選擇Refactor ➤ Encapsulate Fields。
public class Sandbox {
private String mShovel;
private int mChildren;

The resulting dialog box allows you to choose exactly how your fields will be encapsulated and what access level they should have. A truly encapsulated field will have private visibility with public accessor (getter) and mutator (setter) methods. Click the Refactor button, shown in Figure 4-15, and notice that Android Studio has generated getters and setters for us in our Sandbox.java class.
結果對話框容許你精確地選擇怎樣封裝這些域以及它們的訪問級別。真正地封裝域將有一個私有的可視度及公有的訪問(getter)及改變(setter)方法。點擊Refactor按鈕,如圖4-15所示,注意到Android Studio在咱們的Sandbox.java類裏爲咱們生成全部的getter和setter。

圖 4-15:封裝域對話框

Wrap Method Return Value

Wrapping a return value may be useful when you need to return an object rather than a primitive (though there are other scenarios where you might want to wrap a return value). Place your cursor on the getChildren() method and navigate to Refactor ➤ Wrap Method Return Value. Select the Use Existing Class check box and type java.lang.Integer as the Name and value as the Wrapper Field, as shown in Figure 4-16. Now click Refactor and notice that your getChildren() method returns an Integer object rather than a primitive int.


當你須要返回一個對象而不是基本數據類型時,包裝返回值多是有用的(固然還有其餘的情形你可能想包裝一個返回值)。把光標放到getChildren()方法上並導航到Refactor ➤ Wrap Method Return Value。選擇Use Existing Class選項,名稱框輸入java.lang.Integer,包裝域框則選擇value,如圖4-16所示。如今點擊Refactor按鈕且注意到你的getChildren()方法返回一個Integer類,而不是基本數據類型int。

圖 4-16: 包裝返回值對話框

Replace Constructor with Factory Method

Place your cursor inside the enclosing brackets of the Sandbox class definition. Press Alt+Insert | Cmd+N and select Constructor to generate a new constructor. Choose both members, shown in Figure 4-17, and click OK.


把光標放在Sandbox類定義附欄內。按Alt+Insert | Cmd+N接着選擇生成一個新構造器。選擇全部成員變量,如圖4-17所示,而後點擊OK。

圖 4-17:經過構造器來選擇域的對話框

Place your cursor anywhere in the newly defined constructor, shown in the following code snippet, and then navigate to Refactor ➤ Replace Constructor with Factory Method. The resulting dialog box looks like Figure 4-18. Click Refactor to generate a factory method.
public Sandbox(String shovel, int children) {
mShovel = shovel;
mChildren = children;
將光標放到以下所示代碼片斷構造器的任何位置,並導航到Refactor ➤ Replace Constructor with Factory Method。結果對話框象圖4-18所示。點擊Refactor來生成一個工廠方法。
public Sandbox(String shovel, int children) {
mShovel = shovel;
mChildren = children;

圖 4-18: 用工廠模式代替構造器的對話框

Notice that the constructor is now private and that a new static method returns an instance of the Sandbox class, as shown in the following code snippet. This operation is particularly useful if you are creating a singleton.
public static Sandbox createSandbox(String shovel, int children) {
return new Sandbox(shovel, children);
public static Sandbox createSandbox(String shovel, int children) {
return new Sandbox(shovel, children);

Convert Anonymous to Inner

In the constructor of your Sandbox class, add the following line:
new Thread(new Runnable()).start();


new Thread(new Runnable()).start();

Place your cursor on Runnable() and press Alt+Enter to invoke the code-completion operation. Then select Implement Methods. Select the run method and click OK. Your code should look something like the following code snippet:
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//do something
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//do something

Place your cursor on Runnable() and navigate to Refactor ➤ Convert Anonymous to Inner. Android Studio suggests MyRunnable as a class name for you, as shown in Figure 4-19. Deselect the Make Class Static check box and click OK. Notice that you now have a private inner class called MyRunnable in Sandbox.java that implements the Runnable interface. This example doesn’t do much; however, you may have opportunities to use this operation when delegating the behaviors of Views.
把光標放在Runnable()上並導航到Refactor ➤ Convert Anonymous to Inner。Android Studio建議MyRunnable做爲這個類名,如圖4-19所示。去選Make class static選項後點擊OK。注意到你將在Sandbox類裏獲得一個私有的內部類叫MyRunnable,它實現Runnable接口。這個例子沒有作更多的事;無論怎樣,當委派View的行爲時你也許有機會用到這個。

圖 4-19: 轉換匿名內部類的對話框


This chapter discussed many of the refactoring operations available in Android Studio. Refactoring code is a necessary part of any programming project, and the refactoring tools in Android Studio are among the best. Android Studio mitigates the risk of performing certain refactoring operations by analyzing the consequences and allowing you to preview the results in the Find tool window prior to committing an operation. The most important refactoring operations are available from the Refactor ➤ Refactor This dialog box, which is invoked by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T | Ctrl+T.


這章討論了Android Studio目前有效的許多重構操做。重構代碼是編程工程的一個必需的部分,Android Studio裏的重構工具是最好的重構工具之一。Android Studio經過分析推理以及容許你於提交操做前在Find tool窗口預覽結果,減低了某些操做執行的風險。最重要的是重構操做Refactor ➤ Refactor This對話框是如此有效的,這個能夠經過用快捷鍵Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T | Ctrl+T來調用。
