Creating a Connection Pool to PostgreSQL on Glassfish V3
down vote accepted Ok, it was all about jar. html
I copied these files: postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4 postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc3 to C:\Users\epcs\GlassFish_Server\glassfish\domains\epacjent\lib and it finally works. Thanks for reply, Rahul :) --------------- java
I recently created a new connection pool to PostgreSQL on Glassfish and I would like to share the steps I followed with you. Obviously, you need PostgreSQL and Glassfish installed on your machine and a database already created in PostgreSQL. If you didn't configure your new PostgreSQL installation yet, follow the steps I described at this previous post and come back here to continue with the connection pool. The necessary steps are: sql
- We need the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver, since Glassfish and its deployed applications are writen in Java. Drivers are available for download at For this experiment choose the JDBC4 driver.
- Download the driver file postgresql-<version>.jdbc4.jar and copy it to the diretory [glassfish_home]/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/.
- Restart Glassfish in order to make it load the new database driver. I thought that adopting an OSGI architecture Glassfish would never need restarts again, but I was wrong. At least, the restarting process is faster than V2.
- Enter in the administration console and go to Resources/JDBC/Connection Pools.
- Create a new connection pool with the name [database_name]Pool, select the resource type javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource, select the database vendor PostgreSQL and click next.
- Select the datasource classname org.postgresql.ds.PGConnectionPoolDataSource and inform the following additional properties:
Password=******* ;)
PortNumber=5432 (this is the default port but make sure that you are using the correct one)
- Click Finish to save the new connection pool.
- Go to the list of connection pools again and select the new one that you just created.
- Click on Ping to check if the connection was correctly configured. The message "Ping Succeeded" means that the connection is working fine.
- In order to be able to use this connection pool in JEE applications, we have to create a JNDI name for it. Go to Resources/JDBC/JDBC Resources.
- Click on New and set the JNDI Name jdbc/[database_name], select the connection pool created above and click Ok to finish. This JNDI name will be used by applications to access the PostgreSQL database.