騰訊檸檬 騰訊檸檬清理是騰訊電腦管家團隊針對Mac系統專屬制定的Mac清理軟件,能輔助你更好的瞭解你的Mac。
OhMyStar Beautiful and efficient way to manage, explore and share your Github Stars.
ENFI下載器 一款通用型高速下載工具,使用P2P下載技術,支持HTTP,BT,磁力鏈等各類協議,高速下載讓你擺脫限速的困擾,今後告別低速
AppCleaner Fully uninstall applications on Mac
Go2Shell Opens a terminal window to the current directory in Finder
CheatSheet Instantly access keyboard shortcuts on your Mac
Notion Write, plan, collaborate, and get organized. Notion is all you need — in one tool.
iTerm2 iTerm2 is a replacement for Terminal and the successor to iTerm.
Pock Display macOS Dock in Touch Bar.
TinyPNG4Mac This is a client of TinyPNG for Mac, with which you can compress pngs without open browser and manually download images, all you need to do is just drag and drop.
eZip 專爲macOS而設計的壓縮軟件
uPic uPic is a native, powerful, beautiful and simple picture and file upload tool for macOS
Motrix A full-featured download manager
IINA The modern video player for macOS
1Password 1Password remembers them all for you. Save your passwords and log in to sites with a single click. It's that simple.提取碼:h2a0