00 前言web
01 基本SEO | Basic SEO微信
02 SEO優化補充 | Additional架構
03 標題可讀性 | Title Readabilityapp
04 內容可讀性 | Content Readabilityide
05 後記post
Photo by Merakist on Unsplash
00 前言
其中有着 Kudos! 這個單詞讚譽的兩條作到了,其餘的一個沒作到。真慘。spa
兩條分別是:一、URL的長度爲25個字符; 二、你在使用簡短的段落。
搬運了rank math SEO插件的SEO調優方法,如下英文翻譯全程使用谷歌翻譯、有道詞典。
01 基本SEO | Basic SEO
Focus Keyword does not appear in the SEO title. Make sure the focus keyword appears in the SEO post title too.
二、在您的SEO元描述中找不到焦點關鍵字。 確保focus關鍵字也出如今SEO描述中。
Focus Keyword not found in your SEO Meta Description. Make sure the focus keyword appears in the SEO description too.
三、在網址中找不到焦點關鍵字。 在本文的子句(永久連接)中包括focus關鍵字。
Focus Keyword not found in the URL. Include the focus keyword in the slug (permalink) of this post.
Use Focus Keyword at the beginning of your content. The first 10% of the content should contain the Focus Keyword preferably at the beginning.
Use Focus Keyword in the content. It is recommended to make the focus keyword appear in the post content too.
Your content is 68 words long. Consider using at least 600 words.
02 SEO優化補充 | Additional
七、URL的長度爲25個字符。 很棒!
十一、連接到外部資源。 它能夠幫助訪問者閱讀有關某個主題的更多信息,並防止pogosticking。
十二、添加指向外部資源的DoFollow連接。 PageRank雕刻再也不起做用。
1四、關鍵字密度爲0,「焦點關鍵字」及其組合出現0次。 沒有理想的關鍵字密度百分比,但不該過高。 最重要的是保持副本天然。
1五、在內容中添加內部連接。 內部連接會下降您的跳出率並提升SEO。
URL is 25 characters long. Kudos!
Use Focus Keyword in subheading(s) like H2, H3, H4, etc.. It is recommended to add the focus keyword as part of one or more subheadings in the content.
Add an image with your Focus Keyword as alt text. It is recommended to add the focus keyword in the alt attribute of one or more images.
Link out to external resources. It helps visitors read more about a topic and prevents pogosticking.
Add DoFollow links pointing to external resources. PageRank Sculpting no longer works. Your posts should have a mix of nofollow and DoFollow links.
Keyword Density is 0, the Focus Keyword and combination appears 0 times.
There is no ideal keyword density percentage, but it should not be too high. The most important thing is to keep the copy natural.
Add internal links in your content. Internal links decrease your bounce rate and improve SEO.
Set a Focus Keyword for this content.
03 標題可讀性 | Title Readability
Use the Focus Keyword near the beginning of SEO title. The SEO page title should contain the Focus Keyword preferably at the beginning.
Your SEO title doesn't contain a number.
04 內容可讀性 | Content Readability
You don't seem to be using a Table of Contents plugin. Table of Contents help break down content into smaller, digestible chunks. It makes reading easier which in turn results in better rankings.
Kudos! You are using short paragraphs.
You are not using rich media like images or videos.
05 後記
本文分享自微信公衆號 - 架構師之殤(ysistrue)。
若有侵權,請聯繫 support@oschina.cn 刪除。