angular.module('ng').filter('cut', function () { return function (value, wordwise, max, tail) { if (!value) return ''; max = parseInt(max, 10); if (!max) return value; if (value.length <= max) return value; value = value.substr(0, max); if (wordwise) { var lastspace = value.lastIndexOf(' '); if (lastspace != -1) { value = value.substr(0, lastspace); } } return value + (tail || ' …'); }; });
{{some_text | cut:true:100:' ...'}}spa
wordwise (boolean) - if true, cut only by words bounds,orm
max (integer) - max length of the text, cut to this number of chars,input
tail (string, default: ' …') - add this string to the input string if the string was cut.string