Python 多進程實踐

多進程的方式能夠增長腳本的併發處理能力, python 支持這種多進程的編程方式
在類unix系統中, python的os 模塊內置了fork 函數用以建立子進程python

fork 方式建立子進程

import os

print "Process %s start ..." %(os.getpid())

pid = os.fork()

if pid == 0:
    print "This is child process and my pid is %d, my father process is %d" %(os.getpid(), os.getppid())
    print "This is Fater process, And Its child pid is %d" %(pid)


Process 4276 start ...
This is Fater process, And Its child pid is 4277
This is child process and my pid is 4277, my father process is 4276

從結果能夠看到, 從pid = os.fork() 開始, 下面的部分代碼運行了兩次, 第一次是父進程運行, 第二次是子進程運行, 且子進程的fork的結果老是0, 因此這個也能夠用來做爲區分父進程或是子進程標誌編程

import oswindows

print "Process %s start ..." %(os.getpid())

pid = os.fork()

source = 10

if pid == 0:
    print "This is child process and my pid is %d, my father process is %d" %(os.getpid(), os.getppid())
    source = source - 6
    print "child process source value is "+str(source)
    print "This is Fater process, And Its child pid is %d" %(pid)
    source = source - 1
    print "father process source value is "+str(source)
print "source value is "+str(source)


Process 4662 start ...
This is Fater process, And Its child pid is 4663
This is child process and my pid is 4663, my father process is 4662
father process source value is 9
child process source value is 4
source value is 9
source value is 4

很明顯, 初始值爲10的source 在父進程中值 減小了 1, 爲9, 而子進程明顯source的初始值 是10, 也就是說多進程之間並無什麼相互影響app

multiprocessing 方式建立子進程

fork 方式是僅在linux 下才有的接口, 在windows下並無, 那麼在windows下如何實現多進程呢, 這就用到了multiprocessingasync

multiprocessing 模塊的Process 對象表示的是一個進程對象, 能夠建立子進程並執行制定的函數函數

from multiprocessing import Process
import os

def pro_do(name, func):
    print "This is child process %d from parent process %d, and name is  %s which is used for %s" %(os.getpid(), os.getppid(), name, func)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print "Parent process id %d" %(os.getpid())
    #process 對象指定子進程將要執行的操做方法(pro_do), 以及該函數的對象列表args(必須是tuple格式, 且元素與pro_do的參數一一對應)
    pro = Process(target=pro_do, args=("test", "dev"))
    print "start child process"
    #是否阻塞方式執行, 若是有, 則阻塞方式, 不然非阻塞
    pro.join() #if has this, it's synchronous operation or asynchronous operation
    print "Process end"


Parent process id 4878
start child process
This is child process 4879 from parent process 4878, and name is  test which is used for dev
Process end

若是沒有pro.join(), 則表示非阻塞方式運行, 那麼最終的Process end的輸出位置就有可能出如今pro_do 方法執行以前了this

Parent process id 4903
start child process
Process end
This is child process 4904 from parent process 4903, and name is  test which is used for dev

經過multiprocessing 的process對象建立多進程, 還能夠從主進程中向子進程傳遞參數, 例如上面例子中的pro_do的參數

Pool 進程池

from multiprocessing import Pool
import os, time

def pro_do(process_num):
    print "child process id is %d" %(os.getpid())
    time.sleep(6 - process_num)
    print "this is process %d" %(process_num)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print "Current process is %d" %(os.getpid())
    p = Pool()
    for i in range(5):
        p.apply_async(pro_do, (i,))  #增長新的進程
    p.close() # 禁止在增長新的進程
    print "pool process done"


Current process is 19138
child process id is 19139
child process id is 19140
this is process 1
child process id is 19140
this is process 0
child process id is 19139
this is process 2
child process id is 19140
this is process 3
this is process 4
pool process done


child process id is 19139
   child process id is 19140

是當即輸出的, 後面的依次在等待了sleep的時間後輸出 , 之因此當即輸出了上面兩個是由於誒Pool 進程池默認是按照cpu的數量開啓子進程的, 我是在虛擬機中運行, 只分配了兩核, 因此先當即啓動兩個子進程, 剩下的進程要等到前面的進程執行完成後才能啓動。
不過也能夠在p=Poo() 中使用Pool(5)來指定啓動的子進程數量, 這樣輸出就是下面的了:

Current process is 19184
child process id is 19185
child process id is 19186
child process id is 19188
child process id is 19189
child process id is 19187
this is process 4
this is process 3
this is process 2
this is process 1
this is process 0
pool process done

Current process is 19184
child process id is 19185
child process id is 19186
child process id is 19188
child process id is 19189
child process id is 19187



父進程能夠指定子進程執行的方法及其參數, 達到父進程向子進程傳遞消息的單向通訊的目的, 那子進程之間或子進程怎麼向父進程通訊呢


Queue 是一種方式

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import os, time

def write_queue(q):
    for name in ["Yi_Zhi_Yu", "Tony" ,"San"]:
        print "put name %s to queue" %(name)
    print "write data finished"

def read_queue(q):
    print "begin to read data"
    while True:
        name = q.get()
        print "get name %s from queue" %(name)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    q = Queue()
    pw = Process(target=write_queue, args=(q,))
    pr = Process(target=read_queue,args=(q,))

    pw.join() #這個表示是否阻塞方式啓動進程, 若是要當即讀取的話, 兩個進程的啓動就應該是非阻塞式的, 因此pw在start後不能當即使用pw.join(), 要等pr start後方可
    pr.terminate() #服務進程,強制中止


put name Yi_Zhi_Yu to queue
begin to read data
get name Yi_Zhi_Yu from queue
put name Tony to queue
get name Tony from queue
put name San to queue
get name San from queue
write data finished


其原理參見, 其只能做爲兩個進程之間的通訊

#!/usr/bin/env python

from multiprocessing import Process,Pipe
import os,time,sys

def send_pipe(p):
    names = ["Yi_Zhi_Yu", "Tony", "San"]
    for name in names:
        print "put name %s to Pipe" %(name)
def recv_pipe(p):
    print "Try to read data in pipe"
    while True:
            name = p.recv()
            print "get name %s from pipe" %(name)

if __name__ == "__main__":
   #pipe, one for send, one for read
   ps_pipe, pr_pipe = Pipe()
   ps = Process(target=send_pipe, args=(ps_pipe,))
   pr = Process(target=recv_pipe, args=(pr_pipe,))

在實例化Pipe的時候, 會產生兩個ps_pipe(read-write Connection, handle 5), pr_pipe(read-write Connection, handle 5) , 均可以做爲發送或者接受方, 一旦一個確認爲, 另外一個天然就是了(之因此Pipe只能做爲兩個進程之間的通訊方式, 緣由也許就是這個),產生的結果以下

Try to read data in pipe
put name Yi_Zhi_Yu to Pipe
get name Yi_Zhi_Yu from pipe
put name Tony to Pipe
get name Tony from pipe
put name San to Pipe
get name San from pipe

還有一種Array, Value 的形式, 暫且不表, 有時間在折騰

以上均爲python 學習筆記和練習, 若有錯誤, 歡迎指出
