- copyElement 簡單類型(非對象)直接返回
- 緩存裏面有沒有,有直接返回
- copyType Boolean Date等
return new source.constructor(source.valueOf());
- RegExp:
new RegExp(source.source, source.toString().match(/[^/]*$/)[0])
- cloneNode: 是dom
return source.cloneNode(true);
- 數組或對象:
destination = isArray(source) ? [] : Object.create(getPrototypeOf(source));
- copyRecurse 遞歸:若是是數組或者對象執行for循環或for in循環。
var toString = Object.prototype.toString,
getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var isArray = Array.isArray;
function isObject(value) {
// http://jsperf.com/isobject4
return value !== null && typeof value === 'object';
function isValidObjectMaxDepth(maxDepth) {
return isNumber(maxDepth) && maxDepth > 0;
function isBlankObject(value) {
return value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && !getPrototypeOf(value);
function isFunction(value) {return typeof value === 'function';}
function isNumber(value) {return typeof value === 'number';}
function copy(source, destination, maxDepth) {
var stackSource = [];
var stackDest = [];
maxDepth = isValidObjectMaxDepth(maxDepth) ? maxDepth : NaN;
if (destination) {
return copyRecurse(source, destination, maxDepth);
return copyElement(source, maxDepth);
function copyRecurse(source, destination, maxDepth) {
if (maxDepth < 0) {
return '...';
var key;
if (isArray(source)) {
for (var i = 0, ii = source.length; i < ii; i++) {
destination.push(copyElement(source[i], maxDepth));
} else if (isBlankObject(source)) {
// createMap() fast path --- Safe to avoid hasOwnProperty check because prototype chain is empty
for (key in source) {
destination[key] = copyElement(source[key], maxDepth);
} else if (source && typeof source.hasOwnProperty === 'function') {
// Slow path, which must rely on hasOwnProperty
for (key in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
destination[key] = copyElement(source[key], maxDepth);
} else {
// Slowest path --- hasOwnProperty can't be called as a method for (key in source) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { destination[key] = copyElement(source[key], maxDepth); } } } return destination; } function copyElement(source, maxDepth) { // Simple values if (!isObject(source)) { return source; } // Already copied values var index = stackSource.indexOf(source); if (index !== -1) { return stackDest[index]; } var needsRecurse = false; var destination = copyType(source); if (destination === undefined) { destination = isArray(source) ? [] : Object.create(getPrototypeOf(source)); needsRecurse = true; } stackSource.push(source); stackDest.push(destination); return needsRecurse ? copyRecurse(source, destination, maxDepth) : destination; } function copyType(source) { switch (toString.call(source)) { case '[object Int8Array]': case '[object Int16Array]': case '[object Int32Array]': case '[object Float32Array]': case '[object Float64Array]': case '[object Uint8Array]': case '[object Uint8ClampedArray]': case '[object Uint16Array]': case '[object Uint32Array]': return new source.constructor(copyElement(source.buffer), source.byteOffset, source.length); case '[object ArrayBuffer]': // Support: IE10 if (!source.slice) { // If we're in this case we know the environment supports ArrayBuffer
/* eslint-disable no-undef */
var copied = new ArrayBuffer(source.byteLength);
new Uint8Array(copied).set(new Uint8Array(source));
/* eslint-enable */
return copied;
return source.slice(0);
case '[object Boolean]':
case '[object Number]':
case '[object String]':
case '[object Date]':
return new source.constructor(source.valueOf());
case '[object RegExp]':
var re = new RegExp(source.source, source.toString().match(/[^/]*$/)[0]);
re.lastIndex = source.lastIndex;
return re;
case '[object Blob]':
return new source.constructor([source], {type: source.type});
if (isFunction(source.cloneNode)) {
return source.cloneNode(true);