nodejs 前端工具總結



var HTMLHint  = require("htmlhint").HTMLHint;
var messages = HTMLHint.verify(code, options);


    'tagname-lowercase': true,
    'attr-lowercase': true,
    'attr-value-double-quotes': true,
    'doctype-first': true,
    'tag-pair': true,
    'spec-char-escape': true,
    'id-unique': true


    type: 'error',
    message: 'Id redefinition of [ row ].',
    raw: ' id="row"',
    evidence: '<div id="row" class="clearfix">',
    line: 114,
    col: 5,
        id: 'id-unique',
        description: 'Id must be unique.',
        link: ''



var csslint = require('csslint').CSSLint;
var result = csslint.verify(code, rules);




        [{ type: 'warning',
            line: 1,
            col: 1,
            message: 'The universal selector (*) is known to be slow.',
            evidence: '*{}',
            rule: [Object]
    stats: [ floats: 0, 'font-sizes': 0, important: 0, 'rule-count': 1 ],
    ruleset: {}



var jslint = require('jslint');
var result = jslint(code);
var data =;


anon :true  //匿名函數聲明中function關鍵字與()之間的空白能夠被省略
bitwise : true  //容許按位運算
browser : true  //瀏覽器(標準)是預約義的全局
cap : true  //容許大寫的HTML
continue : true  //容忍continuation語句
css : true  //容許檢查CSS
debug : true  //容許debuger語句
devel : true  //容許控制檯語句console、alert語句
eqeq : true  //容許==和!=運算符
es5 : true  //容許ECMAScript 5 的語法
evil : true  //容許使用eval
forin : true  //for in聲明的中的key不須要使用hasOwnProperty過濾
fragment : true  //容許檢查HTML片斷
indent : 空白縮進的數量,默認建議4個空格
maxerr :  容許作大的錯誤數,默認是50
maxlen : 容許單行的最大長度
newcap : true  //構造函數的首字母大小寫能夠被忽略
node : true  //node.js是預約義的全局
nomen : true  //容許標識符以_開頭
on : true  //容許在HTML使用相似onclick這樣的事件處理
passfail : true  //應該在掃描到第一個錯誤時中止
plusplus : true  //容許++遞增 或 --遞減
properties : true  //因爲 JavaScript 是鬆散類型、動態對象的語言,在編譯時不可能肯定,若是但願檢查屬性名稱拼寫,全部內置的屬性名稱必須寫在 /*properties*/中
regexp : true  //容許正則表達式文本中含有.
rhino : true  //假設是在rhino環境中
undef : true  //變量的定義順序能夠是混亂的,好比var a =, b = {name: "b"};
unparam : true  //容許忽略未使用的參數
sloppy : true  //'use strict'標註是可選的
sub : true  //容忍全部的下標表示法,若是屬性名是一個合法的標識符,建議用.表示法
vars : true  //容許每一個函數有多個var聲明
white : true  //容忍多餘的空白
widget : true  //假設是在Yahoo Widgets環境中
windows : true  //MS Windows的特定全局應該是預約義的


    errors: [
            { id: '(error)',
              raw: 'Unexpected dangling \'_\' in \'{a}\'.',
              evidence: '    environment.bind("touchstart", _onTouchStart);
              line: 25,
              character: 36,
              a: '_onTouchStart',
              b: undefined,
              c: undefined,
              d: undefined,
              reason: 'Unexpected dangling \'_\' in \'_onTouchStart\'.' },



var JSHINT = require("jshint").JSHINT;
var result = jshint(js);


asi         : true, // if automatic semicolon insertion should be tolerated
bitwise     : true, // if bitwise operators should not be allowed
boss        : true, // if advanced usage of assignments should be allowed
browser     : true, // if the standard browser globals should be predefined
camelcase   : true, // if identifiers should be required in camel case
couch       : true, // if CouchDB globals should be predefined
curly       : true, // if curly braces around all blocks should be required
debug       : true, // if debugger statements should be allowed
devel       : true, // if logging globals should be predefined (console, alert, etc.)
dojo        : true, // if Dojo Toolkit globals should be predefined
eqeqeq      : true, // if === should be required
eqnull      : true, // if == null comparisons should be tolerated
es5         : true, // if ES5 syntax should be allowed
esnext      : true, // if specific syntax should be allowed
evil        : true, // if eval should be allowed
expr        : true, // if ExpressionStatement should be allowed as Programs
forin       : true, // if for in statements must filter
funcscope   : true, // if only function scope should be used for scope tests
gcl         : true, // if JSHint should be compatible with Google Closure Linter
globalstrict: true, // if global "use strict"; should be allowed (also enables 'strict')
immed       : true, // if immediate invocations must be wrapped in parens
iterator    : true, // if the `__iterator__` property should be allowed
jquery      : true, // if jQuery globals should be predefined
lastsemic   : true, // if semicolons may be ommitted for the trailing
                    // statements inside of a one-line blocks.
latedef     : true, // if the use before definition should not be tolerated
laxbreak    : true, // if line breaks should not be checked
laxcomma    : true, // if line breaks should not be checked around commas
loopfunc    : true, // if functions should be allowed to be defined within
                    // loops
mootools    : true, // if MooTools globals should be predefined
multistr    : true, // allow multiline strings
newcap      : true, // if constructor names must be capitalized
noarg       : true, // if arguments.caller and arguments.callee should be
                    // disallowed
node        : true, // if the Node.js environment globals should be
                    // predefined
noempty     : true, // if empty blocks should be disallowed
nonew       : true, // if using `new` for side-effects should be disallowed
nonstandard : true, // if non-standard (but widely adopted) globals should
                    // be predefined
nomen       : true, // if names should be checked
onevar      : true, // if only one var statement per function should be
                    // allowed
passfail    : true, // if the scan should stop on first error
phantom     : true, // if PhantomJS symbols should be allowed
plusplus    : true, // if increment/decrement should not be allowed
proto       : true, // if the `__proto__` property should be allowed
prototypejs : true, // if Prototype and Scriptaculous globals should be
                    // predefined
rhino       : true, // if the Rhino environment globals should be predefined
undef       : true, // if variables should be declared before used
scripturl   : true, // if script-targeted URLs should be tolerated
shadow      : true, // if variable shadowing should be tolerated
smarttabs   : true, // if smarttabs should be tolerated
                    // (
strict      : true, // require the "use strict"; pragma
sub         : true, // if all forms of subscript notation are tolerated
supernew    : true, // if `new function () { ... };` and `new Object;`
                    // should be tolerated
trailing    : true, // if trailing whitespace rules apply
validthis   : true, // if 'this' inside a non-constructor function is valid.
                    // This is a function scoped option only.
withstmt    : true, // if with statements should be allowed
white       : true, // if strict whitespace rules apply
worker      : true, // if Web Worker script symbols should be allowed
wsh         : true, // if the Windows Scripting Host environment globals
                    // should be predefined
yui         : true, // YUI variables should be predefined

// Obsolete options
onecase     : true, // if one case switch statements should be allowed
regexp      : true, // if the . should not be allowed in regexp literals
regexdash   : true  // if unescaped first/last dash (-) inside brackets
                    // should be tolerated
// These are the JSHint options that can take any value
// (we use this object to detect invalid options)
maxlen       : false,
indent       : false,
maxerr       : false,
predef       : false,
quotmark     : false, //'single'|'double'|true
scope        : false,
maxstatements: false, // {int} max statements per function
maxdepth     : false, // {int} max nested block depth per function
maxparams    : false, // {int} max params per function
maxcomplexity: false, // {int} max cyclomatic complexity per function
unused       : true  // warn if variables are unused. Available options:
                     //   false    - don't check for unused variables
                     //   true     - "vars" + check last function param
                     //   "vars"   - skip checking unused function params
                     //   "strict" - "vars" + check all function params


    errors: [
            { id: '(error)',
              raw: 'Unexpected dangling \'_\' in \'{a}\'.',
              evidence: '    environment.bind("touchstart", _onTouchStart);
              line: 25,
              character: 36,
              a: '_onTouchStart',
              b: undefined,
              c: undefined,
              d: undefined,
              reason: 'Unexpected dangling \'_\' in \'_onTouchStart\'.' },