今天在整理公司Maven私服的時候,不當心把Release庫刪掉了。瞬間冒出冷汗來了!公司全部的積累都沒了啊,腦子裏閃過第一個辦法就是看是否有回收站,剛好在Nexus UI中看到了一個叫Trash...的功能。但是我點擊後發現只有Empty Trash的功能,這要按下去還得了啊。web
最後在Sonatype Nexus官方搜索到一篇文章,原文以下:this
When you delete a repository from the Nexus UI, nexus will remove the repository from any groups it belongs too and move the repository contents to it's trash folder. Sometimes you will want to restore this repository back into service.spa
To restore a deleted repository with id of 'releases':rest
1. mv sonatype-work/nexus/trash/releases sonatype-work/storage so that you end up with sonatype-work/storage/releases
2. Recreate the repository with the same repository id 'releases' using the repositories tab user interface.
3. Add the repository to any groups that it was in before.ormThe act of creating the repository in the UI will force a reindex of the previous repository storage contents.rem
首先找到sonatype-work/nexus/trash 下找到你刪除的庫,並保存到其餘地方;
而後經過nexus控制檯點擊Add,選擇Hosted Repository,而後輸入被刪除的Repository信息;
點擊列表中的Public Repositories,而後在下方的Configuration標籤下將Releases添加到Ordered Group Repositories中;