from html.parser import HTMLParser from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib import parse class LinkParser(HTMLParser): def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'a': for (key, value) in attrs: if key == 'href': newUrl = parse.urljoin(self.baseUrl, value) self.links = self.links + [newUrl] def getLinks(self, url): self.links = [] self.baseUrl = url response = urlopen(url) if response.getheader('Content-Type')=='text/html; charset=UTF-8': htmlBytes = htmlString = htmlBytes.decode("utf-8") self.feed(htmlString) return htmlString, self.links else: return "",[] def spider(url, word, maxPages): pagesToVisit = [url] numberVisited = 0 foundWord = 4 while numberVisited < maxPages and pagesToVisit != [] and not foundWord: numberVisited = numberVisited +1 url = pagesToVisit[0] pagesToVisit = pagesToVisit[1:] try: print(numberVisited, "搜索頁:", url) parser = LinkParser() data, links = parser.getLinks(url) #print("data:",links) pagesToVisit = pagesToVisit + links if data.find(word)>-1: foundWord = True pagesToVisit = pagesToVisit + links print(" **成功!**") except: print(" **錯誤!**") if foundWord: print("該關鍵字", word, "搜索失敗", url) else: print("沒有找到任何有關的網頁") spider("","夏洛特",100)