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大數據是什麼,做爲數據採集團隊 ,咱們很長的時間裏一直也在思考,什麼是大數據,大數據的前景和價值在哪裏。微信




  1. 什麼是大數據app

  2. 大數據的實踐electron

  3. 大數據的應用場景ide





造數 - 最好用的雲爬蟲工具 進擊的爬蟲工具!post















移步ted:Kenneth Cukier:   Big data is better data

America's favorite pie is?
Audience: Apple. Kenneth 
Cukier: Apple. Of course it is. How do we know it? Because of data. You look at supermarket sales. You look at supermarket sales of 30-centimeter pies that are frozen, and apple wins, no contest. The majority of the sales are apple. But then supermarkets started selling smaller, 11-centimeter pies, and suddenly, apple fell to fourth or fifth place. Why? What happened? Okay, think about it. When you buy a 30-centimeter pie, the whole family has to agree, and apple is everyone's second favorite. (Laughter) But when you buy an individual 11-centimeter pie, you can buy the one that you want. You can get your first choice.  You have more data. You can see something that you couldn't see when you only had smaller amounts of it.



















Joel Selanikio:Transcript of "The big-data revolution in healthcare"

There's a concept that people talk about nowadays called "big data." And what they're talking about is all of the information that we're generating through our interaction with and over the Internet, everything from Facebook and Twitter to music downloads, movies, streaming, all this kind of stuff, the live streaming of TED. And the folks who work with big data, for them, they talk about that their biggest problem is we have so much information.  The biggest problem is: how do we organize all that information?


如今人人都說大數據,但其實你們說的是 facebook,twitter,streaming 等等站點上天天產生的信息,作大數據的人呢,會以爲咱們有的數據量實在太大了。



I can tell you that, working in global health, that is not our biggest problem. Because for us, even though the light is better on the Internet,  the data that would help us solve the problems we're trying to solve is not actually present on the Internet. So we don't know, for example, how many people right now are being affected by disasters or by conflict situations. We don't know for, really, basically, any of the clinicsin the developing world, which ones have medicines and which ones don't. We have no idea of what the supply chain is for those clinics. We don't know -- and this is really amazing to me -- we don't know how many children were born -- or how many children there are -- in Bolivia or Botswana or Bhutan. We don't know how many kids died last week in any of those countries. We don't know the needs of the elderly, the mentally ill. For all of these different critically important problems or critically important areas that we want to solve problems in, we basically know nothing at all.







最近看到個例子,說pokemon go 帶給玩家運動量上的變化:





六個月之後,大部分pokemon go 的玩家的運動量逐漸和 non-player基本一致了。









Susan Etlinger: What do we do with all this big data?

Now, there's a group of data scientists out of the University of Illinois-Chicago, and they're called the Health Media Collaboratory, and they've been working with the Centers for Disease Control to better understand how people talk about quitting smoking, how they talk about electronic cigarettes, and what they can do collectively to help them quit. The interesting thing is, if you want to understand how people talk about smoking, first you have to understand what they mean when they say "smoking." And on Twitter, there are four main categories: number one, smoking cigarettes; number two, smoking marijuana;number  three, smoking ribs; and number four, smoking hot women.








  1. 供應鏈和渠道分析&優化

  2. 訂價分析與優化

  3. 欺詐行爲分析&檢測

  4. 設備管理

  5. 社交媒體分析&客戶分析







