
在xcode 中不當心導入了多餘的provision profile,在編譯項目的時候會提示有重複的證書,每次在keychain access中的個人證書中刪除多餘的之後就能夠正常編譯項目,可是從新啓動後,證書又回來了。。。 xcode

在網上查了一下,是以下緣由 spa

Point is, it is the private key that xcode looks for for the certificates that you already have. Since you have a private key, xcode lists that as a available option for signing. So, its the private key that you want to delete and not the certi. So go to Keys section in the keychain access, find the culprit key, and shoot it. code

最後在keychain access 中的密鑰 section中將多餘的private key 刪除就能夠了。 it

這下重啓計算機後,多餘的證書就不會在回來了。 io
