項目 | 內容 |
這個做業屬於那個課程 | 班級博客 |
這個做業的要求在哪裏 | 做業要求 |
我在這個課程的目標是 | 學習軟件工程相關知識,加強本身的開發能力。 |
這個做業在哪一個具體方面幫我實現目標 | 學習結對編程的技巧和方法 |
sample | Sample |
PSP2.1 | Personal Software Process Stages | 預估耗時(分鐘) | 實際耗時(分鐘) |
Planning | 計劃 | ||
· Estimate | · 估計這個任務須要多少時間 | 20 | 25 |
Development | 開發 | ||
· Analysis | · 需求分析 (包括學習新技術) | 120 | 300 |
· Design Spec | · 生成設計文檔 | 30 | 30 |
· Design Review | · 設計複審 (和同事審覈設計文檔) | 20 | 20 |
· Coding Standard | · 代碼規範 (爲目前的開發制定合適的規範) | 40 | 30 |
· Design | · 具體設計 | 30 | 20 |
· Coding | · 具體編碼 | 120 | 180 |
· Code Review | · 代碼複審 | 30 | 60 |
· Test | · 測試(自我測試,修改代碼,提交修改) | 120 | 120 |
Reporting | 報告 | ||
· Test Report | · 測試報告 | 30 | 30 |
· Size Measurement | · 計算工做量 | 20 | 20 |
· Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan | · 過後總結, 並提出過程改進計劃 | 240 | 240 |
合計 | 820 | 1025 |
unordered_set<Point*, Hash_Point, Equal_Point> g_allpoint; struct Hash_Point { size_t operator()(const class Point* input1)const { long temp1 = floor(input1->x); long temp2 = floor(input1->y); if (abs(input1->x - (temp1+1)) <= EPS) temp1++; if (abs(input1->y- (temp2+1)) <= EPS) temp2++; return (temp1 + temp2) * 13 + (temp1 * 1000 % 1000 + temp2 * 1000 % 1000); } }; struct Equal_Point { bool operator()(const class Point* input1, const class Point* input2)const { return abs(input1->x - input2->x) <= EPS && abs(input1->y - input2->y) <= EPS; } };
class Seg :public Line { public:double mx2, my2, mx1, my1; Seg(double input1, double input2, int ifspecial, double input3, double input4, double input5, double input6); };,而線段類則新增對於2個端點的記錄。以下所示: class Ray :public Line { public:double mx1, my1, mx2, my2; int direction;//1,2,3,4表示延長到的象限位置,-1表示朝x軸正方向延伸,-2,表示朝x軸負方向延伸,-3表示向y軸正方向延伸,-4表示向y軸負方向延伸 Ray(double input1, double input2, int ifspecial, double input3, double input4, double input5, double input6); };
Shape* ShapeFactory::GetShape(string type, double temp1, double temp2, double temp3, double temp4) { if (type == "L") { if (temp1 == temp3) return new Line(temp1, 0, 1); else return new Line((temp4 - temp2) / (temp3 - temp1), temp2 - (temp4 - temp2) / (temp3 - temp1) * temp1, 0); } else if (type == "R") { if (temp1 == temp3) return new Ray(temp1, 0, 1, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4); else return new Ray((temp4 - temp2) / (temp3 - temp1), temp2 - (temp4 - temp2) / (temp3 - temp1) * temp1, 0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4); } else if (type == "S") { if (temp1 == temp3) return new Seg(temp1, 0, 1, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4); else return new Seg((temp4 - temp2) / (temp3 - temp1), temp2 - (temp4 - temp2) / (temp3 - temp1) * temp1, 0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4); } else if (type == "C") { return new Circle(temp1, temp2, temp3); } else { } return NULL;}
void L2L(Line* input1, Line* input2, unordered_set<Point*, Hash_Point, Equal_Point>& g_allpoint) { if (input1->mspecial == 0 && input2->mspecial == 0) { if (abs(input1->ma - input2->ma) <= EPS) { if (abs(input1->mb - input2->mb) <= EPS) L2L_Special(input1, input2, 0, g_allpoint);//對於特殊狀況的判斷處理 return; } double x = (input2->mb - input1->mb) / (input1->ma - input2->ma); double y = x * input1->ma + input1->mb; if (Line_Process(input1, x, y) && Line_Process(input2, x, y))//判斷交點是否在線上 g_allpoint.insert(new Point(x, y)); return; } else if (input1->mspecial == 1 && input2->mspecial == 1) { if (input1->ma == input2->ma) L2L_Special(input1, input2, 1, g_allpoint); return; } else { if (input1->mspecial == 1) { double x = input1->ma; double y = input1->ma * input2->ma + input2->mb; if (Line_Process(input1, x, y) && Line_Process(input2, x, y)) g_allpoint.insert(new Point(x, y)); } else { double x = input2->ma; double y = input1->ma * input2->ma + input1->mb; if (Line_Process(input1, x, y) && Line_Process(input2, x, y)) g_allpoint.insert(new Point(input2->ma, input1->ma * input2->ma + input1->mb)); } } }
void L2L_Special(Line* input1, Line* input2, int ifspecial, unordered_set<Point*, Hash_Point, Equal_Point>& g_allpoint) { if (input1->mtype == "L" || input2->mtype == "L") throw string("infinite point"); //若是有一個爲直線一定存在無限多個交點 else if (input1->mtype == "R" && input2->mtype == "R") { if (abs(input1->ma - input2->ma) <= EPS && abs(input1->mb - input2->mb) <= EPS) { if (((Ray*)input1)->direction == ((Ray*)input2)->direction) { throw string("infinite point"); }//起始節點相同以及方向相同射線一定有無數多個節點 else { g_allpoint.insert(new Point(input1->ma, input1->mb)); //起始節點相同以及方向相反射線一定只有一個節點 return; } } else { //起始節點不一樣節點要麼有無數多個節點,要麼沒有節點 int direction = DirectionGet(((Ray*)input1)->mx1, ((Ray*)input1)->my1, ((Ray*)input2)->mx1, ((Ray*)input2)->my1); if (direction == ((Ray*)input1)->direction)throw string("infinite point"); else return; } } else if (input1->mtype == "R" || input2->mtype == "R") { //對於射線和線段的判斷 Ray* r1; Seg* s1; if (input1->mtype == "R") { r1 = (Ray*)input1; s1 = (Seg*)input2; } else { r1 = (Ray*)input2; s1 = (Seg*)input1; } int direction1 = DirectionGet(r1->mx1, r1->my1, s1->mx1, s1->my1); int direction2 = DirectionGet(r1->mx1, r1->my1, s1->mx2, s1->my2); if (direction1 == r1->direction || direction2 == r1->direction) throw string("infinite point"); else if (direction1 == 0 || direction2 == 0) g_allpoint.insert(new Point(r1->mx1, r1->my1)); else return; } else { //對於線段和線段的判斷 Seg* s1 = (Seg*)input1; Seg* s2 = (Seg*)input2; double largex1 = s1->mx1 > s1->mx2 ? s1->mx1 : s1->mx2; double smallx1 = s1->mx2 > s1->mx1 ? s1->mx1 : s1->mx2; double largex2 = s2->mx1 > s2->mx2 ? s2->mx1 : s2->mx2; double smallx2 = s2->mx2 > s2->mx1 ? s2->mx1 : s2->mx2; if (abs(smallx1 - largex2) <= EPS) { if (abs(smallx1 - s1->mx1) <= EPS) g_allpoint.insert(new Point(s1->mx1, s1->my1)); else g_allpoint.insert(new Point(s1->mx2, s1->my2)); } else if (abs(largex1 - smallx2) <= EPS) { if (abs(largex1 - s1->mx1) <= EPS) g_allpoint.insert(new Point(s1->mx1, s1->my1)); else g_allpoint.insert(new Point(s1->mx2, s1->my2)); } else if (smallx1 > largex2 || smallx2 > largex1) return; else throw string("infinite point"); } }
N | 時間(ms) |
200 | 45 |
400 | 215 |
600 | 605 |
800 | 920 |
1000 | 1754 |
2000 | 8410 |
3000 | 30360 |
4000 | 83956 |
size_t operator()(const class Point* input1)const { //return (int)(((int)input1.x) * 1e6 / 10 + ((int)input1.y) * 1e6 / 10); double x = input1->x; double y = input1->y; long temp1 = (long)floor(x); long temp2 =(long) floor(y); if (abs(x - ((long long)temp1+1)) <= EPS) temp1++; if (abs(y- ((long long)temp2+1)) <= EPS) temp2++; std::hash<long> long_hash; return long_hash.operator()(temp1)+ long_hash.operator()(temp2); }
code contract與design by contract經過前置條件,不變式以及後置條件,同時運用動態檢查以及靜態檢查,使函數和接口的正確性獲得充分的保證
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod20) { bool b1 = RangeJudge(-100000); bool b2 = RangeJudge(100000); bool b3 = RangeJudge(-100001); bool b4 = RangeJudge(100001); bool b5 = RangeJudge(-99999); bool b6 = RangeJudge(99999); Assert::AreEqual(b1, true); Assert::AreEqual(b2, true); Assert::AreEqual(b3, true); Assert::AreEqual(b4, true); Assert::AreEqual(b5, false); Assert::AreEqual(b6, false);
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod22) { FILE* stream1; FILE* stream2; freopen_s(&stream1, "G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\input.txt", "w", stdout); printf("%d\n", 3); printf("L 0 0 1 1\n"); printf("L 0 0 1 2\n"); printf("L 0 0 1 3\n"); fclose(stdout); PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; //入口參數 ZeroMemory(&StartupInfo, sizeof(StartupInfo)); StartupInfo.cb = sizeof StartupInfo; //分配大小 if (CreateProcess("G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\IntersectProject.exe", "G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\IntersectProject.exe -i G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\input.txt -o G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\output.txt", NULL, NULL, FALSE, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo)) { WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); } //WinExec("G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\IntersectProject.exe -i G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\input.txt -o G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\output.txt", SW_HIDE); int result = 0; FILE* open = fopen("G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\output.txt", "r"); fscanf(open, "%d", &result); fclose(open); Assert::AreEqual(1, result); };
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod46) { FILE* stream1; freopen_s(&stream1, "G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\input.txt", "wt", stdout); printf("%d\n", 1); printf("C 0 0 0\n"); fclose(stdout); PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; //入口參數 ZeroMemory(&StartupInfo, sizeof(StartupInfo)); StartupInfo.cb = sizeof StartupInfo; //分配大小 if (CreateProcess("G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\IntersectProject.exe", "G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\IntersectProject.exe -i G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\input.txt -o G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\output.txt", NULL, NULL, FALSE, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo)) { WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); } //WinExec("G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\IntersectProject.exe -i G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\input.txt -o G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\output.txt", SW_HIDE); char result[40]; FILE* open = fopen("G:\\360MoveData\\Users\\HP\\Desktop\\nt\\output.txt", "r"); fgets(result, 40, open); fclose(open); Assert::AreEqual("radius must be greater than 0\n", result); };
TEST_METHOD(TestMethod53) { Add_Diagram("C 1 0 2 0", 1); Add_Diagram("C 2 2 1 0", 1); Add_Diagram("C 3 -2 6 0", 1); Add_Diagram("L -1 4 4 -1", 1); Calculate(); Assert::AreEqual(6, (int)myallpoint.size()); Clear(); Calculate(); Assert::AreEqual(0, (int)myallpoint.size()); Add_Diagram("C 1 0 2 0", 1); Add_Diagram("C 2 2 1 0", 1); Add_Diagram("C 3 -2 6 0", 1); Add_Diagram("L -1 4 4 -1", 1); Calculate(); Assert::AreEqual(6, (int)myallpoint.size()); Sub_Diagram("C 1 0 2 0", 1); Sub_Diagram("C 2 2 1 0", 1); Sub_Diagram("C 3 -2 6 0", 1); Sub_Diagram("L -1 4 4 -1", 1); myallpoint.clear(); Calculate(); Assert::AreEqual(0, (int)myallpoint.size()); }
錯誤類型 | 輸入(其中一種) | 描述 | 輸出(輸出在文件中) |
線重合 | 2 L 0 0 1 1 L 0 0 -1 -1 | 線性圖形有重疊部分,致使無限多個交點 | infinite point |
圓的重合 | 2 C 1 1 1 C 1 1 1 | 兩個圓圓心和半徑相等 | same circle error |
輸入點重合 | 1 L 1 1 1 1 | 線性圖形2個輸入點徹底相同 | same point in a line |
座標超限 | 1 L 10000 1000001 1000002 1000003 | 輸入點座標超過限制 | coordinate out of range |
半徑小於0 | 1 C 0 0 -1 | 輸入圓的半徑小於-1 | radius must be greater than 0 |
private slots: void on_input_clicked(); void F_INPUT(); void FILE_INPUT(); void RESULT(); void CLEAR(); void SHOWDELETE(); void myPaint(); ui->setupUi(this); connect(ui->quit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(ui->input,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(F_INPUT())); connect(ui->load,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(FILE_INPUT())); connect(ui->show_result,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(RESULT())); connect(ui->clear,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(CLEAR())); connect(ui->delete_2,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(SHOWDELETE())); connect(ui->draw,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(myPaint()));
void Form::hand_out(){ string str=ui->first_edit->text().toStdString(); const char* ch=str.c_str(); if(temp==NULL){ ui->first_edit->setText("illegal input"); } else{ Add_Diagram((char*)ch,1); ui->first_edit->setText("successful insert");} //close();} }
void paint::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *){ QCustomPlot *customPlot = ui->qcustomPlot; customPlot->clearItems(); customPlot->clearGraphs(); ui->qcustomPlot->addGraph(); ui->qcustomPlot->graph(0)->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::LineStyle::lsNone); ui->qcustomPlot->setInteractions(QCP::iRangeDrag | QCP::iRangeZoom | QCP::iSelectPlottables); ui->qcustomPlot->axisRect()->setupFullAxesBox(); ui->qcustomPlot->rescaleAxes(); ui->qcustomPlot->xAxis->setRange(-100000,100000); ui->qcustomPlot->yAxis->setRange(-100000,100000); for (int i = 0 ; i <(int) myallshape.size();i++){ double x1,y1,x2,y2; string type=myallshape.at(i)->mtype; if(type=="R"){ Ray* myray=(Ray*)myallshape.at(i); x1= myray->mx1; y1 = myray->my1; x2 = x1+myray->mx2; y2 = y1+ myray->my2; paintRay(customPlot,x1,y1,x2,y2); } else if(type=="S"){ Seg* myray=(Seg*)myallshape.at(i); x1= myray->mx1; y1 = myray->my1; x2 = x1+myray->mx2; y2 = y1+ myray->my2; paintSegment(customPlot,x1,y1,x2,y2); } else if(type=="L"){ Line* myline=(Line*)myallshape.at(i); if(myline->mspecial==0){ x1=1; y1=myline->ma+myline->mb; x2=2; y2=2*myline->ma+myline->mb; paintLine(customPlot,x1,y1,x2,y2); } if(myline->mspecial==1){ x1=myline->ma; y1=1; x2=myline->ma; y2=2; paintLine(customPlot,x1,y1,x2,y2); } } else if(type=="C"){ Circle* mycircle=(Circle*)myallshape.at(i); x1=mycircle->mx; y1=mycircle->my; x2=mycircle->mr; paintCircle(customPlot,x1-x2,y1+x2,x1+x2,y1-y2); } if (i%5 == 0) customPlot->replot(); } customPlot->replot(); }
void mydelete::delete_this(){ string str=ui->lineEdit->text().toStdString(); const char* ch=str.c_str(); Sub_Diagram((char*)ch,1); ui->lineEdit->setText("successful delete"); }
result::result(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::result) { ui->setupUi(this); myallpoint.clear(); Calculate(); QStandardItemModel* ItemModel = new QStandardItemModel(this); int result=myallpoint.size(); QString string = QString::number(result); QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(string); ItemModel->appendRow(item); ui->listView->setModel(ItemModel); //ui->listView->setFixedSize(600,600); }
extern vector <Shape*> myallshape; extern unordered_set<Point*, Hash_Point, Equal_Point> myallpoint; void Add_Diagram(char* input1, int ifoutsource); void Sub_Diagram(char* input2, int ifoutsource); void File_InputProcess(); void Clear(); void Calculate();
結對編程 | 我 | 結對夥伴 | |
優勢 | 一、持續代碼複審,減小BUG產生。二、互相學習代碼風格,可以糾正本身自己的錯誤。三、可以讓雙方更高效地編程,增長工做效率。 | 代碼能力較爲熟練。 | 比較仔細,可以快速找到程序中的BUG。 |
缺點 | 一、磨合和交流都須要花費必定的時間。二、結對夥伴的能力直接影響了編程的質量。三、容易出現二人之間地位不平衡的狀況。 | 吧不太擅長測試,同時編寫程序BUG較多,而且交流不太主動。 | 編碼能力不強。 |