本文是基於TensorRT 5.0.2基礎上,關於其內部的fc_plugin_caffe_mnist例子的分析和介紹。
本例子相較於前面例子的不一樣在於,其還包含cpp代碼,且此時依賴項還挺多。該例子展現如何使用基於cpp寫的plugin,用tensorrt python 綁定接口和caffe解析器一塊兒工做的過程。該例子使用cuBLAS和cuDNn實現一個全鏈接層,而後實現成tensorrt plugin,而後用pybind11生成對應python綁定,這些綁定隨後被用來註冊爲caffe解析器的一部分。html
# tree python python ├── common.py ├── fc_plugin_caffe_mnist │ ├── CMakeLists.txt │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── plugin │ │ ├── FullyConnected.h │ │ └── pyFullyConnected.cpp │ ├── README.md │ ├── requirements.txt │ └── sample.py
plugin包含FullyConnected 層的plugin:c++
- FullyConnected.h 基於CUDA,cuDNN,cuBLAS實現該插件;
- pyFullyConnected.cpp 生成關於FCPlugin和FCPluginFactory插件的python綁定;
sample.py 使用提供的FullyConnected 層插件運行MNIST網絡;git
git clone -b v2.2.3 https://github.com/pybind/pybind11.git
- 安裝python包:
Pillow pycuda numpy argparse
- 建立build文件夾,而後進入該文件夾
mkdir build && pushd build
- cmake生成對應Makefile,此處能夠自由設定一些參數。若是其中有些依賴不在默認位置路徑上,能夠cmake手動指定,關於Cmake的文檔,可參考
cmake .. -DCUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda-9.0 \ -DPYBIND11_DIR=/root/pybind11/ \ -DPYTHON3_INC_DIR=/usr/local/python3/include/python3.5m/ \ -DNVINFER_LIB=/TensorRT- \ -D_NVINFER_PLUGIN_LIB=/TensorRT- \ -D_NVPARSERS_LIB=/TensorRT- \ -DTRT_INC_DIR=/TensorRT-
- 進行編譯
make -j32
- 跳出build
其中關於find_library, include_directories, add_subdirectory的能夠參考cmake-command文檔編程
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2 FATAL_ERROR) # 最小cmake版本限定 project(FCPlugin LANGUAGES CXX C) # 項目名稱和對應的編程語言 # 設定一個宏set_ifndef,用於操做當變量未找到時的行爲:此處將未找到變量var 設定爲val macro(set_ifndef var val) if(NOT ${var}) set(${var} ${val}) endif() message(STATUS "Configurable variable ${var} set to ${${var}}") endmacro() # -------- CONFIGURATION -------- # Set module name here. MUST MATCH the module name specified in the .cpp set_ifndef(PY_MODULE_NAME fcplugin) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) # 設定C++11標註 set(PYBIND11_CPP_STANDARD -std=c++11) # pybind11 defaults to c++14. set_ifndef(PYBIND11_DIR $ENV{HOME}/pybind11/) set_ifndef(CUDA_VERSION 10.0) set_ifndef(CUDA_ROOT /usr/local/cuda-${CUDA_VERSION}) set_ifndef(CUDNN_ROOT ${CUDA_ROOT}) set_ifndef(PYTHON_ROOT /usr/include) set_ifndef(TRT_LIB_DIR /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu) set_ifndef(TRT_INC_DIR /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu) # 尋找依賴 message("\nThe following variables are derived from the values of the previous variables unless provided explicitly:\n") find_path(_CUDA_INC_DIR cuda_runtime_api.h HINTS ${CUDA_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES include) set_ifndef(CUDA_INC_DIR ${_CUDA_INC_DIR}) find_library(_CUDA_LIB cudart HINTS ${CUDA_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib lib64) set_ifndef(CUDA_LIB ${_CUDA_LIB}) find_library(_CUBLAS_LIB cublas HINTS ${CUDA_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib lib64) set_ifndef(CUBLAS_LIB ${_CUBLAS_LIB}) find_path(_CUDNN_INC_DIR cudnn.h HINTS ${CUDNN_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES include x86_64-linux-gnu) set_ifndef(CUDNN_INC_DIR ${_CUDNN_INC_DIR}) find_library(_CUDNN_LIB cudnn HINTS ${CUDNN_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib lib64 x86_64-linux-gnu) set_ifndef(CUDNN_LIB ${_CUDNN_LIB}) find_library(_TRT_INC_DIR NvInfer.h HINTS ${TRT_INC_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES include x86_64-linux-gnu) set_ifndef(TRT_INC_DIR ${_TRT_INC_DIR}) find_library(_NVINFER_LIB nvinfer HINTS ${TRT_LIB_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib lib64 x86_64-linux-gnu) set_ifndef(NVINFER_LIB ${_NVINFER_LIB}) find_library(_NVPARSERS_LIB nvparsers HINTS ${TRT_LIB_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib lib64 x86_64-linux-gnu) set_ifndef(NVPARSERS_LIB ${_NVPARSERS_LIB}) find_library(_NVINFER_PLUGIN_LIB nvinfer_plugin HINTS ${TRT_LIB_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib lib64 x86_64-linux-gnu) set_ifndef(NVINFER_PLUGIN_LIB ${_NVINFER_PLUGIN_LIB}) find_path(_PYTHON2_INC_DIR Python.h HINTS ${PYTHON_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES python2.7) set_ifndef(PYTHON2_INC_DIR ${_PYTHON2_INC_DIR}) find_path(_PYTHON3_INC_DIR Python.h HINTS ${PYTHON_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES python3.7 python3.6 python3.5 python3.4) set_ifndef(PYTHON3_INC_DIR ${_PYTHON3_INC_DIR}) # -------- BUILDING -------- # 增長include文件夾路徑 include_directories(${TRT_INC_DIR} ${CUDA_INC_DIR} ${CUDNN_INC_DIR} ${PYBIND11_DIR}/include/) # CMAKE_BINARY_DIR:表示build的根路徑,這裏是在build文件夾增長pybind11文件夾 add_subdirectory(${PYBIND11_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pybind11) # CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR:表示項目的根路徑 file(GLOB_RECURSE SOURCE_FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/plugin/*.cpp) # Bindings library. The module name MUST MATCH the module name specified in the .cpp # 是否支持python3 if(PYTHON3_INC_DIR AND NOT (${PYTHON3_INC_DIR} STREQUAL "None")) pybind11_add_module(${PY_MODULE_NAME} SHARED THIN_LTO ${SOURCE_FILES}) target_include_directories(${PY_MODULE_NAME} BEFORE PUBLIC ${PYTHON3_INC_DIR}) target_link_libraries(${PY_MODULE_NAME} PRIVATE ${CUDNN_LIB} ${CUDA_LIB} ${CUBLAS_LIB} ${NVINFER_LIB} ${NVPARSERS_LIB} ${NVINFER_PLUGIN_LIB}) endif() # 是否支持python2 if(PYTHON2_INC_DIR AND NOT (${PYTHON2_INC_DIR} STREQUAL "None")) # Suffix the cmake target name with a 2 to differentiate from the Python 3 bindings target. pybind11_add_module(${PY_MODULE_NAME}2 SHARED THIN_LTO ${SOURCE_FILES}) target_include_directories(${PY_MODULE_NAME}2 BEFORE PUBLIC ${PYTHON2_INC_DIR}) target_link_libraries(${PY_MODULE_NAME}2 PRIVATE ${CUDNN_LIB} ${CUDA_LIB} ${CUBLAS_LIB} ${NVINFER_LIB} ${NVPARSERS_LIB} ${NVINFER_PLUGIN_LIB}) # Rename to remove the .cpython-35... extension. set_target_properties(${PY_MODULE_NAME}2 PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${PY_MODULE_NAME} SUFFIX ".so") # Python 2 requires an empty __init__ file to be able to import. file(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/__init__.py "") endif()
#ifndef _FULLY_CONNECTED_H_ #define _FULLY_CONNECTED_H_ #include <cassert> #include <cstring> #include <cuda_runtime_api.h> #include <cudnn.h> #include <cublas_v2.h> #include <stdexcept> #include "NvInfer.h" //在路徑 /TensorRT- #include "NvCaffeParser.h" //在路徑 /TensorRT- #define CHECK(status) { if (status != 0) throw std::runtime_error(__FILE__ + __LINE__ + std::string{"CUDA Error: "} + std::to_string(status)); } // 將數據從host移動到device nvinfer1::Weights copyToDevice(const void* hostData, int count) { void* deviceData; CHECK(cudaMalloc(&deviceData, count * sizeof(float))); CHECK(cudaMemcpy(deviceData, hostData, count * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); return nvinfer1::Weights{nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, deviceData, count}; } //將數據從device移動到host int copyFromDevice(char* hostBuffer, nvinfer1::Weights deviceWeights) { *reinterpret_cast<int*>(hostBuffer) = deviceWeights.count; CHECK(cudaMemcpy(hostBuffer + sizeof(int), deviceWeights.values, deviceWeights.count * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); return sizeof(int) + deviceWeights.count * sizeof(float); } //----------------------------- /*創建FCPlugin類*/ class FCPlugin: public nvinfer1::IPluginExt { public: // In this simple case we're going to infer the number of output channels from the bias weights. // The knowledge that the kernel weights are weights[0] and the bias weights are weights[1] was // divined from the caffe innards FCPlugin(const nvinfer1::Weights* weights, int nbWeights) { assert(nbWeights == 2); mKernelWeights = copyToDevice(weights[0].values, weights[0].count); mBiasWeights = copyToDevice(weights[1].values, weights[1].count); } // 構造函數,用於從一個字節流中建立plugin FCPlugin(const void* data, size_t length) { const char* d = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), *a = d; mKernelWeights = copyToDevice(d + sizeof(int), reinterpret_cast<const int&>(d)); d += sizeof(int) + mKernelWeights.count * sizeof(float); mBiasWeights = copyToDevice(d + sizeof(int), reinterpret_cast<const int&>(d)); d += sizeof(int) + mBiasWeights.count * sizeof(float); assert(d == a + length); } virtual int getNbOutputs() const override { return 1; } virtual nvinfer1::Dims getOutputDimensions(int index, const nvinfer1::Dims* inputs, int nbInputDims) override { assert(index == 0 && nbInputDims == 1 && inputs[0].nbDims == 3); return nvinfer1::DimsCHW{static_cast<int>(mBiasWeights.count), 1, 1}; } virtual int initialize() override { CHECK(cudnnCreate(&mCudnn)); CHECK(cublasCreate(&mCublas)); // Create cudnn tensor descriptors for bias addition. CHECK(cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(&mSrcDescriptor)); CHECK(cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(&mDstDescriptor)); return 0; } virtual void terminate() override { CHECK(cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(mSrcDescriptor)); CHECK(cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(mDstDescriptor)); CHECK(cublasDestroy(mCublas)); CHECK(cudnnDestroy(mCudnn)); } // This plugin requires no workspace memory during build time. virtual size_t getWorkspaceSize(int maxBatchSize) const override { return 0; } virtual int enqueue(int batchSize, const void* const* inputs, void** outputs, void* workspace, cudaStream_t stream) override { int nbOutputChannels = mBiasWeights.count; int nbInputChannels = mKernelWeights.count / nbOutputChannels; constexpr float kONE = 1.0f, kZERO = 0.0f; // Do matrix multiplication. cublasSetStream(mCublas, stream); cudnnSetStream(mCudnn, stream); CHECK(cublasSgemm(mCublas, CUBLAS_OP_T, CUBLAS_OP_N, nbOutputChannels, batchSize, nbInputChannels, &kONE, reinterpret_cast<const float*>(mKernelWeights.values), nbInputChannels, reinterpret_cast<const float*>(inputs[0]), nbInputChannels, &kZERO, reinterpret_cast<float*>(outputs[0]), nbOutputChannels)); // Add bias. CHECK(cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(mSrcDescriptor, CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, 1, nbOutputChannels, 1, 1)); CHECK(cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(mDstDescriptor, CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, batchSize, nbOutputChannels, 1, 1)); CHECK(cudnnAddTensor(mCudnn, &kONE, mSrcDescriptor, mBiasWeights.values, &kONE, mDstDescriptor, outputs[0])); return 0; } // For this sample, we'll only support float32 with NCHW. virtual bool supportsFormat(nvinfer1::DataType type, nvinfer1::PluginFormat format) const override { return (type == nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT && format == nvinfer1::PluginFormat::kNCHW); } void configureWithFormat(const nvinfer1::Dims* inputDims, int nbInputs, const nvinfer1::Dims* outputDims, int nbOutputs, nvinfer1::DataType type, nvinfer1::PluginFormat format, int maxBatchSize) { assert(nbInputs == 1 && inputDims[0].d[1] == 1 && inputDims[0].d[2] == 1); assert(nbOutputs == 1 && outputDims[0].d[1] == 1 && outputDims[0].d[2] == 1); assert(mKernelWeights.count == inputDims[0].d[0] * inputDims[0].d[1] * inputDims[0].d[2] * mBiasWeights.count); } virtual size_t getSerializationSize() override { return sizeof(int) * 2 + mKernelWeights.count * sizeof(float) + mBiasWeights.count * sizeof(float); } virtual void serialize(void* buffer) override { char* d = reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer), *a = d; d += copyFromDevice(d, mKernelWeights); d += copyFromDevice(d, mBiasWeights); assert(d == a + getSerializationSize()); } // 析構函數,釋放buffer. virtual ~FCPlugin() { cudaFree(const_cast<void*>(mKernelWeights.values)); mKernelWeights.values = nullptr; cudaFree(const_cast<void*>(mBiasWeights.values)); mBiasWeights.values = nullptr; } private: cudnnHandle_t mCudnn; cublasHandle_t mCublas; nvinfer1::Weights mKernelWeights{nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, nullptr}, mBiasWeights{nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, nullptr}; cudnnTensorDescriptor_t mSrcDescriptor, mDstDescriptor; }; /*創建FCPluginFactory類*/ class FCPluginFactory : public nvcaffeparser1::IPluginFactoryExt, public nvinfer1::IPluginFactory { public: bool isPlugin(const char* name) override { return isPluginExt(name); } bool isPluginExt(const char* name) override { return !strcmp(name, "ip2"); } // Create a plugin using provided weights. virtual nvinfer1::IPlugin* createPlugin(const char* layerName, const nvinfer1::Weights* weights, int nbWeights) override { assert(isPluginExt(layerName) && nbWeights == 2); assert(mPlugin == nullptr); // This plugin will need to be manually destroyed after parsing the network, by calling destroyPlugin. mPlugin = new FCPlugin{weights, nbWeights}; return mPlugin; } // Create a plugin from serialized data. virtual nvinfer1::IPlugin* createPlugin(const char* layerName, const void* serialData, size_t serialLength) override { assert(isPlugin(layerName)); // This will be automatically destroyed when the engine is destroyed. return new FCPlugin{serialData, serialLength}; } // User application destroys plugin when it is safe to do so. // Should be done after consumers of plugin (like ICudaEngine) are destroyed. void destroyPlugin() { delete mPlugin; } FCPlugin* mPlugin{ nullptr }; }; #endif //_FULLY_CONNECTED_H
#include "FullyConnected.h" #include "NvInfer.h" #include "NvCaffeParser.h" #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> PYBIND11_MODULE(fcplugin, m) { namespace py = pybind11; // 以python方式導入tensorrt模塊. py::module::import("tensorrt"); // Note that we only need to bind the constructors manually. Since all other methods override IPlugin functionality, they will be automatically available in the python bindings. // The `std::unique_ptr<FCPlugin, py::nodelete>` specifies that Python is not responsible for destroying the object. This is required because the destructor is private. py::class_<FCPlugin, nvinfer1::IPluginExt, std::unique_ptr<FCPlugin, py::nodelete>>(m, "FCPlugin") // Bind the normal constructor as well as the one which deserializes the plugin .def(py::init<const nvinfer1::Weights*, int>()) .def(py::init<const void*, size_t>()) ; // Since the createPlugin function overrides IPluginFactory functionality, we do not need to explicitly bind it here. // We specify py::multiple_inheritance because we have not explicitly specified nvinfer1::IPluginFactory as a base class. py::class_<FCPluginFactory, nvcaffeparser1::IPluginFactoryExt>(m, "FCPluginFactory", py::multiple_inheritance()) // Bind the default constructor. .def(py::init<>()) // The destroy_plugin function does not override the base class, so we must bind it explicitly. .def("destroy_plugin", &FCPluginFactory::destroyPlugin) ; }
# This sample uses a Caffe model along with a custom plugin to create a TensorRT engine. from random import randint from PIL import Image import numpy as np import pycuda.driver as cuda import pycuda.autoinit import tensorrt as trt try: from build import fcplugin except ImportError as err: raise ImportError("""ERROR: Failed to import module ({}) Please build the FullyConnected sample plugin. For more information, see the included README.md Note that Python 2 requires the presence of `__init__.py` in the build folder""".format(err)) import sys, os sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], "..")) # import common # 這裏將common中的GiB和find_sample_data,do_inference等函數移動到該py文件中,保證自包含。 def GiB(val): '''以GB爲單位,計算所須要的存儲值,向左位移10bit表示KB,20bit表示MB ''' return val * 1 << 30 def find_sample_data(description="Runs a TensorRT Python sample", subfolder="", find_files=[]): '''該函數就是一個參數解析函數。 Parses sample arguments. Args: description (str): Description of the sample. subfolder (str): The subfolder containing data relevant to this sample find_files (str): A list of filenames to find. Each filename will be replaced with an absolute path. Returns: str: Path of data directory. Raises: FileNotFoundError ''' # 爲了簡潔,這裏直接將路徑硬編碼到代碼中。 data_root = kDEFAULT_DATA_ROOT = os.path.abspath("/TensorRT-") subfolder_path = os.path.join(data_root, subfolder) if not os.path.exists(subfolder_path): print("WARNING: " + subfolder_path + " does not exist. Using " + data_root + " instead.") data_path = subfolder_path if os.path.exists(subfolder_path) else data_root if not (os.path.exists(data_path)): raise FileNotFoundError(data_path + " does not exist.") for index, f in enumerate(find_files): find_files[index] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(data_path, f)) if not os.path.exists(find_files[index]): raise FileNotFoundError(find_files[index] + " does not exist. ") if find_files: return data_path, find_files else: return data_path #----------------- TRT_LOGGER = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.WARNING) class ModelData(object): INPUT_NAME = "input" INPUT_SHAPE = (1, 28, 28) OUTPUT_NAME = "prob" OUTPUT_SHAPE = (10, ) DTYPE = trt.float32 # 用一個解析器從binary_proto中檢索mean data. def retrieve_mean(mean_proto): with trt.CaffeParser() as parser: return parser.parse_binary_proto(mean_proto) # 建立解析器的plugin factory. 設定成全局是由於能夠在engine銷燬以後再銷燬. fc_factory = fcplugin.FCPluginFactory() '''main第二步:構建engine ''' def build_engine(deploy_file, model_file): with trt.Builder(TRT_LOGGER) as builder, \ builder.create_network() as network, \ trt.CaffeParser() as parser: builder.max_workspace_size = GiB(1) # 設定解析器的plugin factory。這裏將其綁定到引用是爲了後續可以手動銷燬 # parser.plugin_factory_ext 是一個 write-only屬性 ''' plugin_factory_ext是CaffeParser特有的接口,爲了接入用戶定義的組件 https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/sdk/tensorrt-api/python_api/parsers/Caffe/pyCaffe.html?highlight=plugin_factory_ext ''' parser.plugin_factory_ext = fc_factory # 解析該模型,並構建engine model_tensors = parser.parse(deploy=deploy_file, model=model_file, network=network, dtype=ModelData.DTYPE) # 標記網絡的輸出 network.mark_output(model_tensors.find(ModelData.OUTPUT_NAME)) return builder.build_cuda_engine(network) '''main中第三步:分配buffer ''' def allocate_buffers(engine): inputs = [] outputs = [] bindings = [] stream = cuda.Stream() for binding in engine: size = trt.volume(engine.get_binding_shape(binding)) * engine.max_batch_size dtype = trt.nptype(engine.get_binding_dtype(binding)) # 分配host和device端的buffer host_mem = cuda.pagelocked_empty(size, dtype) device_mem = cuda.mem_alloc(host_mem.nbytes) # 將device端的buffer追加到device的bindings. bindings.append(int(device_mem)) # Append to the appropriate list. if engine.binding_is_input(binding): inputs.append(HostDeviceMem(host_mem, device_mem)) else: outputs.append(HostDeviceMem(host_mem, device_mem)) return inputs, outputs, bindings, stream '''main中第四步:選擇測試樣本 ''' def load_normalized_test_case(data_path, pagelocked_buffer, mean, case_num=randint(0, 9)): test_case_path = os.path.join(data_path, str(case_num) + ".pgm") # Flatten圖像爲1維數組,而後歸一化,並copy到pagelocked內存中。 img = np.array(Image.open(test_case_path)).ravel() np.copyto(pagelocked_buffer, img - mean) return case_num '''main中第五步:執行inference ''' # 該函數能夠適應多個輸入/輸出;輸入和輸出格式爲HostDeviceMem對象組成的列表 def do_inference(context, bindings, inputs, outputs, stream, batch_size=1): # 將數據移動到GPU [cuda.memcpy_htod_async(inp.device, inp.host, stream) for inp in inputs] # 執行inference. context.execute_async(batch_size=batch_size, bindings=bindings, stream_handle=stream.handle) # 將結果從 GPU寫回到host端 [cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(out.host, out.device, stream) for out in outputs] # 同步stream stream.synchronize() # 返回host端的輸出結果 return [out.host for out in outputs] def main(): ''' 1 - 讀取caffe生成的模型文件''' data_path, [deploy_file, model_file, mean_proto] = find_sample_data( description="Runs an MNIST network using a Caffe model file", subfolder="mnist", find_files=["mnist.prototxt", "mnist.caffemodel", "mnist_mean.binaryproto"]) ''' 2 - 基於build_engine構建engine''' with build_engine(deploy_file, model_file) as engine: ''' 3 - 構建engine, 分配buffers, 建立一個流 ''' inputs, outputs, bindings, stream = allocate_buffers(engine) mean = retrieve_mean(mean_proto) with engine.create_execution_context() as context: ''' 4 - 讀取測試樣本,並歸一化''' case_num = load_normalized_test_case(data_path, inputs[0].host, mean) ''' 5 -執行inference,do_inference函數會返回一個list類型,此處只有一個元素 ''' [output] = do_inference(context, bindings=bindings, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, stream=stream) pred = np.argmax(output) print("Test Case: " + str(case_num)) print("Prediction: " + str(pred)) ''' 6 - 在engine銷燬以後,這裏手動銷燬plugin''' fc_factory.destroy_plugin() if __name__ == "__main__": main()