String path = "文件地址"; BufferedInputStream bis = null; try { File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { long p = 0L; long toLength = 0L; long contentLength = 0L; int rangeSwitch = 0; // 0,從頭開始的全文下載;1,從某字節開始的下載(bytes=27000-);2,從某字節開始到某字節結束的下載(bytes=27000-39000) long fileLength; String rangBytes = ""; fileLength = file.length(); // get file content InputStream ins = new FileInputStream(file); bis = new BufferedInputStream(ins); // String d = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE,d MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss 'GMT' ",Locale.US).format(new Date()); // System.out.println(d); // tell the client to allow accept-ranges response.reset(); response.setHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); /*DateTime dateTime = DateTime.now(); System.out.println(dateTime.toString("r"));*/ response.setHeader("Last-Modified","Sat, 27 Jul 2017 12:14:58 GMT"); /*response.setHeader("HTTP/1.0 206 Partial Content", "206");*/ // client requests a file block download start byte String range = request.getHeader("Range"); log.info("range : "+range); if (range != null && range.trim().length() > 0 && !"null".equals(range)) { response.setStatus(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT); rangBytes = range.replaceAll("bytes=", ""); if (rangBytes.endsWith("-")) { // bytes=270000- rangeSwitch = 1; p = Long.parseLong(rangBytes.substring(0, rangBytes.indexOf("-"))); contentLength = fileLength - p; // 客戶端請求的是270000以後的字節(包括bytes下標索引爲270000的字節) } else { // bytes=270000-320000 rangeSwitch = 2; String temp1 = rangBytes.substring(0, rangBytes.indexOf("-")); String temp2 = rangBytes.substring(rangBytes.indexOf("-") + 1, rangBytes.length()); p = Long.parseLong(temp1); toLength = Long.parseLong(temp2); contentLength = toLength - p + 1; // 客戶端請求的是 270000-320000 之間的字節 } } else { contentLength = fileLength; } // 若是設設置了Content-Length,則客戶端會自動進行多線程下載。若是不但願支持多線程,則不要設置這個參數。 // Content-Length: [文件的總大小] - [客戶端請求的下載的文件塊的開始字節] response.setHeader("Content-Length", new Long(contentLength).toString()); // 斷點開始 // 響應的格式是: // Content-Range: bytes [文件塊的開始字節]-[文件的總大小 - 1]/[文件的總大小] if (rangeSwitch == 1) { String contentRange = new StringBuffer("bytes ").append(new Long(p).toString()).append("-") .append(new Long(fileLength - 1).toString()).append("/") .append(new Long(fileLength).toString()).toString(); response.setHeader("Content-Range", contentRange); bis.skip(p); } else if (rangeSwitch == 2) { String contentRange = range.replace("=", " ") + "/" + new Long(fileLength).toString(); response.setHeader("Content-Range", contentRange); bis.skip(p); } else { String contentRange = new StringBuffer("bytes ").append("0-") .append(fileLength - 1).append("/") .append(fileLength).toString(); response.setHeader("Content-Range", contentRange); } String fileName = file.getName(); response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName); OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); BufferedOutputStream buf=new BufferedOutputStream(out); int n = 0; long readLength = 0; int bsize = 1024; byte[] bytes = new byte[bsize]; if (rangeSwitch == 2) { // 針對 bytes=27000-39000 的請求,從27000開始寫數據 while (readLength <= contentLength - bsize) { n = bis.read(bytes); readLength += n; buf.write(bytes, 0, n); } if (readLength <= contentLength) { n = bis.read(bytes, 0, (int) (contentLength - readLength)); buf.write(bytes, 0, n); } } else { while ((n = bis.read(bytes)) != -1) { buf.write(bytes,0,n); } } buf.flush(); buf.close(); out.close(); bis.close(); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Error: file " + path + " not found."); } } } catch (IOException ie) { // 忽略 ClientAbortException 之類的異常 } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); }
/** * request:get0startIndex0 * response:fileLength0fileBinaryStream * * @param filepath * @throws Exception */ public void Get(String filepath) throws Exception { Socket socket = new Socket(); // 創建鏈接 socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", 8888)); // 獲取網絡流 OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream(); InputStream in = socket.getInputStream(); // 文件傳輸協定命令 byte[] cmd = "get".getBytes(); out.write(cmd); out.write(0);// 分隔符 int startIndex = 0; // 要發送的文件 File file = new File(filepath); if(file.exists()){ startIndex = (int) file.length(); } System.out.println("Client startIndex : " + startIndex); // 文件寫出流 RandomAccessFile access = new RandomAccessFile(file,"rw"); // 斷點 out.write(String.valueOf(startIndex).getBytes()); out.write(0); out.flush(); // 文件長度 int temp = 0; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); while((temp = in.read()) != 0){ sw.write(temp); sw.flush(); } int length = Integer.parseInt(sw.toString()); System.out.println("Client fileLength : " + length); // 二進制文件緩衝區 byte[] buffer = new byte[1024*10]; // 剩餘要讀取的長度 int tatol = length - startIndex; // access.skipBytes(startIndex); while (true) { // 若是剩餘長度爲0則結束 if (tatol == 0) { break; } // 本次要讀取的長度假設爲剩餘長度 int len = tatol; // 若是本次要讀取的長度大於緩衝區的容量 if (len > buffer.length) { // 修改本次要讀取的長度爲緩衝區的容量 len = buffer.length; } // 讀取文件,返回真正讀取的長度 int rlength = in.read(buffer, 0, len); // 將剩餘要讀取的長度減去本次已經讀取的 tatol -= rlength; // 若是本次讀取個數不爲0則寫入輸出流,不然結束 if (rlength > 0) { // 將本次讀取的寫入輸出流中 access.write(buffer, 0, rlength); } else { break; } System.out.println("finish : " + ((float)(length -tatol) / length) *100 + " %"); } System.out.println("finished!"); // 關閉流 access.close(); out.close(); in.close(); } public static void main(String[] args) { FTPClient client = new FTPClient(); try { client.Get("E:\\ceshi\\test\\mm.pdf"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
代碼直接copy過去就能夠了 服務端的代碼須要改下urldom