理解LGWR,Log File Sync Waits以及Commit的性能問題
1. Commit和log filesync的工做機制
2. 爲何log file wait過久
3. 如何去度量問題出在那裏呢?
二.log file sync等待的緣由
1. 默認狀況下咱們commit一個事務是要等待logfile sync,這其中包括:
(1)User commit(用戶提交的統計信息能夠經過v$sesstat來查看)
2. Rollbacks致使log file sync等待
(2)Transactionrollbacks:1,因爲一些失敗的操做致使oracle內部的rollback 2.空間分配,或者ASSM相關的問題,以及用戶取消的長查詢,被kill掉的session等等。
下圖爲Commit和log file sync相關的流程圖:

Log file sync performance>disk IO speed

****大多數log file sync的等待時間其實都是花費在logfile parallel write,相似與DBWR會等待db file parallel write
****其它的log file sync等待花費在調度延遲,IPC通訊延遲等等

1. 前臺進程對LGWR發出調用,而後到sleep狀態下面看看Log file sync等待的整個流程:
此時log file sync等待開始記數
2. LGWR被喚醒,獲得CPU時間片來工做
LGWR轉去sleep,而且等待log file parallel write
3. 當在存儲級別完成IO調用後OS喚醒LGWR進程
此時標記log file parallel write等待完成,Post相關信息給前臺進程
4. 前臺進程被LGWR喚醒,前臺進程獲得CPU時間片而且標記log file sync等待完成
- <span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';">---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1096, (LGWR) , STAT, messages sent , 12 , 12,
- 1096, (LGWR) , STAT, messages received , 10 , 10,
- 1096, (LGWR) , STAT, background timeouts , 1 , 1,
- 1096, (LGWR) , STAT, physical write total IO requests , 40, 40,
- 1096, (LGWR) , STAT, physical write total multi block request, 38, 38,
- 1096, (LGWR) , STAT, physical write total bytes, 2884608 , 2.88M,
- 1096, (LGWR) , STAT, calls to kcmgcs , 20 , 20,
- 1096, (LGWR) , STAT, redo wastage , 4548 , 4.55k,
- 1096, (LGWR) , STAT, redo writes , 10 , 10,
- 1096, (LGWR) , STAT, redo blocks written , 2817 , 2.82k,
- 1096, (LGWR) , STAT, redo write time , 25 , 25,
- 1096, (LGWR) , WAIT, LGWR wait on LNS , 1040575 , 1.04s, 104.1%, |@@@@@@@@@@|
- 1096, (LGWR) , WAIT, log file parallel write , 273837 , 273.84ms, 27.4%,|@@@ |
- 1096, (LGWR) , WAIT, events in waitclass Other , 1035172 , 1.04s , 103.5%,|@@@@@@@@@@|</span>
LGWR和Asynch IO
- oracle@linux01:~$ strace -cp `pgrep -f lgwr`
- Process 12457 attached - interrupt to quit
- ^CProcess 12457 detached
- % time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall
- ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- --------------
- 100.00 0.010000 263 38 3 semtimedop
- 0.00 0.000000 0 213 times
- 0.00 0.000000 0 8 getrusage
- 0.00 0.000000 0 701 gettimeofday
- 0.00 0.000000 0 41 io_getevents
- 0.00 0.000000 0 41 io_submit
- 0.00 0.000000 0 2 semop
- 0.00 0.000000 0 37 semctl
- ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- --------------
- 100.00 0.010000 1081 3 total
***io_getevents是在AIO階段log file parallel write等待事件度量
Redo,commit相關的latch tuning
1.redo allocation latches-故名思議,在私有現成寫redo到log buffer時保護分配空間的latch
2.redo copy latches-當從私有內存區域copy redo到log buffer時須要的latch直到相關redo流被copy到log buffer,,那麼LGWR進程
直到已經copy完成能夠寫buffers到磁盤,此時LGWR將等待LGWR wait for redo copy事件,相關的能夠被調整的參數:_log_simultaneous_copies
1.log file sync
2.log file parallel write
3.log file single write
(1.redo size 2.redo writing time 3.user commits 4 user rollbacks 5.transaction rollbacks)
下面看一個非commit問題的等待事件:log buffer space-此事件主要是因爲redo log buffer過小,LGWR刷出redo致使爭用,或者因爲IO子系統太慢.根據不少人的經驗,相對log buffer設置大一點可以緩解log file sync,這只是相對而言.若是你滴業務類型,每次commit都是比較大的寫入,並且系統的整個IO已經達到存儲子系統的瓶頸,那麼增大log buffer將是無濟於事的。根據MOS的不少文檔參考,在10g中仍是不建議設置次參數。
log file single write:
單塊寫redo IO大多數狀況下僅僅用於logfile header block的讀和寫,其中log switch是主要的狀況,當歸檔發生時須要update log header,因此多是LGWR和ARCH等待此事件。
以下是log switch發生時的trace文件:
- WAIT #0: nam='log file sequential read' ela= 12607 log#=0
- block#=1
- WAIT #0: nam='log file sequential read' ela= 21225 log#=1
- block#=1
- WAIT #0: nam='control file sequential read' ela= 358 file#=0
- WAIT #0: nam='log file single write' ela= 470 log#=0 block#=1
- WAIT #0: nam='log file single write' ela= 227 log#=1 block#=1
從10.2.0.3+開始若是log write等待過久,oracle將dump相關的信息:
- LGWR trace file:
- *** 2012-06-10 11:36:06.759
- Warning: log write time 690ms, size 19KB
- *** 2012-06-10 11:37:23.778
- Warning: log write time 52710ms, size 0KB
- *** 2012-06-10 11:37:27.302
- Warning: log write time 3520ms, size 144KB
- Load Profile Per Second Per Transaction Per Exec Per Call
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------- --------------- ---------- ----------
- Redo size: 15,875,849.0 121,482.8
- Logical reads: 42,403.5 324.5
- Block changes: 34,759.1 266.0
- Physical reads: 46.0 0.4
- Physical writes: 3,417.9 26.2
- User calls: 569.6 4.4
- Parses: 292.3 2.2
- Hard parses: 0.1 0.0
- W/A MB processed: 0.5 0.0
- Logons: 10.7 0.1
- Executes: 552.8 4.2
- Rollbacks: 42.9 0.3
- Transactions: 130.7
- Top 5 Timed Foreground Events
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Avg
- wait % DB
- Event Waits Time(s) (ms) time Wait Class
- ------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------ ------ ----------
- DB CPU 37,301 76.5
- log file sync 1,665,900 7,732 5 15.9 Commit
- db file sequential read 711,221 6,614 9 13.6 User I/O
- buffer busy waits 366,589 440 1 .9 Concurrenc
- gc current multi block request 192,791 230 1 .5 Cluster
這是某庫的2號節點,還不算太忙,只是因爲業務類型每次寫入的量都很大,log file sync等待佔用DB time的16%
- <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"> Avg
- %Time Total Wait wait Waits % bg
- Event Waits -outs Time (s) (ms) /txn time
- -------------------------- ------------ ----- ---------- ------- -------- ------
- db file parallel write 11,968,325 0 24,481 2 5.7 71.2
- log file parallel write 1,503,192 0 3,863 3 0.7 11.2</span>
***如上信息log file sync佔用了DB time的16%,avg wait(5),那麼LGWR等待佔用的比例爲多少呢?佔用了平均每次相應的40%.那麼這主要是由於業務緣由,已經達到咱們存儲的IO瓶頸.
- ---------- ---------------------------------------- --------------- ----------
- 1 wait for scn ack 1 4243024
- 1 wait for scn ack 2 728196
- 1 wait for scn ack 4 1133400
- 1 wait for scn ack 8 1157120
- 1 wait for scn ack 16 88333
- 1 wait for scn ack 32 3883
- 1 wait for scn ack 64 429
- 1 wait for scn ack 128 80
- 1 wait for scn ack 256 34
- 1 wait for scn ack 512 48
- 2 wait for scn ack 1 55024800
- 2 wait for scn ack 2 6658764
- 2 wait for scn ack 4 6802492
- 2 wait for scn ack 8 4400949
- 2 wait for scn ack 16 564950
- 2 wait for scn ack 32 21712
- 2 wait for scn ack 64 3190
- 2 wait for scn ack 128 912
- 2 wait for scn ack 256 390
- 2 wait for scn ack 512 508
- 1 log file sync 1 49708644
- 1 log file sync 2 4285471
- 1 log file sync 4 3929029
- 1 log file sync 8 2273533
- 1 log file sync 16 709349
- 1 log file sync 32 257827
- 1 log file sync 64 10464
- 1 log file sync 128 2371
- 1 log file sync 256 1582
- 1 log file sync 512 1979
- 1 log file sync 1024 1200
- 2 log file sync 1 647580137
- 2 log file sync 2 56421028
- 2 log file sync 4 42559988
- 2 log file sync 8 26002340
- 2 log file sync 16 12821558
- 2 log file sync 32 4429073
- 2 log file sync 64 229397
- 2 log file sync 128 42685
- 2 log file sync 256 22693
- 2 log file sync 512 23922
- 2 log file sync 1024 215090
- 1 log file switch completion 1 141
- 1 log file switch completion 2 27
- 1 log file switch completion 4 35
- 1 log file switch completion 8 72
- 1 log file switch completion 16 237
- 1 log file switch completion 32 453
- 1 log file switch completion 64 387
- 1 log file switch completion 128 31
- 2 log file switch completion 1 956
- 2 log file switch completion 2 508
- 2 log file switch completion 4 1005
- 2 log file switch completion 8 1858
- 2 log file switch completion 16 4506
- 2 log file switch completion 32 5569
- 2 log file switch completion 64 6957
- 2 log file switch completion 128 319
- 2 log file switch completion 256 24
- 2 log file switch completion 512 108
- 2 log file switch completion 1024 1
- 1 log file parallel write 1 56713575
- 1 log file parallel write 2 2952904
- 1 log file parallel write 4 1832942
- 1 log file parallel write 8 785097
- 1 log file parallel write 16 386755
- 1 log file parallel write 32 229099
- 1 log file parallel write 64 8552
- 1 log file parallel write 128 1461
- 1 log file parallel write 256 914
- 1 log file parallel write 512 231
- 1 log file parallel write 1024 21
- 1 log file parallel write 2048 3
- 2 log file parallel write 1 708078642
- 2 log file parallel write 2 31616460
- 2 log file parallel write 4 16087368
- 2 log file parallel write 8 5656461
- 2 log file parallel write 16 3121042
- 2 log file parallel write 32 1995505
- 2 log file parallel write 64 44298
- 2 log file parallel write 128 7506
- 2 log file parallel write 256 2582
- 2 log file parallel write 512 536
- 2 log file parallel write 1024 464
- 2 log file parallel write 2048 26
- 2 log file parallel write 4096 0
- 2 log file parallel write 8192 0
- 2 log file parallel write 16384 0
- 2 log file parallel write 32768 0
- 2 log file parallel write 65536 0
- 2 log file parallel write 131072 0
- 2 log file parallel write 262144 0
- 2 log file parallel write 524288 1
- 1 gcs log flush sync 1 4366103
- 1 gcs log flush sync 2 72108
- 1 gcs log flush sync 4 52374
- 1 gcs log flush sync 8 23374
- ---------- ---------------------------------------- --------------- ----------
- 1 gcs log flush sync 16 13518
- 1 gcs log flush sync 32 12450
- 1 gcs log flush sync 64 11307
- 1 gcs log flush sync 128 4
- 2 gcs log flush sync 1 9495464
- 2 gcs log flush sync 2 263718
- 2 gcs log flush sync 4 222876
- 2 gcs log flush sync 8 148562
- 2 gcs log flush sync 16 68586
- 2 gcs log flush sync 32 33704
- 2 gcs log flush sync 64 5231
- 2 gcs log flush sync 128 1
- 1 gc current block 2-way 1 30064919
- 1 gc current block 2-way 2 353563
- 1 gc current block 2-way 4 239425
- 1 gc current block 2-way 8 29994
- 1 gc current block 2-way 16 3203
- 1 gc current block 2-way 32 1661
- 1 gc current block 2-way 64 1501
- 1 gc current block 2-way 128 273
- 1 gc current block 2-way 256 153
- 1 gc current block 2-way 512 22
- 1 gc current block 2-way 1024 119
- 2 gc current block 2-way 1 36168617
- 2 gc current block 2-way 2 303236
- 2 gc current block 2-way 4 148934
- 2 gc current block 2-way 8 13304
- 2 gc current block 2-way 16 2140
- 2 gc current block 2-way 32 1635
- 2 gc current block 2-way 64 1114
- 2 gc current block 2-way 128 210
- 2 gc current block 2-way 256 28
- 2 gc current block 2-way 512 12
- 2 gc current block 2-way 1024 12
- 2 gc current block 2-way 2048 3
- 2 gc current block 2-way 4096 2
- 1 gc cr grant 2-way 1 76502000
- 1 gc cr grant 2-way 2 476023
- 1 gc cr grant 2-way 4 564802
- 1 gc cr grant 2-way 8 61560
- 1 gc cr grant 2-way 16 5657
- 1 gc cr grant 2-way 32 3011
- 1 gc cr grant 2-way 64 440
- 1 gc cr grant 2-way 128 217
- 1 gc cr grant 2-way 256 6
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 1 155966394
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 2 740788
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 4 748834
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 8 59464
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 16 9889
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 32 7236
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 64 937
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 128 463
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 256 14
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 512 5
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 1024 10
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 2048 2
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 4096 4
- 2 gc cr grant 2-way 8192 1
- 1 gc buffer busy 1 34252868
- 1 gc buffer busy 2 18723990
- 1 gc buffer busy 4 9528539
- 1 gc buffer busy 8 4351426
- 1 gc buffer busy 16 3691918
- 1 gc buffer busy 32 755331
- 1 gc buffer busy 64 68712
- 1 gc buffer busy 128 10869
- 1 gc buffer busy 256 2553
- 1 gc buffer busy 512 337
- 1 gc buffer busy 1024 2933
- 2 gc buffer busy 1 7881434
- 2 gc buffer busy 2 2083189
- 2 gc buffer busy 4 1372486
- 2 gc buffer busy 8 1957290
- 2 gc buffer busy 16 1417604
- 2 gc buffer busy 32 448992
- 2 gc buffer busy 64 544446
- 2 gc buffer busy 128 202888
- 2 gc buffer busy 256 58584
- 2 gc buffer busy 512 16470
- 2 gc buffer busy 1024 91266
- 2 gc buffer busy 2048 14
- 1 LGWR wait for redo copy 1 278115
- 1 LGWR wait for redo copy 2 3698
- 1 LGWR wait for redo copy 4 8498
- 1 LGWR wait for redo copy 8 220
- 1 LGWR wait for redo copy 16 6
- 1 LGWR wait for redo copy 32 1
- 2 LGWR wait for redo copy 1 7935371
- 2 LGWR wait for redo copy 2 29915
- 2 LGWR wait for redo copy 4 58179
- 2 LGWR wait for redo copy 8 2472
- 2 LGWR wait for redo copy 16 204
- 2 LGWR wait for redo copy 32 47
***Oracle有個bug:log file sync等待1s,cursor:pin s wait on x也有個bug,莫名等待10ms.
如何tuning sql log file:
對於log buffer size的大小,前面已經提到過,默認的就已經足夠大了,可是從經驗來看(主要是前輩們,我也嘗試過,效果不太明顯),因此在allocate相關latch等待,比較多的時候能夠考慮增大log buffer size.9.2之後oracle使用多個log buffer,也在很大程度上緩解了相關latch等待(每一個latch保護本身的buffers).10g出現新功能:private redo strand,每個allocate latch保護本身的redo strand,也出現了IMU的概念,因此log buffer相關latch的爭用已經不多出現.
10g R1:commit_logging
10g R2:commit_write
Option |
Effect |
Wait(default) |
Ensures that the commit returns only after the corresponding redo information is persistent in the online redo log. When the client receives a successful return from this COMMIT statement, the transaction has been committed to durable media. A failure that occurs after a successful write to the log might prevent the success message from returning to the client, in which case the client cannot tell whether or not the transaction committed. |
Nowait |
The commit returns to the client whether or not the write to the redo log has completed. This behavior can increase transaction throughput. |
Batch |
The redo information is buffered to the redo log, along with other concurrently executing transactions. When sufficient redo information is collected, a disk write to the redo log is initiated. This behavior is called group commit, as redo information for multiple transactions is written to the log in a single I/O operation. |
Immediate(default) |
LGWR writes the transaction's redo information to the log. Because this operation option forces a disk I/O, it can reduce transaction throughput. |
以上來自於Online Document,若是你不關心ACID的D(持久性),也就是不關心instance crash後丟失數據的風險,徹底能夠採用nowait,但我目前沒有見過系統使用該參數,都爲默認值.
1.PLSQL,這包括Procedure致使的log file sync,看下面例子:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 2962 WAITING log file sync 60440 0 773b3nqmcvwf4 BEGIN P_MS_UPDATE_SENDTASK (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11,:12,:13,:14,:15,:16,:17); END;
- 2962 WAITING log file sync 60440 0 773b3nqmcvwf4 BEGIN P_MS_UPDATE_SENDTASK(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11,:12,:13,:14,:15,:16,:17); END;
若是你的存儲IO存在瓶頸,那麼log file parallel write事件會比較明顯,因此這個調整仍是從存儲級別,好比採用raw device,ASM,更加快速的存儲設備等等
下面是如上Begin....End執行的系統的log file sync曲線,當此過程大量執行的時候,平均等待的時間有所增長,以下圖: