





Python語言支持邏輯運算符,如下假設變量 a 爲 10, b爲 20:python













name = 'clint'
print(name.capitalize())    #首字母大寫  Clint
print(name.count("i"))      #統計字符串出現某個字符的個數  1
print(,'*'))  #打印30個字符,不夠的「*」補齊   **clint***
print(name.endswith('t'))   #判斷字符串是否以"k"結尾   True
print('244'.isdigit())      #判斷字符是否爲整數      True
print('+'.join(['1','2','3']))   #把join後的內容加入到前面字符串中,以+爲分割符   1+2+3
print('\n123'.strip())       #strip去掉換行符
print("1+2+3+4".split("+"))   #以+爲分隔符生成新的列表,默認不寫爲空格    ['1', '2', '3', '4']
class str(basestring):
    str(object='') -> string
    Return a nice string representation of the object.
    If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.
    def capitalize(self):  
        """ 首字母變大寫 """
        S.capitalize() -> string
        Return a copy of the string S with only its first character
        return ""

    def center(self, width, fillchar=None):  
        """ 內容居中,width:總長度;fillchar:空白處填充內容,默認無 """
        """[, fillchar]) -> string
        Return S centered in a string of length width. Padding is
        done using the specified fill character (default is a space)
        return ""

    def count(self, sub, start=None, end=None):  
        """ 子序列個數 """
        S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int
        Return the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub in
        string S[start:end].  Optional arguments start and end are interpreted
        as in slice notation.
        return 0

    def decode(self, encoding=None, errors=None):  
        """ 解碼 """
        S.decode([encoding[,errors]]) -> object
        Decodes S using the codec registered for encoding. encoding defaults
        to the default encoding. errors may be given to set a different error
        handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise
        a UnicodeDecodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore' and 'replace'
        as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that is
        able to handle UnicodeDecodeErrors.
        return object()

    def encode(self, encoding=None, errors=None):  
        """ 編碼,針對unicode """
        S.encode([encoding[,errors]]) -> object
        Encodes S using the codec registered for encoding. encoding defaults
        to the default encoding. errors may be given to set a different error
        handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise
        a UnicodeEncodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and
        'xmlcharrefreplace' as well as any other name registered with
        codecs.register_error that is able to handle UnicodeEncodeErrors.
        return object()

    def endswith(self, suffix, start=None, end=None):  
        """ 是否以 xxx 結束 """
        S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) -> bool
        Return True if S ends with the specified suffix, False otherwise.
        With optional start, test S beginning at that position.
        With optional end, stop comparing S at that position.
        suffix can also be a tuple of strings to try.
        return False

    def expandtabs(self, tabsize=None):  
        """ 將tab轉換成空格,默認一個tab轉換成8個空格 """
        S.expandtabs([tabsize]) -> string
        Return a copy of S where all tab characters are expanded using spaces.
        If tabsize is not given, a tab size of 8 characters is assumed.
        return ""

    def find(self, sub, start=None, end=None):  
        """ 尋找子序列位置,若是沒找到,返回 -1 """
        S.find(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int
        Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found,
        such that sub is contained within S[start:end].  Optional
        arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.
        Return -1 on failure.
        return 0

    def format(*args, **kwargs): # known special case of str.format
        """ 字符串格式化,動態參數,將函數式編程時細說 """
        S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> string
        Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs.
        The substitutions are identified by braces ('{' and '}').

    def index(self, sub, start=None, end=None):  
        """ 子序列位置,若是沒找到,報錯 """
        S.index(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int
        Like S.find() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found.
        return 0

    def isalnum(self):  
        """ 是不是字母和數字 """
        S.isalnum() -> bool
        Return True if all characters in S are alphanumeric
        and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.
        return False

    def isalpha(self):  
        """ 是不是字母 """
        S.isalpha() -> bool
        Return True if all characters in S are alphabetic
        and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.
        return False

    def isdigit(self):  
        """ 是不是數字 """
        S.isdigit() -> bool
        Return True if all characters in S are digits
        and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.
        return False

    def islower(self):  
        """ 是否小寫 """
        S.islower() -> bool
        Return True if all cased characters in S are lowercase and there is
        at least one cased character in S, False otherwise.
        return False

    def isspace(self):  
        S.isspace() -> bool
        Return True if all characters in S are whitespace
        and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.
        return False

    def istitle(self):  
        S.istitle() -> bool
        Return True if S is a titlecased string and there is at least one
        character in S, i.e. uppercase characters may only follow uncased
        characters and lowercase characters only cased ones. Return False
        return False

    def isupper(self):  
        S.isupper() -> bool
        Return True if all cased characters in S are uppercase and there is
        at least one cased character in S, False otherwise.
        return False

    def join(self, iterable):  
        """ 鏈接 """
        S.join(iterable) -> string
        Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the
        iterable.  The separator between elements is S.
        return ""

    def ljust(self, width, fillchar=None):  
        """ 內容左對齊,右側填充 """
        S.ljust(width[, fillchar]) -> string
        Return S left-justified in a string of length width. Padding is
        done using the specified fill character (default is a space).
        return ""

    def lower(self):  
        """ 變小寫 """
        S.lower() -> string
        Return a copy of the string S converted to lowercase.
        return ""

    def lstrip(self, chars=None):  
        """ 移除左側空白 """
        S.lstrip([chars]) -> string or unicode
        Return a copy of the string S with leading whitespace removed.
        If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
        If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping
        return ""

    def partition(self, sep):  
        """ 分割,前,中,後三部分 """
        S.partition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail)
        Search for the separator sep in S, and return the part before it,
        the separator itself, and the part after it.  If the separator is not
        found, return S and two empty strings.

    def replace(self, old, new, count=None):  
        """ 替換 """
        S.replace(old, new[, count]) -> string
        Return a copy of string S with all occurrences of substring
        old replaced by new.  If the optional argument count is
        given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.
        return ""

    def rfind(self, sub, start=None, end=None):  
        S.rfind(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int
        Return the highest index in S where substring sub is found,
        such that sub is contained within S[start:end].  Optional
        arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.
        Return -1 on failure.
        return 0

    def rindex(self, sub, start=None, end=None):  
        S.rindex(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int
        Like S.rfind() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found.
        return 0

    def rjust(self, width, fillchar=None):  
        S.rjust(width[, fillchar]) -> string
        Return S right-justified in a string of length width. Padding is
        done using the specified fill character (default is a space)
        return ""

    def rpartition(self, sep):  
        S.rpartition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail)
        Search for the separator sep in S, starting at the end of S, and return
        the part before it, the separator itself, and the part after it.  If the
        separator is not found, return two empty strings and S.

    def rsplit(self, sep=None, maxsplit=None):  
        S.rsplit([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings
        Return a list of the words in the string S, using sep as the
        delimiter string, starting at the end of the string and working
        to the front.  If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit splits are
        done. If sep is not specified or is None, any whitespace string
        is a separator.
        return []

    def rstrip(self, chars=None):  
        S.rstrip([chars]) -> string or unicode
        Return a copy of the string S with trailing whitespace removed.
        If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
        If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping
        return ""

    def split(self, sep=None, maxsplit=None):  
        """ 分割, maxsplit最多分割幾回 """
        S.split([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings
        Return a list of the words in the string S, using sep as the
        delimiter string.  If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit
        splits are done. If sep is not specified or is None, any
        whitespace string is a separator and empty strings are removed
        from the result.
        return []

    def splitlines(self, keepends=False):  
        """ 根據換行分割 """
        S.splitlines(keepends=False) -> list of strings
        Return a list of the lines in S, breaking at line boundaries.
        Line breaks are not included in the resulting list unless keepends
        is given and true.
        return []

    def startswith(self, prefix, start=None, end=None):  
        """ 是否起始 """
        S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) -> bool
        Return True if S starts with the specified prefix, False otherwise.
        With optional start, test S beginning at that position.
        With optional end, stop comparing S at that position.
        prefix can also be a tuple of strings to try.
        return False

    def strip(self, chars=None):  
        """ 移除兩段空白 """
        S.strip([chars]) -> string or unicode
        Return a copy of the string S with leading and trailing
        whitespace removed.
        If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
        If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping
        return ""

    def swapcase(self):  
        """ 大寫變小寫,小寫變大寫 """
        S.swapcase() -> string
        Return a copy of the string S with uppercase characters
        converted to lowercase and vice versa.
        return ""

    def title(self):  
        S.title() -> string
        Return a titlecased version of S, i.e. words start with uppercase
        characters, all remaining cased characters have lowercase.
        return ""

    def translate(self, table, deletechars=None):  
        intab = "aeiou"
        outtab = "12345"
        trantab = maketrans(intab, outtab)
        str = "this is string!!!"
        print str.translate(trantab, 'xm')

        S.translate(table [,deletechars]) -> string
        Return a copy of the string S, where all characters occurring
        in the optional argument deletechars are removed, and the
        remaining characters have been mapped through the given
        translation table, which must be a string of length 256 or None.
        If the table argument is None, no translation is applied and
        the operation simply removes the characters in deletechars.
        return ""

    def upper(self):  
        S.upper() -> string
        Return a copy of the string S converted to uppercase.
        return ""

    def zfill(self, width):  
        S.zfill(width) -> string
        Pad a numeric string S with zeros on the left, to fill a field
        of the specified width.  The string S is never truncated.
        return ""

    def _formatter_field_name_split(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown

    def _formatter_parser(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown

    def __add__(self, y):  
        """ x.__add__(y) <==> x+y """

    def __contains__(self, y):  
        """ x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x """

    def __eq__(self, y):  
        """ x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y """

    def __format__(self, format_spec):  
        S.__format__(format_spec) -> string
        Return a formatted version of S as described by format_spec.
        return ""

    def __getattribute__(self, name):  
        """ x.__getattribute__('name') <==> """

    def __getitem__(self, y):  
        """ x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y] """

    def __getnewargs__(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown

    def __getslice__(self, i, j):  
        x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]
                   Use of negative indices is not supported.

    def __ge__(self, y):  
        """ x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y """

    def __gt__(self, y):  
        """ x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y """

    def __hash__(self):  
        """ x.__hash__() <==> hash(x) """

    def __init__(self, string=''): # known special case of str.__init__
        str(object='') -> string
        Return a nice string representation of the object.
        If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.
        # (copied from class doc)

    def __len__(self):  
        """ x.__len__() <==> len(x) """

    def __le__(self, y):  
        """ x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y """

    def __lt__(self, y):  
        """ x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y """

    def __mod__(self, y):  
        """ x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y """

    def __mul__(self, n):  
        """ x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n """

    @staticmethod # known case of __new__
    def __new__(S, *more):  
        """ T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T """

    def __ne__(self, y):  
        """ x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y """

    def __repr__(self):  
        """ x.__repr__() <==> repr(x) """

    def __rmod__(self, y):  
        """ x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x """

    def __rmul__(self, n):  
        """ x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x """

    def __sizeof__(self):  
        """ S.__sizeof__() -> size of S in memory, in bytes """

    def __str__(self):  
        """ x.__str__() <==> str(x) """

string 源碼



  name_list = ['clint','eve','sam‘’]ide

  name_list = list('clint','eve','sam')


class list(object):
    list() -> new empty list
    list(iterable) -> new list initialized from iterable's items
    def append(self, p_object): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ L.append(object) -- append object to end """

    def count(self, value): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ L.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of value """
        return 0

    def extend(self, iterable): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ L.extend(iterable) -- extend list by appending elements from the iterable """

    def index(self, value, start=None, stop=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        L.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- return first index of value.
        Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
        return 0

    def insert(self, index, p_object): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ L.insert(index, object) -- insert object before index """

    def pop(self, index=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        L.pop([index]) -> item -- remove and return item at index (default last).
        Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.

    def remove(self, value): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        L.remove(value) -- remove first occurrence of value.
        Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

    def reverse(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ L.reverse() -- reverse *IN PLACE* """

    def sort(self, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        L.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) -- stable sort *IN PLACE*;
        cmp(x, y) -> -1, 0, 1

    def __add__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__add__(y) <==> x+y """

    def __contains__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x """

    def __delitem__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y] """

    def __delslice__(self, i, j): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        x.__delslice__(i, j) <==> del x[i:j]
                   Use of negative indices is not supported.

    def __eq__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y """

    def __getattribute__(self, name): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__getattribute__('name') <==> """

    def __getitem__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y] """

    def __getslice__(self, i, j): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]
                   Use of negative indices is not supported.

    def __ge__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y """

    def __gt__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y """

    def __iadd__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__iadd__(y) <==> x+=y """

    def __imul__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__imul__(y) <==> x*=y """

    def __init__(self, seq=()): # known special case of list.__init__
        list() -> new empty list
        list(iterable) -> new list initialized from iterable's items
        # (copied from class doc)

    def __iter__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__iter__() <==> iter(x) """

    def __len__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__len__() <==> len(x) """

    def __le__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y """

    def __lt__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y """

    def __mul__(self, n): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n """

    @staticmethod # known case of __new__
    def __new__(S, *more): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T """

    def __ne__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y """

    def __repr__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__repr__() <==> repr(x) """

    def __reversed__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ L.__reversed__() -- return a reverse iterator over the list """

    def __rmul__(self, n): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x """

    def __setitem__(self, i, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y """

    def __setslice__(self, i, j, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        x.__setslice__(i, j, y) <==> x[i:j]=y
                   Use  of negative indices is not supported.

    def __sizeof__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ L.__sizeof__() -- size of L in memory, in bytes """

    __hash__ = None

List 源碼



  name_list = ('clint','eve','sam’)

  name_list = tuple('clint','eve','sam')


lass tuple(object):
    tuple() -> empty tuple
    tuple(iterable) -> tuple initialized from iterable's items
    If the argument is a tuple, the return value is the same object.
    def count(self, value): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ T.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of value """
        return 0

    def index(self, value, start=None, stop=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        T.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- return first index of value.
        Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
        return 0

    def __add__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__add__(y) <==> x+y """

    def __contains__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x """

    def __eq__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y """

    def __getattribute__(self, name): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__getattribute__('name') <==> """

    def __getitem__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y] """

    def __getnewargs__(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown

    def __getslice__(self, i, j): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]
                   Use of negative indices is not supported.

    def __ge__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y """

    def __gt__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y """

    def __hash__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__hash__() <==> hash(x) """

    def __init__(self, seq=()): # known special case of tuple.__init__
        tuple() -> empty tuple
        tuple(iterable) -> tuple initialized from iterable's items
        If the argument is a tuple, the return value is the same object.
        # (copied from class doc)

    def __iter__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__iter__() <==> iter(x) """

    def __len__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__len__() <==> len(x) """

    def __le__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y """

    def __lt__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y """

    def __mul__(self, n): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n """

    @staticmethod # known case of __new__
    def __new__(S, *more): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T """

    def __ne__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y """

    def __repr__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__repr__() <==> repr(x) """

    def __rmul__(self, n): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x """

    def __sizeof__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ T.__sizeof__() -- size of T in memory, in bytes """

tuple 源碼




  clint_info = {'name':clint,'age':22,'gender':'男'}

   或clint_info = dict({'name':clint,'age':22,'gender':'男'})


class dict(object):
    dict() -> new empty dictionary
    dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's
        (key, value) pairs
    dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:
        d = {}
        for k, v in iterable:
            d[k] = v
    dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs
        in the keyword argument list.  For example:  dict(one=1, two=2)

    def clear(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ 清除內容 """
        """ D.clear() -> None.  Remove all items from D. """

    def copy(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ 淺拷貝 """
        """ D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D """

    @staticmethod # known case
    def fromkeys(S, v=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        dict.fromkeys(S[,v]) -> New dict with keys from S and values equal to v.
        v defaults to None.

    def get(self, k, d=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ 根據key獲取值,d是默認值 """
        """ D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d.  d defaults to None. """

    def has_key(self, k): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ 是否有key """
        """ D.has_key(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False """
        return False

    def items(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ 全部項的列表形式 """
        """ D.items() -> list of D's (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples """
        return []

    def iteritems(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ 項可迭代 """
        """ D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value) items of D """

    def iterkeys(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ key可迭代 """
        """ D.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of D """

    def itervalues(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ value可迭代 """
        """ D.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of D """

    def keys(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ 全部的key列表 """
        """ D.keys() -> list of D's keys """
        return []

    def pop(self, k, d=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ 獲取並在字典中移除 """
        D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.
        If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised

    def popitem(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ 獲取並在字典中移除 """
        D.popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a
        2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.

    def setdefault(self, k, d=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ 若是key不存在,則建立,若是存在,則返回已存在的值且不修改 """
        """ D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D """

    def update(self, E=None, **F): # known special case of dict.update
        """ 更新
            {'name':'alex', 'age': 18000}
        D.update([E, ]**F) -> None.  Update D from dict/iterable E and F.
        If E present and has a .keys() method, does:     for k in E: D[k] = E[k]
        If E present and lacks .keys() method, does:     for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v
        In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]

    def values(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ 全部的值 """
        """ D.values() -> list of D's values """
        return []

    def viewitems(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ 全部項,只是將內容保存至view對象中 """
        """ D.viewitems() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items """

    def viewkeys(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ D.viewkeys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys """

    def viewvalues(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ D.viewvalues() -> an object providing a view on D's values """

    def __cmp__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__cmp__(y) <==> cmp(x,y) """

    def __contains__(self, k): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ D.__contains__(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False """
        return False

    def __delitem__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y] """

    def __eq__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y """

    def __getattribute__(self, name): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__getattribute__('name') <==> """

    def __getitem__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y] """

    def __ge__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y """

    def __gt__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y """

    def __init__(self, seq=None, **kwargs): # known special case of dict.__init__
        dict() -> new empty dictionary
        dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's
            (key, value) pairs
        dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:
            d = {}
            for k, v in iterable:
                d[k] = v
        dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs
            in the keyword argument list.  For example:  dict(one=1, two=2)
        # (copied from class doc)

    def __iter__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__iter__() <==> iter(x) """

    def __len__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__len__() <==> len(x) """

    def __le__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y """

    def __lt__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y """

    @staticmethod # known case of __new__
    def __new__(S, *more): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T """

    def __ne__(self, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y """

    def __repr__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__repr__() <==> repr(x) """

    def __setitem__(self, i, y): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y """

    def __sizeof__(self): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
        """ D.__sizeof__() -> size of D in memory, in bytes """

    __hash__ = None

dict 源碼



name_set = set(['clint','eve','sam'])
# 添加
name_set.add('jack')   #add只能添加一個
print(name_set)         #{'clint', 'eve', 'sam', 'jack'}

name_set.update(['rose','gay'])    #update添加多個
{'clint', 'eve', 'jack', 'rose', 'gay', 'sam'}

name_set.remove('rose')    #刪除指定的

fruit.pop()    #隨機刪除