本節簡要概述了Spring Boot參考文檔。將其視爲文檔其他部分的映射。您能夠以線性方式閱讀本參考指南,或者若是您不感興趣,能夠跳過章節。mysql
Spring Boot參考指南以html, pdf 和epub文檔的形式提供。最新的副本可在docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference上找到。react
遇到Spring Boot問題,咱們想幫忙!nginx
。![]() |
全部Spring Boot都是開源的,包括文檔!若是您發現文檔有問題; 或者若是你只是想改進它們,請參與其中。git |
準備好開始使用Spring Boot了嗎?咱們已經爲您提供保障。
須要有關Spring Boot核心功能的更多細節? 這是給你的!
當您準備好將Spring Boot應用程序推向生產時,咱們有 一些您可能喜歡的技巧!
若是您剛開始使用Spring Boot,或者通常來講是「Spring」,那麼這就是您的選擇!在這裏,咱們回答基本的「什麼?」,「如何?」和「爲何?」的問題。您將找到Spring Boot的簡要介紹以及安裝說明。而後咱們將構建咱們的第一個Spring Boot應用程序,討論一些核心原則。
Spring Boot能夠輕鬆建立獨立的,生產級的基於Spring的應用程序,您能夠「運行」。咱們對Spring平臺和第三方庫採起了自覺得是的觀點,所以您能夠儘可能少開始。大多數Spring Boot應用程序只須要不多的Spring配置。
您能夠使用Spring Boot建立能夠使用java -jar
Spring Boot 2.0.0.M3須要Java 8和Spring Framework 5.0.0.RC3或更高版本。爲Maven(3.2+)和Gradle 3(3.4或更高版本)提供顯式構建支持。
Spring Boot能夠與「經典」Java開發工具一塊兒使用,也能夠做爲命令行工具安裝。不管如何,您將須要Java SDK v1.8或更高版本。您應該在開始以前檢查當前的Java安裝:
$ java -version
If you are new to Java development, or if you just want to experiment with Spring Boot you might want to try the Spring Boot CLI first, otherwise, read on for 「classic」 installation instructions.
You can use Spring Boot in the same way as any standard Java library. Simply include the appropriate spring-boot-*.jar
files on your classpath. Spring Boot does not require any special tools integration, so you can use any IDE or text editor; and there is nothing special about a Spring Boot application, so you can run and debug as you would any other Java program.
Although you could just copy Spring Boot jars, we generally recommend that you use a build tool that supports dependency management (such as Maven or Gradle).
Spring Boot is compatible with Apache Maven 3.2 or above. If you don’t already have Maven installed you can follow the instructions at maven.apache.org.
![]() |
On many operating systems Maven can be installed via a package manager. If you’re an OSX Homebrew user try |
Spring Boot dependencies use the org.springframework.boot
. Typically your Maven POM file will inherit from the spring-boot-starter-parent
project and declare dependencies to one or more 「Starters」. Spring Boot also provides an optional Maven plugin to create executable jars.
Here is a typical pom.xml
<?xml version =「1.0」encoding =「UTF-8」?>
<project xmlns = 「http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0」 xmlns:xsi = 「http://www.w3 .org / 2001 / XMLSchema-instance「 xsi:schemaLocation = 」http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd「 > <modelVersion> 4.0.0 </ modelVersion> <groupId> com.example </ groupId> <artifactId> myproject </ artifactId> <version> 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT </ version> <! - 繼承默認值爲Spring Boot - > <parent> <groupId> org.springframework.boot </ groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot-starter-parent </ artifactId> <version> 2.0.0.M3 < / version> </ parent> <! - 添加Web應用程序的典型依賴項 - > <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId> org.springframework.boot </ groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot-starter-web </ artifactId> </ dependency> </依賴> <! - 打包爲可執行jar - > <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId> org.springframework.boot </ groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot-maven-plugin </ artifactId> </ plugin > </ plugins> </ build> <! - 添加Spring存儲庫 - > <! - (若是使用的是.RELEASE版本,則不須要這樣) - > <存儲庫> <存儲庫> <id> spring-snapshots </ id> < url> http://repo.spring.io/snapshot </ url> <snapshots> <enabled> true </ enabled> </ snapshots> </ repository> <repository> <id> spring-milestones </ id> < url> http://repo.spring.io/milestone </ url> </ repository> </ repositories> <pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id> spring-snapshots </ id> <url>http://repo.spring.io/snapshot </ url> </ pluginRepository> <pluginRepository> <id> spring-milestones </ id> <url> http://repo.spring.io/milestone </ url> </ pluginRepository> </ pluginRepositories> </ project>
![]() |
這 |
Spring Boot與Gradle 3(3.4或更高版本)兼容。若是您還沒有安裝Gradle,則能夠按照www.gradle.org/上的說明進行操做。
Spring Boot依賴項能夠使用org.springframework.boot
。一般,您的項目將聲明依賴於一個或多個 「Starters」。Spring Boot提供了一個有用的Gradle插件 ,可用於簡化依賴聲明和建立可執行jar。
buildscript { 存儲庫{ jcenter() maven {url'http ://repo.spring.io/snapshot' } maven {url'http ://repo.spring.io/milestone' } } 依賴{ classpath'org.springframework.boot :spring-boot-gradle-plugin:2.0.0.M3' } } apply plugin:' java'apply plugin:'org.springframework.boot'apply plugin:'io.spring.dependency-management' jar { baseName = 'myproject'version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT' } 存儲庫{ jcenter() maven {url 「http://repo.spring.io/snapshot」 } maven {url 「http://repo.spring.io/milestone」 } } 依賴{ 編譯(「org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web」) testCompile(「org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test」) }
Spring Boot CLI是一個命令行工具,若是您想快速使用Spring進行原型設計,能夠使用它。它容許您運行Groovy腳本,這意味着您有一個熟悉的相似Java的語法,沒有太多的樣板代碼。
您不須要使用CLI來使用Spring Boot,但它絕對是實現Spring應用程序的最快方法。
您能夠從Spring軟件庫下載Spring CLI發行版:
下載完成後,請按照 解壓縮的存檔中的INSTALL.txt說明進行操做。總結:文件中的目錄中有一個spring
java -jar
SDKMAN!(軟件開發工具包管理器)可用於管理各類二進制SDK的多個版本,包括Groovy和Spring Boot CLI。獲取SDKMAN!來自sdkman.io並安裝Spring Boot
$ sdk install springboot $ spring --version Spring Boot v2.0.0.M3
$ sdk install springboot dev /path/to/spring-boot/spring-boot-cli/target/spring-boot-cli-2.0.0.M3-bin/spring-2.0.0.M3/ $ sdk默認springboot dev $ spring --version Spring CLI v2.0.0.M3
實例的本地實例。它指向您的目標構建位置,所以每次重建Spring Boot時,spring
$ sdk ls springboot ================================================== ============================== 可用的Springboot版本 ================================================== ============================== > + dev * 2.0.0.M3 ================================================== ============================== + - 本地版本 * - 已安裝 > - 目前正在使用中 ================================================== ==============================
若是您使用的是Mac並使用Homebrew,那麼安裝Spring Boot CLI所須要作的就是:
$ brew tap pivotal / tap $ brew install springboot
![]() |
若是您沒有看到公式,那麼您的brew安裝可能已過期。只需執行 |
若是您使用的是Mac並使用MacPorts,那麼安裝Spring Boot CLI所須要作的就是:
$ sudo port install spring-boot-cli
Spring Boot CLI附帶了爲BASH和 zsh shell 提供命令完成的腳本 。您能夠在任何shell中建立source
腳本(也稱爲 spring
$。〜/ .sdkman /候選人/ springboot /電流/殼完成/慶典/彈簧 $ spring <HIT TAB HERE> 抓住幫助jar運行測試版
![]() |
若是使用Homebrew或MacPorts安裝Spring Boot CLI,命令行完成腳本將自動註冊到shell。 |
@RestController 類 ThisWillActuallyRun { @RequestMapping( 「/」) String home(){ 「你好,世界!」 } }
$ spring run app.groovy
![]() |
首次運行應用程序時須要一些時間,由於下載了依賴項。後續運行會更快。 |
讓咱們用Java開發一個簡單的「Hello World!」Web應用程序,它突出了一些Spring Boot的主要功能。咱們將使用Maven來構建這個項目,由於大多數IDE都支持它。
![]() |
該spring.io網站包含使用Spring的引導許多「入門」指南。若是你想解決一個特定的問題; 先檢查那裏。 您能夠經過轉到start.spring.io並 |
$ java -version java版「1.8.0_102」 Java(TM)SE運行時環境(版本1.8.0_102-b14) Java HotSpot(TM)64位服務器VM(版本25.102-b14,混合模式)
$ mvn -v Apache Maven 3.3.9(bb52d8502b132ec0a5a3f4c09453c07478323dc5; 2015-11-10T16:41:47 + 00:00) Maven home:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.3.9/libexec Java版本:1.8.0_102,供應商:Oracle Corporation
![]() |
此示例須要在其本身的文件夾中建立。後續說明假定您已建立合適的文件夾,而且它是您的「當前目錄」。 |
咱們須要從建立Maven pom.xml
<?xml version =「1.0」encoding =「UTF-8」?>
<project xmlns = 「http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0」 xmlns:xsi = 「http://www.w3 .org / 2001 / XMLSchema-instance「 xsi:schemaLocation = 」http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd「 > <modelVersion> 4.0.0 </ modelVersion> <groupId> com.example </ groupId> <artifactId> myproject </ artifactId> <version> 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT </ version> <parent> <groupId> org.springframework.boot </ groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot-starter-parent </ artifactId> <version> 2.0.0.M3 </ version> </ parent> <! - 這裏要添加的其餘行...... - > <! - (若是您使用的是.RELEASE版本,則不須要此項) - > <repositories> <repository> <id> spring-snapshots </ id> <url> http://repo.spring。 io / snapshot </ url> <snapshots> <enabled> true </ enabled> </ snapshots> </ repository> <repository> <id> spring-milestones </ id> <url> http://repo.spring。 io / milestone </ url> </ repository> </ repositories> <pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id> spring-snapshots </ id> <url> http://repo.spring.io/snapshot </ url> </ pluginRepository> <pluginRepository> <id> spring-milestones </ id> <url> http://repo.spring.io/milestone </ url> </ pluginRepository> </ pluginRepositories> </ project>
這應該給你一個工做的構建,你能夠經過運行測試它mvn package
(你能夠忽略「jar將是空的 - 沒有內容被標記爲包含!」警告如今)。
![]() |
此時,您能夠將項目導入IDE(大多數現代Java IDE包含對Maven的內置支持)。爲簡單起見,咱們將繼續爲此示例使用純文本編輯器。 |
Spring Boot提供了許多「Starters」,能夠輕鬆地將jar添加到類路徑中。咱們的示例應用程序已經spring-boot-starter-parent
POM部分中使用過 。這spring-boot-starter-parent
是一個特殊的啓動器,提供有用的Maven默認值。它還提供了一個 dependency-management
依賴項 - 但在此以前,讓咱們看看咱們目前擁有的內容。
$ mvn依賴:樹 [INFO] com.example:myproject:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
該mvn dependency:tree
<dependency> <groupId> org.springframework.boot </ groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot-starter-web </ artifactId> </ dependency> </ dependencies>
若是mvn dependency:tree
再次運行,您將看到如今有許多其餘依賴項,包括Tomcat Web服務器和Spring Boot自己。
import org.springframework.boot。*; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure。*; import org.springframework.stereotype。*; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation。*; @RestController @EnableAutoConfiguration 公共 類示例{ @RequestMapping( 「/」) String home(){ 返回 「Hello World!」 ; } public static void main(String [] args)throws Exception { SpringApplication.run(例如.class,args); } }
。這被稱爲 構造型註釋。它爲閱讀代碼的人提供了提示,對於Spring,該類扮演着特定的角色。在這種狀況下,咱們的類是一個Web,@Controller
方法。該 @RestController
![]() |
在 |
The second class-level annotation is @EnableAutoConfiguration
. This annotation tells Spring Boot to 「guess」 how you will want to configure Spring, based on the jar dependencies that you have added. Since spring-boot-starter-web
added Tomcat and Spring MVC, the auto-configuration will assume that you are developing a web application and setup Spring accordingly.
The final part of our application is the main
method. This is just a standard method that follows the Java convention for an application entry point. Our main method delegates to Spring Boot’s SpringApplication
class by calling run
. SpringApplication
will bootstrap our application, starting Spring which will in turn start the auto-configured Tomcat web server. We need to pass Example.class
as an argument to the run
method to tell SpringApplication
which is the primary Spring component. The args
array is also passed through to expose any command-line arguments.
At this point our application should work. Since we have used the spring-boot-starter-parent
POM we have a useful run
goal that we can use to start the application. Type mvn spring-boot:run
from the root project directory to start the application:
$ mvn spring-boot:run 。____ _ __ _ _ / \\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ (()\ ___ |'_ |'_ | |'_ \ / _` | \ \ \ \ \\ / ___)| | _)| | | | | || (_ | |)))) '| ____ | .__ | _ | | _ | _ | | _ \ __,| / / / / / ========= | _ | ============== | ___ / = / _ / _ / _ / :: Spring Boot ::(v2.0.0.M3) ....... 。。 ....... 。。(此處輸出日誌) ....... 。。 ........ 2.222秒啓動示例(JVM運行6.514)
讓咱們經過建立一個徹底自包含的可執行jar文件來完成咱們的示例,咱們能夠在生產中運行它。可執行jar(有時稱爲「fat jar」)是包含已編譯類以及代碼須要運行的全部jar依賴項的歸檔。
到咱們的 pom.xml
<plugins> <plugin> <groupId> org.springframework.boot </ groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot-maven-plugin </ artifactId> </ plugin> </ plugins> </ build>
![]() |
所述 |
並從命令行運行mvn package
$ mvn包 [INFO]掃描項目...... [信息] [INFO] ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------- [INFO]構建myproject 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------- [INFO] .... [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar(default-jar)@ myproject --- [INFO]構建jar:/Users/developer/example/spring-boot-example/target/myproject-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [信息] [INFO] --- spring-boot-maven-plugin:2.0.0.M3:從新打包(默認)@ myproject --- [INFO] ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------- [信息]創建成功 [INFO] ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------
。該文件大小應爲10 MB左右。若是你想偷看內部,你能夠使用jar tvf
$ jar tvf target / myproject-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
。這是Maven在Spring Boot從新打包以前建立的原始jar文件。
要運行該應用程序,請使用如下java -jar
$ java -jar target / myproject-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 。____ _ __ _ _ / \\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ (()\ ___ |'_ |'_ | |'_ \ / _` | \ \ \ \ \\ / ___)| | _)| | | | | || (_ | |)))) '| ____ | .__ | _ | | _ | _ | | _ \ __,| / / / / / ========= | _ | ============== | ___ / = / _ / _ / _ / :: Spring Boot ::(v2.0.0.M3) ....... 。。 ....... 。。(此處輸出日誌) ....... 。。 ........ 2.536秒啓動示例(JVM運行2.864)
但願本節爲您提供了一些Spring Boot基礎知識,並幫助您編寫本身的應用程序。若是您是面向任務的開發人員類型,您可能須要跳轉到spring.io並查看一些 入門指南,這些指南解決了具體的「如何使用Spring執行此操做」問題; 咱們還有Spring Boot特定 的操做方法參考文檔。
在春季啓動庫也有 一堆樣品能夠運行。樣本獨立於其他代碼(即您無需構建其他代碼來運行或使用示例)。
不然,下一個邏輯步驟是閱讀第III部分「使用Spring Boot」。若是你真的不耐煩,你也能夠跳過去閱讀 Spring Boot功能。
本節詳細介紹瞭如何使用Spring Boot。它涵蓋了諸如構建系統,自動配置以及如何運行應用程序等主題。咱們還介紹了一些Spring Boot最佳實踐。雖然Spring Boot沒有什麼特別之處(它只是你能夠使用的另外一個庫),但有一些建議,若是遵循這些建議,將使您的開發過程更容易一些。
若是您剛剛開始使用Spring Boot,那麼在深刻了解本節以前,您應該閱讀「 入門指南」。
強烈建議您選擇支持依賴關係管理的構建系統 ,而且能夠使用發佈到「Maven Central」存儲庫的工件。咱們建議您選擇Maven或Gradle。可讓Spring Boot與其餘構建系統(例如Ant)一塊兒工做,但它們不會獲得特別好的支持。
每一個版本的Spring Boot都提供了它支持的依賴項的精選列表。實際上,您不須要爲構建配置中的任何這些依賴項提供版本,由於Spring Boot正在爲您管理這些依賴項。當您升級Spring Boot時,這些依賴項也將以一致的方式升級。
![]() |
You can still specify a version and override Spring Boot’s recommendations if you feel that’s necessary. |
The curated list contains all the spring modules that you can use with Spring Boot as well as a refined list of third party libraries. The list is available as a standard Bills of Materials (spring-boot-dependencies
) that can be used with both Maven and Gradle.
![]() |
Each release of Spring Boot is associated with a base version of the Spring Framework so we highly recommend you to not specify its version on your own. |
Maven users can inherit from the spring-boot-starter-parent
project to obtain sensible defaults. The parent project provides the following features:
tags for common dependencies, inherited from the spring-boot-dependencies
and application.yml
including profile-specific files (e.g. application-foo.properties
and application-foo.yml
)On the last point: since the default config files accept Spring style placeholders (${…}
) the Maven filtering is changed to use @..@
placeholders (you can override that with a Maven property resource.delimiter
To configure your project to inherit from the spring-boot-starter-parent
simply set the parent
<!-- Inherit defaults from Spring Boot -->
<parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactId> <version>2.0.0.M3</version> </parent>
![]() |
You should only need to specify the Spring Boot version number on this dependency. If you import additional starters, you can safely omit the version number. |
With that setup, you can also override individual dependencies by overriding a property in your own project. For instance, to upgrade to another Spring Data release train you’d add the following to your pom.xml
<spring-data-releasetrain.version>Fowler-SR2</spring-data-releasetrain.version> </properties>
![]() |
Check the |
Not everyone likes inheriting from the spring-boot-starter-parent
POM. You may have your own corporate standard parent that you need to use, or you may just prefer to explicitly declare all your Maven configuration.
If you don’t want to use the spring-boot-starter-parent
, you can still keep the benefit of the dependency management (but not the plugin management) by using a scope=import
<dependencies> <dependency> <!-- Import dependency management from Spring Boot --> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-dependencies</artifactId> <version>2.0.0.M3</version> <type>pom</type> <scope>import</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> </dependencyManagement>
That setup does not allow you to override individual dependencies using a property as explained above. To achieve the same result, you’d need to add an entry in thedependencyManagement
of your project before the spring-boot-dependencies
entry. For instance, to upgrade to another Spring Data release train you’d add the following to your pom.xml
<dependencies> <! - 覆蓋Spring Boot提供的Spring Data版本系列 - > <dependency> <groupId> org.springframework.data </ groupId> <artifactId> spring-data-releasetrain </ artifactId> < version> Fowler-SR2 </ version> <scope> import </ scope> <type> pom </ type> </ dependency> <dependency> <groupId> org.springframework.boot </ groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot -dependencies </ artifactId> <version>2.0.0.M3 </ version> <type> pom</ type> <scope> import </ scope> </ dependency> </ dependencies> </ dependencyManagement>
![]() |
在上面的示例中,咱們指定了BOM,可是能夠經過這種方式覆蓋任何依賴關係類型。 |
Spring Boot包含一個Maven插件 ,能夠將項目打包爲可執行jar。<plugins>
<plugins> <plugin> <groupId> org.springframework.boot </ groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot-maven-plugin </ artifactId> </ plugin> </ plugins> </ build>
![]() |
若是使用Spring Boot啓動程序父pom,則只需添加插件,除非要更改父項中定義的設置,不然無需對其進行配置。 |
能夠使用Apache Ant + Ivy構建Spring Boot項目。該 spring-boot-antlib
<ivy-module version = 「2.0」 > <info organization = 「org.springframework.boot」 module = 「spring-boot-sample-ant」 /> <configurations> <conf name = 「compile」 description = 「所需的一切編譯此模塊「 /> <conf name = 」runtime「 extends = 」compile「 description = 」運行此模塊所需的一切「 /> </ configurations> <dependencies> <依賴 org =「org.springframework.boot」 name = 「spring-boot-starter」 rev = 「$ {spring-boot.version}」 conf = 「compile」 /> </ dependencies> </ ivy-module>
xmlns:ivy = 「antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant」 xmlns:spring-boot = 「antlib:org.springframework.boot.ant」 name = 「myapp」 default = 「build」 > <property name = 「spring-boot.version」 value = 「1.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT」 /> <target name = 「resolve」 description = 「 - >使用常春藤檢索依賴關係」 > <ivy:retrieve pattern = 「lib / [conf] / [artifact] - [type] - [revision]。[ext]」 /> </目標> <target name = 「classpaths」 depends = 「resolve」 > <path id = 「compile.classpath」 > <fileset dir = 「lib / compile」 includes = 「* .jar」 /> </ path> </ target> <target name = 「init」 depends = 「classpaths」 > <mkdir dir = 「build / classes」 /> </ target> <target name = 「compile」 depends = 「init」 description = 「compile」 > <javac srcdir = 「src / main / java」 destdir = 「build / classes」 classpathref = 「compile.classpath」 /> </ target> <target name = 「build」 depends = 「compile」 > <spring-boot:exejar destfile = 「build / myapp.jar」 classes = 「build / classes」 > <spring-boot:lib> <fileset dir = 「lib / runtime「 /> </ spring-boot:lib> </ spring-boot:exejar> </ target> </ project>
![]() |
若是您不想使用該模塊,請參見第85.9節「從Ant構建可執行存檔而不使用spring-boot-antlib」 「操做方法」 |
如下應用程序啓動程序由Spring Boot在org.springframework.boot
組下提供 :
Table 13.1. Spring Boot application starters
Name | Description | Pom |
Core starter, including auto-configuration support, logging and YAML |
Starter for JMS messaging using Apache ActiveMQ |
Starter for using Spring AMQP and Rabbit MQ |
Starter for aspect-oriented programming with Spring AOP and AspectJ |
Starter for JMS messaging using Apache Artemis |
Starter for using Spring Batch |
Starter for using Spring Framework’s caching support |
Starter for using Spring Cloud Connectors which simplifies connecting to services in cloud platforms like Cloud Foundry and Heroku |
Starter for using Cassandra distributed database and Spring Data Cassandra |
Starter for using Cassandra distributed database and Spring Data Cassandra Reactive |
Starter for using Couchbase document-oriented database and Spring Data Couchbase |
Starter for using Elasticsearch search and analytics engine and Spring Data Elasticsearch |
Starter for using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate |
Starter for using Spring Data LDAP |
Starter for using MongoDB document-oriented database and Spring Data MongoDB |
Starter for using MongoDB document-oriented database and Spring Data MongoDB Reactive |
Starter for using Neo4j graph database and Spring Data Neo4j |
Starter for using Redis key-value data store with Spring Data Redis and the Jedis client |
Starter for using Redis key-value data store with Spring Data Redis reactive and the Lettuce client |
Starter for exposing Spring Data repositories over REST using Spring Data REST |
Starter for using the Apache Solr search platform with Spring Data Solr |
Starter for building MVC web applications using FreeMarker views |
Starter for building MVC web applications using Groovy Templates views |
Starter for building hypermedia-based RESTful web application with Spring MVC and Spring HATEOAS |
Starter for using Spring Integration |
Starter for using JDBC with the Tomcat JDBC connection pool |
Starter for building RESTful web applications using JAX-RS and Jersey. An alternative to |
Starter for using jOOQ to access SQL databases. An alternative to |
Starter for JTA transactions using Atomikos |
Starter for JTA transactions using Bitronix |
Spring Boot Narayana JTA Starter |
Starter for using Java Mail and Spring Framework’s email sending support |
Starter for building web applications using Spring Mobile |
Starter for building web applications using Mustache views |
Spring Boot Quartz Starter |
Starter for using Spring Security |
Starter for using Spring Social Facebook |
Stater for using Spring Social LinkedIn |
Starter for using Spring Social Twitter |
Starter for testing Spring Boot applications with libraries including JUnit, Hamcrest and Mockito |
Starter for building MVC web applications using Thymeleaf views |
Starter for using Java Bean Validation with Hibernate Validator |
Starter for building web, including RESTful, applications using Spring MVC. Uses Tomcat as the default embedded container |
Starter for using Spring Web Services |
Starter for building WebFlux applications using Spring Framework’s Reactive Web support |
Starter for building WebSocket applications using Spring Framework’s WebSocket support |
In addition to the application starters, the following starters can be used to add production ready features:
Table 13.2. Spring Boot production starters
Name | Description | Pom |
Starter for using Spring Boot’s Actuator which provides production ready features to help you monitor and manage your application |
Finally, Spring Boot also includes some starters that can be used if you want to exclude or swap specific technical facets:
Table 13.3. Spring Boot technical starters
Name | Description | Pom |
Starter for using Jetty as the embedded servlet container. An alternative to |
Starter for reading and writing json |
Starter for using Log4j2 for logging. An alternative to |
Starter for logging using Logback. Default logging starter |
Starter for using Reactor Netty as the embedded reactive HTTP server. |
Starter for using Tomcat as the embedded servlet container. Default servlet container starter used by |
Starter for using Undertow as the embedded servlet container. An alternative to |
![]() |
有關其餘社區的列表貢獻首先,看 README文件中 |
Spring Boot不須要任何特定的代碼佈局,可是,有一些最佳實踐能夠提供幫助。
![]() |
咱們建議您遵循Java推薦的包命名約定並使用反向域名(例如, |
則將使用帶註釋的類的包 來搜索@Entity
若是主類位於根包中,也能夠使用 註釋。
COM + - 例子 + - myproject + - Application.java | + - 域名 | + - Customer.java | + - CustomerRepository.java | + - 服務 | + - CustomerService.java | + - 網絡 + - CustomerController.java
方法以及基本方法 @Configuration
package com.example.myproject;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration; import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; @Configuration @EnableAutoConfiguration @ComponentScan public class Application { public static void main(String [] args){ SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args); } }
Spring Boot favors Java-based configuration. Although it is possible to use SpringApplication
with an XML sources, we generally recommend that your primary source is a single @Configuration
class. Usually the class that defines the main
method is also a good candidate as the primary @Configuration
![]() |
Many Spring configuration examples have been published on the Internet that use XML configuration. Always try to use the equivalent Java-based configuration if possible. Searching for |
You don’t need to put all your @Configuration
into a single class. The @Import
annotation can be used to import additional configuration classes. Alternatively, you can use @ComponentScan
to automatically pick up all Spring components, including @Configuration
Spring Boot auto-configuration attempts to automatically configure your Spring application based on the jar dependencies that you have added. For example, If HSQLDB
is on your classpath, and you have not manually configured any database connection beans, then we will auto-configure an in-memory database.
You need to opt-in to auto-configuration by adding the @EnableAutoConfiguration
or @SpringBootApplication
annotations to one of your @Configuration
![]() |
You should only ever add one |
Auto-configuration is noninvasive, at any point you can start to define your own configuration to replace specific parts of the auto-configuration. For example, if you add your own DataSource
bean, the default embedded database support will back away.
If you need to find out what auto-configuration is currently being applied, and why, start your application with the --debug
switch. This will enable debug logs for a selection of core loggers and log an auto-configuration report to the console.
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure。*; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc。*; import org.springframework.context.annotation。*; @Configuration @EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class}) public class MyConfiguration { }
屬性排除的自動配置類列表 。
![]() |
您能夠在註釋級別和使用屬性定義排除項。 |
您能夠自由地使用任何標準的Spring Framework技術來定義bean及其注入的依賴項。爲簡單起見,咱們常常發現使用@ComponentScan
package com.example.service;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; @Service public class DatabaseAccountService實現 AccountService { 私人 最終 RiskAssessor riskAssessor; @Autowired public DatabaseAccountService(RiskAssessor riskAssessor){ this .riskAssessor = riskAssessor; } // ... }
@Service public class DatabaseAccountService實現 AccountService { 私人 最終 RiskAssessor riskAssessor; public DatabaseAccountService(RiskAssessor riskAssessor){ this .riskAssessor = riskAssessor; } // ... }
![]() |
請注意使用構造函數注入如何將 |
, @EnableAutoConfiguration
。因爲這些註釋常常一塊兒使用(特別是若是您遵循 上面的最佳實踐),Spring Boot提供了一個方便的@SpringBootApplication
, @EnableAutoConfiguration
package com.example.myproject;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; @SpringBootApplication //與@Configuration相同@EnableAutoConfiguration @ComponentScan public class Application { public static void main(String [] args){ SpringApplication.run(Application .class,args); } }
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將應用程序打包爲jar並使用嵌入式HTTP服務器的最大優點之一是,您能夠像運行任何其餘應用程序同樣運行應用程序。調試Spring Boot應用程序也很容易; 您不須要任何特殊的IDE插件或擴展。
![]() |
本節僅介紹基於jar的打包,若是選擇將應用程序打包爲war文件,則應參閱服務器和IDE文檔。 |
您能夠從IDE運行Spring Boot應用程序做爲簡單的Java應用程序,可是,首先您須要導入項目。導入步驟將根據您的IDE和構建系統而有所不一樣。大多數IDE能夠直接導入Maven項目,例如Eclipse用戶能夠從菜單中選擇Import…
→ 。Existing Maven Projects
若是沒法將項目直接導入IDE,則能夠使用構建插件生成IDE元數據。Maven包含Eclipse和 IDEA的插件 ; Gradle提供各類IDE的插件。
![]() |
若是您不當心運行Web應用程序兩次,您將看到「端口已在使用中」錯誤。STS用戶能夠使用該 |
若是您使用Spring Boot Maven或Gradle插件來建立可執行jar,則能夠使用它來運行您的應用程序java -jar
$ java -jar target / myproject-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
$ java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server = y,transport = dt_socket,address = 8000,suspend = n \ -jar target / myproject-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Spring Boot Maven插件包含一個run
$ mvn spring-boot:run
$ export MAVEN_OPTS = -Xmx1024m
Spring Boot Gradle插件還包含一個bootRun
$ gradle bootRun
$ export JAVA_OPTS = -Xmx1024m
因爲Spring Boot應用程序只是普通的Java應用程序,所以JVM熱交換應該是開箱即用的。JVM熱交換在某種程度上受限於它能夠替換的字節碼,由於能夠使用更完整的解決方案 JRebel。該 spring-boot-devtools
有關詳細信息,請參閱下面的第20章「 開發人員工具」部分和 熱交換「操做方法」。
Spring Boot包含一組額外的工具,能夠使應用程序開發體驗更加愉快。該spring-boot-devtools
<dependency> <groupId> org.springframework.boot </ groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot-devtools </ artifactId> <optional> true </ optional> </ dependency> </ dependencies>
依賴{ compile(「org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools」) }
![]() |
運行徹底打包的應用程序時會自動禁用開發人員工具。若是您的應用程序是使用啓動的, |
![]() |
從新打包的歸檔默認狀況下不包含devtools。若是要使用 某些遠程devtools功能,則須要禁用 |
Several of the libraries supported by Spring Boot use caches to improve performance. For example, template engines will cache compiled templates to avoid repeatedly parsing template files. Also, Spring MVC can add HTTP caching headers to responses when serving static resources.
Whilst caching is very beneficial in production, it can be counter productive during development, preventing you from seeing the changes you just made in your application. For this reason, spring-boot-devtools will disable those caching options by default.
Cache options are usually configured by settings in your application.properties
file. For example, Thymeleaf offers the spring.thymeleaf.cache
property. Rather than needing to set these properties manually, the spring-boot-devtools
module will automatically apply sensible development-time configuration.
![]() |
For a complete list of the properties that are applied see DevToolsPropertyDefaultsPostProcessor. |
Applications that use spring-boot-devtools
will automatically restart whenever files on the classpath change. This can be a useful feature when working in an IDE as it gives a very fast feedback loop for code changes. By default, any entry on the classpath that points to a folder will be monitored for changes. Note that certain resources such as static assets and view templates do not need to restart the application.
![]() |
You can also start your application via the supported build plugins (i.e. Maven and Gradle) as long as forking is enabled since DevTools need an isolated application classloader to operate properly. Gradle and Maven do that by default when they detect DevTools on the classpath. |
![]() |
Automatic restart works very well when used with LiveReload. See below for details. If you use JRebel automatic restarts will be disabled in favor of dynamic class reloading. Other devtools features (such as LiveReload and property overrides) can still be used. |
![]() |
DevTools relies on the application context’s shutdown hook to close it during a restart. It will not work correctly if you have disabled the shutdown hook ( |
![]() |
When deciding if an entry on the classpath should trigger a restart when it changes, DevTools automatically ignores projects named |
![]() |
DevTools needs to customize the |
Certain resources don’t necessarily need to trigger a restart when they are changed. For example, Thymeleaf templates can just be edited in-place. By default changing resources in /META-INF/maven
, /META-INF/resources
or /templates
will not trigger a restart but will trigger a live reload. If you want to customize these exclusions you can use the spring.devtools.restart.exclude
property. For example, to exclude only /static
and /public
you would set the following:
![]() |
if you want to keep those defaults and add additional exclusions, use the |
You may want your application to be restarted or reloaded when you make changes to files that are not on the classpath. To do so, use thespring.devtools.restart.additional-paths
property to configure additional paths to watch for changes. You can use the spring.devtools.restart.exclude
property described above to control whether changes beneath the additional paths will trigger a full restart or just a live reload.
If you don’t want to use the restart feature you can disable it using the spring.devtools.restart.enabled
property. In most cases you can set this in yourapplication.properties
(this will still initialize the restart classloader but it won’t watch for file changes).
If you need to completely disable restart support, for example, because it doesn’t work with a specific library, you need to set a System
property before callingSpringApplication.run(…)
. For example:
public static void main(String[] args) { System.setProperty("spring.devtools.restart.enabled", "false"); SpringApplication.run(MyApp.class, args); }
![]() |
您可能但願將其設置 |
如上面的Restart vs Reload部分所述,使用兩個類加載器實現了重啓功能。對於大多數應用程序,此方法頗有效,但有時它可能會致使類加載問題。
和 restart.include.
restart.exclude.companycommonlibs = / MyCorp的共用- [\\瓦特- ]。+ \罐子 restart.include.projectcommon = / MyCorp的-的Myproj - [\\瓦特- ]。+ \罐
![]() |
全部屬性鍵必須是惟一的。只要房產開始 |
![]() |
模塊包括一個嵌入式LiveReload服務器,可用於在更改資源時觸發瀏覽器刷新。LiveReload瀏覽器擴展程序可從livereload.com免費用於Chrome,Firefox和Safari 。
![]() |
您一次只能運行一個LiveReload服務器。在啓動應用程序以前,請確保沒有其餘LiveReload服務器正在運行。若是從IDE啓動多個應用程序,則只有第一個應用程序具備LiveReload支持。 |
您能夠經過添加一個文件名爲配置全局devtools設置 .spring-boot-devtools.properties
文件夾(注意:文件名開頭「」)。添加到此文件的任何屬性都將應用於計算機上使用devtools的全部 Spring Boot應用程序。例如,要將restart配置爲始終使用觸發器文件,請添加如下內容:
〜/ .spring引導-devtools.properties。
spring.devtools.reload.trigger-file = .reloadtrigger
Spring Boot開發人員工具不只限於本地開發。遠程運行應用程序時,您還能夠使用多個功能。遠程支持是選擇加入,要啓用它,您須要確保它devtools
<plugins> <plugin> <groupId> org.springframework.boot </ groupId> <artifactId> spring-boot-maven-plugin </ artifactId> <configuration> <excludeDevtools> false </ excludeDevtools> </ configuration> </ plugin> </ plugins> </ build>
spring.devtools.remote.secret = mysecret
![]() |
遠程devtools支持分爲兩部分; 有一個接受鏈接的服務器端端點,以及在IDE中運行的客戶端應用程序。spring.devtools.remote.secret
使用與要鏈接的遠程項目相同的類路徑運行 。傳遞給應用程序的非選項參數應該是您要鏈接的遠程URL。
已部署到Cloud Foundry的項目,那麼您將執行如下操做:
Run Configurations…
菜單。Java Application
到Program arguments
。____ _ __ _ _ / \\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ ___ _ \ \ \ \ (()\ ___ |'_ |'_ ||'_ \ / _` | | _ \ ___ _ __ ___ | | _ ___ \ \ \ \ \\ / ___)| | _)| | | | | || (_ | [] :::::: [] / -_)'\ / _ \ _ / -_)))))) ' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | |_|_\___|_|_|_\___/\__\___|/ / / / =========|_|==============|___/===================================/_/_/_/ :: Spring Boot Remote :: 2.0.0.M3 2015-06-10 18:25:06.632 INFO 14938 --- [ main] o.s.b.devtools.RemoteSpringApplication : Starting RemoteSpringApplication on pwmbp with PID 14938 (/Users/pwebb/projects/spring-boot/code/spring-boot-devtools/target/classes started by pwebb in /Users/pwebb/projects/spring-boot/code/spring-boot-samples/spring-boot-sample-devtools) 2015-06-10 18:25:06.671 INFO 14938 --- [ main] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@2a17b7b6: startup date [Wed Jun 10 18:25:06 PDT 2015]; root of context hierarchy 2015-06-10 18:25:07.043 WARN 14938 --- [ main] o.s.b.d.r.c.RemoteClientConfiguration : The connection to http://localhost:8080 is insecure. You should use a URL starting with 'https://'. 2015-06-10 18:25:07.074 INFO 14938 --- [ main] o.s.b.d.a.OptionalLiveReloadServer : LiveReload server is running on port 35729 2015-06-10 18:25:07.130 INFO 14938 --- [ main] o.s.b.devtools.RemoteSpringApplication : Started RemoteSpringApplication in 0.74 seconds (JVM running for 1.105)
![]() |
Because the remote client is using the same classpath as the real application it can directly read application properties. This is how the |
![]() |
It’s always advisable to use |
![]() |
If you need to use a proxy to access the remote application, configure the |
The remote client will monitor your application classpath for changes in the same way as the local restart. Any updated resource will be pushed to the remote application and (if required) trigger a restart. This can be quite helpful if you are iterating on a feature that uses a cloud service that you don’t have locally. Generally remote updates and restarts are much quicker than a full rebuild and deploy cycle.
![]() |
Files are only monitored when the remote client is running. If you change a file before starting the remote client, it won’t be pushed to the remote server. |
Executable jars can be used for production deployment. As they are self-contained, they are also ideally suited for cloud-based deployment.
For additional 「production ready」 features, such as health, auditing and metric REST or JMX end-points; consider adding spring-boot-actuator
. See Part V, 「Spring Boot Actuator: Production-ready features」 for details.
您如今應該很好地理解如何使用Spring Boot以及您應該遵循的一些最佳實踐。您如今能夠繼續深刻瞭解特定的 Spring Boot功能,或者您能夠跳過並閱讀Spring Boot 的「 生產就緒 」方面。
本節深刻介紹Spring Boot的詳細信息。在這裏,您能夠了解要使用和自定義的主要功能。若是您尚未,可能須要閱讀第II部分「入門」和 第III部分「使用Spring Boot」部分,以便您掌握基礎知識。
public static void main(String [] args){ SpringApplication.run(MySpringConfiguration 類,參數); }
。____ _ __ _ _ / \\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ (()\ ___ |'_ |'_ | |'_ \ / _` | \ \ \ \ \\ / ___)| | _)| | | | | || (_ | |)))) '| ____ | .__ | _ | | _ | _ | | _ \ __,| / / / / / ========= | _ | ============== | ___ / = / _ / _ / _ / :: Spring Boot :: v2.0.0.M3 2013-07-31 00:08:16.117 INFO 56603 --- [main] osbsapp.SampleApplication:在個人計算機上使用PID 56603啓動SampleApplication v0.1.0(/ apps / myapp.jar由pwebb啓動) 2013-07-31 00:08:16.166 INFO 56603 --- [main] ationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext:刷新org.springframework.boot.web.ser vlet.context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext @ 6e5a8246:啓動日期[Wed Jul 31 00:08:16 PDT 2013]; 上下文層次結構的根 2014-03-04 13:09:54.912 INFO 41370 --- [main] .t.TomcatServletWebServerFactory:服務器初始化端口:8080 2014-03-04 13:09:56.501 INFO 41370 --- [main] osbsapp.SampleApplication:在2.992秒內啓動SampleApplication(JVM運行3.658)
*************************** 應用程序未能啓動 *************************** 描述: 嵌入式servlet容器沒法啓動。8080端口已經投入使用。 行動: 識別並中止正在偵聽端口8080的進程或將此應用程序配置爲偵聽另外一個端口。
![]() |
Spring Boot提供了許多 |
若是沒有故障分析器可以處理異常,您仍然能夠顯示完整的自動配置報告,以更好地瞭解出現了什麼問題。要作到這一點,你須要 使debug
財產或 啓用DEBUG
日誌記錄的 org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.logging.AutoConfigurationReportLoggingInitializer
例如,若是您使用的是運行應用程序,則java -jar
按以下方式啓用該 屬性:
$ java -jar myproject-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --debug
The banner that is printed on start up can be changed by adding a banner.txt
file to your classpath, or by setting banner.location
to the location of such a file. If the file has an unusual encoding you can set banner.charset
(default is UTF-8
). In addition to a text file, you can also add a banner.gif
, banner.jpg
or banner.png
image file to your classpath, or set a banner.image.location
property. Images will be converted into an ASCII art representation and printed above any text banner.
Inside your banner.txt
file you can use any of the following placeholders:
Table 23.1. Banner variables
Variable | Description |
The version number of your application as declared in |
爲 |
您正在使用的Spring Boot版本。例如 |
您正在使用的Spring Boot版本用於顯示(用括號括起來並帶有前綴 |
您申請的標題 |
![]() |
打印的橫幅將在名稱下注冊爲單個bean springBootBanner
![]() |
YAML映射 spring: main: banner-mode:「off」 |
public static void main(String [] args){ SpringApplication應用= 新 SpringApplication(MySpringConfiguration。類); app.setBannerMode(Banner.Mode.OFF); app.run(參數); }
![]() |
傳遞給的構造函數參數 |
有關配置選項的完整列表,請參閱 SpringApplication
新的 SpringApplicationBuilder() .sources(家長。類) .child(申請。班) .bannerMode(Banner.Mode.OFF) .RUN(參數);
![]() |
建立 |
除了一般的Spring Framework事件以外,例如 ContextRefreshedEvent
![]() |
某些事件實際上 若是您但願自動註冊這些偵聽器而無論應用程序的建立方式如何,您能夠將 org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener = com.example.project.MyListener |
若是在啓動時異常發送。![]() |
您一般不須要使用應用程序事件,但知道它們存在可能很方便。在內部,Spring Boot使用事件來處理各類任務。 |
A SpringApplication
用於肯定「web環境」的算法至關簡單(基於幾個類的存在)。setWebEnvironment(boolean webEnvironment)
It is also possible to take complete control of the ApplicationContext
type that will be used by calling setApplicationContextClass(…)
![]() |
It is often desirable to call |
If you need to access the application arguments that were passed to SpringApplication.run(…)
you can inject aorg.springframework.boot.ApplicationArguments
bean. The ApplicationArguments
interface provides access to both the raw String[]
arguments as well as parsed option
and non-option
import org.springframework.boot.*
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.* import org.springframework.stereotype.* @Component public class MyBean { @Autowired public MyBean(ApplicationArguments args) { boolean debug = args.containsOption("debug"); List<String> files = args.getNonOptionArgs(); // if run with "--debug logfile.txt" debug=true, files=["logfile.txt"] } }
![]() |
Spring Boot will also register a |
If you need to run some specific code once the SpringApplication
has started, you can implement the ApplicationRunner
or CommandLineRunner
interfaces. Both interfaces work in the same way and offer a single run
method which will be called just before SpringApplication.run(…)
The CommandLineRunner
interfaces provides access to application arguments as a simple string array, whereas the ApplicationRunner
uses the ApplicationArguments
interface discussed above.
import org.springframework.boot.*
import org.springframework.stereotype.* @Component public class MyBean implements CommandLineRunner { public void run(String... args) { // Do something... } }
You can additionally implement the org.springframework.core.Ordered
interface or use the org.springframework.core.annotation.Order
annotation if several CommandLineRunner
or ApplicationRunner
beans are defined that must be called in a specific order.
Each SpringApplication
will register a shutdown hook with the JVM to ensure that the ApplicationContext
is closed gracefully on exit. All the standard Spring lifecycle callbacks (such as the DisposableBean
interface, or the @PreDestroy
annotation) can be used.
In addition, beans may implement the org.springframework.boot.ExitCodeGenerator
interface if they wish to return a specific exit code when SpringApplication.exit()
is called. This exit code can then be passed to System.exit()
to return it as a status code.
@SpringBootApplication public class ExitCodeApplication { @Bean public ExitCodeGenerator exitCodeGenerator() { return () -> 42; } public static void main(String[] args) { System.exit(SpringApplication .exit(SpringApplication.run(ExitCodeApplication 類,參數))); } }
能夠經過例外來實現接口。遇到這種異常時,Spring Boot將返回實現getExitCode()
屬性爲應用程序啓用與管理相關的功能 。這暴露 SpringApplicationAdminMXBean
。您能夠使用此功能遠程管理Spring Boot應用程序。這對任何服務包裝器實現也頗有用。
![]() |
若是您想知道應用程序正在運行的HTTP端口,請使用密鑰獲取屬性 |
![]() |
啓用此功能時要當心,由於MBean公開了一種關閉應用程序的方法。 |
Spring Boot容許您外部化配置,以便在不一樣環境中使用相同的應用程序代碼。您能夠使用屬性文件,YAML文件,環境變量和命令行參數來外部化配置。能夠使用@Value
抽象訪問或 經過綁定到結構化對象@ConfigurationProperties
Spring Boot使用一種很是特殊的PropertySource
使用 name
import org.springframework.stereotype。* import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation。* @Component 公共 類 MyBean { @Value(「$ {name}」) 私有字符串名稱; // ... }
在您的應用程序類路徑(例如,在您的jar中),您能夠擁有一個 application.properties
; 對於一次性測試,您能夠使用特定的命令行開關啓動(例如java -jar app.jar --name="Spring"
![]() |
該 $ SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON ='{「foo」:{「bar」:「spam」}}'java -jar myapp.jar 在這個例子中,你將 $ java -Dspring.application.json ='{「foo」:「bar」}'-jar myapp.jar 或命令行參數: $ java -jar myapp.jar --spring.application.json ='{「foo」:「bar」}' 或者做爲JNDI變量 |
my.secret = $ {random.value} my.number = $ {random.int} my.bignumber = $ {random.long} my.uuid = $ {random.uuid} my.number.less.than.ten = $ {random.int(10)} my.number.in.range = $ {random.int [1024,65536]}
語法是OPEN value (,max) CLOSE
將任何命令行選項參數(以' - '開頭,例如--server.port=9000
)轉換爲a property
並將其添加到Spring Environment
如下位置的文件加載屬性並將它們添加到Spring Environment
![]() |
您還能夠使用YAML('。mil')文件替代'.properties'。 |
$ java -jar myproject.jar --spring.config.name = myproject
$ java -jar myproject.jar --spring.config.location = classpath:/default.properties,classpath:/override.properties
![]() |
在加載以前生成的名稱,包括特定於配置文件的文件名)附加。指定的文件 spring.config.location
以相反的順序搜索配置位置。默認狀況下,配置的位置是 classpath:/,classpath:/config/,file:./,file:./config/
This search ordering allows you to specify default values in one configuration file and then selectively override those values in another. You can provide default values for you application in application.properties
(or whatever other basename you choose with spring.config.name
) in one of the default locations. These default values can then be overriden at runtime with a different file located in one of the custom locations.
![]() |
If you use environment variables rather than system properties, most operating systems disallow period-separated key names, but you can use underscores instead (e.g. |
![]() |
If you are running in a container then JNDI properties (in |
In addition to application.properties
files, profile-specific properties can also be defined using the naming convention application-{profile}.properties
. TheEnvironment
has a set of default profiles (by default [default]
) which are used if no active profiles are set (i.e. if no profiles are explicitly activated then properties from application-default.properties
are loaded).
Profile-specific properties are loaded from the same locations as standard application.properties
, with profile-specific files always overriding the non-specific ones irrespective of whether the profile-specific files are inside or outside your packaged jar.
If several profiles are specified, a last wins strategy applies. For example, profiles specified by the spring.profiles.active
property are added after those configured via the SpringApplication
API and therefore take precedence.
![]() |
若是您已指定任何文件 |
app.name = MyApp app.description = $ {app.name}是一個Spring Boot應用程序
![]() |
您還能夠使用此技術建立現有Spring Boot屬性的「短」變體。有關詳細信息,請參見第73.4節「使用'短'命令行參數」操做方法。 |
課程將自動支持YAML做爲一種替代性,只要你有 SnakeYAML在classpath庫。
![]() |
若是您使用'Starters',將自動提供SnakeYAML |
Spring Framework提供了兩個方便的類,可用於加載YAML文檔。在YamlPropertiesFactoryBean
和 YamlMapFactoryBean
環境: dev: url:http://dev.bar.com 名稱:Developer Setup prod: url:http://foo.bar.com name:My Cool App
environments.dev.url = http://dev.bar.com environments.dev.name =開發人員設置 environment.prod.url = http://foo.bar.com environments.prod.name =個人酷應用
個人: 服務器: - dev.bar.com - foo.bar.com
my.servers [0] = dev.bar.com my.servers [1] = foo.bar.com
要使用Spring DataBinder
實用程序綁定到相似的屬性(這是什麼 @ConfigurationProperties
)的目標bean中具備屬性, 而且您須要提供一個setter,或者使用可變值初始化它,例如this將綁定到上面的屬性
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix =「my」) public class Config { private List <String> servers = new ArrayList <String>(); public List <String> getServers(){ return this .servers; } }
![]() |
配置列表時須要格外當心,由於覆蓋將沒法正常工做。在上面的示例中,當 個人: 服務器:dev.bar.com,foo.bar.com |
服務器: 地址:192.168。1.100 --- spring: profiles:開發 服務器: 地址:127.0。0.1 --- spring: profiles:生產 服務器: 地址:192.168。1.120
在上面的示例中,若是 配置文件處於活動狀態,則server.address
屬性爲。若是未 啓用和配置文件,則屬性的值將爲。
是 只可在「默認」的我的資料:
server: port:8000 --- spring: profiles:默認 安全: user: 密碼:弱
whereas in this example, the password is always set because it isn’t attached to any profile, and it would have to be explicitly reset in all other profiles as necessary:
port: 8000 security: user: password: weak
Spring profiles designated using the "spring.profiles" element may optionally be negated using the !
character. If both negated and non-negated profiles are specified for a single document, at least one non-negated profile must match and no negated profiles may match.
YAML files can’t be loaded via the @PropertySource
annotation. So in the case that you need to load values that way, you need to use a properties file.
As we have seen above, any YAML content is ultimately transformed to properties. That process may be counter intuitive when overriding 「list」 properties via a profile.
For example, assume a MyPojo
object with name
and description
attributes that are null
by default. Let’s expose a list of MyPojo
from FooProperties
@ConfigurationProperties("foo") public class FooProperties { private final List<MyPojo> list = new ArrayList<>(); public List<MyPojo> getList() { return this.list; } }
Consider the following configuration:
foo: list: - name:my name description:my description --- spring: profiles:dev foo: list: - name:my another name
則仍將 只包含一個條目(名稱爲「個人另外一個名稱」和描述null
foo: list: - name:my name description:my description - name:another name description:another description --- spring: profiles:dev foo: list: - name:my another name
將包含一個 MyPojo
註釋注入配置屬性有時會很麻煩,尤爲是在使用多個屬性或數據本質上是分層的狀況下。Spring Boot提供了一種使用屬性的替代方法,容許強類型bean管理和驗證應用程序的配置。
包 com.example;
import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties; @ConfigurationProperties(「foo」) 公共 類 FooProperties { private boolean enabled; private InetAddress remoteAddress; private final Security security = new Security(); public boolean isEnabled(){...} public void setEnabled(boolean enabled){...} public InetAddress getRemoteAddress(){...} public void setRemoteAddress(InetAddress remoteAddress){...} 公共安全 getSecurity(){...} public static class Security { 私有 String用戶名; 私有字符串密碼; private List <String> roles = new ArrayList <>(Collections.singleton(「USER」)); public String getUsername(){...} public void setUsername(String username){...} public String getPassword(){...} public void setPassword(String password){...} public List <String> getRoles(){...} public void setRoles(List <String> roles){...} } }
,具備能夠強制的類型 String
,收集 String
![]() |
getter和setter一般是必需的,由於綁定是經過標準的Java Beans屬性描述符,就像在Spring MVC中同樣。有些狀況下可能會省略setter:
Some people use Project Lombok to add getters and setters automatically. Make sure that Lombok doesn’t generate any particular constructor for such type as it will be used automatically by the container to instantiate the object. |
![]() |
See also the differences between |
You also need to list the properties classes to register in the @EnableConfigurationProperties
@Configuration @EnableConfigurationProperties(FooProperties.class) public class MyConfiguration { }
![]() |
When The bean name in the example above will be |
Even if the configuration above will create a regular bean for FooProperties
, we recommend that @ConfigurationProperties
only deal with the environment and in particular does not inject other beans from the context. Having said that, The @EnableConfigurationProperties
annotation is also automatically applied to your project so that any existing bean annotated with @ConfigurationProperties
will be configured from the Environment
. You could shortcut MyConfiguration
above by making sure FooProperties
is a already a bean:
@Component @ConfigurationProperties(prefix="foo") public class FooProperties { // ... see above }
This style of configuration works particularly well with the SpringApplication
external YAML configuration:
# application.yml
foo: remote-address: security: username: foo roles: - USER - ADMIN # additional configuration as required
To work with @ConfigurationProperties
beans you can just inject them in the same way as any other bean.
@Service public class MyService { private final FooProperties properties; @Autowired public MyService(FooProperties properties) { this.properties = properties; } //... @PostConstruct public void openConnection() { Server server = new Server(this.properties.getRemoteAddress()); // ... } }
![]() |
Using |
As well as using @ConfigurationProperties
to annotate a class, you can also use it on public @Bean
methods. This can be particularly useful when you want to bind properties to third-party components that are outside of your control.
To configure a bean from the Environment
properties, add @ConfigurationProperties
to its bean registration:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "bar") @Bean public BarComponent barComponent() { ... }
Any property defined with the bar
prefix will be mapped onto that BarComponent
bean in a similar manner as the FooProperties
example above.
Spring Boot uses some relaxed rules for binding Environment
properties to @ConfigurationProperties
beans, so there doesn’t need to be an exact match between the Environment
property name and the bean property name. Common examples where this is useful include dashed separated (e.g. context-path
binds to contextPath
), and capitalized (e.g. PORT
binds to port
) environment properties.
For example, given the following @ConfigurationProperties
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix =「person」) public class OwnerProperties { private String firstName; public String getFirstName(){ return this .firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName){ this .firstName = firstName; } }
屬性 | 注意 |
標準的駝峯案例語法。 |
烤肉串,建議用於 |
下劃線表示法,用於 |
大寫格式。建議在使用系統環境變量時使用。 |
![]() |
物業來源 | 簡單 | 名單 |
屬性文件 |
駱駝箱,烤肉串或下劃線表示法 |
標準列表語法使用 |
YAML文件 |
駱駝箱,烤肉串或下劃線表示法 |
標準YAML列表語法或逗號分隔值 |
環境變量 |
大寫格式,下劃線做爲分隔符。 |
下劃線包圍的數字值。例如: |
系統屬性 |
駱駝箱,烤肉串或下劃線表示法 |
標準列表語法使用 |
![]() |
咱們建議,若是可能,屬性以小寫kebab格式存儲。即 |
Spring will attempt to coerce the external application properties to the right type when it binds to the @ConfigurationProperties
beans. If you need custom type conversion you can provide a ConversionService
bean (with bean id conversionService
) or custom property editors (via a CustomEditorConfigurer
bean) or custom Converters
(with bean definitions annotated as @ConfigurationPropertiesBinding
![]() |
As this bean is requested very early during the application lifecycle, make sure to limit the dependencies that your |
Spring Boot will attempt to validate @ConfigurationProperties
classes whenever they are annotated with Spring’s @Validated
annotation. You can use JSR-303 javax.validation
constraint annotations directly on your configuration class. Simply ensure that a compliant JSR-303 implementation is on your classpath, then add constraint annotations to your fields:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix="foo") @Validated public class FooProperties { @NotNull private InetAddress remoteAddress; // ... getters and setters }
In order to validate values of nested properties, you must annotate the associated field as @Valid
to trigger its validation. For example, building upon the aboveFooProperties
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix="connection") @Validated public class FooProperties { @NotNull private InetAddress remoteAddress; @Valid private final Security security = new Security(); // ... getters and setters public static class Security { @NotEmpty public String username; // ... getters and setters } }
經過建立名爲的bean定義 來添加自定義Spring configurationPropertiesValidator
該類。這避免了早期實例化可能致使的任何問題。有一個 屬性驗證示例,您能夠看到如何設置。
![]() |
該 |
Spring Profiles提供了一種隔離應用程序配置部分並使其僅在特定環境中可用的方法。任何@Component
@Configuration @Profile(「production」) 公共 類 ProductionConfiguration { // ... }
spring.profiles.active = dev,hsqldb
入口點還設置額外的配置文件(即對那些被激活頂部的Java API的 spring.profiles.active
例如,當與如下屬性的應用程序正在使用開關運行 --spring.profiles.active=prod
my.property:fromyamlfile --- spring.profiles:PROD spring.profiles.include: - proddb - prodmq
![]() |
請記住, |
在應用程序運行以前經過調用以編程方式設置活動配置文 也能夠使用Spring的ConfigurableEnvironment
Spring Boot使用Commons Logging進行全部內部日誌記錄,但保留底層日誌實現。爲Java Util Logging, Log4J2和Logback提供了默認配置 。在每種狀況下,記錄器都預先配置爲使用控制檯輸出,而且還提供可選的文件輸出。
默認狀況下,若是使用「啓動器」,則將使用Logback進行日誌記錄。還包括適當的Logback路由,以確保使用Java Util Logging,Commons Logging,Log4J或SLF4J的依賴庫都能正常工做。
![]() |
Java有不少日誌框架可供使用。若是以上列表看起來使人困惑,請不要擔憂。一般,您不須要更改日誌記錄依賴項,Spring Boot默認值也能夠正常工做。 |
Spring Boot的默認日誌輸出以下所示:
2014-03-05 10:57:51.112 INFO 45469 --- [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine:啓動Servlet引擎:Apache Tomcat / 7.0.52 2014-03-05 10:57:51.253 INFO 45469 --- [ost-startStop-1] oaccC [Tomcat]。[localhost]。[/]:初始化Spring嵌入式WebApplicationContext 2014-03-05 10:57:51.253 INFO 45469 --- [ost-startStop-1] osweb.context.ContextLoader:Root WebApplicationContext:初始化在1358 ms完成 2014-03-05 10:57:51.698 INFO 45469 --- [ost-startStop-1] osbceServletRegistrationBean:將servlet:'dispatcherServlet'映射到[/] 2014-03-05 10:57:51.702 INFO 45469 --- [ost-startStop-1] osbcembedded.FilterRegistrationBean:映射過濾器:'hiddenHttpMethodFilter'到:[/ *]
分離器來區分實際日誌消息的開始。![]() |
Logback does not have a |
The default log configuration will echo messages to the console as they are written. By default ERROR
and INFO
level messages are logged. You can also enable a 「debug」 mode by starting your application with a --debug
$ java -jar myapp.jar --debug
![]() |
you can also specify |
When the debug mode is enabled, a selection of core loggers (embedded container, Hibernate and Spring Boot) are configured to output more information. Enabling the debug mode does not configure your application to log all messages with DEBUG
Alternatively, you can enable a 「trace」 mode by starting your application with a --trace
flag (or trace=true
in your application.properties
). This will enable trace logging for a selection of core loggers (embedded container, Hibernate schema generation and the whole Spring portfolio).
If your terminal supports ANSI, color output will be used to aid readability. You can set spring.output.ansi.enabled
to a supported value to override the auto detection.
Color coding is configured using the %clr
conversion word. In its simplest form the converter will color the output according to the log level, for example:
The mapping of log level to a color is as follows:
Level | Color |
Red |
Red |
Yellow |
Green |
Green |
Green |
Alternatively, you can specify the color or style that should be used by providing it as an option to the conversion. For example, to make the text yellow:
%clr(%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}){yellow}
The following colors and styles are supported:
By default, Spring Boot will only log to the console and will not write log files. If you want to write log files in addition to the console output you need to set alogging.file
or logging.path
property (for example in your application.properties
The following table shows how the logging.*
properties can be used together:
Table 26.1. Logging properties
logging.file |
logging.path |
Example | Description |
(none) |
(none) |
Console only logging. |
Specific file |
(none) |
Writes to the specified log file. Names can be an exact location or relative to the current directory. |
(none) |
Specific directory |
寫入 |
日誌文件將在達到10 MB時旋轉,而且與控制檯輸出同樣ERROR
![]() |
日誌記錄系統在應用程序生命週期的早期初始化,所以在經過 |
![]() |
日誌記錄屬性獨立於實際的日誌記錄基礎結構。所以, |
全部受支持的日誌記錄系統均可以使用'logging.level。* = LEVEL'在Spring中設置記錄器級別 Environment
logging.level.root = WARN logging.level.org.springframework.web = DEBUG logging.level.org.hibernate = ERROR
![]() |
默認狀況下,Spring Boot會從新映射Thymeleaf |
能夠經過在類路徑中包含適當的庫來激活各類日誌記錄系統,並經過在類路徑的根目錄中或Spring Environment
屬性 指定的位置提供合適的配置文件來進一步自定義logging.config
系統屬性強制Spring Boot使用特定的日誌記錄系統 。該值應該是實現的徹底限定類名LoggingSystem
。您還能夠經過使用值來徹底禁用Spring Boot的日誌記錄配置none
![]() |
因爲記錄被初始化以前的 |
記錄系統 | 定製 |
的logback |
Log4j2 |
JDK(Java Util Logging) |
![]() |
若是可能,咱們建議您使用 |
![]() |
Java Util Logging存在已知的類加載問題,從「可執行jar」運行時會致使問題。咱們建議您儘量避免使用它。 |
爲了幫助定製,一些其餘屬性從Spring轉移 Environment
春天的環境 | 系統屬性 | 評論 |
記錄異常時使用的轉換字。 |
若是已定義,則用於默認日誌配置。 |
若是已定義,則用於默認日誌配置。 |
要在控制檯上使用的日誌模式(stdout)。(僅支持默認的logback設置。) |
要在文件中使用的日誌模式(若是啓用了LOG_FILE)。(僅支持默認的logback設置。) |
用於呈現日誌級別的格式(默認 |
當前進程ID(若是可能,則在未定義爲OS環境變量時發現)。 |
![]() |
若是要在日誌記錄屬性中使用佔位符,則應使用 Spring Boot的語法而不是底層框架的語法。值得注意的是,若是您使用的是Logback,則應將其 |
![]() |
您能夠經過僅覆蓋 2015-09-30 12:30:04.031用戶:juergen INFO 22174 --- [nio-8080-exec-0] demo.Controller 處理通過身份驗證的請 |
Spring Boot包含許多Logback擴展,能夠幫助進行高級配置。您能夠在logback-spring.xml
![]() |
您不能在標準 |
![]() |
擴展不能與Logback的 配置掃描一塊兒使用。若是您嘗試這樣作,更改配置文件將致使相似於如下記錄之一的錯誤: |
ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter@4中的錯誤:71 - [springProperty]沒有適用的操做,當前的ElementPath是[[configuration] [springProperty]]ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter@4中的 錯誤:71 - [springProfile]沒有適用的操做,當前的ElementPath是[[configuration] [springProfile]]
<springProfile name = 「staging」 > <! - 「暫存」配置文件處於活動狀態時啓用的配置 - > </ springProfile> <springProfile name = 「dev,staging」 > <! - 在「dev」或「staging」配置文件處於活動狀態時啓用的配置 - > </ springProfile> <springProfile name = 「!production」 > <! - 「生產」配置文件未激活時要啓用的配置 - > </ springProfile>
The <springProperty>
tag allows you to surface properties from the Spring Environment
for use within Logback. This can be useful if you want to access values from your application.properties
file in your logback configuration. The tag works in a similar way to Logback’s standard <property>
tag, but rather than specifying a direct value
you specify the source
of the property (from the Environment
). You can use the scope
attribute if you need to store the property somewhere other than in local
scope. If you need a fallback value in case the property is not set in the Environment
, you can use the defaultValue
<springProperty scope="context" name="fluentHost" source="myapp.fluentd.host" defaultValue="localhost"/> <appender name="FLUENT" class="ch.qos.logback.more.appenders.DataFluentAppender"> <remoteHost>${fluentHost}</remoteHost> ... </appender>
![]() |
The |
Spring Boot is well suited for web application development. You can easily create a self-contained HTTP server using embedded Tomcat, Jetty, Undertow, or Netty. Most web applications will use the spring-boot-starter-web
module to get up and running quickly. You can also choose to use to build reactive web applications by using the spring-boot-starter-webflux
If you haven’t yet developed a Spring Boot web application you can follow the "Hello World!" example in the Getting started section.
Spring Web MVC框架(一般簡稱爲「Spring MVC」)是一個豐富的「模型視圖控制器」Web框架。Spring MVC容許您建立特殊@Controller
註釋映射到HTTP 。
@RestController @RequestMapping(value =「/ users」) public class MyRestController { @RequestMapping(value =「/ {user}」,method = RequestMethod.GET) public User getUser( @PathVariable Long user){ // ... } @RequestMapping(value =「/ {user} / customers」,method = RequestMethod.GET) List <Customer> getUserCustomers( @PathVariable Long user){ // ... } @RequestMapping(value =「/ {user}」,method = RequestMethod.DELETE) public User deleteUser( @PathVariable Long user){ // ... } }
Spring MVC是核心Spring Framework的一部分,詳細信息可在參考文檔中找到。Spring.io/guides還提供了幾個涵蓋Spring MVC的指南。
Spring Boot爲Spring MVC提供自動配置,適用於大多數應用程序。
bean(見下文)。若是你想保留Spring Boot MVC功能,而且你只想添加額外的MVC配置(攔截器,格式化程序,視圖控制器等),你能夠添加本身的@Configuration
,但沒有 @EnableWebMvc
若是您想徹底控制Spring MVC,能夠添加本身的@Configuration
Spring MVC使用該HttpMessageConverter
接口來轉換HTTP請求和響應。靈敏的默認值包含在開箱即用中,例如,對象能夠自動轉換爲JSON(使用Jackson庫)或XML(若是可用則使用Jackson XML擴展,不然使用JAXB)。字符串UTF-8
若是您須要添加或自定義轉換器,能夠使用Spring Boot的 HttpMessageConverters
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.HttpMessageConverters; import org.springframework.context.annotation。*; import org.springframework.http.converter。*; @Configuration 公共 類 MyConfiguration { @Bean public HttpMessageConverters customConverters(){ HttpMessageConverter<?> additional = ... HttpMessageConverter<?> another = ... return new HttpMessageConverters(additional, another); } }
Any HttpMessageConverter
bean that is present in the context will be added to the list of converters. You can also override default converters that way.
If you’re using Jackson to serialize and deserialize JSON data, you might want to write your own JsonSerializer
and JsonDeserializer
classes. Custom serializers are usually registered with Jackson via a Module, but Spring Boot provides an alternative @JsonComponent
annotation which makes it easier to directly register Spring Beans.
You can use @JsonComponent
directly on JsonSerializer
or JsonDeserializer
implementations. You can also use it on classes that contains serializers/deserializers as inner-classes. For example:
import java.io.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import org.springframework.boot.jackson.*; @JsonComponent public class Example { public static class Serializer extends JsonSerializer<SomeObject> { // ... } public static class Deserializer extends JsonDeserializer<SomeObject> { // ... } }
All @JsonComponent
beans in the ApplicationContext
will be automatically registered with Jackson, and since @JsonComponent
is meta-annotated with @Component
, the usual component-scanning rules apply.
Spring Boot also provides JsonObjectSerializer
and JsonObjectDeserializer
base classes which provide useful alternatives to the standard Jackson versions when serializing Objects. See the Javadoc for details.
Spring MVC has a strategy for generating error codes for rendering error messages from binding errors: MessageCodesResolver
. Spring Boot will create one for you if you set the spring.mvc.message-codes-resolver.format
(see the enumeration in DefaultMessageCodesResolver.Format
By default Spring Boot will serve static content from a directory called /static
(or /public
or /resources
or /META-INF/resources
) in the classpath or from the root of the ServletContext
. It uses the ResourceHttpRequestHandler
from Spring MVC so you can modify that behavior by adding your own WebMvcConfigurer
and overriding the addResourceHandlers
In a stand-alone web application the default servlet from the container is also enabled, and acts as a fallback, serving content from the root of the ServletContext
if Spring decides not to handle it. Most of the time this will not happen (unless you modify the default MVC configuration) because Spring will always be able to handle requests through the DispatcherServlet
By default, resources are mapped on /**
but you can tune that via spring.mvc.static-path-pattern
. For instance, relocating all resources to /resources/**
can be achieved as follows:
You can also customize the static resource locations using spring.resources.static-locations
(replacing the default values with a list of directory locations). If you do this the default welcome page detection will switch to your custom locations, so if there is an index.html
in any of your locations on startup, it will be the home page of the application.
In addition to the ‘standard’ static resource locations above, a special case is made for Webjars content. Any resources with a path in /webjars/**
will be served from jar files if they are packaged in the Webjars format.
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Do not use the |
Spring Boot also supports advanced resource handling features provided by Spring MVC, allowing use cases such as cache busting static resources or using version agnostic URLs for Webjars.
To use version agnostic URLs for Webjars, simply add the webjars-locator
dependency. Then declare your Webjar, taking jQuery for example, as "/webjars/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"
which results in "/webjars/jquery/x.y.z/dist/jquery.min.js"
where x.y.z
is the Webjar version.
![]() |
If you are using JBoss, you’ll need to declare the |
To use cache busting, the following configuration will configure a cache busting solution for all static resources, effectively adding a content hash in URLs, such as<link href="/css/spring-2a2d595e6ed9a0b24f027f2b63b134d6.css"/>
![]() |
Links to resources are rewritten at runtime in template, thanks to a |
When loading resources dynamically with, for example, a JavaScript module loader, renaming files is not an option. That’s why other strategies are also supported and can be combined. A "fixed" strategy will add a static version string in the URL, without changing the file name:
spring.resources.chain.strategy.content.paths=/** spring.resources.chain.strategy.fixed.enabled=true spring.resources.chain.strategy.fixed.paths=/js/lib/ spring.resources.chain.strategy.fixed.version=v12
With this configuration, JavaScript modules located under "/js/lib/"
will use a fixed versioning strategy "/v12/js/lib/mymodule.js"
while other resources will still use the content one <link href="/css/spring-2a2d595e6ed9a0b24f027f2b63b134d6.css"/>
Spring MVC使用a WebBindingInitializer
,Spring Boot將自動配置Spring MVC以使用它。
除REST Web服務外,您還能夠使用Spring MVC來提供動態HTML內容。Spring MVC支持各類模板技術,包括Thymeleaf,FreeMarker和JSP。許多其餘模板引擎也提供本身的Spring MVC集成。
Spring Boot包括對如下模板引擎的自動配置支持:
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若是可能,應該避免使用JSP,將它們與嵌入式servlet容器一塊兒使用時有幾個 已知的限制。 |
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IntelliJ IDEA根據您運行應用程序的方式對類路徑進行不一樣的排序。經過主方法在IDE中運行應用程序將致使與使用Maven或Gradle或其打包的jar運行應用程序時的順序不一樣。這可能致使Spring Boot沒法在類路徑中找到模板。若是您受此問題的影響,能夠在IDE中從新排序類路徑,以便首先放置模塊的類和資源。或者,您能夠配置模板前綴以搜索類路徑上的每一個模板目錄: |
Spring Boot /error
解析爲'錯誤'的數據)。要徹底替換默認行爲,您能夠實現 ErrorController
並註冊該類型的bean定義,或者只是添加類型的bean ErrorAttributes
![]() |
在 |
@ControllerAdvice(basePackageClasses = FooController.class) 公共 類 FooControllerAdvice擴展 ResponseEntityExceptionHandler { @ExceptionHandler(YourException.class) @ResponseBody ResponseEntity <?> handleControllerException(HttpServletRequest request,Throwable ex){ HttpStatus status = getStatus(request); 返回 新的 ResponseEntity <>(new CustomErrorType(status.value(),ex.getMessage()),status); } private HttpStatus getStatus(HttpServletRequest request){ 整數statusCode =(整數)request.getAttribute(「javax.servlet.error.status_code」); if(statusCode == null){ return HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } return HttpStatus.valueOf(statusCode); } }
由在同一個包中定義的控制器拋出,則將使用POJO FooController
SRC / + - 主要/ + - java / | + <源代碼> + - 資源/ + - 公共/ + - 錯誤/ | + - 404.html + - <其餘公共資產>
SRC / + - 主要/ + - java / | + <源代碼> + - 資源/ + - 模板/ + - 錯誤/ | + - 5xx.ftl + - <其餘模板>
接口的bean 。
公共 類 MyErrorViewResolver 實現 ErrorViewResolver { @覆蓋 公共的ModelAndView resolveErrorView(HttpServletRequest的請求, HttpStatus狀態,Map <String,Object> model){ //使用請求或狀態可選擇返回ModelAndView 返回 ... } }
您還能夠使用常規的Spring MVC功能,如 @ExceptionHandler
方法和 @ControllerAdvice
對於不使用Spring MVC的應用程序,能夠使用該ErrorPageRegistrar
。這種抽象直接與底層嵌入式servlet容器一塊兒工做,即便你沒有Spring MVC也能工做 DispatcherServlet
@Bean public ErrorPageRegistrar errorPageRegistrar(){ return new MyErrorPageRegistrar(); } // ... 私有 靜態 類 MyErrorPageRegistrar 實現 ErrorPageRegistrar { @Override public void registerErrorPages(ErrorPageRegistry registry){ registry.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,「/ 400」)); } }
路徑最終會被a處理 Filter
@Bean public FilterRegistrationBean myFilter(){ FilterRegistrationBean registration = new FilterRegistrationBean(); registration.setFilter(new MyFilter()); ... registration.setDispatcherTypes(EnumSet.allOf(DispatcherType.class)); return registration; }
(the default FilterRegistrationBean
does not include the ERROR
dispatcher type).
When deployed to a servlet container, a Spring Boot uses its error page filter to forward a request with an error status to the appropriate error page. The request can only be forwarded to the correct error page if the response has not already been committed. By default, WebSphere Application Server 8.0 and later commits the response upon successful completion of a servlet’s service method. You should disable this behaviour by setting com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.invokeFlushAfterService
to false
若是您正在開發一個使用超媒體的RESTful API,Spring Boot爲Spring HATEOAS提供了自動配置,適用於大多數應用程序。自動配置取代了使用@EnableHypermediaSupport
和註冊多個bean 的須要,以便於構建基於超媒體的應用程序,包括 LinkDiscoverers
您能夠使用控制Spring HATEOAS的配置 @EnableHypermediaSupport
跨源資源共享 (CORS)是大多數瀏覽器實現 的W3C規範,容許您以靈活的方式指定受權何種類型的跨域請求,而不是使用一些安全性較低且功能較弱的方法,如IFRAME或JSONP。
從版本4.2開始,Spring MVC 支持開箱即用的CORS。 在Spring Boot應用程序中使用帶有 註釋的控制器方法CORS配置@CrossOrigin
不須要任何特定配置。 能夠經過使用自定義 方法註冊bean 來定義全局CORS配置:WebMvcConfigurer
@Configuration 公共 類 MyConfiguration { @Bean public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer(){ return new WebMvcConfigurer(){ @ Override public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry){ registry.addMapping(「/ api / **」); } }; } }
Spring WebFlux是Spring Framework 5.0中引入的新的響應式Web框架。與Spring MVC不一樣,它不須要Servlet API,徹底異步且無阻塞,並 經過Reactor項目實現Reactive Streams規範。
Spring WebFlux有兩種版本 - 基於註釋的版本與咱們所知道的Spring MVC模型很是接近:
@RestController @RequestMapping(「/ users」) 公共 類 MyRestController { @GetMapping(「/ {user}」) public Mono <User> getUser( @PathVariable Long user){ // ... } @GetMapping(「/ {user} / customers」) Flux <Customer> getUserCustomers( @PathVariable Long user){ // ... } @DeleteMapping(「/ {user}」) public Mono <User> deleteUser( @PathVariable Long user){ // ... } }
@Configuration public class RoutingConfiguration { @Bean public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> monoRouterFunction(UserHandler userHandler) { return route(GET("/{user}").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), userHandler::getUser) .andRoute(GET("/{user}/customers").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), userHandler::getUserCustomers) .andRoute(DELETE("/{user}").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), userHandler::deleteUser); } } @Component public class UserHandler { public Mono<ServerResponse> getUser(ServerRequest request) { // ... } public Mono<ServerResponse> getUserCustomers(ServerRequest request) { // ... } public Mono<ServerResponse> deleteUser(ServerRequest request) { // ... } }
WebFlux is part of the Spring Framework and detailed information is available in the reference documentation.
To get started, add the spring-boot-starter-webflux
module to your application.
![]() |
Adding both |
Spring Boot provides auto-configuration for Spring WebFlux that works well with most applications.
The auto-configuration adds the following features on top of Spring’s defaults:
and HttpMessageWriter
instances (see below).If you want to keep Spring Boot WebFlux features, and you just want to add additional WebFlux configuration you can add your own @Configuration
class of type WebFluxConfigurer
, but without @EnableWebFlux
If you want to take complete control of Spring WebFlux, you can add your own @Configuration
annotated with @EnableWebFlux
Spring WebFlux uses the HttpMessageReader
and HttpMessageWriter
interface to convert HTTP requests and responses. They are configured with CodecConfigurer
with sensible defaults, by looking at the libraries available in your classpath.
Spring Boot will apply further customization using CodecCustomizer
instances. For example, spring.jackson.*
configuration keys will be applied to the Jackson codec.
import org.springframework.boot.web.codec.CodecCustomizer;
公共 類 MyConfiguration { @Bean public CodecCustomizer myCodecCustomizer(){ return codecConfigurer - > { // ... } } }
默認狀況下,Spring Boot將從類路徑中名爲/static
( /public
Spring WebFlux,所以您能夠經過添加本身WebFluxConfigurer
方法來修改該行爲並覆蓋該 方法。
但您能夠經過調整該 資源spring.mvc.static-path-pattern
spring.mvc.static-path-pattern = / resources / **
(使用目錄位置列表替換默認值)自定義靜態資源位置 。若是您這樣作,默認的歡迎頁面檢測將切換到您的自定義位置,所以若是index.html
![]() |
Spring WebFlux應用程序並不嚴格依賴於Servlet API,所以不能將它們部署爲war而且不使用該 |
除REST Web服務外,您還能夠使用Spring WebFlux來提供動態HTML內容。Spring WebFlux支持各類模板技術,包括Thymeleaf,FreeMarker和Mustache。
Spring Boot包括對如下模板引擎的自動配置支持:
If you prefer the JAX-RS programming model for REST endpoints you can use one of the available implementations instead of Spring MVC. Jersey 1.x and Apache CXF work quite well out of the box if you just register their Servlet
or Filter
as a @Bean
in your application context. Jersey 2.x has some native Spring support so we also provide auto-configuration support for it in Spring Boot together with a starter.
To get started with Jersey 2.x just include the spring-boot-starter-jersey
as a dependency and then you need one @Bean
of type ResourceConfig
in which you register all the endpoints:
@Component public class JerseyConfig extends ResourceConfig { public JerseyConfig() { register(Endpoint.class); } }
![]() |
Jersey’s support for scanning executable archives is rather limited. For example, it cannot scan for endpoints in a package found in |
You can also register an arbitrary number of beans implementing ResourceConfigCustomizer
for more advanced customizations.
All the registered endpoints should be @Components
with HTTP resource annotations (@GET
etc.), e.g.
@Component @Path("/hello") public class Endpoint { @GET public String message() { return "Hello"; } }
Since the Endpoint
is a Spring @Component
its lifecycle is managed by Spring and you can @Autowired
dependencies and inject external configuration with @Value
. The Jersey servlet will be registered and mapped to /*
by default. You can change the mapping by adding @ApplicationPath
to your ResourceConfig
By default Jersey will be set up as a Servlet in a @Bean
of type ServletRegistrationBean
named jerseyServletRegistration
. By default, the servlet will be initialized lazily but you can customize it with spring.jersey.servlet.load-on-startup
.You can disable or override that bean by creating one of your own with the same name. You can also use a Filter instead of a Servlet by setting spring.jersey.type=filter
(in which case the @Bean
to replace or override isjerseyFilterRegistration
). The servlet has an @Order
which you can set with spring.jersey.filter.order
. Both the Servlet and the Filter registrations can be given init parameters using spring.jersey.init.*
to specify a map of properties.
There is a Jersey sample so you can see how to set things up. There is also a Jersey 1.x sample. Note that in the Jersey 1.x sample that the spring-boot maven plugin has been configured to unpack some Jersey jars so they can be scanned by the JAX-RS implementation (because the sample asks for them to be scanned in its Filter
registration). You may need to do the same if any of your JAX-RS resources are packaged as nested jars.
Spring Boot includes support for embedded Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow servers. Most developers will simply use the appropriate ‘Starter’ to obtain a fully configured instance. By default the embedded server will listen for HTTP requests on port 8080
![]() |
If you choose to use Tomcat on CentOS be aware that, by default, a temporary directory is used to store compiled JSPs, file uploads etc. This directory may be deleted by |
When using an embedded servlet container you can register Servlets, Filters and all the listeners from the Servlet spec (e.g. HttpSessionListener
) either by using Spring beans or by scanning for Servlet components.
Any Servlet
, Filter
or Servlet *Listener
instance that is a Spring bean will be registered with the embedded container. This can be particularly convenient if you want to refer to a value from your application.properties
during configuration.
By default, if the context contains only a single Servlet it will be mapped to /
. In the case of multiple Servlet beans the bean name will be used as a path prefix. Filters will map to /*
If convention-based mapping is not flexible enough you can use the ServletRegistrationBean
, FilterRegistrationBean
and ServletListenerRegistrationBean
classes for complete control.
Embedded servlet containers will not directly execute the Servlet 3.0+ javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer
interface, or Spring’sorg.springframework.web.WebApplicationInitializer
interface. This is an intentional design decision intended to reduce the risk that 3rd party libraries designed to run inside a war will break Spring Boot applications.
If you need to perform servlet context initialization in a Spring Boot application, you should register a bean that implements theorg.springframework.boot.web.servlet.ServletContextInitializer
interface. The single onStartup
method provides access to the ServletContext
, and can easily be used as an adapter to an existing WebApplicationInitializer
if necessary.
When using an embedded container, automatic registration of @WebServlet
, @WebFilter
, and @WebListener
annotated classes can be enabled using @ServletComponentScan
![]() |
Under the hood Spring Boot uses a new type of ApplicationContext
for embedded servlet container support. The ServletWebServerApplicationContext
is a special type of WebApplicationContext
that bootstraps itself by searching for a single ServletWebServerFactory
bean. Usually a TomcatServletWebServerFactory
, JettyServletWebServerFactory
, or UndertowServletWebServerFactory
will have been auto-configured.
![]() |
You usually won’t need to be aware of these implementation classes. Most applications will be auto-configured and the appropriate |
Common servlet container settings can be configured using Spring Environment
properties. Usually you would define the properties in your application.properties
Common server settings include:
), interface address to bind to server.address
, etc.server.session.persistence
), session timeout (server.session.timeout
), location of session data (server.session.store-dir
) and session-cookie configuration (server.session.cookie.*
), etc.Spring Boot tries as much as possible to expose common settings but this is not always possible. For those cases, dedicated namespaces offer server-specific customizations (see server.tomcat
and server.undertow
). For instance, access logs can be configured with specific features of the embedded servlet container.
![]() |
See the |
If you need to configure your embedded servlet container programmatically you can register a Spring bean that implements the WebServerFactoryCustomizer
interface. WebServerFactoryCustomizer
provides access to the ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory
which includes numerous customization setter methods. Dedicated variants exists for Tomcat, Jetty and Undertow.
import org.springframework.boot.web.server.WebServerFactoryCustomizer; import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.server.ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component 公共 類 CustomizationBean實現 WebServerFactoryCustomizer <ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory> { @Override public void customize(ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory server){ server.setPort(9000); } }
若是上面的自定義方法太有限,你能夠註冊 TomcatServletWebServerFactory
或 UndertowServletWebServerFactory
@Bean public ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory webServerFactory(){ TomcatServletWebServerFactory factory = new TomcatServletWebServerFactory(); factory.setPort(9000); factory.setSessionTimeout(10,TimeUnit.MINUTES); factory.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND,「/ notfound.html」)); 返回工廠; }
若是Spring Security位於類路徑上,則默認狀況下Web應用程序將在全部HTTP端點上使用「基本」身份驗證。要向Web應用程序添加方法級安全性,您還能夠@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity
使用所需的設置進行添加。其餘信息能夠在Spring Security Reference中找到。
![]() |
若是您對日誌記錄配置進行微調,請確保將 |
(屬性前綴「security」)外部化 。
用於非Web應用程序中相關的身份驗證配置)。要徹底關閉默認Web應用程序安全配置,您能夠添加一個bean @EnableWebSecurity
(這不會禁用身份驗證管理器配置或Actuator的安全性)。要自定義它,一般使用外部屬性和類型的bean WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
![]() |
若是添加 |
要關閉身份驗證管理器配置,您能夠添加類型的bean AuthenticationManager
類中的方法來配置全局。Spring Boot示例中有幾個安全的應用程序能夠幫助您開始使用常見的用例。
具備內存存儲和單個用戶的bean(請參閱用戶 SecurityProperties.User
, /images/**
與 @Order(SecurityProperties.ACCESS_OVERRIDE_ORDER)
![]() |
默認狀況下,a |
類路徑,則能夠利用某些自動配置來輕鬆設置受權或資源服務器。有關完整詳細信息,請參閱「 Spring Security OAuth 2開發人員指南」。
要建立受權服務器並授予訪問令牌,您須要使用 @EnableAuthorizationServer
$ curl client:secret @ localhost :8080 / oauth / token -d grant_type = password -d username = user -d password = pwd
和 client-secret
。用戶憑據是正常的Spring Security用戶詳細信息(在Spring Boot中默認爲「user」和隨機密碼)。
To use the access token you need a Resource Server (which can be the same as the Authorization Server). Creating a Resource Server is easy, just add@EnableResourceServer
and provide some configuration to allow the server to decode access tokens. If your application is also an Authorization Server it already knows how to decode tokens, so there is nothing else to do. If your app is a standalone service then you need to give it some more configuration, one of the following options:
to use the /me
resource (e.g. https://uaa.run.pivotal.io/userinfo
on PWS)security.oauth2.resource.token-info-uri
to use the token decoding endpoint (e.g. https://uaa.run.pivotal.io/check_token
on PWS).If you specify both the user-info-uri
and the token-info-uri
then you can set a flag to say that one is preferred over the other (prefer-token-info=true
is the default).
Alternatively (instead of user-info-uri
or token-info-uri
) if the tokens are JWTs you can configure a security.oauth2.resource.jwt.key-value
to decode them locally (where the key is a verification key). The verification key value is either a symmetric secret or PEM-encoded RSA public key. If you don’t have the key and it’s public you can provide a URI where it can be downloaded (as a JSON object with a 「value」 field) with security.oauth2.resource.jwt.key-uri
. E.g. on PWS:
$ curl https://uaa.run.pivotal.io/token_key {"alg":"SHA256withRSA","value":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBI...\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"}
![]() |
If you use the |
OAuth2 resources are protected by a filter chain with order security.oauth2.resource.filter-order
and the default is after the filter protecting the actuator endpoints by default (so actuator endpoints will stay on HTTP Basic unless you change the order).
Google, and certain other 3rd party identity providers, are more strict about the token type name that is sent in the headers to the user info endpoint. The default is 「Bearer」 which suits most providers and matches the spec, but if you need to change it you can set security.oauth2.resource.token-type
If you have a user-info-uri
, the resource server features use an OAuth2RestTemplate
internally to fetch user details for authentication. This is provided as a @Bean
of type UserInfoRestTemplateFactory
. The default should be fine for most providers, but occasionally you might need to add additional interceptors, or change the request authenticator (which is how the token gets attached to outgoing requests). To add a customization just create a bean of type UserInfoRestTemplateCustomizer
- it has a single method that will be called after the bean is created but before it is initialized. The rest template that is being customized here is only used internally to carry out authentication. Alternatively, you could define your own UserInfoRestTemplateFactory
to take full control.
![]() |
To set an RSA key value in YAML use the 「pipe」 continuation marker to split it over multiple lines (「|」) and remember to indent the key value (it’s a standard YAML language feature). Example: security:
oauth2: resource: jwt: keyValue: | -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKC... -----END PUBLIC KEY----- |
To make your web-app into an OAuth2 client you can simply add @EnableOAuth2Client
and Spring Boot will create a OAuth2ClientContext
and OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails
that are necessary to create an OAuth2RestOperations
. Spring Boot does not automatically create such bean but you can easily create your own:
@Bean public OAuth2RestTemplate oauth2RestTemplate(OAuth2ClientContext oauth2ClientContext, OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails details) { return new OAuth2RestTemplate(details, oauth2ClientContext); }
![]() |
You may want to add a qualifier and review your configuration as more than one |
This configuration uses security.oauth2.client.*
as credentials (the same as you might be using in the Authorization Server), but in addition it will need to know the authorization and token URIs in the Authorization Server. For example:
oauth2: client: clientId: bd1c0a783ccdd1c9b9e4 clientSecret: 1a9030fbca47a5b2c28e92f19050bb77824b5ad1 accessTokenUri: https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token userAuthorizationUri: https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize clientAuthenticationScheme: form
An application with this configuration will redirect to Github for authorization when you attempt to use the OAuth2RestTemplate
. If you are already signed into Github you won’t even notice that it has authenticated. These specific credentials will only work if your application is running on port 8080 (register your own client app in Github or other provider for more flexibility).
To limit the scope that the client asks for when it obtains an access token you can set security.oauth2.client.scope
(comma separated or an array in YAML). By default the scope is empty and it is up to Authorization Server to decide what the defaults should be, usually depending on the settings in the client registration that it holds.
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There is also a setting for |
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In a non-web application you can still create an |
An OAuth2 Client can be used to fetch user details from the provider (if such features are available) and then convert them into an Authentication
token for Spring Security. The Resource Server above support this via the user-info-uri
property This is the basis for a Single Sign On (SSO) protocol based on OAuth2, and Spring Boot makes it easy to participate by providing an annotation @EnableOAuth2Sso
. The Github client above can protect all its resources and authenticate using the Github /user/
endpoint, by adding that annotation and declaring where to find the endpoint (in addition to the security.oauth2.client.*
configuration already listed above):
oauth2: ... resource: userInfoUri: https://api.github.com/user preferTokenInfo: false
Since all paths are secure by default, there is no 「home」 page that you can show to unauthenticated users and invite them to login (by visiting the /login
path, or the path specified by security.oauth2.sso.login-path
To customize the access rules or paths to protect, so you can add a 「home」 page for instance, @EnableOAuth2Sso
can be added to a WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
and the annotation will cause it to be decorated and enhanced with the necessary pieces to get the /login
path working. For example, here we simply allow unauthenticated access to the home page at "/" and keep the default for everything else:
@Configuration static class WebSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Override public void init(WebSecurity web) { web.ignoring().antMatchers("/"); } @Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http.antMatcher("/**").authorizeRequests().anyRequest().authenticated(); } }
If the Actuator is also in use, you will find:
instances and published to the AuditEventRepository
role as well as the USER
role.The Actuator security features can be modified using external properties (management.security.*
). To override the application access rules add a @Bean
of type WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
and use @Order(SecurityProperties.ACCESS_OVERRIDE_ORDER)
if you don’t want to override the actuator access rules, or @Order(ManagementServerProperties.ACCESS_OVERRIDE_ORDER)
if you do want to override the actuator access rules.
The Spring Framework provides extensive support for working with SQL databases. From direct JDBC access using JdbcTemplate
to complete ‘object relational mapping’ technologies such as Hibernate. Spring Data provides an additional level of functionality, creating Repository
implementations directly from interfaces and using conventions to generate queries from your method names.
Java’s javax.sql.DataSource
interface provides a standard method of working with database connections. Traditionally a DataSource uses a URL
along with some credentials to establish a database connection.
![]() |
Check also the ‘How-to’ section for more advanced examples, typically to take full control over the configuration of the DataSource. |
It’s often convenient to develop applications using an in-memory embedded database. Obviously, in-memory databases do not provide persistent storage; you will need to populate your database when your application starts and be prepared to throw away data when your application ends.
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The ‘How-to’ section includes a section on how to initialize a database |
Spring Boot can auto-configure embedded H2, HSQL and Derby databases. You don’t need to provide any connection URLs, simply include a build dependency to the embedded database that you want to use.
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If you are using this feature in your tests, you may notice that the same database is reused by your whole test suite regardless of the number of application contexts that you use. If you want to make sure that each context has a separate embedded database, you should set |
For example, typical POM dependencies would be:
<groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-jpa</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.hsqldb</groupId> <artifactId>hsqldb</artifactId> <scope>runtime</scope> </dependency>
![]() |
You need a dependency on |
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If, for whatever reason, you do configure the connection URL for an embedded database, care should be taken to ensure that the database’s automatic shutdown is disabled. If you’re using H2 you should use |
Production database connections can also be auto-configured using a pooling DataSource
. Here’s the algorithm for choosing a specific implementation:
is available we will use it.If you use the spring-boot-starter-jdbc
or spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
‘starters’ you will automatically get a dependency to HikariCP
![]() |
You can bypass that algorithm completely and specify the connection pool to use via the |
![]() |
Additional connection pools can always be configured manually. If you define your own |
DataSource configuration is controlled by external configuration properties in spring.datasource.*
. For example, you might declare the following section inapplication.properties
spring.datasource.username=dbuser spring.datasource.password=dbpass spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
![]() |
You should at least specify the url using the |
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You often won’t need to specify the |
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For a pooling |
See DataSourceProperties
for more of the supported options. These are the standard options that work regardless of the actual implementation. It is also possible to fine-tune implementation-specific settings using their respective prefix (spring.datasource.hikari.*
, spring.datasource.tomcat.*
, and spring.datasource.dbcp2.*
). Refer to the documentation of the connection pool implementation you are using for more details.
For instance, if you are using the Tomcat connection pool you could customize many additional settings:
spring.datasource.tomcat.max-wait = 10000 #能夠同時從該池分配的最大活動鏈接數。 spring.datasource.tomcat.max-active = 50 #在從池中借用鏈接以前驗證鏈接。 spring.datasource.tomcat.test-on-borrow = true
若是要將Spring Boot應用程序部署到Application Server,則可能須要使用Application Server內置功能配置和管理DataSource,並使用JNDI訪問它。
屬性能夠被用做一個替代 spring.datasource.url
顯示瞭如何訪問定義的JBoss AS DataSource
spring.datasource.jndi-name = java:jboss / datasources / customers
Spring JdbcTemplate
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component 公共 類 MyBean { private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; @Autowired public MyBean(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate){ this .jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate; } // ... }
spring.jdbc.template.max-rows = 500
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在 |
Java Persistence API是一種標準技術,容許您將對象「映射」到關係數據庫。該spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
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咱們不會在這裏討論太多關於JPA或Spring Data的細節。您能夠按照 「使用JPA訪問數據」從引導 spring.io並宣讀了春天的數據JPA 和Hibernate的參考文檔。 |
文件中指定。使用Spring Boot,此文件不是必需的,而是使用「實體掃描」。默認狀況下,將搜索主配置類下面的全部包(用@EnableAutoConfiguration
or 註釋 @SpringBootApplication
package com.example.myapp.domain;
import java.io.Serializable; import javax.persistence。*; @Entity 公共 類 City實現 Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @Column(nullable = false) 私有 String名稱; @Column(nullable = false) 私有 String狀態; // ...其餘成員,一般包括@OneToMany映射 protected City(){ // JPA規範要求的no-args構造函數 //這個是受保護的,由於它不該該直接使用 } public City(String name,String state){ this .name = name; 這個 .country = country; } public String getName(){ return this .name; } public String getState(){ return this .state; } //等等 }
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您能夠使用 |
Spring Data JPA存儲庫是您能夠定義以訪問數據的接口。JPA查詢是從您的方法名稱自動建立的。例如,CityRepository
接口可能會聲明一種findAllByState(String state)
對於更復雜的查詢,您能夠使用Spring Data的Query
註釋來註釋您的方法 。
Spring Data存儲庫一般從Repository
或 CrudRepository
接口擴展 。若是您使用的是自動配置,則將從包含主配置類(帶有@EnableAutoConfiguration
或標註的類)的軟件包中搜索存儲庫 @SpringBootApplication
這是一個典型的Spring Data存儲庫:
package com.example.myapp.domain;
import org.springframework.data.domain。*; import org.springframework.data.repository。*; 公共 接口 CityRepository 擴展了 Repository <City,Long> { Page <City> findAll(可分頁可分頁); City findByNameAndCountryAllIgnoringCase(String name,String country); }
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咱們幾乎沒有涉及Spring Data JPA的表面。有關詳細信息,請查看其參考文檔。 |
屬性顯式配置JPA設置 。例如,要建立和刪除表,您能夠將如下內容添加到您的表中application.properties
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-AUTO =創造降
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Hibernate本身的內部屬性名稱(若是你碰巧記得更好)是 |
spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.globally_quoted_identifiers =真
標誌,但若是Hibernate autoconfig處於活動狀態,則不會使用該標誌,由於ddl-auto
若是您正在運行Web應用程序,Spring Boot將默認註冊 OpenEntityManagerInViewInterceptor
到 false
該H2數據庫提供了一個 基於瀏覽器的控制檯是春天開機便可自動爲您配置。知足如下條件時,將自動配置控制檯:
在類路徑上![]() |
若是您沒有使用Spring Boot的開發人員工具,但仍想使用H2的控制檯,那麼您能夠經過配置 |
Java面向對象查詢(jOOQ)是Data Geekery的一個流行產品, 它從您的數據庫生成Java代碼,並容許您經過其流暢的API構建類型安全的SQL查詢。商業版和開源版均可以與Spring Boot一塊兒使用。
In order to use jOOQ type-safe queries, you need to generate Java classes from your database schema. You can follow the instructions in the jOOQ user manual. If you are using the jooq-codegen-maven
plugin (and you also use the spring-boot-starter-parent
「parent POM」) you can safely omit the plugin’s <version>
tag. You can also use Spring Boot defined version variables (e.g. h2.version
) to declare the plugin’s database dependency. Here’s an example:
<groupId>org.jooq</groupId> <artifactId>jooq-codegen-maven</artifactId> <executions> ... </executions> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>com.h2database</groupId> <artifactId>h2</artifactId> <version>${h2.version}</version> </dependency> </dependencies> <configuration> <jdbc> <driver>org.h2.Driver</driver> <url>jdbc:h2:~/yourdatabase</url> </jdbc> <generator> ... </generator> </configuration> </plugin>
The fluent API offered by jOOQ is initiated via the org.jooq.DSLContext
interface. Spring Boot will auto-configure a DSLContext
as a Spring Bean and connect it to your application DataSource
. To use the DSLContext
you can just @Autowire
@Component public class JooqExample implements CommandLineRunner { private final DSLContext create; @Autowired public JooqExample(DSLContext dslContext) { this.create = dslContext; } }
![]() |
The jOOQ manual tends to use a variable named |
You can then use the DSLContext
to construct your queries:
public List<GregorianCalendar> authorsBornAfter1980() {
return this.create.selectFrom(AUTHOR) .where(AUTHOR.DATE_OF_BIRTH.greaterThan(new GregorianCalendar(1980, 0, 1))) .fetch(AUTHOR.DATE_OF_BIRTH); }
Spring Boot determines the SQL dialect to use for your datasource unless the spring.jooq.sql-dialect
property has been configured. If the dialect couldn’t be detected, DEFAULT
is used.
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Spring Boot can only auto-configure dialects supported by the open source version of jOOQ. |
More advanced customizations can be achieved by defining your own @Bean
definitions which will be used when the jOOQ Configuration
is created. You can define beans for the following jOOQ Types:
You can also create your own org.jooq.Configuration
if you want to take complete control of the jOOQ configuration.
Spring Data provides additional projects that help you access a variety of NoSQL technologies including MongoDB, Neo4J, Elasticsearch, Solr, Redis, Gemfire,Cassandra, Couchbase and LDAP. Spring Boot provides auto-configuration for Redis, MongoDB, Neo4j, Elasticsearch, Solr Cassandra, Couchbase and LDAP; you can make use of the other projects, but you will need to configure them yourself. Refer to the appropriate reference documentation at projects.spring.io/spring-data.
Redis is a cache, message broker and richly-featured key-value store. Spring Boot offers basic auto-configuration for the Jedis and Lettuce client library and abstractions on top of it provided by Spring Data Redis.
There is a spring-boot-starter-data-redis
‘Starter’ for collecting the dependencies in a convenient way that uses Jedis by default. If you are building a reactive application, the spring-boot-starter-data-redis-reactive
‘Starter’ will get you going.
You can inject an auto-configured RedisConnectionFactory
, StringRedisTemplate
or vanilla RedisTemplate
instance as you would any other Spring Bean. By default the instance will attempt to connect to a Redis server using localhost:6379
@Component public class MyBean { 私有 StringRedisTemplate模板; @Autowired public MyBean(StringRedisTemplate template){ this .template = template; } // ... }
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您還能夠註冊任意數量的bean,以實現 |
MongoDB是一個開源的NoSQL文檔數據庫,它使用相似JSON的模式而不是傳統的基於表的關係數據。Spring Boot提供了一些使用MongoDB的便利,包括spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.MongoDbFactory; import com.mongodb.DB; @Component 公共 類 MyBean { 私人 決賽 MongoDbFactory mongo; @Autowired public MyBean(MongoDbFactory mongo){ this .mongo = mongo; } // ... public void example(){ DB db = mongo.getDb(); // ... } }
spring.data.mongodb.uri = mongodb:// user:secret@mongo1.example.com :12345,mongo2.example.com:23456 / test
或者,只要您使用Mongo 2.x,請指定host
/ port
spring.data.mongodb.host = mongoserver spring.data.mongodb.port = 27017
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若是 |
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若是您不使用Spring Data Mongo,則能夠注入 |
若是要徹底控制創建MongoDB鏈接,也能夠聲明本身的bean MongoDbFactory
Spring Data Mongo提供了一個MongoTemplate
與Spring的設計很是類似的 類JdbcTemplate
Spring Boot同樣,自動配置一個bean,只需注入:
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoTemplate; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component 公共 類 MyBean { 私人 決賽 MongoTemplate mongoTemplate; @Autowired public MyBean(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate){ this .mongoTemplate = mongoTemplate; } // ... }
Spring Data包括MongoDB的存儲庫支持。與前面討論的JPA存儲庫同樣,基本原則是根據方法名稱自動爲您構建查詢。
事實上,Spring Data JPA和Spring Data MongoDB共享相同的通用基礎架構; 因此你能夠從前面拿到JPA示例,假設它City
如今是一個Mongo數據類而不是JPA @Entity
package com.example.myapp.domain;
import org.springframework.data.domain。*; import org.springframework.data.repository。*; 公共 接口 CityRepository 擴展了 Repository <City,Long> { Page <City> findAll(可分頁可分頁); City findByNameAndCountryAllIgnoringCase(String name,String country); }
![]() |
有關Spring Data MongoDB的完整詳細信息,包括其豐富的對象映射技術,請參閱其參考文檔。 |
Spring Boot爲Embedded Mongo提供自動配置 。要在Spring Boot應用程序中使用它,請添加依賴項 de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo
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若是您不配置自定義端口,則默認狀況下嵌入式支持將使用隨機端口(而不是27017)。 |
您能夠聲明本身的bean IMongodConfig
Neo4j是一個開源的NoSQL圖形數據庫,它使用與第一類關係相關的節點的豐富數據模型,與傳統的rdbms方法相比,它更適合於鏈接的大數據。Spring Boot爲使用Neo4j提供了一些便利,包括spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j
,就像任何其餘的Spring Bean實例。默認狀況下,實例將嘗試使用如下命令鏈接到Neo4j服務器localhost:7474
@Component 公共 類 MyBean { private final Neo4jTemplate neo4jTemplate; @Autowired public MyBean(Neo4jTemplate neo4jTemplate) { this.neo4jTemplate = neo4jTemplate; } // ... }
You can take full control of the configuration by adding a org.neo4j.ogm.config.Configuration
of your own. Also, adding a @Bean
of typeNeo4jOperations
disables the auto-configuration.
You can configure the user and credentials to use via the spring.data.neo4j.*
spring.data.neo4j.username=neo4j spring.data.neo4j.password=secret
到應用程序的依賴項,Spring Boot將自動配置Neo4j的進程內嵌入式實例,在應用程序關閉時不會保留任何數據。您能夠使用顯式禁用該模式spring.data.neo4j.embedded.enabled=false
spring.data.neo4j.uri =文件://var/tmp/graph.db
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Neo4j OGM嵌入式驅動程序不提供Neo4j內核。用戶須要手動提供此依賴關係, 有關詳細信息,請參閱 文檔。 |
Spring Data包含對Neo4j的存儲庫支持。
事實上,Spring Data JPA和Spring Data Neo4j共享相同的通用基礎架構; 因此你能夠從前面拿到JPA例子,假設City
如今是Neo4j OGM @NodeEntity
而不是JPA @Entity
![]() |
您能夠使用 |
@ EnableNeo4jRepositories(basePackages =「com.example.myapp.repository」) @EnableTransactionManagement
package com.example.myapp.domain;
import org.springframework.data.domain。*; import org.springframework.data.repository。*; 公共 接口 CityRepository 擴展了 GraphRepository <City> { Page <City> findAll(可分頁可分頁); City findByNameAndCountry(String name,String country); }
![]() |
有關Spring Data Neo4j的完整詳細信息,包括其豐富的對象映射技術,請參閱其參考文檔。 |
Spring Data Gemfire提供了方便的Spring友好工具,用於訪問 Pivotal Gemfire數據管理平臺。有一個spring-boot-starter-data-gemfire
)啓用Spring Data Repositories 。
Apache Solr是一個搜索引擎。Spring Boot爲Solr 5客戶端庫提供基本的自動配置,並在Spring Data Solr提供的基礎上提供抽象 。有一個spring-boot-starter-data-solr
You can inject an auto-configured SolrClient
instance as you would any other Spring bean. By default the instance will attempt to connect to a server usinglocalhost:8983/solr
@Component public class MyBean { private SolrClient solr; @Autowired public MyBean(SolrClient solr) { this.solr = solr; } // ... }
If you add a @Bean
of your own of type SolrClient
it will replace the default.
Spring Data includes repository support for Apache Solr. As with the JPA repositories discussed earlier, the basic principle is that queries are constructed for you automatically based on method names.
In fact, both Spring Data JPA and Spring Data Solr share the same common infrastructure; so you could take the JPA example from earlier and, assuming that City
is now a @SolrDocument
class rather than a JPA @Entity
, it will work in the same way.
![]() |
For complete details of Spring Data Solr, refer to their reference documentation. |
Elasticsearch is an open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Spring Boot offers basic auto-configuration for the Elasticsearch and abstractions on top of it provided by Spring Data Elasticsearch. There is a spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch
‘Starter’ for collecting the dependencies in a convenient way. Spring Boot also supports Jest.
If you have Jest
on the classpath, you can inject an auto-configured JestClient
targeting localhost:9200
by default. You can further tune how the client is configured:
spring.elasticsearch.jest.read-timeout=10000 spring.elasticsearch.jest.username=user spring.elasticsearch.jest.password=secret
You can also register an arbitrary number of beans implementing HttpClientConfigBuilderCustomizer
for more advanced customizations. The example below tunes additional HTTP settings:
static class HttpSettingsCustomizer implements HttpClientConfigBuilderCustomizer { @Override public void customize(HttpClientConfig.Builder builder) { builder.maxTotalConnection(100).defaultMaxTotalConnectionPerRoute(5); } }
To take full control over the registration, define a JestClient
To connect to Elasticsearch you must provide the address of one or more cluster nodes. The address can be specified by setting the spring.data.elasticsearch.cluster-nodes
property to a comma-separated ‘host:port’ list. With this configuration in place, an ElasticsearchTemplate
or TransportClient
can be injected like any other Spring bean:
@Component public class MyBean { private final ElasticsearchTemplate template; public MyBean(ElasticsearchTemplate template) { this.template = template; } // ... }
If you add your own ElasticsearchTemplate
or TransportClient
it will replace the default.
Spring Data includes repository support for Elasticsearch. As with the JPA repositories discussed earlier, the basic principle is that queries are constructed for you automatically based on method names.
In fact, both Spring Data JPA and Spring Data Elasticsearch share the same common infrastructure; so you could take the JPA example from earlier and, assuming thatCity
is now an Elasticsearch @Document
class rather than a JPA @Entity
, it will work in the same way.
![]() |
有關Spring Data Elasticsearch的完整詳細信息,請參閱其 參考文檔。 |
Cassandra是一個開源的分佈式數據庫管理系統,旨在處理許多商用服務器上的大量數據。Spring Boot提供了由Spring Data Cassandra提供的Cassandra和抽象的自動配置 。有一個spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra
您能夠 像使用任何其餘Spring Bean同樣注入自動配置CassandraTemplate
或Cassandra Session
屬性可用於自定義鏈接。通常來講,您將提供 keyspace-name
spring.data.cassandra.keyspace-name = mykeyspace spring.data.cassandra.contact-points = cassandrahost1,cassandrahost2
@Component 公共 類 MyBean { 私人 CassandraTemplate模板; @Autowired public MyBean(CassandraTemplate模板){ this .template = template; } // ... }
Spring Data包含對Cassandra的基本存儲庫支持。目前,這比前面討論的JPA存儲庫更有限,而且須要使用註釋方法註釋@Query
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有關Spring Data Cassandra的完整詳細信息,請參閱其 參考文檔。 |
Couchbase是一個開源的,分佈式的多模型NoSQL面向文檔的數據庫,針對交互式應用程序進行了優化。Spring Boot提供了由Spring Data Couchbase提供的Couchbase和抽象的自動配置 。有一個spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase
添加Couchbase SDK和一些配置。這些spring.couchbase.*
spring.couchbase.bucket.name=my-bucket spring.couchbase.bucket.password=secret
![]() |
You need to provide at least the bootstrap host(s), in which case the bucket name is |
It is also possible to customize some of the CouchbaseEnvironment
settings. For instance the following configuration changes the timeout to use to open a new Bucket
and enables SSL support:
spring.couchbase.env.timeouts.connect = 3000 spring.couchbase.env.ssl.key-store = / location / of / keystore.jks spring.couchbase.env.ssl.key-store-password = secret
Spring Data包括對Couchbase的存儲庫支持。有關Spring Data Couchbase的完整詳細信息,請參閱其 參考文檔。
像使用任何其餘Spring Bean同樣注入自動配置的實例,只要默認 CouchbaseConfigurer
@Component 公共 類 MyBean { 私人 決賽 CouchbaseTemplate模板; @Autowired public MyBean(CouchbaseTemplate template){ this .template = template; } // ... }
Spring Data Couchbase。例如,您能夠自定義要使用的轉換器,以下所示:
@Configuration 公共 類 SomeConfiguration { @Bean(BeanNames.COUCHBASE_CUSTOM_CONVERSIONS) public CustomConversions myCustomConversions(){ return new CustomConversions(...); } // ... }
![]() |
若是要徹底繞過Spring Data Couchbase的自動配置,請提供本身的 |
LDAP(輕量級目錄訪問協議)是一種開放的,與供應商無關的行業標準應用程序協議,用於經過IP網絡訪問和維護分佈式目錄信息服務。Spring Boot爲任何兼容的LDAP服務器提供自動配置,併爲UnboundID支持嵌入式內存中LDAP服務器 。
LDAP抽象由 Spring Data LDAP提供。有一個spring-boot-starter-data-ldap
「Starter」 的依賴關係, 或者spring-ldap-core
spring.ldap.urls = ldap:// myserver:1235 spring.ldap.username = admin spring.ldap.password = secret
和 spring.ldap.base-environment
Spring Data includes repository support for LDAP. For complete details of Spring Data LDAP, refer to their reference documentation.
You can also inject an auto-configured LdapTemplate
instance as you would with any other Spring Bean.
@Component public class MyBean { private final LdapTemplate template; @Autowired public MyBean(LdapTemplate template) { this.template = template; } // ... }
For testing purposes Spring Boot supports auto-configuration of an in-memory LDAP server from UnboundID. To configure the server add a dependency to com.unboundid:unboundid-ldapsdk
and declare a base-dn
By default the server will start on a random port and they trigger the regular LDAP support (there is no need to specify a spring.ldap.urls
If there is a schema.ldif
file on your classpath it will be used to initialize the server. You can also use the spring.ldap.embedded.ldif
property if you want to load the initialization script from a different resource.
By default, a standard schema will be used to validate LDIF
files, you can turn off validation altogether using the spring.ldap.embedded.validation.enabled
property. If you have custom attributes, you can use spring.ldap.embedded.validation.schema
to define your custom attribute types or object classes.
InfluxDB is an open-source time series database optimized for fast, high-availability storage and retrieval of time series data in fields such as operations monitoring, application metrics, Internet of Things sensor data, and real-time analytics.
Spring Boot auto-configures an InfluxDB
instance as long as the influxdb-java
client is on the classpath and the url of the database is set:
If the connection to InfluxDB requires a user and password, you can set the spring.influx.user
and spring.influx.password
properties accordingly.
InfluxDB relies on OkHttp. If you need to tune the http client InfluxDB
uses behind the scenes, you can register a OkHttpClient.Builder
Spring Framework支持透明地嚮應用程序添加緩存。從本質上講,抽象將緩存應用於方法,從而減小了基於緩存中可用信息的執行次數。緩存邏輯是透明應用的,不會對調用者形成任何干擾。只要經過@EnableCaching
註釋啓用了緩存支持,Spring Boot就會自動配置緩存基礎結構。
import org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component 公共 類 MathService { @Cacheable(「piDecimals」) public int computePiDecimal( int i){ // ... } }
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您還能夠 |
若是您不添加任何特定的緩存庫,Spring Boot將自動配置在內存中使用併發映射的 Simple提供程序。當須要緩存時(即piDecimals
![]() |
若是您使用的緩存基礎結構包含非基於接口的bean,請確保啓用該 |
和 org.springframework.cache.CacheManager
若是還沒有定義類型的bean CacheManager
命名 的bean cacheResolver
),Spring Boot會嘗試檢測如下提供程序(按此順序):
![]() |
It is also possible to force the cache provider to use via the |
![]() |
Use the |
If the CacheManager
is auto-configured by Spring Boot, you can further tune its configuration before it is fully initialized by exposing a bean implementing theCacheManagerCustomizer
interface. The following sets a flag to say that null values should be passed down to the underlying map.
@Bean public CacheManagerCustomizer<ConcurrentMapCacheManager> cacheManagerCustomizer() { return new CacheManagerCustomizer<ConcurrentMapCacheManager>() { @Override public void customize(ConcurrentMapCacheManager cacheManager) { cacheManager.setAllowNullValues(false); } }; }
![]() |
In the example above, an auto-configured |
Generic caching is used if the context defines at least one org.springframework.cache.Cache
bean. A CacheManager
wrapping all beans of that type is created.
JCache is bootstrapped via the presence of a javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider
on the classpath (i.e. a JSR-107 compliant caching library) and the JCacheCacheManager
provided by the spring-boot-starter-cache
‘Starter’. There are various compliant libraries out there and Spring Boot provides dependency management for Ehcache 3, Hazelcast and Infinispan. Any other compliant library can be added as well.
It might happen that more than one provider is present, in which case the provider must be explicitly specified. Even if the JSR-107 standard does not enforce a standardized way to define the location of the configuration file, Spring Boot does its best to accommodate with implementation details.
# Only necessary if more than one provider is present
spring.cache.jcache.provider=com.acme.MyCachingProvider spring.cache.jcache.config=classpath:acme.xml
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Since a cache library may offer both a native implementation and JSR-107 support Spring Boot will prefer the JSR-107 support so that the same features are available if you switch to a different JSR-107 implementation. |
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Spring Boot has a general support for Hazelcast. If a single |
There are several ways to customize the underlying javax.cache.cacheManager
property. If a custom javax.cache.configuration.Configuration
bean is defined, it is used to customize them.org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.cache.JCacheManagerCustomizer
beans are invoked with the reference of the CacheManager
for full customization.![]() |
If a standard |
EhCache 2.x is used if a file named ehcache.xml
can be found at the root of the classpath. If EhCache 2.x, the EhCacheCacheManager
provided by thespring-boot-starter-cache
‘Starter’ and such file is present it is used to bootstrap the cache manager. An alternate configuration file can be provided as well using:
Spring Boot has a general support for Hazelcast. If a HazelcastInstance
has been auto-configured, it is automatically wrapped in a CacheManager
Infinispan has no default configuration file location so it must be specified explicitly (or the default bootstrap is used).
Caches can be created on startup via the spring.cache.cache-names
property. If a custom ConfigurationBuilder
bean is defined, it is used to customize them.
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The support of Infinispan in Spring Boot is restricted to the embedded mode and is quite basic. If you want more options you should use the official Infinispan Spring Boot starter instead, check the documentation for more details. |
If the Couchbase java client and the couchbase-spring-cache
implementation are available and Couchbase is configured, a CouchbaseCacheManager
will be auto-configured. It is also possible to create additional caches on startup using the spring.cache.cache-names
property. These will operate on the Bucket
that was auto-configured. You can also create additional caches on another Bucket
using the customizer: assume you need two caches on the "main" Bucket
and bar
) and one biz
cache with a custom time to live of 2sec on the another
. First, you can create the two first caches simply via configuration:
Then define this extra @Configuration
to configure the extra Bucket
and the biz
@Configuration public class CouchbaseCacheConfiguration { private final Cluster cluster; public CouchbaseCacheConfiguration(Cluster cluster) { this.cluster = cluster; } @Bean public Bucket anotherBucket() { return this.cluster.openBucket("another", "secret"); } @Bean public CacheManagerCustomizer<CouchbaseCacheManager> cacheManagerCustomizer() { return c -> { c.prepareCache("biz", CacheBuilder.newInstance(anotherBucket()) .withExpiration(2)); }; } }
This sample configuration reuses the Cluster
that was created via auto-configuration.
If Redis is available and configured, the RedisCacheManager
is auto-configured. It is also possible to create additional caches on startup using the spring.cache.cache-names
![]() |
By default, a key prefix is added to prevent that if two separate caches use the same key, Redis would have overlapping keys and be likely to return invalid values. We strongly recommend to keep this setting enabled if you create your own |
Caffeine is a Java 8 rewrite of Guava’s cache that supersede the Guava support. If Caffeine is present, a CaffeineCacheManager
(provided by thespring-boot-starter-cache
‘Starter’) is auto-configured. Caches can be created on startup using the spring.cache.cache-names
property and customized by one of the following (in this order):
bean is definedcom.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine
bean is definedFor instance, the following configuration creates a foo
and bar
caches with a maximum size of 500 and a time to live of 10 minutes
它將與緩存管理器管理的全部緩存相關聯,所以必須將其定義爲CacheLoader<Object, Object>
則配置使用as cache store 的簡單實現 。若是應用程序中不存在緩存庫,則這是默認值。默認狀況下,即時建立緩存,但您能夠使用該cache-names
spring.cache.cache-names = foo,bar
Spring Framework爲與消息傳遞系統的集成提供了普遍的支持:從簡化使用JMS API JmsTemplate
到完整的基礎架構,以異步接收消息。Spring AMQP爲「高級消息隊列協議」提供了相似的功能集,Spring Boot還爲RabbitTemplate
RabbitMQ 提供了自動配置選項。Spring WebSocket自己也支持STOMP消息傳遞,Spring Boot經過啓動器和少許自動配置支持。Spring Boot也支持Apache Kafka。
與JMS代理交互的標準方法 。雖然Spring須要 ConnectionFactory
使用JMS,但您一般不須要本身直接使用它,而是能夠依賴於更高級別的消息傳遞抽象(有關詳細信息,請參閱Spring Framework參考文檔的 相關部分)。Spring Boot還自動配置發送和接收消息所需的基礎結構。
Spring Boot還能夠ConnectionFactory
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若是您正在使用 |
ActiveMQ配置由外部配置屬性控制 spring.activemq.*
。例如,您能夠在如下部分聲明如下部分 application.properties
spring.activemq.broker-url = tcp:// spring.activemq.user = admin spring.activemq.password = secret
並相應地配置來池化JMS資源 PooledConnectionFactory
spring.activemq.pool.enabled = true spring.activemq.pool.max-connections = 50
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有關 |
Spring Boot can auto-configure a ConnectionFactory
when it detects that Artemis is available on the classpath. If the broker is present, an embedded broker is started and configured automatically (unless the mode property has been explicitly set). The supported modes are: embedded
(to make explicit that an embedded broker is required and should lead to an error if the broker is not available in the classpath), and native
to connect to a broker using the netty
transport protocol. When the latter is configured, Spring Boot configures a ConnectionFactory
connecting to a broker running on the local machine with the default settings.
![]() |
If you are using |
Artemis configuration is controlled by external configuration properties in spring.artemis.*
. For example, you might declare the following section inapplication.properties
spring.artemis.host= spring.artemis.port=9876 spring.artemis.user=admin spring.artemis.password=secret
When embedding the broker, you can choose if you want to enable persistence, and the list of destinations that should be made available. These can be specified as a comma-separated list to create them with the default options; or you can define bean(s) of typeorg.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.server.config.JMSQueueConfiguration
or org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.server.config.TopicConfiguration
, for advanced queue and topic configurations respectively.
See ArtemisProperties
for more of the supported options.
No JNDI lookup is involved at all and destinations are resolved against their names, either using the ‘name’ attribute in the Artemis configuration or the names provided through configuration.
If you are running your application in an Application Server Spring Boot will attempt to locate a JMS ConnectionFactory
using JNDI. By default the locations java:/JmsXA
and java:/XAConnectionFactory
will be checked. You can use the spring.jms.jndi-name
property if you need to specify an alternative location:
Spring’s JmsTemplate
is auto-configured and you can autowire it directly into your own beans:
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class MyBean { private final JmsTemplate jmsTemplate; @Autowired public MyBean(JmsTemplate jmsTemplate) { this.jmsTemplate = jmsTemplate; } // ... }
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When the JMS infrastructure is present, any bean can be annotated with @JmsListener
to create a listener endpoint. If no JmsListenerContainerFactory
has been defined, a default one is configured automatically. If a DestinationResolver
or MessageConverter
beans are defined, they are associated automatically to the default factory.
The default factory is transactional by default. If you are running in an infrastructure where a JtaTransactionManager
is present, it will be associated to the listener container by default. If not, the sessionTransacted
flag will be enabled. In that latter scenario, you can associate your local data store transaction to the processing of an incoming message by adding @Transactional
on your listener method (or a delegate thereof). This will make sure that the incoming message is acknowledged once the local transaction has completed. This also includes sending response messages that have been performed on the same JMS session.
The following component creates a listener endpoint on the someQueue
@Component public class MyBean { @JmsListener(destination =「someQueue」) public void processMessage(String content){ // ... } }
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查看Javadoc以 |
實例,或者若是要覆蓋默認實例,則Spring Boot提供了一個DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer
可用於初始化a DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory
例如,如下公開了另外一個使用特定的工廠 MessageConverter
@Configuration 靜態 類 JmsConfiguration { @Bean public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory myFactory( DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer){ DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory(); configurer.configure(factory,connectionFactory()); factory.setMessageConverter(myMessageConverter()); 返回工廠; } }
@Component 公共 類 MyBean { @JmsListener(destination = 「someQueue」,containerFactory =「myFactory」) public void processMessage(String content){ // ... } }
高級消息隊列協議(AMQP)是面向消息的中間件的平臺中立的線級協議。Spring AMQP項目將核心Spring概念應用於基於AMQP的消息傳遞解決方案的開發。Spring Boot提供了幾種經過RabbitMQ使用AMQP的便利,包括 spring-boot-starter-amqp
RabbitMQ配置由外部配置屬性控制 spring.rabbitmq.*
。例如,您能夠在如下部分聲明如下部分 application.properties
spring.rabbitmq.host = localhost spring.rabbitmq.port = 5672 spring.rabbitmq.username = admin spring.rabbitmq.password = secret
![]() |
檢查瞭解AMQP,RabbitMQ使用的協議以 獲取更多詳細信息。 |
import org.springframework.amqp.core.AmqpAdmin; import org.springframework.amqp.core.AmqpTemplate; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class MyBean { private final AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin; private final AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate; @Autowired public MyBean(AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin, AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate) { this.amqpAdmin = amqpAdmin; this.amqpTemplate = amqpTemplate; } // ... }
![]() |
Any org.springframework.amqp.core.Queue
that is defined as a bean will be automatically used to declare a corresponding queue on the RabbitMQ instance if necessary.
當Rabbit基礎結構存在時,能夠使用任何bean來註釋 @RabbitListener
屬性切換到直接容器 。若是 定義了一個MessageConverter
@Component 公共 類 MyBean { @RabbitListener(queues =「someQueue」) public void processMessage(String content){ // ... } }
![]() |
查看Javadoc以 |
實例或若是要覆蓋默認,春天啓動提供了一個 SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer
你能夠用它來初始化 SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory
![]() |
您選擇的容器類型可有可無,這兩個bean經過自動配置公開。 |
例如,如下公開了另外一個使用特定的工廠 MessageConverter
@Configuration 靜態 類 RabbitConfiguration { @Bean public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory myFactory( SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer){ SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory(); configurer.configure(factory,connectionFactory); factory.setMessageConverter(myMessageConverter()); 返回工廠; } }
@Component 公共 類 MyBean { @RabbitListener(queues = 「someQueue」,containerFactory =「myFactory」) public void processMessage(String content){ // ... } }
You can enable retries to handle situations where your listener throws an exception. By default RejectAndDontRequeueRecoverer
is used but you can define a MessageRecoverer
of your own. When retries are exhausted, the message will be rejected and either dropped or routed to a dead-letter exchange if the broker is configured so. Retries are disabled by default.
![]() |
Important |
If retries are not enabled and the listener throws an exception, by default the delivery will be retried indefinitely. You can modify this behavior in two ways; set the |
Apache Kafka is supported by providing auto-configuration of the spring-kafka
Kafka configuration is controlled by external configuration properties in spring.kafka.*
. For example, you might declare the following section inapplication.properties
See KafkaProperties
for more of the supported options.
Spring’s KafkaTemplate
is auto-configured and you can autowire them directly in your own beans:
@Component public class MyBean { private final KafkaTemplate kafkaTemplate; @Autowired public MyBean(KafkaTemplate kafkaTemplate) { this.kafkaTemplate = kafkaTemplate; } // ... }
When the Apache Kafka infrastructure is present, any bean can be annotated with @KafkaListener
to create a listener endpoint. If no KafkaListenerContainerFactory
has been defined, a default one is configured automatically with keys defined in spring.kafka.listener.*
The following component creates a listener endpoint on the someTopic
@Component public class MyBean { @KafkaListener(topics = "someTopic") public void processMessage(String content) { // ... } }
The properties supported by auto configuration are shown in Appendix A, Common application properties. Note that these properties (hyphenated or camelCase) map directly to the Apache Kafka dotted properties for the most part, refer to the Apache Kafka documentation for details.
The first few of these properties apply to both producers and consumers, but can be specified at the producer or consumer level if you wish to use different values for each. Apache Kafka designates properties with an importance: HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW. Spring Boot auto configuration supports all HIGH importance properties, some selected MEDIUM and LOW, and any that do not have a default value.
spring.kafka.properties.foo.bar = baz spring.kafka.consumer.properties.fiz.buz = qux spring,kafka.producer.properties.baz.qux = fiz
![]() |
重要 |
以這種方式設置的屬性將覆蓋Spring Boot明確支持的任何配置項。 |
若是須要從應用程序調用遠程REST服務,能夠使用Spring Framework的RestTemplate
實例在使用以前一般須要自定義,所以Spring Boot不提供任何單個自動配置的 RestTemplate
bean。可是,它會自動配置a RestTemplateBuilder
@Service public class MyService { 私人 決賽 RestTemplate restTemplate; public MyBean(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder){ this .restTemplate = restTemplateBuilder.build(); } 公衆詳細someRestCall(字符串名稱){ 返回 此 .restTemplate.getForObject(「/ {名} /詳細信息」,詳細信息。類,名); } }
![]() |
要使任何自定義的範圍儘量窄,請注入自動配置 RestTemplateBuilder
能夠使用bean。全部這些bean都自動註冊自動配置 RestTemplateBuilder
靜態 類 ProxyCustomizer 實現 RestTemplateCustomizer { @Override public void customize(RestTemplate restTemplate){ HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(「proxy.example.com」); HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create() .setRoutePlanner(new DefaultProxyRoutePlanner(proxy){ @覆蓋 公共 HttpHost determineProxy(HttpHost目標, HttpRequest請求,HttpContext上下文) 拋出 HttpException { if(target.getHostName()。equals(「」)){ return null; } return super .determineProxy(target,request,context); } })。創建(); restTemplate.setRequestFactory( 新的 HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(httpClient)); } }
最後,最極端(也不多使用)的選項是建立本身的 RestTemplateBuilder
bean。這將關閉a的自動配置, RestTemplateBuilder
若是你的類路徑上有Spring WebFlux,你也能夠選擇WebClient
用來調用遠程REST服務; 相比之下RestTemplate
已經提供了良好的開箱即用體驗。請參閱WebClient上的 相關部分。
Spring Boot將爲您建立和預配置這樣的構建器; 例如,客戶端HTTP編解碼器將像服務器同樣配置(請參閱WebFlux HTTP編解碼器自動配置)。
@Service public class MyService { 私有 最終 WebClient webClient; public MyBean(WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder){ this .webClient = webClientBuilder.baseUrl(「http://example.org」)。build(); } public Mono <Details> someRestCall(String name){ return this .webClient.get()。url(「/ {name} / details」,name) 。.retrieve()bodyToMono(詳情。類); } }
要使任何自定義的範圍儘量窄,請注入自動配置 WebClient.Builder
實例是有狀態的; 對構建器的任何更改都將反映在隨後使用它建立的全部客戶端中。若是您想使用相同的構建器建立多個客戶端,還能夠考慮使用克隆構建器WebClient.Builder other = builder.clone();
To make an application-wide, additive customization to all WebClient.Builder
instances, you can declare WebClientCustomizer
beans and change the WebClient.Builder
as you would do locally at the point of injection.
Lastly, you can fall back to the original API and just use WebClient.create()
. In that case, no auto-configuration nor WebClientCustomizer
will be applied.
The method validation feature supported by Bean Validation 1.1 is automatically enabled as long as a JSR-303 implementation (e.g. Hibernate validator) is on the classpath. This allows bean methods to be annotated with javax.validation
constraints on their parameters and/or on their return value. Target classes with such annotated methods need to be annotated with the @Validated
annotation at the type level for their methods to be searched for inline constraint annotations.
For instance, the following service triggers the validation of the first argument, making sure its size is between 8 and 10
@Service @Validated public class MyBean { public Archive findByCodeAndAuthor(@Size(min = 8, max = 10) String code, Author author) { ... } }
The Spring Framework provides an easy abstraction for sending email using the JavaMailSender
interface and Spring Boot provides auto-configuration for it as well as a starter module.
![]() |
Check the reference documentation for a detailed explanation of how you can use |
和相關庫(由定義的 spring-boot-starter-mail
有關詳細信息,請參閱 。
spring.mail.properties.mail.smtp.connectiontimeout = 5000 spring.mail.properties.mail.smtp.timeout = 3000 spring.mail.properties.mail.smtp.writetimeout = 5000
Spring Boot使用Atomikos或Bitronix 嵌入式事務管理器支持跨多個XA資源的分佈式JTA事務。部署到合適的Java EE Application Server時,也支持JTA事務。
當檢測到JTA環境時,Spring JtaTransactionManager
將用於管理事務。自動配置的JMS,DataSource和JPA bean將升級爲支持XA事務。您能夠使用標準的Spring慣用語@Transactional
Atomikos是一個流行的開源事務管理器,能夠嵌入到Spring Boot應用程序中。您能夠使用spring-boot-starter-jta-atomikos
Starter引入相應的Atomikos庫。Spring Boot將自動配置Atomikos,並確保depends-on
對Spring bean應用適當的設置,以便正確啓動和關閉命令。
也可用於自定義Atomikos UserTransactionServiceImp
。有關 完整的詳細信息,請參閱 AtomikosProperties
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爲確保多個事務管理器能夠安全地協調相同的資源管理器,必須使用惟一ID配置每一個Atomikos實例。默認狀況下,此ID是運行Atomikos的計算機的IP地址。要確保生產中的惟一性,應 |
starter將適當的Bitronix依賴項添加到項目中。與Atomikos同樣,Spring Boot將自動配置Bitronix並對bean進行後處理,以確保啓動和關閉順序正確。
屬性自定義此目錄。屬性啓動 spring.jta.bitronix.properties
bean,容許徹底自定義。有關 詳細信息,請參閱 Bitronix文檔。
![]() |
爲確保多個事務管理器能夠安全地協調相同的資源管理器,必須爲每一個Bitronix實例配置惟一ID。默認狀況下,此ID是運行Bitronix的計算機的IP地址。要確保生產中的惟一性,應 |
starter將相應的Narayana依賴項添加到項目中。與Atomikos和Bitronix同樣,Spring Boot將自動配置Narayana並對bean進行後處理,以確保啓動和關閉順序正確。
也可用於自定義Narayana配置。有關 完整的詳細信息,請參閱 NarayanaProperties
![]() |
爲確保多個事務管理器能夠安全地協調相同的資源管理器,必須使用惟一ID配置每一個Narayana實例。默認狀況下,此ID設置爲 |
文件,並將其部署到Java EE應用服務器,您能夠使用內置的事務管理器應用程序服務器。春天開機時會試圖經過尋找共同的JNDI位置(自動配置一個事務管理器java:comp/UserTransaction
, java:comp/TransactionManager
等等)。若是您使用的是應用程序服務器提供的事務服務,一般還須要確保全部資源都由服務器管理並經過JNDI公開。Spring Boot將嘗試經過ConnectionFactory
您能夠使用該 spring.datasource.jndi-name
屬性 來配置您的DataSource
使用JTA時,主JMS ConnectionFactory
你能夠注入 nonXaJmsConnectionFactory
還使用bean別名提供bean xaJmsConnectionFactory
私有 ConnectionFactory defaultConnectionFactory; //注入XA感知ConnectionFactory(使用別名並注入與上面相同的內容) @Autowired @Qualifier(「xaJmsConnectionFactory」) private ConnectionFactory xaConnectionFactory; //注入非XA感知的ConnectionFactory @Autowired @Qualifier(「nonXaJmsConnectionFactory」) 私有 ConnectionFactory nonXaConnectionFactory;
bean 公開,它們將透明地註冊到分佈式事務中。只要您有一個JtaTransactionManager
該BitronixXAConnectionFactoryWrapper 和BitronixXADataSourceWrapper 提供瞭如何編寫XA包裝很好的例子。
若是Hazelcast位於類路徑上並找到合適的配置,Spring Boot將自動配置HazelcastInstance
You can define a com.hazelcast.config.Config
bean and we’ll use that. If your configuration defines an instance name, we’ll try to locate an existing instance rather than creating a new one.
You could also specify the hazelcast.xml
configuration file to use via configuration:
Otherwise, Spring Boot tries to find the Hazelcast configuration from the default locations, that is hazelcast.xml
in the working directory or at the root of the classpath. We also check if the hazelcast.config
system property is set. Check the Hazelcast documentation for more details.
If hazelcast-client
is present on the classpath, Spring Boot will first attempt to create a client with similar rules as above, that is:
system propertyhazelcast-client.xml
in the working directory or at the root of the classpath![]() |
Spring Boot also has an explicit caching support for Hazelcast. The |
Spring Boot offers several conveniences for working with the Quartz scheduler, including the spring-boot-starter-quartz
‘Starter’. If Quartz is available, a Scheduler
will be auto-configured (via the SchedulerFactoryBean
Beans of the following types will be automatically picked up and associated with the the Scheduler
: defines a particular Job. JobDetail
instance can easily be built with the JobBuilder
配置了 屬性,則能夠配置基於JDBC的存儲:
spring.quartz.job-store-type = jdbc
spring.quartz.jdbc.initialize-schema = true
![]() |
默認狀況下會檢測數據庫,並使用Quartz庫提供的標準腳本進行初始化。也能夠使用該 |
自定義的bean來自定義Quartz Scheduler配置 。
公共 類 SampleJob 擴展了 QuartzJobBean { private MyService myService; 私有字符串名稱; //注入「MyService」bean public void setMyService(MyService myService){...} //注入「name」做業數據屬性 public void setName(String name){...} @Override protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext context) 拋出 JobExecutionException { ... } }
Spring Boot提供了一些使用Spring Integration的便利,包括spring-boot-starter-integration
'Starter'。Spring Integration提供了消息傳遞以及其餘傳輸(如HTTP,TCP等)的抽象。若是類路徑上有Spring Integration,它將經過@EnableIntegration
註釋進行初始化 。
Spring Boot還將配置因爲存在其餘Spring Integration模塊而觸發的一些功能。若是'spring-integration-jmx'
也在類路徑上,則將經過JMX發佈消息處理統計信息。若是 'spring-integration-jdbc'
spring.integration.jdbc.initializer.enabled = true
有關 詳細信息,請參閱 IntegrationAutoConfiguration
Spring Boot provides Spring Session auto-configuration for a wide range of stores:
If Spring Session is available, you must choose the StoreType
that you wish to use to store the sessions. For instance to use JDBC as backend store, you’d configure your application as follows:
![]() |
You can disable Spring Session by setting the |
Each store has specific additional settings. For instance it is possible to customize the name of the table for the jdbc store:
Java Management Extensions (JMX) provide a standard mechanism to monitor and manage applications. By default Spring Boot will create an MBeanServer
with bean id ‘mbeanServer’ and expose any of your beans that are annotated with Spring JMX annotations (@ManagedResource
, @ManagedAttribute
, @ManagedOperation
See the JmxAutoConfiguration
class for more details.
Spring Boot provides a number of utilities and annotations to help when testing your application. Test support is provided by two modules; spring-boot-test
contains core items, and spring-boot-test-autoconfigure
supports auto-configuration for tests.
Most developers will just use the spring-boot-starter-test
‘Starter’ which imports both Spring Boot test modules as well has JUnit, AssertJ, Hamcrest and a number of other useful libraries.
If you use the spring-boot-starter-test
‘Starter’ (in the test
), you will find the following provided libraries:
These are common libraries that we generally find useful when writing tests. You are free to add additional test dependencies of your own if these don’t suit your needs.
One of the major advantages of dependency injection is that it should make your code easier to unit test. You can simply instantiate objects using the new
operator without even involving Spring. You can also use mock objects instead of real dependencies.
Often you need to move beyond ‘unit testing’ and start ‘integration testing’ (with a Spring ApplicationContext
actually involved in the process). It’s useful to be able to perform integration testing without requiring deployment of your application or needing to connect to other infrastructure.
The Spring Framework includes a dedicated test module for just such integration testing. You can declare a dependency directly to org.springframework:spring-test
or use the spring-boot-starter-test
‘Starter’ to pull it in transitively.
If you have not used the spring-test
module before you should start by reading the relevant section of the Spring Framework reference documentation.
A Spring Boot application is just a Spring ApplicationContext
, so nothing very special has to be done to test it beyond what you would normally do with a vanilla Spring context. One thing to watch out for though is that the external properties, logging and other features of Spring Boot are only installed in the context by default if you use SpringApplication
to create it.
Spring Boot provides a @SpringBootTest
annotation which can be used as an alternative to the standard spring-test
annotation when you need Spring Boot features. The annotation works by creating the ApplicationContext
used in your tests via SpringApplication
You can use the webEnvironment
attribute of @SpringBootTest
to further refine how your tests will run:
— Loads a WebApplicationContext
and provides a mock servlet environment. Embedded servlet containers are not started when using this annotation. If servlet APIs are not on your classpath this mode will transparently fallback to creating a regular non-web ApplicationContext
. Can be used in conjunction with@AutoConfigureMockMvc
for MockMvc
-based testing of your application.RANDOM_PORT
— Loads an ServletWebServerApplicationContext
and provides a real servlet environment. Embedded servlet containers are started and listening on a random port.DEFINED_PORT
— Loads an ServletWebServerApplicationContext
and provides a real servlet environment. Embedded servlet containers are started and listening on a defined port (i.e from your application.properties
or on the default port 8080
- 加載ApplicationContext
但不提供 任何 servlet環境(模擬或其餘)。![]() |
若是您的測試是 |
![]() |
除了 |
![]() |
不要忘記也添加 |
若是您熟悉Spring Test Framework,那麼您可能習慣使用 @ContextConfiguration(classes=…)
要加載的Spring 。或者,您可能常常@Configuration
在測試Spring Boot應用程序時,一般不須要這樣作。@*Test
只要您沒有明肯定義,Spring Boot的註釋就會自動搜索您的主要配置。
搜索算法從包含測試的包開始工做,直到找到一個 @SpringBootApplication
註釋的類。只要您 以合理的方式構建代碼,一般就會找到主要配置。
若是要自定義主要配置,能夠使用嵌套 @TestConfiguration
![]() |
Spring的測試框架將在測試之間緩存應用程序上下文。所以,只要您的測試共享相同的配置(不管它如何被發現),加載上下文的潛在耗時過程將只發生一次。 |
若是您的應用程序使用組件掃描,例如,若是您使用 @SpringBootApplication
正如咱們在前面看到的, @TestConfiguration
@RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest @Import (MyTestsConfiguration.class) public class MyTests { @Test public void exampleTest(){ ... } }
![]() |
若是您直接使用 |
If you need to start a full running server for tests, we recommend that you use random ports. If you use @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment=WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
an available port will be picked at random each time your test runs.
The @LocalServerPort
annotation can be used to inject the actual port used into your test. For convenience, tests that need to make REST calls to the started server can additionally @Autowire
a TestRestTemplate
which will resolve relative links to the running server.
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest; import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment; import org.springframework.boot.test.web.client.TestRestTemplate; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) public class RandomPortExampleTests { @Autowired private TestRestTemplate restTemplate; @Test public void exampleTest() { String body = this.restTemplate.getForObject("/", String.class); assertThat(body).isEqualTo("Hello World"); } }
It’s sometimes necessary to mock certain components within your application context when running tests. For example, you may have a facade over some remote service that’s unavailable during development. Mocking can also be useful when you want to simulate failures that might be hard to trigger in a real environment.
Spring Boot includes a @MockBean
annotation that can be used to define a Mockito mock for a bean inside your ApplicationContext
. You can use the annotation to add new beans, or replace a single existing bean definition. The annotation can be used directly on test classes, on fields within your test, or on @Configuration
classes and fields. When used on a field, the instance of the created mock will also be injected. Mock beans are automatically reset after each test method.
![]() |
This feature is automatically enabled as long as your test uses one of Spring Boot’s test annotations (i.e. @TestExecutionListeners(MockitoTestExecutionListener.class) |
Here’s a typical example where we replace an existing RemoteService
bean with a mock implementation:
import org.junit.*;
import org.junit.runner.*; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.*; import org.springframework.boot.test.context.*; import org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.*; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.*; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*; import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.*; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest public class MyTests { @MockBean private RemoteService remoteService; @Autowired private Reverser reverser; @Test public void exampleTest() { // RemoteService has been injected into the reverser bean given(this.remoteService.someCall()).willReturn("mock"); String reverse = reverser.reverseSomeCall(); assertThat(reverse).isEqualTo("kcom"); } }
Additionally you can also use @SpyBean
to wrap any existing bean with a Mockito spy
. See the Javadoc for full details.
Spring Boot’s auto-configuration system works well for applications, but can sometimes be a little too much for tests. It’s often helpful to load only the parts of the configuration that are required to test a ‘slice’ of your application. For example, you might want to test that Spring MVC controllers are mapping URLs correctly, and you don’t want to involve database calls in those tests; or you might be wanting to test JPA entities, and you’re not interested in web layer when those tests run.
The spring-boot-test-autoconfigure
module includes a number of annotations that can be used to automatically configure such ‘slices’. Each of them works in a similar way, providing a @…Test
annotation that loads the ApplicationContext
and one or more @AutoConfigure…
annotations that can be used to customize auto-configuration settings.
![]() |
Each slice loads a very restricted set of auto-configuration classes. If you need to exclude one of them, most |
![]() |
It’s also possible to use the |
To test that Object JSON serialization and deserialization is working as expected you can use the @JsonTest
annotation. @JsonTest
will auto-configure Jackson ObjectMapper
, any @JsonComponent
beans and any Jackson Modules
. It also configures Gson
if you happen to be using that instead of, or as well as, Jackson. If you need to configure elements of the auto-configuration you can use the @AutoConfigureJsonTesters
Spring Boot includes AssertJ based helpers that work with the JSONassert and JsonPath libraries to check that JSON is as expected. The JacksonTester
, GsonTester
and BasicJsonTester
classes can be used for Jackson, Gson and Strings respectively. Any helper fields on the test class can be @Autowired
when using @JsonTest
import org.junit.*;
import org.junit.runner.*; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.*; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.json.*; import org.springframework.boot.test.context.*; import org.springframework.boot.test.json.*; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.*; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @JsonTest public class MyJsonTests { @Autowired private JacksonTester<VehicleDetails> json; @Test public void testSerialize() throws Exception { VehicleDetails details = new VehicleDetails("Honda", "Civic"); // Assert against a `.json` file in the same package as the test assertThat(this.json.write(details)).isEqualToJson("expected.json"); // Or use JSON path based assertions assertThat(this.json.write(details)).hasJsonPathStringValue("@.make"); assertThat(this.json.write(details)).extractingJsonPathStringValue("@.make") .isEqualTo("Honda"); } @Test public void testDeserialize() throws Exception { String content = "{\"make\":\"Ford\",\"model\":\"Focus\"}"; assertThat(this.json.parse(content)) .isEqualTo(new VehicleDetails("Ford", "Focus")); assertThat(this .json.parseObject(content).getMake())。isEqualTo(「Ford」); } }
![]() |
JSON幫助程序類也能夠直接在標準單元測試中使用。若是您不使用,只需在 |
能夠 在附錄中找到啓用的自動配置列表。
要測試Spring MVC控制器是否正常工做,您能夠使用@WebMvcTest
將自動配置Spring MVC的基礎設施和限制掃描豆@Controller
, WebMvcConfigurer
將限於單個控制器並與其結合使用 @MockBean
。Mock MVC提供了一種快速測試MVC控制器的強大方法,無需啓動完整的HTTP服務器。
![]() |
您也能夠經過使用註釋來 |
import org.junit。*; import org.junit.runner。*; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation。*; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet。*; import org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito。*; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions。*; import static org.mockito.BDDMockito。*; import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders。*; import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers。*; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @WebMvcTest(UserVehicleController.class) public class MyControllerTests { @Autowired 私人 MockMvc mvc; @MockBean private UserVehicleService userVehicleService; @Test public void testExample()拋出異常{ 給定(此 .userVehicleService.getVehicleDetails(「sboot」)) .willReturn(new VehicleDetails(「Honda」,「Civic」)); 這個 .mvc.perform(get(「/ sboot / vehicle」)。accept(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)) .andExpect(status()。isOk())。andExpect(content()。string(「Honda Civic」)); } }
![]() |
若是須要配置自動配置的元素(例如,應該應用servlet過濾器時),則能夠使用 |
若是您使用HtmlUnit或Selenium,自動配置還將提供HTMLUnit WebClient
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit。*; import org.junit。*; import org.junit.runner。*; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation。*; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet。*; import org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito。*; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions。*; import static org.mockito.BDDMockito。*; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @WebMvcTest(UserVehicleController.class) public class MyHtmlUnitTests { @Autowired 私有 WebClient webClient; @MockBean private UserVehicleService userVehicleService; @Test public void testExample()拋出異常{ 給定(此 .userVehicleService.getVehicleDetails(「sboot」)) .willReturn(new VehicleDetails(「Honda」,「Civic」)); HtmlPage page = this .webClient.getPage(「/sboot/vehicle.html」); assertThat(page.getBody()。getTextContent())。isEqualTo(「Honda Civic」); } }
![]() |
默認狀況下,Spring Boot會將 |
能夠 在附錄中找到啓用的自動配置列表。
要測試Spring WebFlux控制器是否正常工做,您能夠使用@WebFluxTest
將自動配置Spring WebFlux基礎設施和限制掃描豆@Controller
,和 WebFluxConfigurer
將限於單個控制器並與其結合使用 @MockBean
![]() |
您也能夠經過使用註釋來 |
import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.reactive.WebFluxTest; import org.springframework.http.MediaType; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; import org.springframework.test.web.reactive.server.WebTestClient; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @WebFluxTest(UserVehicleController.class) public class MyControllerTests { @Autowired 私有 WebTestClient webClient; @MockBean private UserVehicleService userVehicleService; @Test public void testExample()拋出異常{ 給定(此 .userVehicleService.getVehicleDetails(「sboot」)) .willReturn(new VehicleDetails(「Honda」,「Civic」)); 這個 .webClient.get()。uri(「/ sboot / vehicle」)。accept(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) 。交換() .expectStatus()。ISOK() .expectBody(String .class).isEqualTo(「Honda Civic」); } }
A list of the auto-configuration that is enabled by @WebFluxTest
can be found in the appendix.
can be used if you want to test JPA applications. By default it will configure an in-memory embedded database, scan for @Entity
classes and configure Spring Data JPA repositories. Regular @Component
beans will not be loaded into the ApplicationContext
Data JPA tests are transactional and rollback at the end of each test by default, see the relevant section in the Spring Reference Documentation for more details. If that’s not what you want, you can disable transaction management for a test or for the whole class as follows:
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.DataJpaTest; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @DataJpaTest @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED) public class ExampleNonTransactionalTests { }
數據JPA測試也能夠注入一個 TestEntityManager
import org.junit。*; import org.junit.runner。*; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.orm.jpa。*; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions。*; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @DataJpaTest public class ExampleRepositoryTests { @Autowired 私有 TestEntityManager entityManager; @Autowired 私有 UserRepository存儲庫; @Test public void testExample()拋出 Exception { this .entityManager.persist( new User( 「sboot」, 「1234」)); User user = this .repository.findByUsername(「sboot」); assertThat(user.getUsername())。isEqualTo(「sboot」); assertThat(user.getVin())。isEqualTo(「1234」); } }
@RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @DataJpaTest @AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = Replace.NONE) public class ExampleRepositoryTests { // ... }
能夠 在附錄中找到啓用的自動配置列表。
。常規 @Component
默認狀況下,JDBC測試在每一個測試結束時都是事務性和回滾,有關詳細信息,請參閱Spring Reference Documentation中的相關部分。若是這不是您想要的,您能夠爲測試或整個類禁用事務管理,以下所示:
import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.jdbc.JdbcTest; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @JdbcTest @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED) public class ExampleNonTransactionalTests { }
註釋相同的方式使用 註釋DataJpaTest
能夠 在附錄中找到啓用的自動配置列表。
import org.jooq.DSLContext; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.jooq.JooqTest; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @JooqTest public class ExampleJooqTests { @Autowired private DSLContext dslContext; }
能夠 在附錄中找到啓用的自動配置列表。
類並配置Spring Data MongoDB存儲庫。常規 @Component
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.data.mongo.DataMongoTest; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoTemplate; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @DataMongoTest public class ExampleDataMongoTests { @Autowired private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate; // }
In-memory embedded MongoDB generally works well for tests since it is fast and doesn’t require any developer installation. If, however, you prefer to run tests against a real MongoDB server you should exclude the embedded MongoDB auto-configuration:
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.mongo.embedded.EmbeddedMongoAutoConfiguration; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.data.mongo.DataMongoTest; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @DataMongoTest(excludeAutoConfiguration = EmbeddedMongoAutoConfiguration.class) public class ExampleDataMongoNonEmbeddedTests { }
A list of the auto-configuration that is enabled by @DataMongoTest
can be found in the appendix.
can be used if you want to test Neo4j applications. By default, it will use an in-memory embedded Neo4j (if the embedded driver is available), scan for@NodeEntity
classes and configure Spring Data Neo4j repositories. Regular @Component
beans will not be loaded into the ApplicationContext
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.data.neo4j.DataNeo4jTest; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @DataNeo4jTest public class ExampleDataNeo4jTests { @Autowired private YourRepository repository; // }
Data Neo4j tests are transactional and rollback at the end of each test by default, see the relevant section in the Spring Reference Documentation for more details. If that’s not what you want, you can disable transaction management for a test or for the whole class as follows:
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.data.neo4j.DataNeo4jTest; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @DataNeo4jTest @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED) public class ExampleNonTransactionalTests { }
A list of the auto-configuration that is enabled by @DataNeo4jTest
can be found in the appendix.
can be used if you want to test Redis applications. By default, it will scan for @RedisHash
classes and configure Spring Data Redis repositories. Regular @Component
beans will not be loaded into the ApplicationContext
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.data.redis.DataRedisTest; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @DataRedisTest public class ExampleDataRedisTests { @Autowired private YourRepository repository; // }
能夠 在附錄中找到啓用的自動配置列表。
若是要測試LDAP應用程序,能夠使用它。默認狀況下,它將配置內存中嵌入式LDAP(若是可用),a LdapTemplate
類並配置Spring Data LDAP存儲庫。常規@Component
import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.data.ldap.DataLdapTest; import org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapTemplate; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @DataLdapTest public class ExampleDataLdapTests { @Autowired private LdapTemplate ldapTemplate; // }
import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.ldap.embedded.EmbeddedLdapAutoConfiguration; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.data.ldap.DataLdapTest; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @DataLdapTest(excludeAutoConfiguration = EmbeddedLdapAutoConfiguration.class) public class ExampleDataLdapNonEmbeddedTests { }
能夠 在附錄中找到啓用的自動配置列表。
屬性指定要測試的特定bean @RestClientTest
@RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @RestClientTest(RemoteVehicleDetailsService.class) public class ExampleRestClientTest { @Autowired 私有 RemoteVehicleDetailsService服務; @Autowired 私有 MockRestServiceServer服務器; @Test public void getVehicleDetailsWhenResultIsSuccessShouldReturnDetails() 拋出異常{ this .server.expect(requestTo( 「/ greet / details」)) .andRespond(withSuccess(「hello」,MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)); String greeting = this .service.callRestService(); 斷言(問候).isEqualTo(「你好」); } }
A list of the auto-configuration that is enabled by @RestClientTest
can be found in the appendix.
The @AutoConfigureRestDocs
annotation can be used if you want to use Spring REST Docs in your tests. It will automatically configure MockMvc
to use Spring REST Docs and remove the need for Spring REST Docs' JUnit rule.
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebMvcTest; import org.springframework.http.MediaType; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner; import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc; import static org.springframework.restdocs.mockmvc.MockMvcRestDocumentation.document; import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.get; import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.*; @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @WebMvcTest(UserController.class) @AutoConfigureRestDocs public class UserDocumentationTests { @Autowired private MockMvc mvc; @Test public void listUsers() throws Exception { this.mvc.perform(get("/users").accept(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)) .andExpect(status().isOk()) .andDo(document("list-users")); } }
can be used to override the default output directory (target/generated-snippets
if you are using Maven or build/generated-snippets
if you are using Gradle). It can also be used to configure the host, scheme, and port that will appear in any documented URIs. If you require more control over Spring REST Docs' configuration a RestDocsMockMvcConfigurationCustomizer
bean can be used:
@TestConfiguration static class CustomizationConfiguration implements RestDocsMockMvcConfigurationCustomizer { @Override public void customize(MockMvcRestDocumentationConfigurer configurer) { configurer.snippets().withTemplateFormat(TemplateFormats.markdown()); } }
If you want to make use of Spring REST Docs' support for a parameterized output directory, you can create a RestDocumentationResultHandler
bean. The auto-configuration will call alwaysDo
with this result handler, thereby causing each MockMvc
call to automatically generate the default snippets:
@TestConfiguration static class ResultHandlerConfiguration { @Bean public RestDocumentationResultHandler restDocumentation() { return MockMvcRestDocumentation.document("{method-name}"); } }
If you wish to use Spock to test a Spring Boot application you should add a dependency on Spock’s spock-spring
module to your application’s build. spock-spring
integrates Spring’s test framework into Spock. It is recommended that you use Spock 1.1 or later to benefit from a number of recent improvements to Spock’s Spring Framework and Spring Boot integration. Please refer to the documentation for Spock’s Spring module for further details.
A few test utility classes are packaged as part of spring-boot
that are generally useful when testing your application.
is an ApplicationContextInitializer
that can apply to your tests to load Spring Boot application.properties
files. You can use this when you don’t need the full features provided by @SpringBootTest
@ContextConfiguration(classes = Config.class,
initializers = ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer.class)
![]() |
Using |
allows you to quickly add properties to a ConfigurableEnvironment
or ConfigurableApplicationContext
. Simply call it withkey=value
EnvironmentTestUtils.addEnvironment(env, "org=Spring", "name=Boot");
is a JUnit Rule
that you can use to capture System.out
and System.err
output. Simply declare the capture as a @Rule
then use toString()
for assertions:
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test; import org.springframework.boot.test.rule.OutputCapture; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class MyTest { @Rule public OutputCapture capture = new OutputCapture(); @Test public void testName() throws Exception { System.out.println("Hello World!"); assertThat(capture.toString(), containsString("World")); } }
is a convenience alternative to Spring’s RestTemplate
that is useful in integration tests. You can get a vanilla template or one that sends Basic HTTP authentication (with a username and password). In either case the template will behave in a test-friendly way by not throwing exceptions on server-side errors. It is recommended, but not mandatory, to use Apache HTTP Client (version 4.3.2 or better), and if you have that on your classpath the TestRestTemplate
will respond by configuring the client appropriately. If you do use Apache’s HTTP client some additional test-friendly features will be enabled:
can be instantiated directly in your integration tests:
public class MyTest { private TestRestTemplate template = new TestRestTemplate(); @Test public void testRequest() throws Exception { HttpHeaders headers = template.getForEntity("http://myhost.com/example", String.class).getHeaders(); assertThat(headers.getLocation().toString(), containsString("myotherhost")); } }
Alternatively, if you are using the @SpringBootTest
annotation with WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT
or WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT
, you can just inject a fully configured TestRestTemplate
and start using it. If necessary, additional customizations can be applied via the RestTemplateBuilder
bean. Any URLs that do not specify a host and port will automatically connect to the embedded server:
@RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest public class MyTest { @Autowired private TestRestTemplate template; @Test public void testRequest() throws Exception { HttpHeaders headers = template.getForEntity("/example", String.class).getHeaders(); assertThat(headers.getLocation().toString(), containsString("myotherhost")); } @TestConfiguration static class Config { @Bean public RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder() { return new RestTemplateBuilder() .additionalMessageConverters(...) .customizers(...); } } }
Spring Boot provides WebSockets auto-configuration for embedded Tomcat (8 and 7), Jetty 9 and Undertow. If you’re deploying a war file to a standalone container, Spring Boot assumes that the container will be responsible for the configuration of its WebSocket support.
Spring Framework provides rich WebSocket support that can be easily accessed via the spring-boot-starter-websocket
Spring Boot provides Web Services auto-configuration so that all is required is defining your Endpoints
The Spring Web Services features can be easily accessed via the spring-boot-starter-webservices
If you work in a company that develops shared libraries, or if you work on an open-source or commercial library, you might want to develop your own auto-configuration. Auto-configuration classes can be bundled in external jars and still be picked-up by Spring Boot.
自動配置能夠與「啓動器」相關聯,該「啓動器」提供自動配置代碼以及您將使用它的典型庫。咱們將首先介紹構建本身的自動配置所需的知識,而後咱們將繼續介紹建立自定義啓動器所需的 典型步驟。
![]() |
能夠使用演示項目 來展現如何逐步建立啓動器。 |
咱們提供的類(請參閱 META-INF/spring.factories
Spring Boot會檢查META-INF/spring.factories
密鑰下的配置類 。
org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration = \ com.mycorp.libx.autoconfigure.LibXAutoConfiguration,\ com.mycorp.libx.autoconfigure.LibXWebAutoConfiguration
若是須要按特定順序應用配置,則能夠使用 @AutoConfigureAfter
或 @AutoConfigureBefore
註釋。例如,若是您提供特定於Web的配置,則可能須要在以後應用您的類 WebMvcAutoConfiguration
![]() |
自動配置,必須加載的方式只。確保它們在特定的包空間中定義,而且它們永遠不是組件掃描的目標。 |
Spring Boot包含許多@Conditional
The @ConditionalOnClass
and @ConditionalOnMissingClass
annotations allows configuration to be included based on the presence or absence of specific classes. Due to the fact that annotation metadata is parsed using ASM you can actually use the value
attribute to refer to the real class, even though that class might not actually appear on the running application classpath. You can also use the name
attribute if you prefer to specify the class name using a String
![]() |
If you are using |
The @ConditionalOnBean
and @ConditionalOnMissingBean
annotations allow a bean to be included based on the presence or absence of specific beans. You can use the value
attribute to specify beans by type, or name
to specify beans by name. The search
attribute allows you to limit the ApplicationContext
hierarchy that should be considered when searching for beans.
When placed on a @Bean
method, the target type defaults to the return type of the method, for instance:
@Configuration public class MyAutoConfiguration { @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean public MyService myService() { ... } }
In the example above, the myService
bean is going to be created if no bean of type MyService
is already contained in the ApplicationContext
![]() |
You need to be very careful about the order that bean definitions are added as these conditions are evaluated based on what has been processed so far. For this reason, we recommend only using |
![]() |
The @ConditionalOnProperty
annotation allows configuration to be included based on a Spring Environment property. Use the prefix
and name
attributes to specify the property that should be checked. By default any property that exists and is not equal to false
will be matched. You can also create more advanced checks using the havingValue
and matchIfMissing
The @ConditionalOnResource
annotation allows configuration to be included only when a specific resource is present. Resources can be specified using the usual Spring conventions, for example, file:/home/user/test.dat
The @ConditionalOnWebApplication
and @ConditionalOnNotWebApplication
annotations allow configuration to be included depending on whether the application is a 'web application'. A web application is any application that is using a Spring WebApplicationContext
, defines a session
scope or has a StandardServletEnvironment
The @ConditionalOnExpression
annotation allows configuration to be included based on the result of a SpEL expression.
A full Spring Boot starter for a library may contain the following components:
module that contains the auto-configuration code.starter
模塊提供對autoconfigure模塊以及庫的依賴關係以及一般有用的任何其餘依賴項。簡而言之,添加啓動器應該足以開始使用該庫。![]() |
若是您不須要將這兩個問題分開,則能夠將自動配置代碼和依賴關係管理組合在一個模塊中。 |
即便您使用的是其餘Maven groupId,也不要使用它來啓動模塊名稱。咱們可能會爲您未來自動配置的內容提供官方支持。
和啓動器 命名爲acme-spring-boot-starter
。若是您只有一個模塊將二者合併,請使用 acme-spring-boot-starter
此外,若是您的啓動器提供配置密鑰,請爲它們使用適當的命名空間。特別是,不包括你在春天開機使用的命名空間(如按鍵 server
確保 觸發元數據生成,以便爲您的密鑰提供IDE幫助。您可能但願查看生成的元數據(META-INF/spring-configuration-metadata.json
![]() |
您應該將庫的依賴項標記爲可選,以便您能夠更輕鬆地在項目中包含autoconfigure模塊。若是你這樣作,將不提供庫,默認狀況下Spring Boot將退回。 |
若是您想了解本節中討論的任何類的更多信息,能夠查看Spring Boot API文檔,也能夠直接瀏覽 源代碼。若是您有具體問題,請查看 操做方法部分。
If you are comfortable with Spring Boot’s core features, you can carry on and read about production-ready features.
Spring Boot includes a number of additional features to help you monitor and manage your application when it’s pushed to production. You can choose to manage and monitor your application using HTTP endpoints or with JMX. Auditing, health and metrics gathering can be automatically applied to your application.
Actuator HTTP endpoints are only available with a Spring MVC-based application. In particular, it will not work with Jersey unless you enable Spring MVC as well.
The spring-boot-actuator
module provides all of Spring Boot’s production-ready features. The simplest way to enable the features is to add a dependency to the spring-boot-starter-actuator
To add the actuator to a Maven based project, add the following ‘Starter’ dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-actuator</artifactId> </dependency> </dependencies>
For Gradle, use the declaration:
dependencies {
Actuator endpoints allow you to monitor and interact with your application. Spring Boot includes a number of built-in endpoints and you can also add your own. For example the health
endpoint provides basic application health information.
The way that endpoints are exposed will depend on the type of technology that you choose. Most applications choose HTTP monitoring, where the ID of the endpoint along with a prefix of /application
is mapped to a URL. For example, by default, the health
endpoint will be mapped to /application/health
The following technology agnostic endpoints are available:
ID | Description | Sensitive Default |
Provides a hypermedia-based 「discovery page」 for the other endpoints. Requires Spring HATEOAS to be on the classpath. |
true |
Exposes audit events information for the current application. |
true |
Displays an auto-configuration report showing all auto-configuration candidates and the reason why they ‘were’ or ‘were not’ applied. |
true |
Displays a complete list of all the Spring beans in your application. |
true |
Displays a collated list of all |
true |
Performs a thread dump. |
true |
Exposes properties from Spring’s |
true |
Shows any Flyway database migrations that have been applied. |
true |
Shows application health information (when the application is secure, a simple ‘status’ when accessed over an unauthenticated connection or full message details when authenticated). |
false |
Displays arbitrary application info. |
false |
Shows and modifies the configuration of loggers in the application. |
true |
Shows any Liquibase database migrations that have been applied. |
true |
Shows ‘metrics’ information for the current application. |
true |
Displays a collated list of all |
true |
Allows the application to be gracefully shutdown (not enabled by default). |
true |
Displays trace information (by default the last 100 HTTP requests). |
true |
If you are using Spring MVC, the following additional endpoints can also be used:
ID | Description | Sensitive Default |
Displays documentation, including example requests and responses, for the Actuator’s endpoints. Requires |
false |
Returns a GZip compressed |
true |
Exposes JMX beans over HTTP (when Jolokia is on the classpath). |
true |
Returns the contents of the logfile (if |
true |
![]() |
Depending on how an endpoint is exposed, the |
Endpoints can be customized using Spring properties. You can change if an endpoint is enabled
, if it is considered sensitive
and even its id
For example, here is an application.properties
that changes the sensitivity and id of the beans
endpoint and also enables shutdown
endpoints.beans.sensitive=false endpoints.shutdown.enabled=true
![]() |
The prefix ‟ |
By default, all endpoints except for shutdown
are enabled. If you prefer to specifically 「opt-in」 endpoint enablement you can use the endpoints.enabled
property. For example, the following will disable all endpoints except for info
Likewise, you can also choose to globally set the 「sensitive」 flag of all endpoints. By default, the sensitive flag depends on the type of endpoint (see the table above). For example, to mark all endpoints as sensitive except info
If endpoints.hypermedia.enabled
is set to true
and Spring HATEOAS is on the classpath (e.g. through the spring-boot-starter-hateoas
or if you are usingSpring Data REST) then the HTTP endpoints from the Actuator are enhanced with hypermedia links, and a 「discovery page」 is added with links to all the endpoints. The 「discovery page」 is available on /application
by default. It is implemented as an endpoint, allowing properties to be used to configure its path (endpoints.actuator.path
) and whether or not it is enabled (endpoints.actuator.enabled
When a custom management context path is configured, the 「discovery page」 will automatically move from /application
to the root of the management context. For example, if the management context path is /management
then the discovery page will be available from /management
跨源資源共享 (CORS)是一種W3C規範,容許您以靈活的方式指定受權的跨域請求類型。Actuator的MVC端點能夠配置爲支持此類方案。
在設置了屬性後才啓用CORS支持 。下面許可的配置 GET
endpoints.cors.allowed-origins = http://example.com endpoints.cors.allowed-methods = GET,POST
![]() |
檢查EndpointCorsProperties 以獲取完整的選項列表。 |
![]() |
若是你這樣作是爲庫特徵考慮增長帶註釋的配置類 |
端點公開的默認信息取決於訪問方式。對於安全應用程序中未經身份驗證的鏈接,將返回簡單的「狀態」消息,對於通過身份驗證的鏈接,還會顯示其餘詳細信息(有關HTTP詳細信息,請參見 第50.7節「HTTP健康端點格式和訪問限制」)。
您定義的全部bean中收集 的ApplicationContext
。Spring Boot包括一些自動配置 HealthIndicators
,你也能夠編寫本身的。默認狀況下,最終系統狀態是經過 基於有序狀態列表對HealthAggregator
返回已知 HealthAggregator
Information returned by HealthIndicators
is often somewhat sensitive in nature. For example, you probably don’t want to publish details of your database server to the world. For this reason, by default, only the health status is exposed over an unauthenticated HTTP connection. If you are happy for complete health information to always be exposed you can set endpoints.health.sensitive
to false
Health responses are also cached to prevent 「denial of service」 attacks. Use the endpoints.health.time-to-live
property if you want to change the default cache period of 1000 milliseconds.
The following HealthIndicators
are auto-configured by Spring Boot when appropriate:
Name | Description |
Checks that a Cassandra database is up. |
Checks for low disk space. |
Checks that a connection to |
Checks that an Elasticsearch cluster is up. |
Checks that a JMS broker is up. |
Checks that a mail server is up. |
Checks that a Mongo database is up. |
Checks that a Rabbit server is up. |
Checks that a Redis server is up. |
Checks that a Solr server is up. |
![]() |
It is possible to disable them all using the |
To provide custom health information you can register Spring beans that implement the HealthIndicator
interface. You need to provide an implementation of the health()
method and return a Health
response. The Health
response should include a status and can optionally include additional details to be displayed.
import org.springframework.boot.actuate.health.Health;
import org.springframework.boot.actuate.health.HealthIndicator; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class MyHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator { @Override public Health health() { int errorCode = check(); // perform some specific health check if (errorCode != 0) { return Health.down().withDetail("Error Code", errorCode).build(); } return Health.up().build(); } }
![]() |
給定的標識符 |
除了Spring Boot的預約義Status
例如,假設在您的某個實現中使用了 Status
management.health.status.order = FATAL,DOWN,OUT_OF_SERVICE,UNKNOWN,UP
endpoints.health.mapping.FATAL = 503
狀態 | 製圖 |
下 |
中止服務 |
UP |
默認狀況下沒有映射,所以http狀態爲200 |
未知 |
默認狀況下沒有映射,所以http狀態爲200 |
您的中定義的全部bean 收集的各類信息 ApplicationContext
。Spring Boot包括一些自動配置 InfoContributors
適當時,Spring Boot會自動配置如下內容:
名稱 | 描述 |
從鑰匙 |
若是 |
若是 |
![]() |
能夠使用 |
info.app.encoding = UTF-8 info.app.java.source = 1.8 info.app.java.target = 1.8
![]() |
您能夠在構建時擴展信息屬性,而不是對這些值進行硬編碼 。 假設您正在使用Maven,您能夠按以下方式重寫上面的示例: info.app.encoding =@project.build.sourceEncoding @ info.app.java.source =@java.version @ info.app.java.target =@java.version @ |
在構建項目時發佈有關源代碼存儲庫狀態的信息。若是 GitProperties
若是要顯示完整的git信息(即完整內容 git.properties
management.info.git.mode =已滿
接口的Spring bean 。
import java.util.Collections;
import org.springframework.boot.actuate.info.Info; import org.springframework.boot.actuate.info.InfoContributor; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component 公共 類 ExampleInfoContributor實現 InfoContributor { @Override public void contribution(Info.Builder builder){ builder.withDetail(「example」, Collections.singletonMap(「key」,「value」)); } }
「example」:{ 「key」:「value」 } }
If you are developing a Spring MVC application, Spring Boot Actuator will auto-configure all enabled endpoints to be exposed over HTTP. The default convention is to use the id
of the endpoint with a prefix of /application
as the URL path. For example, health
is exposed as /application/health
By default all sensitive HTTP endpoints are secured such that only users that have an ACTUATOR
role may access them. Security is enforced using the standardHttpServletRequest.isUserInRole
![]() |
Use the |
If you are deploying applications behind a firewall, you may prefer that all your actuator endpoints can be accessed without requiring authentication. You can do this by changing the management.security.enabled
![]() |
By default, actuator endpoints are exposed on the same port that serves regular HTTP traffic. Take care not to accidentally expose sensitive information if you change the |
If you’re deploying applications publicly, you may want to add ‘Spring Security’ to handle user authentication. When ‘Spring Security’ is added, by default ‘basic’ authentication will be used with the username user
and a generated password (which is printed on the console when the application starts).
![]() |
Generated passwords are logged as the application starts. Search for ‘Using default security password’. |
security.user.name = admin security.user.password = secret management.security.roles = SUPERUSER