






在內核中,LCD對應的參數使用struct fb_info存儲,對應的行爲使用struct fb_ops存儲。緩存






struct fb_info { ... struct fb_var_screeninfo var;        /* LCD可變參數,如屏幕一行像素點個數xres,一列像素點個數yres,每像素點所佔位數等 */
    struct fb_fix_screeninfo fix;        /* LCD固定參數,記錄用戶不能修改的顯示控制器的參數,如屏幕緩存區物理地址smem_start,id,type等 */ ... struct backlight_device *bl_dev;    /* 背光設備 */ ... struct fb_ops *fbops;                /* LCD操做函數 */
    struct device *device;        /* This is the parent */
    struct device *dev;            /* This is this fb device */ ... char __iomem *screen_base;            /* 顯存虛擬地址 */ unsigned long screen_size;            /* 屏幕大小*每一個像素的字節數 */ 
    void *pseudo_palette;                /* Fake palette of 16 colors */ ... };




struct fb_var_screeninfo { __u32 xres; /* LCD物理分辨率 */ __u32 yres; __u32 xres_virtual; /* LCD虛擬分辨率 */ __u32 yres_virtual; __u32 xoffset; /* 虛擬和物理分辨率的偏移值 */ __u32 yoffset; __u32 bits_per_pixel; /* 每個像素佔多少bit */ __u32 grayscale; /* 灰度值,0 = color,1 = grayscale, */
                    /* >1 = FOURCC */
    struct fb_bitfield red;        /* bitfield in fb mem if true color, */
    struct fb_bitfield green;    /* else only length is significant */
    struct fb_bitfield blue; ... __u32 activate; /* see FB_ACTIVATE_* */ ... /* Timing指的是LCD上下的黑框的寬度等參數,通常不用設置 */ __u32 pixclock; /* pixel clock in ps (pico seconds) */ __u32 left_margin; /* time from sync to picture */ __u32 right_margin; /* time from picture to sync */ __u32 upper_margin; /* time from sync to picture */ __u32 lower_margin; __u32 hsync_len; /* length of horizontal sync */ __u32 vsync_len; /* length of vertical sync */ __u32 sync; /* see FB_SYNC_* */ __u32 vmode; /* see FB_VMODE_* */ __u32 rotate; /* angle we rotate counter clockwise */ __u32 colorspace; /* colorspace for FOURCC-based modes */ __u32 reserved[4];        /* Reserved for future compatibility */ };


1. bits_per_pixel是LCD邏輯中的BPP,通常有24BPP、16BPP和8BPP。BPP的數值越大,顯存所需空間越大,給處理器帶來的負擔也就越重;BPP的數值在8位如下時,所能表達的顏色又太少,不可以知足用戶特定的需求。爲解決這個問題,就須要採起調色板,也就是pseudo_palette。ui

2. fb_bitfield結構體用於設置紅色、綠色和藍色在BPP中的位置和長度。好比16BPP,格式爲565,則格式示例代碼以下:

fbinfo->var.red.offset        = 11; fbinfo->var.red.length        = 5; // fbinfo->var.red.msb_right = ; /* 1: 右邊爲高位 */
    fbinfo->var.green.offset    = 5; fbinfo->var.green.length    = 6; // fbinfo->var.green.msb_right = ;
    fbinfo->var.blue.offset        = 0; fbinfo->var.blue.length        = 5; // fbinfo->var.blue.msb_right = ;

3. FB_ACTIVATE宏定義以下:

#define FB_ACTIVATE_NOW        0    /* 當即設置值,通常選用此選項 */
#define FB_ACTIVATE_NXTOPEN    1    /* 下次打開時激活    */
#define FB_ACTIVATE_TEST    2    /* 不設置 */
#define FB_ACTIVATE_MASK       15
                    /* values */
#define FB_ACTIVATE_VBL           16    /* 在下一次設置值時激活  */
#define FB_CHANGE_CMAP_VBL     32    /* change colormap on vbl    */
#define FB_ACTIVATE_ALL           64    /* change all VCs on this fb    */
#define FB_ACTIVATE_FORCE     128    /* force apply even when no change*/
#define FB_ACTIVATE_INV_MODE  256       /* invalidate videomode */



struct fb_fix_screeninfo { char id[16];                 /* 屏幕名字,自行設置 */ unsigned long smem_start;    /* 屏幕緩存區物理地址 */ __u32 smem_len; /* 屏幕緩存區長度 */ __u32 type; /* see FB_TYPE_* */ __u32 type_aux; /* 輔助類型,通常設置爲0 */ __u32 visual; /* see FB_VISUAL_* */ __u16 xpanstep; /* zero if no hardware panning */ __u16 ypanstep; /* zero if no hardware panning */ __u16 ywrapstep; /* zero if no hardware ywrap */ __u32 line_length; /* 一行的字節數 */ unsigned long mmio_start;    /* 寄存器的起始物理地址,通常不須要設置 */ __u32 mmio_len; /* 寄存器的長度,通常不須要設置 */ __u32 accel; /* Indicate to driver which */
                    /* specific chip/card we have */ __u16 reserved[3];      /* Reserved for future compatibility */ };


#define FB_TYPE_PACKED_PIXELS        0    /* 像素填充,通常選用此選項    */
#define FB_TYPE_PLANES            1    /* 非交錯planes */
#define FB_TYPE_INTERLEAVED_PLANES    2    /* 交錯planes    */
#define FB_TYPE_TEXT            3    /*文本/屬性    */
#define FB_TYPE_VGA_PLANES        4    /* EGA/VGA planes    */


#define FB_VISUAL_MONO01        0    /* 二值圖像,只有黑白 1=Black 0=White */
#define FB_VISUAL_MONO10        1    /* 二值圖像,只有黑白 1=White 0=Black */
#define FB_VISUAL_TRUECOLOR        2    /* 真彩色,通常選用此選項    */
#define FB_VISUAL_PSEUDOCOLOR        3    /* Pseudo color (like atari) */
#define FB_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR        4    /* Direct color */
#define FB_VISUAL_STATIC_PSEUDOCOLOR    5    /* Pseudo color readonly */




 1 /* 代碼來源於drivers/video/samsung/s3cfb_ops.c */
 3 inline unsigned int __chan_to_field(unsigned int chan, struct fb_bitfield bf)  4 {  5     chan &= 0xffff;  6     chan >>= 16 - bf.length;  7 
 8     return chan << bf.offset;  9 } 10 
11 int s3cfb_setcolreg(unsigned int regno, unsigned int red, 12             unsigned int green, unsigned int blue, 13             unsigned int transp, struct fb_info *fb) 14 { 15     unsigned int *pal = (unsigned int *)fb->pseudo_palette; 16     unsigned int val = 0; 17 
18     if (regno < 16) { 19         /* fake palette of 16 colors */
20         val |= __chan_to_field(red, fb->var.red); 21         val |= __chan_to_field(green, fb->var.green); 22         val |= __chan_to_field(blue, fb->var.blue); 23         val |= __chan_to_field(transp, fb->var.transp); 24         pal[regno] = val; 25  } 26 
27     return 0; 28 }





struct fb_ops { /* open/release and usage marking */
    struct module *owner; int (*fb_open)(struct fb_info *info, int user); int (*fb_release)(struct fb_info *info, int user); /* For framebuffers with strange non linear layouts or that do not * work with normal memory mapped access */ ssize_t (*fb_read)(struct fb_info *info, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos); ssize_t (*fb_write)(struct fb_info *info, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos); /* checks var and eventually tweaks it to something supported, * DO NOT MODIFY PAR */
    int (*fb_check_var)(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info); /* set the video mode according to info->var */
    int (*fb_set_par)(struct fb_info *info); /* set color register */
    int (*fb_setcolreg)(unsigned regno, unsigned red, unsigned green, unsigned blue, unsigned transp, struct fb_info *info); /* set color registers in batch */
    int (*fb_setcmap)(struct fb_cmap *cmap, struct fb_info *info); /* blank display */
    int (*fb_blank)(int blank, struct fb_info *info); /* pan display */
    int (*fb_pan_display)(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info); /* Draws a rectangle */
    void (*fb_fillrect) (struct fb_info *info, const struct fb_fillrect *rect); /* Copy data from area to another */
    void (*fb_copyarea) (struct fb_info *info, const struct fb_copyarea *region); /* Draws a image to the display */
    void (*fb_imageblit) (struct fb_info *info, const struct fb_image *image); /* Draws cursor */
    int (*fb_cursor) (struct fb_info *info, struct fb_cursor *cursor); /* Rotates the display */
    void (*fb_rotate)(struct fb_info *info, int angle); /* wait for blit idle, optional */
    int (*fb_sync)(struct fb_info *info); /* perform fb specific ioctl (optional) */
    int (*fb_ioctl)(struct fb_info *info, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg); /* Handle 32bit compat ioctl (optional) */
    int (*fb_compat_ioctl)(struct fb_info *info, unsigned cmd, unsigned long arg); /* perform fb specific mmap */
    int (*fb_mmap)(struct fb_info *info, struct vm_area_struct *vma); /* get capability given var */
    void (*fb_get_caps)(struct fb_info *info, struct fb_blit_caps *caps, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var); /* teardown any resources to do with this framebuffer */
    void (*fb_destroy)(struct fb_info *info); /* called at KDB enter and leave time to prepare the console */
    int (*fb_debug_enter)(struct fb_info *info); int (*fb_debug_leave)(struct fb_info *info); };
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此結構體中函數咱們只須要根據實際狀況編寫部分函數便可。好比以前的調色板代碼應該設置爲fb_setcolreg函數指針:.fb_setcolreg = s3cfb_setcolreg,





1. 初始化framebuffer框架,這個在drivers/video/fbmem.c中實現

2. 註冊LCD設備,也就是註冊fb_info


3. 應用程序open(),調用fb_open()

4. 應用程序write()、mmap()等,調用fb_write()、fb_mmap()等

5. 應用程序close(),調用fb_release()


1. 初始化framebuffer框架

 1 static int __init  2 fbmem_init(void)  3 {  4     /* 1. 在proc文件系統中建立fb相關操做接口 */
 5     proc_create("fb", 0, NULL, &fb_proc_fops);  6 
 7     /* 2. 註冊fb字符驅動 */
 8     if (register_chrdev(FB_MAJOR,"fb",&fb_fops))  9         printk("unable to get major %d for fb devs\n", FB_MAJOR); 10 
11     /* 3. 建立graphics類 */
12     fb_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "graphics"); 13     if (IS_ERR(fb_class)) { 14         printk(KERN_WARNING "Unable to create fb class; errno = %ld\n", PTR_ERR(fb_class)); 15         fb_class = NULL; 16  } 17     return 0; 18 }




2. 註冊fb_info結構體

 1 int
 2 register_framebuffer(struct fb_info *fb_info)  3 {  4     int ret;  5 
 6     mutex_lock(&registration_lock);  7     ret = do_register_framebuffer(fb_info);  8     mutex_unlock(&registration_lock);  9 
10     return ret; 11 }


 1 static int do_register_framebuffer(struct fb_info *fb_info)  2 {  3 ...  4     /* 1. 判斷要註冊設備的顯存和已有設備的顯存是否衝突 */
 5     do_remove_conflicting_framebuffers(fb_info->apertures, fb_info->fix.id,  6  fb_is_primary_device(fb_info));  7 
 8     /* 2. FB_MAX = 32,最多支持32個LCD設備 */
 9     if (num_registered_fb == FB_MAX) 10         return -ENXIO; 11 
12 ... 13 
14     /* 3. 建立設備fb0/1/2... */
15     fb_info->dev = device_create(fb_class, fb_info->device, 16                      MKDEV(FB_MAJOR, i), NULL, "fb%d", i); 17 ... 18     
19     /* 4. 若驅動沒有實現fb_info中pixmap,內核使用默認參數 */
20     if (fb_info->pixmap.addr == NULL) { 21         fb_info->pixmap.addr = kmalloc(FBPIXMAPSIZE, GFP_KERNEL); 22         if (fb_info->pixmap.addr) { 23             fb_info->pixmap.size = FBPIXMAPSIZE; 24             fb_info->pixmap.buf_align = 1; 25             fb_info->pixmap.scan_align = 1; 26             fb_info->pixmap.access_align = 32; 27             fb_info->pixmap.flags = FB_PIXMAP_DEFAULT; 28  } 29  } 30     fb_info->pixmap.offset = 0; 31 
32 ... 33 
34     /* 5. 使用fbinfo中參數初始化mode */
35     fb_var_to_videomode(&mode, &fb_info->var); 36     fb_add_videomode(&mode, &fb_info->modelist); 37     registered_fb[i] = fb_info; 38 
39     event.info = fb_info; 40     if (!lock_fb_info(fb_info)) 41         return -ENODEV; 42     /* 6. 通知fb註冊成功 */
43     fb_notifier_call_chain(FB_EVENT_FB_REGISTERED, &event); 44  unlock_fb_info(fb_info); 45     return 0; 46 }


3. 應用程序open(),調用fb_open()函數


 1 static int fb_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)  2 __acquires(&info->lock)  3 __releases(&info->lock)  4 {  5     /* 1. 根據次設備號獲取fb_info */
 6     int fbidx = iminor(inode);  7     struct fb_info *info;  8     int res = 0;  9 
10     info = get_fb_info(fbidx); 11 
12 ... 13 
14     mutex_lock(&info->lock); 15     if (!try_module_get(info->fbops->owner)) { 16         res = -ENODEV; 17         goto out; 18  } 19     file->private_data = info; 20     
21     /* 2. 若驅動程序中定義了fb_open(),則優先調用 */
22     if (info->fbops->fb_open) { 23         res = info->fbops->fb_open(info,1); 24         if (res) 25             module_put(info->fbops->owner); 26  } 27 #ifdef CONFIG_FB_DEFERRED_IO 28     if (info->fbdefio) 29  fb_deferred_io_open(info, inode, file); 30 #endif
31 out: 32     mutex_unlock(&info->lock); 33     if (res) 34  put_fb_info(info); 35     return res; 36 }
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4. 應用程序write(),調用fb_write()函數


 1 static ssize_t fb_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)  2 {  3     unsigned long p = *ppos;    /* 偏移量 */
 4     struct fb_info *info = file_fb_info(file);  5     u8 *buffer, *src;  6     u8 __iomem *dst;  7     int c, cnt = 0, err = 0;  8     unsigned long total_size;  9 
10 ... 11 
12     /* 若驅動程序中定義了fb_write(),則優先調用 */
13     if (info->fbops->fb_write) 14         return info->fbops->fb_write(info, buf, count, ppos); 15     
16     total_size = info->screen_size; 17 
18     if (total_size == 0) 19         total_size = info->fix.smem_len; 20 
21     if (p > total_size) 22         return -EFBIG; 23 
24     if (count > total_size) { 25         err = -EFBIG; 26         count = total_size; 27  } 28 
29     if (count + p > total_size) { 30         if (!err) 31             err = -ENOSPC; 32 
33         count = total_size - p; 34  } 35 
36     buffer = kmalloc((count > PAGE_SIZE) ? PAGE_SIZE : count, 37  GFP_KERNEL); 38     if (!buffer) 39         return -ENOMEM; 40 
41     dst = (u8 __iomem *) (info->screen_base + p); 42 
43     /* 若驅動程序中定義了fb_sync(),則優先調用 */
44     if (info->fbops->fb_sync) 45         info->fbops->fb_sync(info); 46 
47     /* 使用copy_from_user()將數據從用戶空間拷貝到內核空間 */
48     while (count) { 49         c = (count > PAGE_SIZE) ? PAGE_SIZE : count; 50         src = buffer; 51 
52         if (copy_from_user(src, buf, c)) { 53             err = -EFAULT; 54             break; 55  } 56 
57  fb_memcpy_tofb(dst, src, c); 58         dst += c; 59         src += c; 60         *ppos += c; 61         buf += c; 62         cnt += c; 63         count -= c; 64  } 65 
66  kfree(buffer); 67 
68     return (cnt) ? cnt : err; 69 }
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內核使用struct task_struct來表示某個進程,該結構體包含一些進程狀態、調度信息等成員,並使用結構體鏈表來管理全部進程。咱們須要關注進程描述符中內存描述符:struct mm_struct。

struct mm_struct中struct vm_area_struct用來表示一個獨立的虛擬內存區域,該結構體包含映射地址、大小、結束地址等成員,並使用結構體鏈表來管理全部虛擬內存區域。



mmap()函數首先分配一個struct vm_area_struct放到進程的地址空間,以後實現文件地址和虛擬地址區域的映射關係。





 1 static int fb_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct * vma)  2 {  3     struct fb_info *info = file_fb_info(file);  4     struct fb_ops *fb;  5     unsigned long off;  6     unsigned long start;  7  u32 len;  8 
 9     if (!info) 10         return -ENODEV; 11     if (vma->vm_pgoff > (~0UL >> PAGE_SHIFT)) 12         return -EINVAL; 13     off = vma->vm_pgoff << PAGE_SHIFT; 14     fb = info->fbops; 15     if (!fb) 16         return -ENODEV; 17     mutex_lock(&info->mm_lock); 18     if (fb->fb_mmap) { 19         int res; 20         res = fb->fb_mmap(info, vma);    /* 若驅動程序中定義了fb_mmap(),則優先調用 */
21         mutex_unlock(&info->mm_lock); 22         return res; 23  } 24 
25     /* frame buffer memory */
26     start = info->fix.smem_start;                                    /* 顯存起始地址 */
27     len = PAGE_ALIGN((start & ~PAGE_MASK) + info->fix.smem_len);    /* 顯存大小*/
28     if (off >= len) { 29         /* memory mapped io */
30         off -= len; 31         if (info->var.accel_flags) { 32             mutex_unlock(&info->mm_lock); 33             return -EINVAL; 34  } 35         start = info->fix.mmio_start; 36         len = PAGE_ALIGN((start & ~PAGE_MASK) + info->fix.mmio_len); 37  } 38     mutex_unlock(&info->mm_lock); 39     start &= PAGE_MASK; 40     if ((vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start + off) > len) 41         return -EINVAL; 42     off += start; 43     vma->vm_pgoff = off >> PAGE_SHIFT; 44     /* This is an IO map - tell maydump to skip this VMA */
45     vma->vm_flags |= VM_IO | VM_RESERVED; 46     vma->vm_page_prot = vm_get_page_prot(vma->vm_flags); 47  fb_pgprotect(file, vma, off); 48     
49     /* 映射頁I/O,vma爲用戶分配的空間 */
50     if (io_remap_pfn_range(vma, vma->vm_start, off >> PAGE_SHIFT, 51                  vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start, vma->vm_page_prot)) 52         return -EAGAIN; 53     return 0; 54 }
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 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <stdlib.h>
 3 #include <fcntl.h>
 4 #include <unistd.h>
 5 #include <string.h>
 6 #include <sys/mman.h>
 8 /* Usage:  9  * ./a.out <fb0|fb1|fb2|...> 10  */
11 int main(int argc, char **argv) 12 { 13     if (argc != 2) { 14         printf("Usage:\n"); 15         printf("%s <fb0|fb1|fb2|...>\n", argv[0]); 16         return -1; 17  } 18     
19     char path[48] = "/dev/"; 20     strcat(path, argv[1]); 21     
22     int fd = open(path, O_RDWR); 23     if (fd < 0) 24         perror("open"), exit(-1); 25     
26     /* 1280*800*4 27  * 1280: xres,x方向分辨率 28  * 800:yres,y方向分辨率 29  * 4:個人內核中默認LCD爲24BPP,查手冊能夠肯定24BPP佔32位,也就是4字節 30      */
31     unsigned int *memory = (unsigned int *)mmap(NULL, 1280*800*4, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); 32     if (memory == (unsigned int *)-1) { 33  close(fd); 34         perror("mmap"); 35         exit(-1); 36  } 37     
38  close(fd); 39     
40     /* 把屏幕刷成藍色 */
41     int i; 42     for (i = 0; i < (1280*800); ++i) { 43         memory[i] = 0x000000ff; 44  } 45     
46     /* 寫回磁盤文件中 */
47     msync(memory, 1280*800*4, MS_SYNC); 48     
49     return 0; 50 }
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5. 應用程序close(),調用fb_release()


fb_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) if (info->fbops->fb_release) info->fbops->fb_release(info,1); -> put_fb_info(info); if (fb_info->fbops->fb_destroy) fb_info->fbops->fb_destroy(fb_info);



下一章  11、三星平臺framebuffer驅動
