USE [cnpc] GO /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[FUN_EaScoreDetail] Script Date: 2019/7/1 星期一 下午 3:50:49 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: <Author,,zhengwei> -- Create date: <Create Date,20190624,> -- Description: <Description,立項考覈明細表,給立項考覈統計提供最基本的數據,不少地方會用到這個函數,不要輕易修改,> -- ============================================= CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FUN_EaScoreDetail] (@unitcode nvarchar(50),@startdate datetime,@enddate datetime) RETURNS @scoreResult TABLE ( EaId int, Createdtime datetime, ApplyUnitCode nvarchar(50), updateG int, ReturnG int, AdjustG int, TerminatedG int, Score float ) AS BEGIN insert into @scoreResult select s.EaId EaId,min(e.createdtime) Createdtime,e.unit_code ApplyUnitCode, sum(case ScoreType when 'Upload' then 1 else 0 end) as updateG, sum(case ScoreType when 'Reply' then 1 else 0 end) as ReturnG, sum(case ScoreType when 'Adjust' then 1 else 0 end) as AdjustG, sum(case ScoreType when 'Terminated' then 1 else 0 end) as TerminatedG, (case min(s.IncreaseOrReduceScore) when 1 then 1 else (1+min(s.IncreaseOrReduceScore)) end) as Score from EaScoreDetail s inner join Ea e on e.id=s.EaId inner join unitinfo u on e.unit_code = u.dm where e.createdtime BETWEEN @startdate and @enddate and e.unit_code like @unitcode+'%' group by s.EaId,e.unit_code RETURN END
表值函數的返回結果爲一個表,那麼首先就是要建立一個表@scoreResult ,並聲明瞭表中一些字段的,最後將查詢的結果插入這個表中,注意,插入結果中select後面字段的順序要與聲明表進字段的順序相同。
USE [cnpc] GO /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[FUN_getPassportQualityScore] Script Date: 2019/7/1 星期一 下午 3:58:50 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO Create function [dbo].[FUN_getPassportQualityScore] ( @approvalCount float, @successApprovalCount float, @borrowCount float, @overtimeUnReturnCount float, @unBorrowVisaCount float, @unBorrowForTK float ) returns nvarchar(100) as begin declare @passportQualityScore float, @collectionRate float, @legalRate float, @passRate float set @collectionRate=0 set @legalRate =0 set @passRate =0 ---- 收繳率 if(@borrowCount>0) set @collectionRate = 1- @overtimeUnReturnCount/@borrowCount ---- 合規借出率 if((@unBorrowVisaCount+@unBorrowForTK+@borrowCount)>0) set @legalRate = @borrowCount/(@unBorrowVisaCount+@unBorrowForTK+@borrowCount) ---- 一次辦理合格率 if(@approvalCount>0) set @passRate = @successApprovalCount/@approvalCount ----質量總分(也就是最終要返回的結果) set @passportQualityScore = (@collectionRate + @legalRate+@passRate)/0.03 return round(@passportQualityScore,2) end