從全部的 Java 進程中找出最消耗 CPU 的線程(缺省5個),打印出其線程棧java
./show-busy-java-threads.sh ./show-busy-java-threads.sh -c <要顯示的線程棧數> ./show-busy-java-threads.sh -c <要顯示的線程棧數> -p <指定的Java Process>
#!/bin/bash # @Function # Find out the highest cpu consumed threads of java, and print the stack of these threads. # # @Usage # $ ./show-busy-java-threads.sh # # @author Jerry Lee readonly PROG=`basename $0` readonly -a COMMAND_LINE=("$0" "$@") usage() { cat <<EOF Usage: ${PROG} [OPTION]... Find out the highest cpu consumed threads of java, and print the stack of these threads. Example: ${PROG} -c 10 Options: -p, --pid find out the highest cpu consumed threads from the specifed java process, default from all java process. -c, --count set the thread count to show, default is 5 -h, --help display this help and exit EOF exit $1 } readonly ARGS=`getopt -n "$PROG" -a -o c:p:h -l count:,pid:,help -- "$@"` [ $? -ne 0 ] && usage 1 eval set -- "${ARGS}" while true; do case "$1" in -c|--count) count="$2" shift 2 ;; -p|--pid) pid="$2" shift 2 ;; -h|--help) usage ;; --) shift break ;; esac done count=${count:-5} redEcho() { [ -c /dev/stdout ] && { # if stdout is console, turn on color output. echo -ne "\033[1;31m" echo -n "$@" echo -e "\033[0m" } || echo "$@" } yellowEcho() { [ -c /dev/stdout ] && { # if stdout is console, turn on color output. echo -ne "\033[1;33m" echo -n "$@" echo -e "\033[0m" } || echo "$@" } blueEcho() { [ -c /dev/stdout ] && { # if stdout is console, turn on color output. echo -ne "\033[1;36m" echo -n "$@" echo -e "\033[0m" } || echo "$@" } # Check the existence of jstack command! if ! which jstack &> /dev/null; then [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] && { redEcho "Error: jstack not found on PATH!" exit 1 } ! [ -f "$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack" ] && { redEcho "Error: jstack not found on PATH and $JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack file does NOT exists!" exit 1 } ! [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack" ] && { redEcho "Error: jstack not found on PATH and $JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack is NOT executalbe!" exit 1 } export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH" fi readonly uuid=`date +%s`_${RANDOM}_$$ cleanupWhenExit() { rm /tmp/${uuid}_* &> /dev/null } trap "cleanupWhenExit" EXIT printStackOfThreads() { local line local count=1 while IFS=" " read -a line ; do local pid=${line[0]} local threadId=${line[1]} local threadId0x="0x`printf %x ${threadId}`" local user=${line[2]} local pcpu=${line[4]} local jstackFile=/tmp/${uuid}_${pid} [ ! -f "${jstackFile}" ] && { { if [ "${user}" == "${USER}" ]; then jstack ${pid} > ${jstackFile} else if [ $UID == 0 ]; then sudo -u ${user} jstack ${pid} > ${jstackFile} else redEcho "[$((count++))] Fail to jstack Busy(${pcpu}%) thread(${threadId}/${threadId0x}) stack of java process(${pid}) under user(${user})." redEcho "User of java process($user) is not current user($USER), need sudo to run again:" yellowEcho " sudo ${COMMAND_LINE[@]}" echo continue fi fi } || { redEcho "[$((count++))] Fail to jstack Busy(${pcpu}%) thread(${threadId}/${threadId0x}) stack of java process(${pid}) under user(${user})." echo rm ${jstackFile} continue } } blueEcho "[$((count++))] Busy(${pcpu}%) thread(${threadId}/${threadId0x}) stack of java process(${pid}) under user(${user}):" sed "/nid=${threadId0x} /,/^$/p" -n ${jstackFile} done } ps -Leo pid,lwp,user,comm,pcpu --no-headers | { [ -z "${pid}" ] && awk '$4=="java"{print $0}' || awk -v "pid=${pid}" '$1==pid,$4=="java"{print $0}' } | sort -k5 -r -n | head --lines "${count}" | printStackOfThreads
找出Java Lib(Java庫,即Jar文件)或Class目錄(類目錄)中的重複類。python
經過 -c 選項指定 Class 目錄,直接收集這個目錄下的 Class 文件以分析重複類。能夠指定多個目錄。github
# 查找當前目錄下全部Jar中的重複類 ./show-duplicate-java-classes 查找多個指定目錄下全部Jar中的重複類 ./show-duplicate-java-classes path/to/lib_dir1 /path/to/lib_dir2 查找多個指定Class目錄下的重複類。 class 目錄 經過 -c 選項指定 ./show-duplicate-java-classes -c path/to/class_dir1 -c /path/to/class_dir2 查找指定Class目錄和指定目錄下全部Jar中的重複類的Jar ./show-duplicate-java-classes path/to/lib_dir1 /path/to/lib_dir2 -c path/to/class_dir1 -c path/to/class_dir2
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'tg123' from glob import glob from os import walk from zipfile import ZipFile from os.path import relpath, isdir from optparse import OptionParser def list_jar_file_under_lib_dirs(libs): jar_files = set() for lib in libs: if isdir(lib): jar_files |= {f for f in glob(lib + '/*.jar')} else: jar_files.add(lib) return jar_files def list_class_under_jar_file(jar_file): return {f for f in ZipFile(jar_file).namelist() if f.lower().endswith('.class')} def list_class_under_class_dir(class_dir): return {relpath(dir_path + "/" + filename, class_dir) for dir_path, _, file_names in walk(class_dir) for filename in file_names if filename.lower().endswith('.class')} def expand_2_class_path(jar_files, class_dirs): java_class_2_class_paths = {} # list all classes in jar files for jar_file in jar_files: for class_file in list_class_under_jar_file(jar_file): java_class_2_class_paths.setdefault(class_file, set()).add(jar_file) # list all classes in class dir for class_dir in class_dirs: for class_file in list_class_under_class_dir(class_dir): java_class_2_class_paths.setdefault(class_file, set()).add(class_dir) return java_class_2_class_paths, jar_files | set(class_dirs) def find_duplicate_classes(java_class_2_class_paths): class_path_2_duplicate_classes = {} for java_class, class_paths in list(java_class_2_class_paths.items()): if len(class_paths) > 1: classes = class_path_2_duplicate_classes.setdefault(frozenset(class_paths), set()) classes.add(java_class) return class_path_2_duplicate_classes def print_class_paths(class_paths): print() print("=" * 80) print("class paths to find:") print("=" * 80) for idx, class_path in enumerate(class_paths): print(("%-3d: %s" % (idx + 1, class_path))) if __name__ == '__main__': optionParser = OptionParser('usage: %prog ' '[-c class-dir1 [-c class-dir2] ...] ' '[lib-dir1|jar-file1 [lib-dir2|jar-file2] ...]') optionParser.add_option("-c", "--class-dir", dest="class_dirs", default=[], action="append", help="add class dir") options, libs = optionParser.parse_args() if not options.class_dirs and not libs: libs = ['.'] java_class_2_class_paths, class_paths = expand_2_class_path( list_jar_file_under_lib_dirs(libs), options.class_dirs) class_path_2_duplicate_classes = find_duplicate_classes(java_class_2_class_paths) if not class_path_2_duplicate_classes: print("COOL! No duplicate classes found!") print_class_paths(class_paths) exit() print("Found duplicate classes in below class path:") for idx, jars in enumerate(class_path_2_duplicate_classes): print("%-3d(%d@%d): %s" % (idx + 1, len(class_path_2_duplicate_classes[jars]), len(jars), " ".join(jars))) print() print("=" * 80) print("Duplicate classes detail info:") print("=" * 80) for idx, (jars, classes) in enumerate(class_path_2_duplicate_classes.items()): print("%-3d(%d@%d): %s" % (idx + 1, len(class_path_2_duplicate_classes[jars]), len(jars), " ".join(jars))) for i, c in enumerate(classes): print("\t%-3d %s" % (i + 1, c)) print_class_paths(class_paths) exit(1)