In today's long-lived JavaScript apps it is essential to not introduce memory leaks within your custom components. Dojo Toolkit to the rescue: The dijit/Destroyable module addresses this problem and makes it really easy to track the various handles of an instance. Various components such as dojo/aspect, dojo/topic, dojo/on, dojo/Stateful and dojo/store/Observable return a handle which can be passed to dijit/Destroyable's own()
method. The application must then call destroy()
on the instance in order to release the handles.javascript
Here's an example demonstrating the tracking of some handles and how to have them removed at the end of the components lifecycle:html
+ source.html + mylib + app.js + ChildWidget.js + MainWidget.js + templates + MainWidget.html
This is the main widget which makes use of events, aspects, topics etc. It tracks all its handles by passing them to own()
define([ "dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "dijit/_TemplatedMixin", "dojo/aspect", "dojo/topic", "dojo/on", "dojo/Stateful", "dojo/store/Memory", "dojo/store/Observable", "./ChildWidget", "dojo/text!./templates/MainWidget.html" ], function ( declare, WidgetBase, TemplatedMixin, aspect, topic, on, Stateful, Memory, Observable, ChildWidget, template ) { return declare([WidgetBase, TemplatedMixin], { templateString: template, // constructor args timeout: null, leaky: false, postCreate: function () { this.setChildWidget(); this.setAspect(); this.setEvent(); this.setSubscription(); this.setStateful(); this.setObservable(); }, setChildWidget: function () { var widget = new ChildWidget({ timeout: this.timeout }); if(!this.leaky) { // register widget.destroy() to be called when this widget is destroyed this.own(widget); } }, setAspect: function () { var someObject = { someMethod: function () {} }, signal = aspect.after(someObject, 'someMethod', function () { console.warn('aspect.after'); }); if(!this.leaky) { // register signal.remove() to be called when this widget is destroyed this.own(signal); } // call someObject.someMethod() after this widget has been destroyed setTimeout(function() { someObject.someMethod(); }, this.timeout); }, setEvent: function () { var handle = on(this.clickableNode, 'click', function (ev) { console.warn('on'); }); if(!this.leaky) { // register handle.remove() to be called when this widget is destroyed this.own(handle); } }, setSubscription: function () { var subscription = topic.subscribe('some-topic', function (data) { console.warn('topic.subscribe'); }); if(!this.leaky) { // register subscription.remove() to be called when this widget is destroyed this.own(subscription); } // publish a topic after this widget has been destroyed setTimeout(function() { topic.publish('some-topic', {}); }, this.timeout); }, setStateful: function () { var stateful = new Stateful({ a: 'aaa' }), handle ='a', function (name, oldVal, newVal) { console.warn('Stateful'); }); if(!this.leaky) { // register handle.remove() to be called when this widget is destroyed (handle.unwatch() is deprecated) this.own(handle); } // modify a property after this widget has been destroyed setTimeout(function() { stateful.set('a', 'AAA'); }, this.timeout); }, setObservable: function () { var store = Observable(new Memory({ data: [{ id: 0, a: 'aaa' }] })), result = store.query(), observer = result.observe(function (item, removedIndex, insertedIndex) { console.warn('Observable'); }, true); if(!this.leaky) { // register observer.remove() to be called when this widget is destroyed (observer.cancel() is deprecated) this.own(observer); } // add an item after this widget has been destroyed setTimeout(function() { store.put({ id: 1, b: 'bbb' }); }, this.timeout); } }); });
A widget without DOM representation:bootstrap
define([ "dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/_WidgetBase" ], function ( declare, WidgetBase ) { return declare([WidgetBase], { timeoutId: null, // constructor args timeout: null, postCreate: function () { this.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { console.warn('child widget'); }, this.timeout); }, destroy: function () {//alert('destroy') this.inherited(arguments); clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); } }); });
The entry point into the application:app
define([ "./MainWidget", "dojo/domReady!" ], function (MainWidget) { var timeout = 3000, widget = new MainWidget({ timeout: timeout, leaky: false // this is just to demonstrate the behaviour of a leaky widget }, 'widget'); widget.startup(); setTimeout(function () { widget.destroy(true);'Widget is now destroyed while preserving the dom') }, timeout - 1000); // destroy widget one second before the various potentially leaky handles in the widget are executed });
... and finally the HTML page to bootstrap our application:dom
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Destroyable</title> <script> var dojoConfig = { async: true, cacheBust: 1, packages: [ { name: 'mylib', location: 'path/to/mylib' } // relative to dojo/dojo.js ] }; console.log('SOURCE'); </script> <script src="path/to/dojo/dojo.js"></script><!-- relative to this document --> <script> require(['mylib/app']); </script> </head> <body> <div class="document"> <div id="widget"></div> </div> </body> </html>