defmodule Equalities do use Koans @intro """ Welcome to the Elixir koans. Let these be your first humble steps towards learning a new language. The path laid in front of you is one of many. """ # Replace ___ with the answer to make the koan pass. koan "We shall contemplate truth by testing reality, via equality" do assert true == ___ end koan "Not something is the opposite of it" do assert !true == ___ end koan "To understand reality, we must compare our expectations against reality" do assert 2 == 1 + ___ end koan "Some things may appear different, but be the same" do assert 1 == 2 / ___ end koan "Unless they actually are different" do assert 3.2 != ___ end koan "Some may be looking for bigger things" do assert ___ > 3 end koan "Others are happy with less" do assert ___ < 3 end end
01_equalities.ex 07_lists.ex 13_functions.ex 02_strings.ex 08_keyword_lists.ex 14_enums.ex 03_sigils.ex 09_maps.ex 15_processes.ex 04_numbers.ex 10_map_sets.ex 16_tasks.ex 05_atoms.ex 11_structs.ex 17_agents.ex 06_tuples.ex 12_pattern_matching.ex 18_protocols.ex
mix deps.get mix meditate