1、subprocess以及經常使用的封裝函數, 鏈接文檔,Popen不用wait用communicate
subprocess包中定義有數個建立子進程的函數,這些函數分別以不一樣的方式建立子進程,因此咱們能夠根據須要來從中選取一個使用。另外subprocess還提供了一些管理標準流(standard stream)和管道(pipe)的工具,從而在進程間使用文本通訊。html
函數是在Python 3.5中添加的,若是在老版本中使用,須要下載並擴展。shell
pip install subprocess.run
subprocess.run(args, *, stdin=None, input=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=False, timeout=None, check=False,env=None)
實例。class subprocess.CompletedProcess表示從run()
完整的函數形式很大程度上與Popen構造函數相同 —— 除timeout、input和check以外,該函數的全部參數都傳遞給Popen接口。函數
>>> from subprocess import run >>> print run('uname -r') 3.7.0-7-generic >>> print run('uname -r').stdout 3.7.0-7-generic >>> run('uname -a').status 0 >>> print run('rm not_existing_directory').stderr rm: cannot remove `not_existing_directory': No such file or directory >>> print run('ls -la', 'wc -l') 14 >>> print run('ls -la', 'wc -l', 'wc -c') 3 >>> run('ls -la', 'wc -l', 'wc -c') ls -la | wc -l | wc -c >>> print run('ls -la').stdout.lines ['total 20', 'drwxrwxr-x 3 user user 4096 Dec 20 22:55 .', 'drwxrwxr-x 5 user user 4096 Dec 20 22:57 ..', 'drwxrwxr-x 2 user user 4096 Dec 20 22:37 dir', '-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 0 Dec 20 22:52 file']
只是執行一些指令的時候經過subprocess.run 便可。能夠指定stdout,stderr,cwd(代碼工做路徑),env(環境變量)orm
def get_path_env(kaldi=DIR.KALDI): # 在kaldi內部 注意添加環境變量 old_path = os.environ['PATH'] ivectorbin_dir = os.path.join(kaldi, 'src', 'ivectorbin') bin_dir = os.path.join(kaldi, 'src', 'bin') new_path = "{}:{}:{}".format(ivectorbin_dir, bin_dir, old_path) return {"PATH": new_path}
env = get_path_env() ,env = {'PATH':$PATH} 這種形式。
import subprocess child1 = subprocess.Popen(["cat","/etc/passwd"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) child2 = subprocess.Popen(["grep","0:0"],stdin=child1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out = child2.communicate()
def transform(xvector_scp_fp, test_scp_fp, test_ark_fp, sre16_major_dir=None, sre_combined_dir=None): """ Transform xvector from dimension of 600 to vecotr of dimension 150. The actual dimensions are decided by `transform.mat`. Params: `sre16_major_dir`: The official `xvectors_sre16_major` directory, which contains `mean.vec`; `sre_combined_dir`: The official `xvectors_sre_combined` directory, which contains `transform.mat`; `xvector_scp_fp`: scp file path for xvectors to be transformed; `test_scp_fp`: location of the destination file path NOTE: Here we generate scp file and ark file, instead of only ark file. The reason is to accommandate the case where a lot of xvectors are invloved. Since xvector scp file is created by default, we don't have to consider when there is not xvector scp file. """ sre16_major_dir = sre16_major_dir or path.join(DIR.CONSTDIR, 'xvectors_sre16_major') sre_combined_dir = sre_combined_dir or path.join(DIR.CONSTDIR, 'xvectors_sre_combined') env = get_path_env() # 執行路徑對應第69行,run_faiss.sh subtract_cmd = ['ivector-subtract-global-mean'] mean_vec_dir = path.join(sre16_major_dir, 'mean.vec') subtract_cmd.append(mean_vec_dir) subtract_cmd.append("scp:{}".format(xvector_scp_fp)) subtract_cmd.append("ark:-") p1 = subprocess.Popen(subtract_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) # p1.stdout trans_cmd = ['transform-vec'] trans_mat_fp = path.join(sre_combined_dir, 'transform.mat') trans_cmd.append(trans_mat_fp) trans_cmd.append("ark:-") trans_cmd.append("ark:-") p2 = subprocess.Popen(trans_cmd, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) norm_cmd = ['ivector-normalize-length'] norm_cmd.append('ark:-') dest = "ark,scp:{},{}".format(test_ark_fp, test_scp_fp) norm_cmd.append(dest) p3 = subprocess.Popen(norm_cmd, stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # wait for p3 to execute rv = p3.communicate()[0] if p3.returncode != 0: raise XvectorTransformationError(p3.stdout, p3.stderr)
p3.returncode != 0
rv.returncode != 0
class PldaScoreError(Exception): """plda score error""" def cmd_err(err_cls): # 添加報警錯誤,plda_scores_error def outer(fn): def inner(*args, **kwargs): rv = fn(*args, **kwargs) if rv.returncode != 0: err_msg = rv.stdout + rv.stderr # 報警錯誤信息顯示, if type(err_msg) is bytes: err_msg = err_msg.decode() print(err_msg) raise err_cls else: return rv return inner return outer @cmd_err(PldaScoreError) def score(enroll_ark_fp, test_ark_fp, trials_fp, score_fp, log_dir=None, sre16_major_dir=default_sre16, cwd=DIR.KALDIROOT): # 不須要 num_utts.ark 文件 """ Params: `sre16_major_dir`: the directory where `plda_adapt` locates `enroll_ark_fp`: enroll ark file path `test_ark_fp`: test ark file path `trials_fp`: trials file path `score_fp`: the file path for the generated score file """ log_dir = log_dir or (score_fp + ".log") cmd = ['utils/run.pl'] cmd.append(log_dir) cmd.append("ivector-plda-scoring") cmd.append("--normalize-length=true") plda_fp = path.join(sre16_major_dir, 'plda_adapt') plda_sub_cmd = "ivector-copy-plda --smoothing=0.0 {} - |".format(plda_fp) cmd.append(plda_sub_cmd) cmd.append("ark:{}".format(enroll_ark_fp)) cmd.append("ark:{}".format(test_ark_fp)) cmd.append(trials_fp) cmd.append(score_fp) env = get_path_env() return subprocess.run(cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # cwd 設定子進程當前工做目錄,env 用於指定子進程環境變量,env