





The register names have evolved over the past 40 years. The Intel 8080 processor, introdced in 1974, had 8 bit registers named A, B, C, D, E, H and L. A thru E seem fairly obvious but H and L? Well, they were combined into the 16 bit HL register which was primarily used as a memory pointer, so H for high and L for low.工具

In 1979 Intel released the 8086 processor (the original IBM PC was based on its close cousin the 8088). The 8086 had 16 bit registers 4 "main" ones and 4 index registers. The main registers were called AX, BX,CX, DX a natural eXtension of the 8080's A thru D, each of these could also be referenced as 8 bit registers which were called AL, AH, BL, BH, etc. The 8086 index register, also 16 bit, were called SI, DI, BP and SP after their primary functions. SI and DI for Sorce and Destination Index, SP for Stack Pointer, and BP for (stack) Base Pointer.學習

The extension to the 32 bit world, with the introdction of the 80386 in 1986, brought us EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI, EBP and ESP, the 32 bit variants of the registers, the 80386 names remained for the (lower) 16 bits and the 8 bit accessing required to mainain comaptibility.ui

There things stood until AMD, beating Intel to market, defined 64-bit extensions.操作系統

It is perhaps interesting to note that binary code assembled for the 8086 processor is compatible with all the X86 processors which succeeded it.命令行









A: accumulator A寄存器一般是函數返回值的存放處。

B: base

C: count C寄存器一般是for循環中計數存放處

D: data


The X means pair, and goes back to at least the 8080. It had 8-bit registers B,C,D,E,H,L (among others) which could also be used in pairs (BC, DE and HL). The BC and DE pairs were used mostly for 16-bit arithmetic; the HL pair generally held a memory address.


當寄存器從16位進化到32位時,命名從AA變成了EAX,E是什麼意思?這個相關的說明比較容易找到,E表示 "extended" 或 "enhanced",即擴展或者加強的意思。

