#!/usr/local/bin/ruby # date: 06-12-2014 # auther: lucifer # use fsync and lock to the file-system before backup the file-system # mongo-ruby-driver version > 1.10.0 require 'mongo' require 'fileutils' require 'date' include Mongo include BSON # the members of replcation-set # test mongodb server version 2.6.0 # host = "" # The port of members # If the port is 27017 by default then otherport don't need to assignment # otherport = "" # port = otherport.length != 0 ? otherport : MongoClient::DEFAULT_PORT # opts = {:pool_size => 5, :pool_timeout => 10} # Create a new connection # client = MongoClient.new(host, port, opts) uri_string = "mongodb://caoqing:xxxxxxxx@x.x.x.x:27017/admin" client = MongoClient.from_uri(uri = "#{uri_string}") db = client['admin'] # fsync and lock the database cmd = OrderedHash.new cmd[:fsync] = 1 cmd[:lock] = true # p cmd db.command(cmd) # datafile path d = "/var/lib/mongo" # dir = Dir.new("#{d}") # entries = dir.entries # entries.delete_if { |entry| entry =~ /^\./} # convert the relative path to the full path # entries.map! { |entry| File.join(dir.path, entry) } # maintain only the type of file # entries.delete_if { |entry| !File.file?(entry) } # p entries start = Date.today.to_s prev = (Date.today - 7).to_s dest = "/backup/#{start}" sour = "/backup/#{prev}" FileUtils.rm_rf("#{sour}") if File::exist?("#{sour}") Dir.mkdir("#{dest}", 0755) unless File::exist?("#{dest}") FileUtils.cp_r Dir.glob("#{d}/**"), dest if client.locked? puts "*" * 20 puts "\tbackup complete" puts "*" * 20 # DB::SYSTEM_COMMAND_COLLECTION # unlock the database db["$cmd.sys.unlock"].find_one client.close