1-2-四、System board

四、System board
The System board is also known as the motherboard.The system board is the communiactions
medium for the entire computer system.Every component of the system unit connects to the
system board.It acts as a data path allowing the various components to communicate with one
another. Extemal devices such as the keyboard, mouse, and monitor could not communicate
with the system unit without the system board.
On a desktop computer, the system board is located at the bottom of the system unit or
along one side.It is a large flat circuit board covered with a varitety of different
electronic components including sockets,slots,and bus lines(See Figure 1-9).
(1)Sockets provide a connection point for small specialized electronic parts called chips.
Chips consist of tiny circuit boards etched onto squares of sandlike material called
silicon chip,semiconductor,or integrated circuit.Chips are mounted on carrier packages (See
Figure 1-10).These packages either plug directly into sockets on the system board or onto
cards that are then plugged into slots on the system board.Sockets are used to connect the
system board to a variety of different types of chips, including microprocessor and memory
(2)Slots provide a connection point for speciallized cards ofr circuit boards.These cards
provide expansion capability for a computer system.For example,a modem card plugs into a
slot on the system board to provide a connection to the Internet.
(3)Connecting lines called bus lines provide pathways that support commuication among the
various electronic components that are either located on the system board or attached to
the system board.
Notebook,tablet PC,and handheld system boards are smaller thatn desktop system
boards.However,they perform the same functions as desktop system boards.electron

四、System boardThe System board is also known as the motherboard.
The system board is the communiactions medium for the entire computer system.
Every component of the system unit connects to the system board.
It acts as a data path allowing the various components to communicate with one another.
Extemal devices such as the keyboard, mouse, and monitor could not communicate with the system unit without the system board.
On a desktop computer, the system board is located at the bottom of the system unit or along one side.
It is a large flat circuit board covered with a varitety of different electronic components including sockets,slots,and bus lines(See Figure 1-9).
(1)Sockets provide a connection point for small specialized electronic parts called chips.
Chips consist of tiny circuit boards etched onto squares of sandlike material called silicon chip,semiconductor,or integrated circuit.
Chips are mounted on carrier packages (See Figure 1-10).
These packages either plug directly into sockets on the system board or onto cards that are then plugged into slots on the system board.
Sockets are used to connect the system board to a variety of different types of chips, including microprocessor and memory chips.
(2)Slots provide a connection point for speciallized cards ofr circuit boards.
These cards provide expansion capability for a computer system.
For example,a modem card plugs into a slot on the system board to provide a connection to the Internet.
(3)Connecting lines called bus lines provide pathways that support commuication among the various electronic components that are either located on the system board or attached to the system board.
Notebook,tablet PC,and handheld system boards are smaller thatn desktop system boards.
However,they perform the same functions as desktop system boards.

四、 主板
(1) 插座是稱爲芯片的小型專用電子部件的鏈接點。芯片是由蝕刻在像沙子同樣稱爲硅材料的方形薄片上的電路板組成的。這些電路板可能比你的指尖還小。芯片也可稱爲硅片、半導體器件或集成電路。芯片安裝在承載插件內(見圖1-10)。這些插件能夠直接插入主板的插座上或放在卡上,而後在將這些卡插到主板的插槽上。插座用於將主板與不一樣類型的芯片,包括微處理器和存儲器芯片鏈接起來。
(2) 插槽是專用卡或電路板的鏈接點。這些卡爲計算機系統提供擴展功能。例如調制解調器卡插入主板的插槽中,能夠與因特網鏈接。
(3) 鏈接線,又稱爲總線,是鏈接各個電子部件之間的通訊通路,這些電子部件安裝在主板或附着在主板上。
