Material Theme 主題設置javascript
// Other available theme options: // 其餘可用的主題選項: "material_theme_small_tab" : true , // Set Set small tabs (標題高度緊縮) "material_theme_disable_fileicons" : true , // Hide siderbar file type icons (隱藏siderBar的文件類型Icon) "material_theme_disable_folder_animation" : true , // Disable folder animation ( stop siderBar 文件夾動畫效果) "material_theme_small_statusbar" : true , // Set small status bar (設置左下角狀態欄) "material_theme_compact_sidebar" : true , // Set compact side bar (sideBar緊縮) "material_theme_disable_tree_indicator" : true , // Disable sidebar file indicator (禁用sideBar文件指針) "material_theme_bold_tab" : true , // Make the tab labels bolder (標題字體加粗) "material_theme_tabs_separator" : true , // Show tabs separator, this disable tab animation hover (禁止Title動畫、添加分割符) /* changes提示顏色 */ "material_theme_accent_lime" : true , // set green lime accent color (酸橙色、綠黃色) "material_theme_accent_purple" : true , // set purple accent color (紫色) "material_theme_accent_red" : true , // set pale red accent color(紅色) "material_theme_accent_orange" : true , // set orange accent color (橙色) "material_theme_accent_yellow" : true , // set yellow accent color (黃色) "material_theme_accent_indigo" : true , // set indigo accent color (靛藍色) "material_theme_panel_separator" : true , // show bottom panel separator (顯示分離器底部面板) "material_theme_tabs_autowidth" : true , // Enable autowidth for tabs (啓用autowidth標籤) "material_theme_contrast_mode" : true , // Enable sidebar and panels contrast mode (slideBar 和 main背景對比度) "material_theme_tree_headings" : true , // Show siderbar headings(顯示siderbar標題) // Recommended UI and font settings for a better experience: // Material Theme 推薦的UI和字體設置 { "overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled", //(水平垂直滾動條:system和disabled爲默認顯示方式,enabled爲自動隱藏顯示) "line_padding_top": 3, //(設置每一行到頂部的距離PX) "line_padding_bottom": 3, //(設置每一行到底部的距離PX) "always_show_minimap_viewport": true, //(老是顯示迷你地圖窗口) "bold_folder_labels": true, //(slideBar文件夾加粗) "indent_guide_options": [ "draw_normal", "draw_active" ], // Highlight active indent(製表位的對齊白線,draw_normal爲一直顯示,draw_active爲只顯示當前光標所在的代碼控制域) "font_options": [ "gray_antialias" ], // For retina Mac(視網膜Mac) }
Theme - Soda 主題地址
Theme - Soda 官網
Theme 語法高亮的配色方案 - 下載css
"theme": "Soda Light 3.sublime-theme", "theme": "Soda Dark 3.sublime-theme", // 配色方案( 打開Sublime Text 3 -> Packages -> User 把下載的文件複製進去 ) 在Preferences -> Color Scheme -> User這裏設置一下對應的color theme就能夠了 "color_scheme": "Packages/User/Monokai Soda.tmTheme", "color_scheme": "Packages/User/Espresso Soda.tmTheme", "soda_folder_icons": true //(Icons設置爲文件夾style、側邊欄文件夾圖標、默認箭頭) "soda_classic_tabs": true // set弧形標籤的風格、默認是顯示方形標籤風格
colorsublime 自定義主體顏色(Ctrl + Shift + P -> Colorsublime: Install Theme)
// 主題設置 "theme": "Material-Theme.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme.tmTheme", "material_theme_small_tab": true, "material_theme_small_statusbar": true, "material_theme_compact_sidebar": true, "material_theme_bold_tab": true, "material_theme_tabs_separator": true, "material_theme_accent_yellow": true, // 光標 "caret_extra_width": 2, "caret_style": "phase", "caret_extra_bottom": 3, "caret_extra_top": 3, // 基礎設置 "draw_minimap_border": true,// 預覽窗口添加邊框 "save_on_focus_lost": true,// 失焦當即保存 "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,// 自動移除行尾多餘空格 "ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true,// 文件末尾自動保留一個空行 "highlight_line": true,// 當前行高亮 "highlight_modified_tabs": true,// 高亮未保存文件 "ignored_packages": ["Vintage"],// 忽略VIM的支持\去掉Vinage開啓vim模式 "show_encoding": true,// 窗口右下角顯示打開文件的編碼 "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,// 代碼 tab 對齊轉換爲空格對齊 "word_wrap": true,// 自動換行 "tab_size": 2,// Tab鍵製表符寬度 "default_line_ending": "unix",// 使用 unix 風格的換行符。 "overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled",// 滾動條自動隱藏顯示 "bold_folder_labels": true,// 側邊欄文件夾顯示加粗 "fade_fold_buttons": false,// 顯示行號右側的代碼段閉合展開三角號 // AutoFileName "auto_complete_triggers": [ { "characters": "<", "selector": "text.html" }, { "characters": "/", "selector": "string.quoted.double.html,string.quoted.single.html, source.css" } ] // With this, there's no need to worry about pressing ctrl+space, autocompletion with appear upon pressing /.
javascript 格式化
HTML拼接js插入字符串、ctrl/cmd + space + P 打開控制面板,選擇 Quote HTML
AutoFileName 自動補全路徑
Clipboard Manager 加強型剪貼板,可訪問歷史剪貼板記錄
HTML-CSS-JS Prettify 格式化(Ctrl + Shift + H) 兩格式化插件功能相互補充
BufferScroll 代碼摺疊狀態保留
PackageResourceViewer 插件修改必備,ctrl+shift+p 調用 Open Resource
AutoPrefixer 瀏覽器私有屬性前綴補全
LiveStyle 雙向更改無刷新實時預覽(艾米特、中文翻譯過來挺有意思的)
TrailingSpaces,多餘空格標記,強迫症患者福音( "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,// 自動移除行尾多餘空格 )
colorsublime 自定義主體顏色(Ctrl + Shift + P -> Colorsublime: Install Theme)java
"use strict"在jshint報錯
DocBlockr 開頭註釋
SublimeCodeIntel 參數配置( Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeCodeIntel->Setting Default )git
"codeintel_selected_catalogs": [ "HTML5", "HTML", "JavaScript" ],
Alignment 參數配置github
{ // If the indent level of a multi-line selection should be aligned "align_indent": true, // true : 一、選中多行;二、縮進(若選中行不對其的話);三、自動對齊(根據 alignment_chars) // false : 只是對齊、不改變縮進方式 // If indentation is done via tabs, set this to true to also align // mid-line characters via tabs. This may cause alignment issues when // viewing the file in an editor with different tab width settings. This // will also cause multi-character operators to be left-aligned to the // first character in the operator instead of the character from the // "alignment_chars" setting. "mid_line_tabs": false, // true : 若文本的縮進方式爲Tab縮進排版、則插件在對齊排版的時候也是用Tab方式(Sublime的Tab縮進爲4個空格) // false : 默認(空格) // The mid-line characters to align in a multi-line selection, changing // this to an empty array will disable mid-line alignment "alignment_chars": ["=",":"], // 對齊字符、設置依據什麼對齊 默認只對齊」=」 // If the following character is matched for alignment, insert a space // before it in the final alignment "alignment_space_chars": ["=",":"], // 是"alignment_chars"的超級、若這裏包含上面那些字符 則對齊後 = 號前面會加一個空格 反之 則沒有 // The characters to align along with "alignment_chars" // For instance if the = is to be aligned, there are a number of // symbols that can be combined with the = to make an operator, and all // of those must be kept next to the = for the operator to be parsed "alignment_prefix_chars": [ "+", "-", "&", "|", "<", ">", "!", "~", "%", "/", "*", "." ] } // 對齊快捷鍵與QQ截圖衝突 // 打開 Preferences=>Package Settings=>Alignment=>Key Bindding - User而後寫入 // [{ "keys": ["super+ctrl+s"], "command": "alignment" }] // Mac // [{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+s"], "command": "alignment" }] // Win
SideBarEnhancements 參數設置
// 點擊菜單欄的preferences->package setting->side bar->Key Building-Userweb
//Chrome { "keys": ["f1"], "command": "side_bar_files_open_with", "args": { "paths": [], "application": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe", "extensions":".*" //匹配任何文件類型 } }, //Firefox { "keys": ["f2"], "command": "side_bar_files_open_with", "args": { "paths": [], "application": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe", "extensions":".*" } }, //iexplore { "keys": ["f3"], "command": "side_bar_files_open_with", "args": { "paths": [], "application": "C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe", "extensions":".*" } },
Brackethighlighter 標籤對標記
// 打開Preferences -> package settings -> Bracket Highlighter -> Bracket Settings – User 添加以下代碼: { "bracket_styles": { "default": { "icon": "dot", // "color": "entity.name.class", "color": "brackethighlighter.default", "style": "highlight" }, "unmatched": { "icon": "question", "color": "brackethighlighter.unmatched", "style": "highlight" }, "curly": { "icon": "curly_bracket", "color": "brackethighlighter.curly", "style": "highlight" }, "round": { "icon": "round_bracket", "color": "brackethighlighter.round", "style": "highlight" }, "square": { "icon": "square_bracket", "color": "brackethighlighter.square", "style": "highlight" }, "angle": { "icon": "angle_bracket", "color": "brackethighlighter.angle", "style": "highlight" }, "tag": { "icon": "tag", "color": "brackethighlighter.tag", "style": "highlight" }, "single_quote": { "icon": "single_quote", "color": "brackethighlighter.quote", "style": "highlight" }, "double_quote": { "icon": "double_quote", "color": "brackethighlighter.quote", "style": "highlight" }, "regex": { "icon": "regex", "color": "brackethighlighter.quote", "style": "outline" } } }
FileHeader 文件模板 可自動更新修改時間json
// New File Ctrl + Alt + N 新建文檔 // Add Header Ctrl + Alt + A // 新建文件夾? { "Default": { "author":"ntscshen", "last_modified_by":"ntscshen", "email": "ntscshen@gmail.com" }, }
DocBlockr 代碼註釋補全工具
{ "jsdocs_extra_tags":["@Author ntscshen","@Email ntscshen@gmail.com","@DateTime {{datetime}}"] }
("a\tTag", "a href=\"javascript:;\">$0</a>"), ("iframe\tTag", "iframe src=\"$1\">$0</iframe>"), ("link\tTag", "link href=\"$1\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />"), ("script\tTag", "script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$1\">$0</script>"), ("style\tTag", "style type=\"${1:text/css}\">$0</style>"), ("img\tTag", "img src=\"$1\" alt=\"$2\" />"), ("param\tTag", "param name=\"$1\" value=\"$2\">")
[ //Copy Path { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+c"], "command": "copy_path" }, //js_format { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+f"], "command": "js_format", "context": [{"key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.javascript"}] }, //set autoprefixer { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+x"],"command":"autoprefixer" }, //code提示 // { "keys": ["alt+space"], "command": "auto_complete" }, { "keys": ["alt+space"], "command": "auto_complete" }, { "keys": ["alt+space"], "command": "replace_completion_with_auto_complete", "context": [ { "key": "last_command", "operator": "equal", "operand": "insert_best_completion" }, { "key": "auto_complete_visible", "operator": "equal", "operand": false }, { "key": "setting.tab_completion", "operator": "equal", "operand": true } ] }, //多文本粘貼 { "keys": ["ctrl+c"], "command": "clipboard_manager_copy" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+x"], "command": "clipboard_manager_cut" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+v"], "command": "paste_and_indent" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+v"], "command": "clipboard_manager_choose_and_paste" }, // 代碼補全 {"keys": ["alt+d"], "command": "code_intel_auto_complete" }, // Quote HTML快捷鍵修改 { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+'"], "command": "quote_html", "args": {"action": "single"} }, //Chrome { "keys": ["f1"], "command": "side_bar_files_open_with", "args": { "paths": [], "application": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe", "extensions":".*" //匹配任何文件類型 } }, //Firefox { "keys": ["f2"], "command": "side_bar_files_open_with", "args": { "paths": [], "application": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe", "extensions":".*" } }, //iexplore { "keys": ["f3"], "command": "side_bar_files_open_with", "args": { "paths": [], "application": "C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe", "extensions":".*" } }, ]
//經常使用類 Ctrl + D ( 選擇單詞 ) 最經常使用的沒有之一 Ctrl + Enter ( 換行 ) 舉個栗子:即便光標不在行尾,也能快速向下插入一行。 Ctrl + K + B ( 切換側邊欄 ) Ctrl + / ( 註釋當前行 ) Ctrl + Shift + / ( 註釋多行 ) --- com + option + / Ctrl + L ( 選擇行 ) 最經常使用的是Ctrl + L + delete 雖然有Ctrl + x Ctrl + Shift + ↑↓ 替換行 Ctrl + ← 以單詞爲間隔 光標向左移動 --- com + ← Ctrl + → 以單詞爲間隔 光標向右移動 --- com + → Home ( 光標跳轉當前行最前 ) --- com + ← End ( 光標跳轉當前行最前 ) --- com + → Tab ( 縮進 ) == Alt + [ == com + [ Shift + tab ( 左縮進 ) == Alt + ] == com + ] Alt+Shift+2 ( 左右分屏 ) Ctrl + M 快速在起始括號和結尾括號之間切換 --- con + m Ctrl + shift + M 快速選中括號間的內容 --- con + shift + m Ctrl + Alt + n ( 快速建立文件並添加到當前文件parent內 ) --- File Header插件提供 --- 不裝插件只能新建保存等一堆麻煩的操做 以下↓ Ctrl + n + Ctrl + s 輸入文件名( 記得加後綴、否則須要Ctrl + Shift + P 搜索html或者其餘格式進行切換。選擇: Set Syntax: HTML ) SideBarEnhancements側邊欄加強插件 : 設置F1 F2 F3默認打開不一樣瀏覽器 --> 跳轉 快捷鍵映射( 映射地址application爲軟件安裝地址 ) 快速建立桌面文件夾( Win: Ctrl + Shift + n ) 桌面文件夾重命名快捷鍵( Win: F2; Mac: enter ) 或zsh mkdir fileName --> mv oldFileName newFileName ** Atom建立文件 ** command + \ 切換側邊欄( 默認是選擇當前文件 ) 上下箭頭切換到當前文件 按鍵盤a ( 輸入文件名和後綴 ) --- 就這麼簡單 建立文件夾 shift + a --- 就這麼簡單 //公式 Ctrl + Shift + y (公式計算) Ctrl + ↕、Alt + ↕ (數字加減) Ctrl + Shift + F (查找並替換) //選擇類 Ctrl + Shift + M (選中當前括號內容,重複可選着括號自己) Ctrl + M (跳轉括號位置) Ctrl + ↔ (快速移動光標) Ctrl + K + 2 (摺疊all代碼) Ctrl + k + J (展開all代碼) //編輯類 Ctrl + J (合併選中多行代碼爲一行、配合Ctrl+Shift+M使用) Ctrl + Shift + D (複製光標所在行、插入下一行) Ctrl + K + K (從光標處刪除至代碼結尾) Ctrl + Shift + K Shift + Delete (刪除整行) Ctrl + Insert (複製一行到粘貼板) Ctrl + Shift + D (複製一行) Ctrl + K + U (轉換大寫) Ctrl + K + L (轉換小寫) Ctrl + T (左右字母互換) //搜索類 Ctrl + F 打開底部搜索框,查找關鍵字 Ctrl + P 打開搜索框、快速搜索文件 Ctrl + G(:) 數字跳轉 Ctrl + R(@) 跳轉函數名 Ctrl + :(#) 查找變量名、屬性名 //顯示類 Ctrl + PageDown 切換到當前文件頭部 Ctrl + PageUp 切換到當前文件尾部 Ctrl + 1 切換到第一屏