You are given a doubly linked list which in addition to the next and previous pointers, it could have a child pointer, which may or may not point to a separate doubly linked list. These child lists may have one or more children of their own, and so on, to produce a multilevel data structure, as shown in the example below.html
Flatten the list so that all the nodes appear in a single-level, doubly linked list. You are given the head of the first level of the list.node
Input: 1---2---3---4---5---6--NULL | 7---8---9---10--NULL | 11--12--NULL Output: 1-2-3-7-8-11-12-9-10-4-5-6-NULL
Explanation for the above example:github
Given the following multilevel doubly linked list:app
We should return the following flattened doubly linked list:函數
這道題給了一個多層的雙向鏈表,讓咱們壓平成爲一層的雙向鏈表,題目中給了形象的圖例,不難理解題意。根據題目中給的例子,咱們能夠看出若是某個結點有下一層雙向鏈表,那麼下一層雙向鏈表中的結點就要先加入進去,若是下一層鏈表中某個結點還有下一層,那麼仍是優先加入下一層的結點,整個加入的機制是DFS的,就是有岔路先走岔路,走到沒路了後再返回,這就是深度優先遍歷的機制。好,那麼既然是DFS,確定優先考慮遞歸啦。方法有了,再來看具體怎麼遞歸。因爲給定的多層鏈表自己就是雙向的,因此咱們只須要把下一層的結點移到第一層便可,那麼沒有子結點的結點就保持原狀,不做處理。只有對於那些有子結點的,咱們須要作一些處理,因爲子結點連接的雙向鏈表要加到後面,因此當前結點以後要斷開,再斷開以前,咱們用變量 next 指向下一個鏈表,而後對子結點調用遞歸函數,咱們 suppose 返回的結點已經壓平了,那麼就只有一層,就至關於要把這一層的結點加到斷開的地方,因此須要知道這層的最後一個結點的位置,咱們用一個變量 last,來遍歷到壓平的這一層的末結點。如今就能夠開始連接了,首先把子結點鏈到 cur 的 next,而後把反向指針 prev 也鏈上。此時 cur 的子結點 child 能夠清空,而後壓平的這一層的末節點 last 鏈上以前保存的 next 結點,若是 next 非空,那麼鏈上反向結點 prev。這些操做完成後,咱們就已經將壓平的這一層完整的加入了以前層斷開的地方,繼續在以前層往下遍歷便可,參見代碼以下:spa
class Solution { public: Node* flatten(Node* head) { Node *cur = head; while (cur) { if (cur->child) { Node *next = cur->next; cur->child = flatten(cur->child); Node *last = cur->child; while (last->next) last = last->next; cur->next = cur->child; cur->next->prev = cur; cur->child = NULL; last->next = next; if (next) next->prev = last; } cur = cur->next; } return head; } };
class Solution { public: Node* flatten(Node* head) { Node *cur = head; while (cur) { if (cur->child) { Node *next = cur->next; Node *last = cur->child; while (last->next) last = last->next; cur->next = cur->child; cur->next->prev = cur; cur->child = NULL; last->next = next; if (next) next->prev = last; } cur = cur->next; } return head; } };
Github 同步地址:
Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List