Title: Why you should use Object.is() in equality comparisonjavascript
Author: TarekAlQaddyjava
Website: https://www.jstips.co/en/javascript/why-you-should-use-Object.is()-in-equality-comparison/git
We all know that JavaScript is loosely typed and in some cases it fall behind specially when it comes to equality comparison with ‘==’, comparing with ‘==’ gives unexpected results due to whats called coercion or casting 「converting one of the 2 operands to the other’s type then compare」.github
咱們都知道JavaScript是弱類型語言,在某些狀況下,當與「 ==」進行相等性比較時,它特別落後。使用「 ==」進行比較可能會「將2個操做數中的一個強制轉換爲另外一種類型而後進行比較」而產生意外結果。app
1 0 == ' ' //true 2 null == undefined //true 3 [1] == true //true
So they provided us with the triple equal operator ‘===’ which is more strict and does not coerce operands, However comparing with ‘===’ is not the best solution you can get:ide
1 NaN === NaN //false
The great news that in ES6 there is the new ‘Object.is()’ which is better and more precise it has the same features as ‘===’ and moreover it behaves well in some special cases:spa
好消息是,在ES6中有一個新的「 Object.is()」,它更好,更精確,它具備與「 ===」相同的功能,並且在某些特殊狀況下,其表現還不錯:3d
1 Object.is(0 , ' '); //false 2 Object.is(null, undefined); //false 3 Object.is([1], true); //false 4 Object.is(NaN, NaN); //true
Mozilla team doesn’t think that Object.is is 「stricter」 than ‘===’ they say that we should think of how this method deal with NaN, -0 and +0 but overall I think it is now a good practice in real applications.code
Mozilla團隊不認爲"Object.is()"比「 ===」更「嚴格」,應該考慮該方法如何處理NaN,-0和+0,但總的來講,我認爲這是一種最佳實踐。
Now this table illustrates..