textView.text 內部使用的是 uses text storage notification儲存通知
/// Reactive wrapper for `text` property.
public var value: ControlProperty<String?> {
letsource: Observable<String?> = Observable.deferred { [weak textView = self.base] inlet text = textView?.text
let textChanged = textView?.textStorage
// This project uses text storage notifications because
// that's the only way to catch autocorrect changes // in all cases. Other suggestions are welcome. .rx.didProcessEditingRangeChangeInLength // This observe on is here because text storage // will emit event while process is not completely done, // so rebinding a value will cause an exception to be thrown. .observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance) .map { _ in return textView?.textStorage.string } ?? Observable.empty() return textChanged .startWith(text) } 複製代碼
textFiled.text 使用的是Events,只是作了賦值操做
/// Reactive wrapper for `text` property.
public var value: ControlProperty<String?> {
return base.rx.controlPropertyWithDefaultEvents(
getter: { textField in
setter: { textField, value in
// This check is important because setting text value always clears control state
// including marked text selection which is imporant for proper input
// when IME input method is used.
if textField.text != value {
textField.text = value