pip3 install pymysql
#最後那一個空格,在一條sql語句中若是select * from userinfor where username = "wahaha" -- asadsadf" and pwd = "" 則--以後的條件被註釋掉了(注意--後面還有一個空格) #1.sql注入之:用戶存在,繞過密碼 wahaha" -- 任意字符 #2.sql注入之:用戶不存在,繞過用戶與密碼 xxx" or 1=1 -- 任意字符
#原來是咱們本身對sql字符串進行拼接 #sql = "select * from userinfo where username='%s' and pwd='%s'" %(user, pwd) #print(sql) #result = cursor.execute(sql) #該寫爲(execute幫咱們作好的字符串拼接,咱們無需且必定不要再爲%s加引號了) sql = "select * from userinfor where name = %s and password = %s" #注意%s須要去掉引號,由於pymysql會自動幫咱們加上 result = cursor.execute(sql,[user,pwd]) #pymysql模塊自動幫咱們解決sql注入的問題,只要咱們按照pymysql的規矩來
commit()方法: 在數據庫裏增,刪,改的時候,必需要進行提交,不然插入的數據不生效sql
import pymysql #鏈接 conn = pymysql.connect(host = "localhost", port = 3306, user = "root", password = "", db = "db8", charset = "utf8") #建立遊標 cursor = conn.cursor() # #增: # sql = "insert into userinfor(name,pwd) values (%s,%s)" # ope_data = cursor.execute(sql,(user,pwd)) # # #同時插入多條數據 # # cursor.executemany(sql,[("乳娃娃","111"),("爽歪歪","222")]) # print(ope_data) # #刪 # sql = "delete from userinfor where id = 2" # ope_data = cursor.execute(sql) # print(ope_data) # #改 # user = input("輸入新的用戶名:") # sql = "update userinfor set name = %s where id = 4" # ope_data = cursor.execute(sql,user) # print(ope_data) #必定要記得commit conn.commit() #關閉遊標 cursor.close() #關閉鏈接 conn.close()
fetchone():獲取下一行數據,第一次爲首行 fetchall():獲取全部行數據源 fetchmany(4):獲取4行數據
#返回字典 #在實例化的時候,將屬性cursor設置爲pymysql.cursors.DictCursor cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
cursor.scroll(1,mode='relative') # 相對當前位置移動 cursor.scroll(2,mode='absolute') # 相對絕對位置移動 第一個值爲移動的行數,整數爲向下移動,負數爲向上移動,mode指定了是相對當前位置移動,仍是相對於首行移動
import pymysql conn = pymysql.connect(host = "localhost", port = 3306, user = "root", password = "", db = "db8", charset = "utf8") cursor = conn.cursor(cursor = pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) sql = "select * from userinfor" cursor.execute(sql) #獲取兩條數據 rows = cursor.fetchmany(2) print(rows) #關閉遊標 cursor.close() #關閉鏈接 conn.close() # 結果: [{'id': 1, 'name': 'wahaha', 'pwd': '123'}, {'id': 2, 'name': '冰紅茶', 'pwd': '111'}]