Javascript has three different kinds of properties: named data property, named accessor property and internal property. There are two kinds of access for named properties: get and put, corresponding to retrieval and assignment, respectively. Please refer to the Ecma-262.pdf.javascript
Here are the ways of accessing named data
1 var obj = { 2 3 property_1: 123 4 5 };
You can get its value like the following:ui
1 obj.property_1;
obj[「property_1」]; //please note, quote is required here
but you have to use [「xxx」] if you intend to use for/in to access the properties of an objectcode
1 for(p in obj) 2 { 3 alert(obj[p]); 4 }
The system will alert undefined if you access like the following within the for/in, the reason is javascript pass the property as stringblog
for (p in obj) { alert(obj.p); }