#後臺請求json 格式 / FormData 格式json
import fetch from 'dva/fetch'; import fetchJsonp from 'fetch-jsonp'; import { notification } from 'antd'; import { routerRedux } from 'dva/router'; import store from '../index'; const codeMessage = { 200: '服務器成功返回請求的數據。', 201: '新建或修改數據成功。', 202: '一個請求已經進入後臺排隊(異步任務)。', 204: '刪除數據成功。', 400: '發出的請求有錯誤,服務器沒有進行新建或修改數據的操做。', 401: '用戶沒有權限(令牌、用戶名、密碼錯誤)。', 403: '用戶獲得受權,可是訪問是被禁止的。', 404: '發出的請求針對的是不存在的記錄,服務器沒有進行操做。', 406: '請求的格式不可得。', 410: '請求的資源被永久刪除,且不會再獲得的。', 422: '當建立一個對象時,發生一個驗證錯誤。', 500: '服務器發生錯誤,請檢查服務器。', 502: '網關錯誤。', 503: '服務不可用,服務器暫時過載或維護。', 504: '網關超時。', }; function checkStatus(response) { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return response; } const errortext = codeMessage[response.status] || response.statusText; notification.error({ message: `請求錯誤 ${response.status}: ${response.url}`, description: errortext, }); const error = new Error(errortext); error.name = response.status; error.response = response; throw error; } /** * Requests a URL, returning a promise. * * @param {string} url The URL we want to request * @param {object} [options] The options we want to pass to "fetch" * @return {object} An object containing either "data" or "err" */ export default function request(url, options) { const defaultOptions = { credentials: 'include', }; const newOptions = { ...defaultOptions, ...options }; if (newOptions.method === 'POST' || newOptions.method === 'PUT') { if (!(newOptions.body instanceof FormData)) { newOptions.headers = { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', ...newOptions.headers, }; newOptions.body = JSON.stringify(newOptions.body); } else { // newOptions.body is FormData // newOptions.headers = { // "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data", // // ...newOptions.headers, // }; //newOptions = {...options} //newOptions.headers = {"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"} return requestcore(url,options); } } return fetch(url, newOptions) .then(checkStatus) .then(response => { if (newOptions.method === 'DELETE' || response.status === 204) { return response.text(); } return response.json(); }) .catch(e => { const { dispatch } = store; const status = e.name; if (status === 401) { dispatch({ type: 'login/logout', }); return; } if (status === 403) { dispatch(routerRedux.push('/exception/403')); return; } if (status <= 504 && status >= 500) { dispatch(routerRedux.push('/exception/500')); return; } if (status >= 404 && status < 422) { dispatch(routerRedux.push('/exception/404')); } }); } function requestcore(url, options) { const newOptions = { ...options }; if (newOptions.method === 'POST' || newOptions.method === 'PUT') { // newOptions.body is FormData // newOptions.headers = { // "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data", // // ...newOptions.headers, // }; // newOptions.headers = {"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"} } return fetch(url, newOptions) .then(checkStatus) .then(response => { if (newOptions.method === 'DELETE' || response.status === 204) { return response.text(); } return response.json(); }) .catch(e => { const { dispatch } = store; const status = e.name; if (status === 401) { dispatch({ type: 'login/logout', }); return; } if (status === 403) { dispatch(routerRedux.push('/exception/403')); return; } if (status <= 504 && status >= 500) { dispatch(routerRedux.push('/exception/500')); return; } if (status >= 404 && status < 422) { dispatch(routerRedux.push('/exception/404')); } }); }
request 處理全部請求後端
public ServiceResponse login(@RequestBody UserInfo info)
#附件採用FormData 包裝參數,調用requestcore服務器
const formData = new FormData() formData.append('file', values.template.file, values.template.file.name); formData.append('billTypeId',values.billType); formData.append('name',values.name); formData.append('number',values.number); formData.append('remark',values.remark); dispatch({ type: 'billTable/add', payload: formData, callback: (res) => { if(res.meta.status !== '000000' ) { message.error("添加業務用表失敗,請稍後再試!"+res.data.alert_msg) }else{ // message.success('添加成功'); form.resetFields(); handleModalVisible(false); dispatch({ type: 'billTable/fetch', payload: { page: 1, pageSize: 10, } }); } }, });
不用增長headers 參數,否則後臺會報錯antd
public ServiceResponse addBillTable(BillTableInfo paramObj, HttpServletRequest req, MultipartFile file)
不用增長@RequestBody 註解異步