Palette p = Palette.from(BitMap)//將圖片傳入調色板中 .addFilter(Filter)//添加一個過濾器,根據HSL過濾(能夠不設置,有默認值) .maximumColorCount(20)//設置一個顏色種數的臨界值,有效的顏色塊數量小於這個值,直接用這些顏色做爲最終統計到的樣本。有效的顏色塊後面解釋(能夠不設置,有默認值) .resizeBitmapSize(480)//bitmap放入調色板時,會先壓縮,提升計算速率,這裏就是設置壓縮後的尺寸。(能夠不設置,有默認值) .clearFilters()//清除顏色過濾器(能夠不調用) .generate();//第二步,建立Palette實例。
p.getDarkMutedColor(defaultColor); p.getDarkVibrantColor(defaultColor); p.getLightMutedColor(defaultColor); p.getLightVibrantColor(defaultColor); p.getMutedColor(defaultColor); p.getVibrantColor(defaultColor);~~~~
使用方法講完, 接下來是分析源碼。首先,咱們須要瞭解幾個概念:ide
Palette的取色原理:經過builder構建palette的過程就是量化統計顏色的過程,這個過程是發生在builder的generate()方法裏,首先壓縮圖片至指定(resizeBitmapSize(int size))或者默認大小,從而減小計算量,而後構建一個ColorCutQuantizer用於顏色採集,採集知足要求顏色的邏輯就是它來實現的。接下來把採集到的樣本交給Palette裏的Generator,經過Generator篩選出Muted、vibrant等6種風格顏色。字體
final class ColorCutQuantizer { ColorCutQuantizer(final int[] pixels, final int maxColors, final Palette.Filter[] filters) { mTimingLogger = LOG_TIMINGS ? new TimingLogger(LOG_TAG, "Creation") : null; mFilters = filters; //建立顏色直方圖的數組,即橫座標。 final int[] hist = mHistogram = new int[1 << (QUANTIZE_WORD_WIDTH * 3)]; //將圖片中每一個像素的顏色值做近似值處理 for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { final int quantizedColor = quantizeFromRgb888(pixels[i]); pixels[i] = quantizedColor; //將統計直方圖中的縱座標值 hist[quantizedColor]++; } if (LOG_TIMINGS) { mTimingLogger.addSplit("Histogram created"); } // 根據filters定義的規則過濾掉不須要統計的顏色 int distinctColorCount = 0; for (int color = 0; color < hist.length; color++) { if (hist[color] > 0 && shouldIgnoreColor(color)) { // If we should ignore the color, set the population to 0 hist[color] = 0; } if (hist[color] > 0) { // If the color has population, increase the distinct color count distinctColorCount++; } } if (LOG_TIMINGS) { mTimingLogger.addSplit("Filtered colors and distinct colors counted"); } //只保留直方圖中統計值大於0的顏色值 final int[] colors = mColors = new int[distinctColorCount]; int distinctColorIndex = 0; for (int color = 0; color < hist.length; color++) { if (hist[color] > 0) { colors[distinctColorIndex++] = color; } } if (LOG_TIMINGS) { mTimingLogger.addSplit("Distinct colors copied into array"); } if (distinctColorCount <= maxColors) { // 圖片顏色較少時,直接將這些顏色做爲樣本返回。 mQuantizedColors = new ArrayList<>(); for (int color : colors) { mQuantizedColors.add(new Palette.Swatch(approximateToRgb888(color), hist[color])); } if (LOG_TIMINGS) { mTimingLogger.addSplit("Too few colors present. Copied to Swatches"); mTimingLogger.dumpToLog(); } } else { // 若是圖片有效顏色多餘設定的顏色提取最大值,須要經過中位切分算法提取主要顏色 mQuantizedColors = quantizePixels(maxColors); if (LOG_TIMINGS) { mTimingLogger.addSplit("Quantized colors computed"); mTimingLogger.dumpToLog(); } } } }
private static int quantizeFromRgb888(int color) { int r = modifyWordWidth(, 8, QUANTIZE_WORD_WIDTH); int g = modifyWordWidth(, 8, QUANTIZE_WORD_WIDTH); int b = modifyWordWidth(, 8, QUANTIZE_WORD_WIDTH); return r << (QUANTIZE_WORD_WIDTH + QUANTIZE_WORD_WIDTH) | g << QUANTIZE_WORD_WIDTH | b; }
final class ColorCutQuantizer { ... private List<Palette.Swatch> quantizePixels(int maxColors) { // Create the priority queue which is sorted by volume descending. This means we always // split the largest box in the queue final PriorityQueue<Vbox> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(maxColors, VBOX_COMPARATOR_VOLUME); // To start, offer a box which contains all of the colors pq.offer(new Vbox(0, mColors.length - 1)); // Now go through the boxes, splitting them until we have reached maxColors or there are no // more boxes to split splitBoxes(pq, maxColors); // Finally, return the average colors of the color boxes return generateAverageColors(pq); } /** * Iterate through the {@link java.util.Queue}, popping * {@link ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox} objects from the queue * and splitting them. Once split, the new box and the remaining box are offered back to the * queue. * * @param queue {@link java.util.PriorityQueue} to poll for boxes * @param maxSize Maximum amount of boxes to split */ @SuppressWarnings("NullAway") // mTimingLogger initialization and access guarded by LOG_TIMINGS. private void splitBoxes(final PriorityQueue<Vbox> queue, final int maxSize) { while (queue.size() < maxSize) { final Vbox vbox = queue.poll(); if (vbox != null && vbox.canSplit()) { // First split the box, and offer the result queue.offer(vbox.splitBox()); if (LOG_TIMINGS) { mTimingLogger.addSplit("Box split"); } // Then offer the box back queue.offer(vbox); } else { if (LOG_TIMINGS) { mTimingLogger.addSplit("All boxes split"); } // If we get here then there are no more boxes to split, so return return; } } } private List<Palette.Swatch> generateAverageColors(Collection<Vbox> vboxes) { ArrayList<Palette.Swatch> colors = new ArrayList<>(vboxes.size()); for (Vbox vbox : vboxes) { Palette.Swatch swatch = vbox.getAverageColor(); if (!shouldIgnoreColor(swatch)) { // As we're averaging a color box, we can still get colors which we do not want, so // we check again here colors.add(swatch); } } return colors; } ... }
private static final Comparator<Vbox> VBOX_COMPARATOR_VOLUME = new Comparator<Vbox>() { @Override public int compare(Vbox lhs, Vbox rhs) { return rhs.getVolume() - lhs.getVolume(); } };