不少人應該也和我同樣遇到過這樣的問題,須要去判斷瀏覽器版本或則在javascript 裏面去作複雜的邏輯處理來按需加載咱們的js,css.javascript
不過html 自帶的這一註釋標記子認爲人有用,或許這本是入門級的知識了,翻出來看看也不錯。css
<!--[if IE]>
This content is actually inside an HTML comment.
It will only be displayed in IE.
<!--[if gte IE 6]>
This content will only be displayed by IE 6 and later.
<!--[if !IE]> <-->
This is normal HTML content, but IE will not display it
because of the comment above and the comment below.
<!--> <![endif]-->
This is normal content, displayed by all browsers.java
Conditional comments are also supported by IE's Javascript interpreter, and C and C++ programmers may find them similar to the #ifdef/#endif functionality of the C preprocessor. A Javascript conditional comment in IE begins with the text /*@cc_on and ends with the text @*/. (The cc in cc_on stands for conditional compilation.) The following conditional comment includes code that is executed only in IE:程序員
IE的Javascript解析器也支持條件註釋,C和C++程序員可能會以爲它們和C處理器的 #ifdef/#endif 功能很相似。Javascript條件註釋使用字符/*@cc_on標記開始,用 @*/標記結束。
@if (@_jscript)ide
// This code is inside a JS comment but is executed in IE.this
alert("In IE");spa
Inside a conditional comment, the keywords @if , @else , and @end delimit the code that is to be conditionally executed by IE's Javascript interpreter. Most of the time, you need only the simple conditional shown above: @if (@_jscript) . Jscript is Microsoft's name for its Javascript interpreter, and the @_jscript variable is always true in IE.
在條件註釋內部,關鍵字 @if , @else , @end 區劃出哪些是要被IE的Javascript解析器條件執行的。大多數時候,只須要上面所示的簡單條件: @if (@_jscript) .Jscript是微軟本身的Javascript解析器的名字, @_jscript 變量在IE中的值恆爲ture
With clever interleaving of conditional comments and regular Javascript comments, you can set up one block of code to run in IE and a different block to run in all other browsers:
@if (@_jscript)
// This code is inside a conditional comment, which is also a
// regular Javascript comment. IE runs it but other browsers ignore it.
alert('You are using Internet Explorer);
// This code is no longer inside a Javascript comment, but is still
// inside the IE conditional comment. This means that all browsers
// except IE will run this code.
alert('You are not using Internet Explorer');
Conditional comments, in both their HTML and Javascript forms, are completely nonstandard. They are sometimes a useful way to achieve compatibility with IE, however.