文件目錄:${workspace}/contracts/interfaces 用於存放抽象合約目錄dom
pragma solidity ^0.4.2; contract IConsumerManager { function add(string _mobile, string _name, string _account, string _remark) public returns(uint); function deleteByMobile(string _mobile) public returns(uint); function listAll() constant public returns (string _json); }
說明:當接口中的輸入輸出數據項比較多,或者存儲在鏈上的數據項比較多時,開發者能夠定義一個結構化數據,來簡化數據項的聲明。而且在這個結構化數據,還能夠封裝對數據的序列化操做,主要包括經過將json格式轉爲結構化數據 或 反序列化爲json格式。函數
文件目錄:${workspace}/contracts/librarys 用於存放數據結構的定義
pragma solidity ^0.4.2; import "../utillib/LibInt.sol"; import "../utillib/LibString.sol"; import "../utillib/LibStack.sol"; import "../utillib/LibJson.sol"; library LibConsumer { using LibInt for *; using LibString for *; using LibJson for *; using LibConsumer for *; struct Consumer { string mobile; string name; string account; string remark; } /** *@desc fromJson for Consumer * Generated by juzhen SolidityStructTool automatically. * Not to edit this code manually. */ function fromJson(Consumer storage _self, string _json) internal returns(bool succ) { _self.reset(); if (!_json.isJson()) return false; _self.mobile = _json.jsonRead("mobile"); _self.name = _json.jsonRead("name"); _self.account = _json.jsonRead("account"); _self.remark = _json.jsonRead("remark"); return true; } /** *@desc toJson for Consumer * Generated by juzhen SolidityStructTool automatically. * Not to edit this code manually. */ function toJson(Consumer storage _self) internal constant returns (string _json) { LibStack.push("{"); LibStack.appendKeyValue("mobile", _self.mobile); LibStack.appendKeyValue("name", _self.name); LibStack.appendKeyValue("account", _self.account); LibStack.appendKeyValue("remark", _self.remark); LibStack.append("}"); _json = LibStack.pop(); } /** *@desc fromJsonArray for Consumer * Generated by juzhen SolidityStructTool automatically. * Not to edit this code manually. */ function fromJsonArray(Consumer[] storage _self, string _json) internal returns(bool succ) { _self.length = 0; if (!_json.isJson()) return false; while (true) { string memory key = "[".concat(_self.length.toString(), "]"); if (!_json.jsonKeyExists(key)) break; _self.length++; _self[_self.length-1].fromJson(_json.jsonRead(key)); } return true; } /** *@desc toJsonArray for Consumer * Generated by juzhen SolidityStructTool automatically. * Not to edit this code manually. */ function toJsonArray(Consumer[] storage _self) internal constant returns(string _json) { _json = _json.concat("["); for (uint i=0; i<_self.length; ++i) { if (i == 0) _json = _json.concat(_self[i].toJson()); else _json = _json.concat(",", _self[i].toJson()); } _json = _json.concat("]"); } /** *@desc update for Consumer * Generated by juzhen SolidityStructTool automatically. * Not to edit this code manually. */ function update(Consumer storage _self, string _json) internal returns(bool succ) { if (!_json.isJson()) return false; if (_json.jsonKeyExists("mobile")) _self.mobile = _json.jsonRead("mobile"); if (_json.jsonKeyExists("name")) _self.name = _json.jsonRead("name"); if (_json.jsonKeyExists("account")) _self.account = _json.jsonRead("account"); if (_json.jsonKeyExists("remark")) _self.remark = _json.jsonRead("remark"); return true; } /** *@desc reset for Consumer * Generated by juzhen SolidityStructTool automatically. * Not to edit this code manually. */ function reset(Consumer storage _self) internal { delete _self.mobile; delete _self.name; delete _self.account; delete _self.remark; } }
說明:顧客管理合約的主要業務邏輯,即合約接口的實現類. ConsumerManager.sol,該合約繼承了基礎合約OwnerNamed以及抽象合約IConsumerManager。
文件目錄:${workspace}/contracts 用於存放業務合約主體邏輯
pragma solidity ^0.4.2; import "./library/LibConsumer.sol"; import "./sysbase/OwnerNamed.sol"; import "./interfaces/IConsumerManager.sol"; import "./interfaces/IUserManager.sol"; import "./utillib/LibLog.sol"; contract ConsumerManager is OwnerNamed, IConsumerManager { using LibConsumer for * ; using LibString for * ; using LibInt for * ; using LibLog for * ; event Notify(uint _errno, string _info); LibConsumer.Consumer[] consumerList; mapping(string => uint) keyMap; //定義錯誤信息 enum ErrorNo { NO_ERROR, BAD_PARAMETER, MOBILE_EMPTY, USER_NOT_EXISTS, MOBILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, ACCOUNT_ALREDY_EXISTS, NO_PERMISSION } // 構造函數,在合約發佈時會被觸發調用 function ConsumerManager() { LibLog.log("deploy ConsumerModule...."); //把合約註冊到JUICE鏈上, 參數必須和ConsumerModule.sol中的保持一致 register("ConsumerModule", "", "ConsumerManager", ""); //或者註冊到特殊的模塊"juzix.io.debugModule",這樣用戶就不須要編寫模塊合約了 //register("juzix.io.debugModule", "", "ConsumerManager", ""); } function add(string _mobile, string _name, string _account, string _remark) public returns(uint) { LibLog.log("into add..", "ConsumerManager"); LibLog.log("ConsumerManager into add.."); if (_mobile.equals("")) { LibLog.log("Invalid mobile.", "ConsumerManager"); errno = 15200 + uint(ErrorNo.MOBILE_EMPTY); Notify(errno, "顧客手機號爲空,插入失敗."); return errno; } if (keyMap[_mobile] == 0) { if (consumerList.length > 0) { if (_mobile.equals(consumerList[0].mobile)) { LibLog.log("mobile aready exists", "ConsumerManager"); errno = 15200 + uint(ErrorNo.MOBILE_ALREADY_EXISTS); Notify(errno, "顧客手機號已存在,插入失敗."); return errno; } } } else { LibLog.log("mobile aready exists", "ConsumerManager"); errno = 15200 + uint(ErrorNo.MOBILE_ALREADY_EXISTS); Notify(errno, "顧客手機號已存在,插入失敗."); return errno; } uint idx = consumerList.length; consumerList.push(LibConsumer.Consumer(_mobile, _name, _account, _remark)); keyMap[_mobile] = idx; errno = uint(ErrorNo.NO_ERROR); LibLog.log("add a consumer success", "ConsumerManager"); Notify(errno, "add a consumer success"); return errno; } function deleteByMobile(string _mobile) public returns(uint) { LibLog.log("into delete..", "ConsumerManager"); //合約擁有者,才能刪除顧客信息 if (tx.origin != owner) { LibLog.log("msg.sender is not owner", "ConsumerManager"); LibLog.log("operator no permission"); errno = 15200 + uint(ErrorNo.NO_PERMISSION); Notify(errno, "無操做權限,非管理員"); return; } //顧客列表不爲空 if (consumerList.length > 0) { if (keyMap[_mobile] == 0) { //_mobile不存在,或者是數組第一個元素 if (!_mobile.equals(consumerList[0].mobile)) { LibLog.log("consumer not exists: ", _mobile); errno = 15200 + uint(ErrorNo.USER_NOT_EXISTS); Notify(errno, "顧客手機號不存在,刪除失敗."); return; } } } else { LibLog.log("consumer list is empty: ", _mobile); errno = 15200 + uint(ErrorNo.USER_NOT_EXISTS); Notify(errno, "顧客列表爲空,刪除失敗."); return; } //數組總長度 uint len = consumerList.length; //此用戶在數組中的序號 uint idx = keyMap[_mobile]; if (idx >= len) return; for (uint i = idx; i < len - 1; i++) { //從待刪除的數組element開始,把後一個element移動到前一個位置 consumerList[i] = consumerList[i + 1]; //同時修改keyMap中,對應key的在數組中的序號 keyMap[consumerList[i].mobile] = i; } //刪除數組最後一個元素(和倒數第二個重複了) delete consumerList[len - 1]; //刪除mapping中元素,其實是設置value爲0 delete keyMap[_mobile]; //數組總長度-1 consumerList.length--; LibLog.log("delete user success.", "ConsumerManager"); errno = uint(ErrorNo.NO_ERROR); Notify(errno, "刪除顧客成功."); } function listAll() constant public returns(string _json) { uint len = 0; uint counter = 0; len = LibStack.push(""); for (uint i = 0; i < consumerList.length; i++) { if (counter > 0) { len = LibStack.append(","); } len = LibStack.append(consumerList[i].toJson()); counter++; } len = itemsStackPush(LibStack.popex(len), counter); _json = LibStack.popex(len); } function itemsStackPush(string _items, uint _total) constant private returns(uint len) { len = 0; len = LibStack.push("{"); len = LibStack.appendKeyValue("result", uint(0)); len = LibStack.appendKeyValue("total", _total); len = LibStack.append(",\"data\":["); len = LibStack.append(_items); len = LibStack.append("]"); len = LibStack.append("}"); return len; } }
文件目錄:${workspace}/contracts 用於存放業務模塊合約主體邏輯
/** * @file ConsumerModule.sol * @author JUZIX.IO * @time 2017-12-11 * @desc 給用戶展現如何編寫一個本身的模塊。 * ConsumerModule自己也是一個合約,它須要部署到鏈上;同時,它又負責管理用戶的合約。只有添加到模塊中的用戶合約,用戶才能在dapp中調用這些合約 */ pragma solidity ^ 0.4 .2; //juice的管理庫,必須引入 import "./sysbase/OwnerNamed.sol"; import "./sysbase/BaseModule.sol"; //juice提供的模塊庫,必須引入 import "./library/LibModule.sol"; //juice提供的合約庫,必須引入 import "./library/LibContract.sol"; //juice提供的string庫 import "./utillib/LibString.sol"; //juice提供的log庫 import "./utillib/LibLog.sol"; contract ConsumerModule is BaseModule { using LibModule for * ; using LibContract for * ; using LibString for * ; using LibInt for * ; using LibLog for * ; LibModule.Module tmpModule; LibContract.Contract tmpContract; //定義Demo模塊中的錯誤信息 enum MODULE_ERROR { NO_ERROR } //定義Demo模塊中用的事件,能夠用於返回錯誤信息,也能夠返回其餘信息 event Notify(uint _code, string _info); // module : predefined data function ConsumerModule() { //定義模塊合約名稱 string memory moduleName = "ConsumerModule"; //定義模塊合約名稱 string memory moduleDesc = "顧客模塊"; //定義模塊合約版本號 string memory moduleVersion = ""; //指定模塊合約ID //moduleId = moduleName.concat("_", moduleVersion); string memory moduleId = moduleName.concat("_", moduleVersion); //把合約註冊到JUICE鏈上 LibLog.log("register DemoModule"); register(moduleName, moduleVersion); //模塊名稱,只是JUICE區塊鏈內部管理模塊使用,和moduleText有區別 tmpModule.moduleName = moduleName; tmpModule.moduleVersion = moduleVersion; tmpModule.moduleEnable = 0; tmpModule.moduleDescription = moduleDesc; //顯示JUICE開放平臺,個人應用列表中的DAPP名字 tmpModule.moduleText = moduleDesc; uint nowTime = now * 1000; tmpModule.moduleCreateTime = nowTime; tmpModule.moduleUpdateTime = nowTime; tmpModule.moduleCreator = msg.sender; //這裏設置用戶DAPP的鏈接地址(目前DAPP須要有用戶本身發佈、部署到公網上) tmpModule.moduleUrl = "http://host.domain.com/youDapp/"; tmpModule.icon = ""; tmpModule.publishTime = nowTime; //把模塊合約自己添加到系統的模塊管理合約中。這一步是必須的,只有這樣,用戶的dapp才能調用添加到此模塊合約的相關合約。 //並在用戶的「個人應用」中展現出來 LibLog.log("add ConsumerModule to SysModule"); uint ret = addModule(tmpModule.toJson()); if (ret != 0) { LibLog.log("add ConsumerModule to SysModule failed"); return; } //添加用戶合約到模塊合約中 LibLog.log("add ConsumerManager to ConsumerModule"); ret = initContract(moduleName, moduleVersion, "ConsumerManager", "顧客管理合約", ""); if (ret != 0) { LibLog.log("add ConsumerManager to ConsumerModule failed"); return; } //返回消息,以便控制檯能看到是否部署成功 Notify(1, "deploy ConsumerModule success"); } /** * 初始化用戶自定義合約。 * 若是用戶有多個合約文件,則須要屢次調用此方法。 * @param moduleName 約合所屬模塊名 * @param moduleVersion 約合所屬模塊版本 * @param contractName 約合名 * @param contractDesc 約合描述 * @param contractVersion 約合版本 * @return return 0 if success; */ function initContract(string moduleName, string moduleVersion, string contractName, string contractDesc, string contractVersion) private returns(uint) { tmpContract.moduleName = moduleName; tmpContract.moduleVersion = moduleVersion; //合約名稱 tmpContract.cctName = contractName; //合約描述 tmpContract.description = contractDesc; //合約版本 tmpContract.cctVersion = contractVersion; //保持false tmpContract.deleted = false; //保持0 tmpContract.enable = 0; uint nowTime = now * 1000; //合約建立時間 tmpContract.createTime = nowTime; //合約修改時間 tmpContract.updateTime = nowTime; //合約建立人 tmpContract.creator = msg.sender; //預定塊高 tmpContract.blockNum = block.number; uint ret = addContract(tmpContract.toJson()); return ret; } }