在Ionic官網找到的學習資源:http://blog.ionic.io/learning-ionic-in-your-living-room/ javascript
PS:嫌麻煩的能夠直接在這裏找:http://thompsonemerson.github.io/ionic-collection/ html
Controllers in Ionic/Angularangularjs
Make HTTP Requests In Android And iOS With Ionic Frameworkgithub
How To Handle User Authentication With AngularJS Inside Your Ionic App
How To Handle User Authentication With AngularJS Inside Your Ionic App
User Authentication with Ionic and Parse, Part 1: Email Login
Create a Password Management App Using Ionic Framework and Firebase
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Ionic – Using Android x86 Virtual Machine Instead of Emulator
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How to Minify an Ionic Application using Gulp and Cordova Hooks
Add ‘Rate my App’ in your ionic app to increase the number of ratings in the app store
Creating a Realtime Image Sharing App With Ionic and Socket.io
Store Camera Photos Permanently Using PhoneGap, Ionic & ngCordova
Useful Cordova Plugins For Your Ionic Application & Examples