Swoft 是一款基於 Swoole 擴展實現的 PHP 微服務協程框架。Swoft 能像 Go 同樣,內置協程網絡服務器及經常使用的協程客戶端且常駐內存,不依賴傳統的 PHP-FPM。有相似 Go 語言的協程操做方式,有相似 Spring Cloud 框架靈活的註解、強大的全局依賴注入容器、完善的服務治理、靈活強大的 AOP、標準的 PSR 規範實現等等。php
Swoft 經過長達三年的積累和方向的探索,把 Swoft 打形成 PHP 界的 Spring Cloud, 它是 PHP 高性能框架和微服務治理的最佳選擇。git
Http/RPC/Websocket/TCP 等服務有些業務場景,須要一個後臺運行進程去監控、上報或者其它特殊操做,此時能夠在相應服務啓動的時候,添加一個用戶自定義工做進程,來實現。 自定義用戶進程與服務一塊兒啓動,服務關閉一塊兒退出,若是自定義用戶進程被意外關閉,服務會從新啓動一個新的自定義用戶進程,保證自定義用戶進程一直存在。json
/** * Class MonitorProcess * * @since 2.0 * * @Bean() */ class MonitorProcess extends UserProcess { /** * @param Process $process * * @throws DbException */ public function run(Process $process): void { $process->name('swoft-monitor'); while (true) { $connections = context()->getServer()->getSwooleServer()->connections; CLog::info('monitor = ' . json_encode($connections)); // Database $user = User::find(1)->toArray(); CLog::info('user='.json_encode($user)); // Redis Redis::set('test', 'ok'); CLog::info('test='.Redis::get('test')); Coroutine::sleep(3); } } }
進程池通常用於須要程序一直運行的場景,好比隊列消費,數據計算。Swoft 框架中,基於 Swoole 進程池模型再次封裝,便於開發者快速簡單的使用進程池。服務器
return [ 'processPool' => [ 'class' => ProcessPool::class, 'workerNum' => 3 ] ];
/** * Class Worker1Process * * @since 2.0 * * @Process() */ class Worker1Process implements ProcessInterface { /** * @param Pool $pool * @param int $workerId */ public function run(Pool $pool, int $workerId): void { while (true) { CLog::info('worker-' . $workerId); Coroutine::sleep(3); } } }
$ php bin/swoft process Group: process Usage: bin/swoft process:COMMAND [--opt ...] [arg ...] Global Options: --debug Setting the application runtime debug level(0 - 4) --no-color Disable color/ANSI for message output -h, --help Display this help message -V, --version Show application version information Commands: reload No description message restart No description message start No description message stop No description message Example: bin/swoft process:start Start the process pool bin/swoft process:stop Stop the process pool View the specified command, please use: bin/swoft process:COMMAND -h
TCP 組件是在原有 swoole server的基礎上,封裝並細化功能使用swoole
'tcpServer' => [ 'class' => TcpServer::class, 'port' => 18309, 'debug' => env('SWOFT_DEBUG', 0), /* @see TcpServer::$setting */ 'setting' => [ 'log_file' => alias('@runtime/swoole.log'), ], ], /** @see \Swoft\Tcp\Protocol */ 'tcpServerProtocol' => [ 'type' => \Swoft\Tcp\Packer\SimpleTokenPacker::TYPE, // 'openEofCheck' => true, // Defalut use EOF check // 'openLengthCheck' => true, ],
/** * Class DemoController * * @TcpController() */ class DemoController { /** * @TcpMapping("list", root=true) * @param Response $response */ public function list(Response $response): void { $response->setData('[list]allow command: list, echo, demo.echo'); } }
$ php bin/swoft tcp Description: There some commands for manage the tcp server Usage: tcp:{command} [arguments] [options] Commands: start Start the tcp server stop Stop the running server restart Restart the running server Options: -h, --help Show help of the command group or specified command action
新增 getHeaderLines()
和 getClassName()
方法 (c47e785)srun()
函數,用於協程調度 (3c4a6a4)onStart
/ onWorkStart
/ onWorkStop
/ onShutdown
),事件自帶支持協程 (a8d5a8d)call
方法, 用於使用同一鏈接操做(92456987)修復(Fixed):app
來禁用 ws 模塊(fa31111d)擴展(Extra):socket
裏的 Runtime::enanbleCoroutine()
的值爲 On