Connections to MySQL Community Server are not supported. Please contact MySQL to obtain a MySQL Enterprise or Commercial version.mysql
step 1:app
- download the JDBC driver JDBC Driver for MySQL (Connector/J) here: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/.
- in the Platform select box, choose platform independent
- next, choose the tar or zip version appropriate for your platform. If you don't know which to pick, choose the zip version.
- next, on the screen titled "Begin Your Download - mysql-connector-java-5.1.35.zip", scroll to the bottom and choose the small link "No thanks, just start my download."
- finally, once the download completes, extract "mysql-connector-java-5.1.35-bin.jar" and put it in the lib directory of your CF install. For me it is located at: cfusion\lib (your platform and coldfusion edition impacts the path for you.
- restart ColdFusion and validate your datasource in the ColdFusion Administrator.
step 2:jsp
After you copy the JAR file to the /lib directory, you have to restart ColdFusion. Then you will be sure that the changes will take effect.url
In the Administrator, give your new datasource a name. Select MySQL 5 from the list.spa

Press the Add button to create the datasource. You should then get the following user interface:rest

This contains the details of my database. Enter the details for yours. Press the Submit button.orm